(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
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(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
(* Evgeny Makarov, INRIA, 2007 *)
Require Import NArith.
Require Import Relation_Definitions.
Require Import Setoid.
Require Import Env.
Require Import EnvRing.
Require Import List.
Require Import Bool.
Require Import OrderedRing.
Require Import Refl.
Require Coq.micromega.Tauto.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Import OrderedRingSyntax.
Section Micromega.
(* Assume we have a strict(ly?) ordered ring *)
Variable R : Type.
Variables rO rI : R.
Variables rplus rtimes rminus: R -> R -> R.
Variable ropp : R -> R.
Variables req rle rlt : R -> R -> Prop.
Variable sor : SOR rO rI rplus rtimes rminus ropp req rle rlt.
Notation "0" := rO.
Notation "1" := rI.
Notation "x + y" := (rplus x y).
Notation "x * y " := (rtimes x y).
Notation "x - y " := (rminus x y).
Notation "- x" := (ropp x).
Notation "x == y" := (req x y).
Notation "x ~= y" := (~ req x y).
Notation "x <= y" := (rle x y).
Notation "x < y" := (rlt x y).
(* Assume we have a type of coefficients C and a morphism from C to R *)
Variable C : Type.
Variables cO cI : C.
Variables cplus ctimes cminus: C -> C -> C.
Variable copp : C -> C.
Variables ceqb cleb : C -> C -> bool.
Variable phi : C -> R.
(* Power coefficients *)
Variable E : Type. (* the type of exponents *)
Variable pow_phi : N -> E.
Variable rpow : R -> E -> R.
Notation "[ x ]" := (phi x).
Notation "x [=] y" := (ceqb x y).
Notation "x [<=] y" := (cleb x y).
(* Let's collect all hypotheses in addition to the ordered ring axioms into
one structure *)
Record SORaddon := mk_SOR_addon {
SORrm : ring_morph 0 1 rplus rtimes rminus ropp req cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb phi;
SORpower : power_theory rI rtimes req pow_phi rpow;
SORcneqb_morph : forall x y : C, x [=] y = false -> [x] ~= [y];
SORcleb_morph : forall x y : C, x [<=] y = true -> [x] <= [y]
Variable addon : SORaddon.
Add Relation R req
reflexivity proved by (@Equivalence_Reflexive _ _ (SORsetoid sor))
symmetry proved by (@Equivalence_Symmetric _ _ (SORsetoid sor))
transitivity proved by (@Equivalence_Transitive _ _ (SORsetoid sor))
as micomega_sor_setoid.
Add Morphism rplus with signature req ==> req ==> req as rplus_morph.
exact (SORplus_wd sor).
Add Morphism rtimes with signature req ==> req ==> req as rtimes_morph.
exact (SORtimes_wd sor).
Add Morphism ropp with signature req ==> req as ropp_morph.
exact (SORopp_wd sor).
Add Morphism rle with signature req ==> req ==> iff as rle_morph.
exact (SORle_wd sor).
Add Morphism rlt with signature req ==> req ==> iff as rlt_morph.
exact (SORlt_wd sor).
Add Morphism rminus with signature req ==> req ==> req as rminus_morph.
exact (rminus_morph sor). (* We already proved that minus is a morphism in OrderedRing.v *)
Definition cneqb (x y : C) := negb (ceqb x y).
Definition cltb (x y : C) := (cleb x y) && (cneqb x y).
Notation "x [~=] y" := (cneqb x y).
Notation "x [<] y" := (cltb x y).
Ltac le_less := rewrite (Rle_lt_eq sor); left; try assumption.
Ltac le_equal := rewrite (Rle_lt_eq sor); right; try reflexivity; try assumption.
Ltac le_elim H := rewrite (Rle_lt_eq sor) in H; destruct H as [H | H].
Lemma cleb_sound : forall x y : C, x [<=] y = true -> [x] <= [y].
exact (SORcleb_morph addon).
Lemma cneqb_sound : forall x y : C, x [~=] y = true -> [x] ~= [y].
intros x y H1. apply (SORcneqb_morph addon). unfold cneqb, negb in H1.
destruct (ceqb x y); now try discriminate.
