(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Names
open Libnames
open Miniml
open Declarations
module Refset' : CSig.SetS with type elt = GlobRef.t
module Refmap' : CSig.MapS with type key = GlobRef.t
val safe_basename_of_global : GlobRef.t -> Id.t
(*s Warning and Error messages. *)
val warning_axioms : unit -> unit
val warning_opaques : bool -> unit
val warning_ambiguous_name : ?loc:Loc.t -> qualid * ModPath.t * GlobRef.t -> unit
val warning_id : string -> unit
val error_axiom_scheme : GlobRef.t -> int -> 'a
val error_constant : GlobRef.t -> 'a
val error_inductive : GlobRef.t -> 'a
val error_nb_cons : unit -> 'a
val error_module_clash : ModPath.t -> ModPath.t -> 'a
val error_no_module_expr : ModPath.t -> 'a
val error_singleton_become_prop : Id.t -> GlobRef.t option -> 'a
val error_unknown_module : qualid -> 'a
val error_scheme : unit -> 'a
val error_not_visible : GlobRef.t -> 'a
val error_MPfile_as_mod : ModPath.t -> bool -> 'a
val check_inside_module : unit -> unit
val check_inside_section : unit -> unit
val check_loaded_modfile : ModPath.t -> unit
val msg_of_implicit : kill_reason -> string
val err_or_warn_remaining_implicit : kill_reason -> unit
val info_file : string -> unit
(*s utilities about [module_path] and [kernel_names] and [GlobRef.t] *)
val occur_kn_in_ref : MutInd.t -> GlobRef.t -> bool
val repr_of_r : GlobRef.t -> ModPath.t * Label.t
val modpath_of_r : GlobRef.t -> ModPath.t
val label_of_r : GlobRef.t -> Label.t
val base_mp : ModPath.t -> ModPath.t
val is_modfile : ModPath.t -> bool
val string_of_modfile : ModPath.t -> string
val file_of_modfile : ModPath.t -> string
val is_toplevel : ModPath.t -> bool
val at_toplevel : ModPath.t -> bool
val mp_length : ModPath.t -> int
val prefixes_mp : ModPath.t -> MPset.t
val common_prefix_from_list :
ModPath.t -> ModPath.t list -> ModPath.t option
val get_nth_label_mp : int -> ModPath.t -> Label.t
val labels_of_ref : GlobRef.t -> ModPath.t * Label.t list
(*s Some table-related operations *)
(* For avoiding repeated extraction of the same constant or inductive,
we use cache functions below. Indexing by constant name isn't enough,
due to modules we could have a same constant name but different
content. So we check that the [constant_body] hasn't changed from
recording time to retrieving time. Same for inductive : we store
[mutual_inductive_body] as checksum. In both case, we should ideally
also check the env *)
val add_typedef : Constant.t -> constant_body -> ml_type -> unit
val lookup_typedef : Constant.t -> constant_body -> ml_type option
val add_cst_type : Constant.t -> constant_body -> ml_schema -> unit
val lookup_cst_type : Constant.t -> constant_body -> ml_schema option
val add_ind : MutInd.t -> mutual_inductive_body -> ml_ind -> unit
val lookup_ind : MutInd.t -> mutual_inductive_body -> ml_ind option
val add_inductive_kind : MutInd.t -> inductive_kind -> unit
val is_coinductive : GlobRef.t -> bool
val is_coinductive_type : ml_type -> bool
(* What are the fields of a record (empty for a non-record) *)
val get_record_fields :
GlobRef.t -> GlobRef.t option list
val record_fields_of_type : ml_type -> GlobRef.t option list
val add_recursors : Environ.env -> MutInd.t -> unit
val is_recursor : GlobRef.t -> bool
val add_projection : int -> Constant.t -> inductive -> unit
val is_projection : GlobRef.t -> bool
val projection_arity : GlobRef.t -> int
val projection_info : GlobRef.t -> inductive * int (* arity *)
val add_info_axiom : GlobRef.t -> unit
val remove_info_axiom : GlobRef.t -> unit
val add_log_axiom : GlobRef.t -> unit
val add_opaque : GlobRef.t -> unit
val remove_opaque : GlobRef.t -> unit
val reset_tables : unit -> unit
(*s AccessOpaque parameter *)
val access_opaque : unit -> bool
(*s AutoInline parameter *)
val auto_inline : unit -> bool
(*s TypeExpand parameter *)
val type_expand : unit -> bool
(*s KeepSingleton parameter *)
val keep_singleton : unit -> bool
(*s Optimize parameter *)
type opt_flag =
{ opt_kill_dum : bool; (* 1 *)
opt_fix_fun : bool; (* 2 *)
opt_case_iot : bool; (* 4 *)
opt_case_idr : bool; (* 8 *)
opt_case_idg : bool; (* 16 *)
opt_case_cst : bool; (* 32 *)
opt_case_fun : bool; (* 64 *)
opt_case_app : bool; (* 128 *)
opt_let_app : bool; (* 256 *)
opt_lin_let : bool; (* 512 *)
opt_lin_beta : bool } (* 1024 *)
val optims : unit -> opt_flag
(*s Controls whether dummy lambda are removed *)
val conservative_types : unit -> bool
(*s A comment to print at the beginning of the files *)
val file_comment : unit -> string
(*s Target language. *)
type lang = Ocaml | Haskell | Scheme | JSON
val lang : unit -> lang
(*s Extraction modes: modular or monolithic, library or minimal ?
- Recursive Extraction : monolithic, minimal
- Separate Extraction : modular, minimal
- Extraction Library : modular, library
val set_modular : bool -> unit
val modular : unit -> bool
val set_library : bool -> unit
val library : unit -> bool
val set_extrcompute : bool -> unit
val is_extrcompute : unit -> bool
(*s Table for custom inlining *)
val to_inline : GlobRef.t -> bool
val to_keep : GlobRef.t -> bool
(*s Table for implicits arguments *)
val implicits_of_global : GlobRef.t -> Int.Set.t
(*s Table for user-given custom ML extractions. *)
(* UGLY HACK: registration of a function defined in [extraction.ml] *)
val type_scheme_nb_args_hook : (Environ.env -> Constr.t -> int) Hook.t
val is_custom : GlobRef.t -> bool
val is_inline_custom : GlobRef.t -> bool
val find_custom : GlobRef.t -> string
val find_type_custom : GlobRef.t -> string list * string
val is_custom_match : ml_branch array -> bool
val find_custom_match : ml_branch array -> string
(*s Extraction commands. *)
val extraction_language : lang -> unit
val extraction_inline : bool -> qualid list -> unit
val print_extraction_inline : unit -> Pp.t
val reset_extraction_inline : unit -> unit
val extract_constant_inline :
bool -> qualid -> string list -> string -> unit
val extract_inductive :
qualid -> string -> string list -> string option -> unit
type int_or_id = ArgInt of int | ArgId of Id.t
val extraction_implicit : qualid -> int_or_id list -> unit
(*s Table of blacklisted filenames *)
val extraction_blacklist : Id.t list -> unit
val reset_extraction_blacklist : unit -> unit
val print_extraction_blacklist : unit -> Pp.t
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