(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Util
open Tacexpr
open Mod_subst
open Genarg
open Stdarg
open Tacarg
open Tactypes
open Tactics
open Globnames
open Genredexpr
open Patternops
(** Substitution of tactics at module closing time *)
(** For generic arguments, we declare and store substitutions
in a table *)
let subst_quantified_hypothesis _ x = x
let subst_declared_or_quantified_hypothesis _ x = x
let subst_glob_constr_and_expr subst (c, e) =
(Detyping.subst_glob_constr subst c, e)
let subst_glob_constr = subst_glob_constr_and_expr (* shortening *)
let subst_binding subst =
CAst.map (fun (b,c) ->
subst_quantified_hypothesis subst b,subst_glob_constr subst c)
let subst_bindings subst = function
| NoBindings -> NoBindings
| ImplicitBindings l -> ImplicitBindings (List.map (subst_glob_constr subst) l)
| ExplicitBindings l -> ExplicitBindings (List.map (subst_binding subst) l)
let subst_glob_with_bindings subst (c,bl) =
(subst_glob_constr subst c, subst_bindings subst bl)
let subst_glob_with_bindings_arg subst (clear,c) =
(clear,subst_glob_with_bindings subst c)
let rec subst_intro_pattern subst = CAst.map (function
| IntroAction p -> IntroAction (subst_intro_pattern_action subst p)
| IntroNaming _ | IntroForthcoming _ as x -> x)
and subst_intro_pattern_action subst = let open CAst in function
| IntroApplyOn ({loc;v=t},pat) ->
IntroApplyOn (make ?loc @@ subst_glob_constr subst t,subst_intro_pattern subst pat)
| IntroOrAndPattern l ->
IntroOrAndPattern (subst_intro_or_and_pattern subst l)
| IntroInjection l -> IntroInjection (List.map (subst_intro_pattern subst) l)
| IntroWildcard | IntroRewrite _ as x -> x
and subst_intro_or_and_pattern subst = function
| IntroAndPattern l ->
IntroAndPattern (List.map (subst_intro_pattern subst) l)
| IntroOrPattern ll ->
IntroOrPattern (List.map (List.map (subst_intro_pattern subst)) ll)
let subst_destruction_arg subst = function
| clear,ElimOnConstr c -> clear,ElimOnConstr (subst_glob_with_bindings subst c)
| clear,ElimOnAnonHyp n as x -> x
| clear,ElimOnIdent id as x -> x
let subst_and_short_name f (c,n) =
(* assert (n=None); *)(* since tacdef are strictly globalized *)
(f c,None)
let subst_or_var f = let open Locus in function
| ArgVar _ as x -> x
| ArgArg x -> ArgArg (f x)
let subst_located f = Loc.map f
let subst_reference subst =
subst_or_var (subst_located (subst_kn subst))
(*CSC: subst_global_reference is used "only" for RefArgType, that propagates
to the syntactic non-terminals "global", used in commands such as
Print. It is also used for non-evaluable references. *)
let subst_global_reference subst =
subst_or_var (subst_located (subst_global_reference subst))
let subst_evaluable subst =
let subst_eval_ref = subst_evaluable_reference subst in
subst_or_var (subst_and_short_name subst_eval_ref)
let subst_constr_with_occurrences subst (l,c) = (l,subst_glob_constr subst c)
let subst_glob_constr_or_pattern subst (bvars,c,p) =
(bvars,subst_glob_constr subst c,subst_pattern subst p)
let subst_redexp subst =
(subst_glob_constr subst)
(subst_evaluable subst)
(subst_glob_constr_or_pattern subst)
let subst_raw_may_eval subst = function
| ConstrEval (r,c) -> ConstrEval (subst_redexp subst r,subst_glob_constr subst c)
| ConstrContext (locid,c) -> ConstrContext (locid,subst_glob_constr subst c)
| ConstrTypeOf c -> ConstrTypeOf (subst_glob_constr subst c)
| ConstrTerm c -> ConstrTerm (subst_glob_constr subst c)
let subst_match_pattern subst = function
| Subterm (ido,pc) -> Subterm (ido,(subst_glob_constr_or_pattern subst pc))
| Term pc -> Term (subst_glob_constr_or_pattern subst pc)
let rec subst_match_goal_hyps subst = function
| Hyp (locs,mp) :: tl ->
Hyp (locs,subst_match_pattern subst mp)
:: subst_match_goal_hyps subst tl