Lemma cltb_sound : forall x y : C, x [<] y = true -> [x] < [y].
intros x y H. unfold cltb in H. apply andb_prop in H. destruct H as [H1 H2].
apply cleb_sound in H1. apply cneqb_sound in H2. apply <- (Rlt_le_neq sor). now split.
(* Begin Micromega *)
Definition PolC := Pol C. (* polynomials in generalized Horner form, defined in Ring_polynom or EnvRing *)
Definition PolEnv := Env R. (* For interpreting PolC *)
Definition eval_pol : PolEnv -> PolC -> R :=
Pphi rplus rtimes phi.
Inductive Op1 : Set := (* relations with 0 *)
| Equal (* == 0 *)
| NonEqual (* ~= 0 *)
| Strict (* > 0 *)
| NonStrict (* >= 0 *).
Definition NFormula := (PolC * Op1)%type. (* normalized formula *)
Definition eval_op1 (o : Op1) : R -> Prop :=
match o with
| Equal => fun x => x == 0
| NonEqual => fun x : R => x ~= 0
| Strict => fun x : R => 0 < x
| NonStrict => fun x : R => 0 <= x
Definition eval_nformula (env : PolEnv) (f : NFormula) : Prop :=
let (p, op) := f in eval_op1 op (eval_pol env p).
(** Rule of "signs" for addition and multiplication.
An arbitrary result is coded buy None. *)
Definition OpMult (o o' : Op1) : option Op1 :=
match o with
| Equal => Some Equal
| NonStrict =>
match o' with
| Equal => Some Equal
| NonEqual => None
| Strict => Some NonStrict
| NonStrict => Some NonStrict
| Strict => match o' with
| NonEqual => None
| _ => Some o'
| NonEqual => match o' with
| Equal => Some Equal
| NonEqual => Some NonEqual
| _ => None
Definition OpAdd (o o': Op1) : option Op1 :=
match o with
| Equal => Some o'
| NonStrict =>
match o' with
| Strict => Some Strict
| NonEqual => None
| _ => Some NonStrict
| Strict => match o' with
| NonEqual => None
| _ => Some Strict
| NonEqual => match o' with
| Equal => Some NonEqual
| _ => None
Lemma OpMult_sound :
forall (o o' om: Op1) (x y : R),
eval_op1 o x -> eval_op1 o' y -> OpMult o o' = Some om -> eval_op1 om (x * y).
unfold eval_op1; destruct o; simpl; intros o' om x y H1 H2 H3.
(* x == 0 *)
inversion H3. rewrite H1. now rewrite (Rtimes_0_l sor).
(* x ~= 0 *)
destruct o' ; inversion H3.
(* y == 0 *)
rewrite H2. now rewrite (Rtimes_0_r sor).
(* y ~= 0 *)
apply (Rtimes_neq_0 sor) ; auto.
(* 0 < x *)
destruct o' ; inversion H3.
(* y == 0 *)
rewrite H2; now rewrite (Rtimes_0_r sor).
(* 0 < y *)
now apply (Rtimes_pos_pos sor).
(* 0 <= y *)
apply (Rtimes_nonneg_nonneg sor); [le_less | assumption].
(* 0 <= x *)
destruct o' ; inversion H3.
(* y == 0 *)
rewrite H2; now rewrite (Rtimes_0_r sor).
(* 0 < y *)
apply (Rtimes_nonneg_nonneg sor); [assumption | le_less ].
(* 0 <= y *)
now apply (Rtimes_nonneg_nonneg sor).
Lemma OpAdd_sound :
forall (o o' oa : Op1) (e e' : R),
eval_op1 o e -> eval_op1 o' e' -> OpAdd o o' = Some oa -> eval_op1 oa (e + e').
unfold eval_op1; destruct o; simpl; intros o' oa e e' H1 H2 Hoa.
(* e == 0 *)
inversion Hoa. rewrite <- H0.
destruct o' ; rewrite H1 ; now rewrite (Rplus_0_l sor).
(* e ~= 0 *)
destruct o'.
(* e' == 0 *)
inversion Hoa.
rewrite H2. now rewrite (Rplus_0_r sor).
(* e' ~= 0 *)
(* 0 < e' *)
(* 0 <= e' *)
(* 0 < e *)
destruct o'.