| Def (locs,mv,mp) :: tl ->
Def (locs,subst_match_pattern subst mv, subst_match_pattern subst mp)
:: subst_match_goal_hyps subst tl
| [] -> []
let rec subst_atomic subst (t:glob_atomic_tactic_expr) = match t with
(* Basic tactics *)
| TacIntroPattern (ev,l) -> TacIntroPattern (ev,List.map (subst_intro_pattern subst) l)
| TacApply (a,ev,cb,cl) ->
TacApply (a,ev,List.map (subst_glob_with_bindings_arg subst) cb,cl)
| TacElim (ev,cb,cbo) ->
TacElim (ev,subst_glob_with_bindings_arg subst cb,
Option.map (subst_glob_with_bindings subst) cbo)
| TacCase (ev,cb) -> TacCase (ev,subst_glob_with_bindings_arg subst cb)
| TacMutualFix (id,n,l) ->
TacMutualFix(id,n,List.map (fun (id,n,c) -> (id,n,subst_glob_constr subst c)) l)
| TacMutualCofix (id,l) ->
TacMutualCofix (id, List.map (fun (id,c) -> (id,subst_glob_constr subst c)) l)
| TacAssert (ev,b,otac,na,c) ->
TacAssert (ev,b,Option.map (Option.map (subst_tactic subst)) otac,na,
subst_glob_constr subst c)
| TacGeneralize cl ->
TacGeneralize (List.map (on_fst (subst_constr_with_occurrences subst))cl)
| TacLetTac (ev,id,c,clp,b,eqpat) ->
TacLetTac (ev,id,subst_glob_constr subst c,clp,b,eqpat)
(* Derived basic tactics *)
| TacInductionDestruct (isrec,ev,(l,el)) ->
let l' = List.map (fun (c,ids,cls) ->
subst_destruction_arg subst c, ids, cls) l in
let el' = Option.map (subst_glob_with_bindings subst) el in
TacInductionDestruct (isrec,ev,(l',el'))
(* Conversion *)
| TacReduce (r,cl) -> TacReduce (subst_redexp subst r, cl)
| TacChange (check,op,c,cl) ->
TacChange (check,Option.map (subst_glob_constr_or_pattern subst) op,
subst_glob_constr subst c, cl)
(* Equality and inversion *)
| TacRewrite (ev,l,cl,by) ->
TacRewrite (ev,
List.map (fun (b,m,c) ->
b,m,subst_glob_with_bindings_arg subst c) l,
cl,Option.map (subst_tactic subst) by)
| TacInversion (DepInversion (k,c,l),hyp) ->
TacInversion (DepInversion (k,Option.map (subst_glob_constr subst) c,l),hyp)
| TacInversion (NonDepInversion _,_) as x -> x
| TacInversion (InversionUsing (c,cl),hyp) ->
TacInversion (InversionUsing (subst_glob_constr subst c,cl),hyp)
and subst_tactic subst (t:glob_tactic_expr) = match t with
| TacAtom { CAst.v=t } -> TacAtom (CAst.make @@ subst_atomic subst t)
| TacFun tacfun -> TacFun (subst_tactic_fun subst tacfun)
| TacLetIn (r,l,u) ->
let l = List.map (fun (n,b) -> (n,subst_tacarg subst b)) l in
TacLetIn (r,l,subst_tactic subst u)
| TacMatchGoal (lz,lr,lmr) ->
TacMatchGoal(lz,lr, subst_match_rule subst lmr)
| TacMatch (lz,c,lmr) ->
TacMatch (lz,subst_tactic subst c,subst_match_rule subst lmr)
| TacId _ | TacFail _ as x -> x
| TacProgress tac -> TacProgress (subst_tactic subst tac:glob_tactic_expr)
| TacShowHyps tac -> TacShowHyps (subst_tactic subst tac:glob_tactic_expr)
| TacAbstract (tac,s) -> TacAbstract (subst_tactic subst tac,s)
| TacThen (t1,t2) ->
TacThen (subst_tactic subst t1, subst_tactic subst t2)
| TacDispatch tl -> TacDispatch (List.map (subst_tactic subst) tl)
| TacExtendTac (tf,t,tl) ->
TacExtendTac (Array.map (subst_tactic subst) tf,
subst_tactic subst t,
Array.map (subst_tactic subst) tl)
| TacThens (t,tl) ->
TacThens (subst_tactic subst t, List.map (subst_tactic subst) tl)
| TacThens3parts (t1,tf,t2,tl) ->
TacThens3parts (subst_tactic subst t1,Array.map (subst_tactic subst) tf,
subst_tactic subst t2,Array.map (subst_tactic subst) tl)
| TacDo (n,tac) -> TacDo (n,subst_tactic subst tac)
| TacTimeout (n,tac) -> TacTimeout (n,subst_tactic subst tac)
| TacTime (s,tac) -> TacTime (s,subst_tactic subst tac)
| TacTry tac -> TacTry (subst_tactic subst tac)
| TacInfo tac -> TacInfo (subst_tactic subst tac)
| TacRepeat tac -> TacRepeat (subst_tactic subst tac)
| TacOr (tac1,tac2) ->
TacOr (subst_tactic subst tac1,subst_tactic subst tac2)
| TacOnce tac ->
TacOnce (subst_tactic subst tac)
| TacExactlyOnce tac ->
TacExactlyOnce (subst_tactic subst tac)
| TacIfThenCatch (tac,tact,tace) ->
TacIfThenCatch (
subst_tactic subst tac,
subst_tactic subst tact,
subst_tactic subst tace)
| TacOrelse (tac1,tac2) ->
TacOrelse (subst_tactic subst tac1,subst_tactic subst tac2)
| TacFirst l -> TacFirst (List.map (subst_tactic subst) l)
| TacSolve l -> TacSolve (List.map (subst_tactic subst) l)
| TacComplete tac -> TacComplete (subst_tactic subst tac)
| TacArg { CAst.v=a } -> TacArg (CAst.make @@ subst_tacarg subst a)
| TacSelect (s, tac) -> TacSelect (s, subst_tactic subst tac)
(* For extensions *)
| TacAlias { CAst.v=(s,l) } ->
let s = subst_kn subst s in
TacAlias (CAst.make (s,List.map (subst_tacarg subst) l))
| TacML { CAst.loc; v=(opn,l)} -> TacML CAst.(make ?loc (opn,List.map (subst_tacarg subst) l))
and subst_tactic_fun subst (var,body) = (var,subst_tactic subst body)
and subst_tacarg subst = function
| Reference r -> Reference (subst_reference subst r)
| ConstrMayEval c -> ConstrMayEval (subst_raw_may_eval subst c)
| TacCall { CAst.loc; v=(f,l) } ->
TacCall CAst.(make ?loc (subst_reference subst f, List.map (subst_tacarg subst) l))
| TacFreshId _ as x -> x
| TacPretype c -> TacPretype (subst_glob_constr subst c)
| TacNumgoals -> TacNumgoals
| Tacexp t -> Tacexp (subst_tactic subst t)
| TacGeneric arg -> TacGeneric (subst_genarg subst arg)
(* Reads the rules of a Match Context or a Match *)
and subst_match_rule subst = function
| (All tc)::tl ->
(All (subst_tactic subst tc))::(subst_match_rule subst tl)
| (Pat (rl,mp,tc))::tl ->
let hyps = subst_match_goal_hyps subst rl in
let pat = subst_match_pattern subst mp in
Pat (hyps,pat,subst_tactic subst tc)
::(subst_match_rule subst tl)
| [] -> []
and subst_genarg subst (GenArg (Glbwit wit, x)) =
match wit with
| ListArg wit ->
let map x =
let ans = subst_genarg subst (in_gen (glbwit wit) x) in
out_gen (glbwit wit) ans
in_gen (glbwit (wit_list wit)) (List.map map x)
| OptArg wit ->
let ans = match x with
| None -> in_gen (glbwit (wit_opt wit)) None
| Some x ->
let s = out_gen (glbwit wit) (subst_genarg subst (in_gen (glbwit wit) x)) in
in_gen (glbwit (wit_opt wit)) (Some s)
| PairArg (wit1, wit2) ->
let p, q = x in
let p = out_gen (glbwit wit1) (subst_genarg subst (in_gen (glbwit wit1) p)) in
let q = out_gen (glbwit wit2) (subst_genarg subst (in_gen (glbwit wit2) q)) in
in_gen (glbwit (wit_pair wit1 wit2)) (p, q)
| ExtraArg s ->
Genintern.generic_substitute subst (in_gen (glbwit wit) x)
(** Registering *)
let () =
Genintern.register_subst0 wit_int_or_var (fun _ v -> v);
Genintern.register_subst0 wit_ref subst_global_reference;
Genintern.register_subst0 wit_pre_ident (fun _ v -> v);
Genintern.register_subst0 wit_ident (fun _ v -> v);
Genintern.register_subst0 wit_var (fun _ v -> v);
Genintern.register_subst0 wit_intropattern subst_intro_pattern [@warning "-3"];
Genintern.register_subst0 wit_simple_intropattern subst_intro_pattern;
Genintern.register_subst0 wit_tactic subst_tactic;
Genintern.register_subst0 wit_ltac subst_tactic;
Genintern.register_subst0 wit_constr subst_glob_constr;
Genintern.register_subst0 wit_clause_dft_concl (fun _ v -> v);
Genintern.register_subst0 wit_uconstr (fun subst c -> subst_glob_constr subst c);
Genintern.register_subst0 wit_open_constr (fun subst c -> subst_glob_constr subst c);
Genintern.register_subst0 wit_red_expr subst_redexp;
Genintern.register_subst0 wit_quant_hyp subst_declared_or_quantified_hypothesis;
Genintern.register_subst0 wit_bindings subst_bindings;
Genintern.register_subst0 wit_constr_with_bindings subst_glob_with_bindings;
Genintern.register_subst0 wit_destruction_arg subst_destruction_arg;
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