(* e' == 0 *)
inversion Hoa.
rewrite H2. now rewrite (Rplus_0_r sor).
(* e' ~= 0 *)
(* 0 < e' *)
inversion Hoa.
now apply (Rplus_pos_pos sor).
(* 0 <= e' *)
inversion Hoa.
now apply (Rplus_pos_nonneg sor).
(* 0 <= e *)
destruct o'.
(* e' == 0 *)
inversion Hoa.
now rewrite H2, (Rplus_0_r sor).
(* e' ~= 0 *)
(* 0 < e' *)
inversion Hoa.
now apply (Rplus_nonneg_pos sor).
(* 0 <= e' *)
inversion Hoa.
now apply (Rplus_nonneg_nonneg sor).
Inductive Psatz : Type :=
| PsatzIn : nat -> Psatz
| PsatzSquare : PolC -> Psatz
| PsatzMulC : PolC -> Psatz -> Psatz
| PsatzMulE : Psatz -> Psatz -> Psatz
| PsatzAdd : Psatz -> Psatz -> Psatz
| PsatzC : C -> Psatz
| PsatzZ : Psatz.
(** Given a list [l] of NFormula and an extended polynomial expression
[e], if [eval_Psatz l e] succeeds (= Some f) then [f] is a
logic consequence of the conjunction of the formulae in l.
Moreover, the polynomial expression is obtained by replacing the (PsatzIn n)
by the nth polynomial expression in [l] and the sign is computed by the "rule of sign" *)
(* Might be defined elsewhere *)
Definition map_option (A B:Type) (f : A -> option B) (o : option A) : option B :=
match o with
| None => None
| Some x => f x
Arguments map_option [A B] f o.
Definition map_option2 (A B C : Type) (f : A -> B -> option C)
(o: option A) (o': option B) : option C :=
match o , o' with
| None , _ => None
| _ , None => None
| Some x , Some x' => f x x'
Arguments map_option2 [A B C] f o o'.
Definition Rops_wd := mk_reqe (*rplus rtimes ropp req*)
(SORplus_wd sor)
(SORtimes_wd sor)
(SORopp_wd sor).
Definition pexpr_times_nformula (e: PolC) (f : NFormula) : option NFormula :=
let (ef,o) := f in
match o with
| Equal => Some (Pmul cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb e ef , Equal)
| _ => None
Definition nformula_times_nformula (f1 f2 : NFormula) : option NFormula :=
let (e1,o1) := f1 in
let (e2,o2) := f2 in
map_option (fun x => (Some (Pmul cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb e1 e2,x))) (OpMult o1 o2).
Definition nformula_plus_nformula (f1 f2 : NFormula) : option NFormula :=
let (e1,o1) := f1 in
let (e2,o2) := f2 in
map_option (fun x => (Some (Padd cO cplus ceqb e1 e2,x))) (OpAdd o1 o2).
Fixpoint eval_Psatz (l : list NFormula) (e : Psatz) {struct e} : option NFormula :=
match e with
| PsatzIn n => Some (nth n l (Pc cO, Equal))
| PsatzSquare e => Some (Psquare cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb e , NonStrict)
| PsatzMulC re e => map_option (pexpr_times_nformula re) (eval_Psatz l e)
| PsatzMulE f1 f2 => map_option2 nformula_times_nformula (eval_Psatz l f1) (eval_Psatz l f2)
| PsatzAdd f1 f2 => map_option2 nformula_plus_nformula (eval_Psatz l f1) (eval_Psatz l f2)
| PsatzC c => if cltb cO c then Some (Pc c, Strict) else None
(* This could be 0, or <> 0 -- but these cases are useless *)
| PsatzZ => Some (Pc cO, Equal) (* Just to make life easier *)
Lemma pexpr_times_nformula_correct : forall (env: PolEnv) (e: PolC) (f f' : NFormula),
eval_nformula env f -> pexpr_times_nformula e f = Some f' ->
eval_nformula env f'.
unfold pexpr_times_nformula.
destruct f.
intros. destruct o ; inversion H0 ; try discriminate.
simpl in *. unfold eval_pol in *.
rewrite (Pmul_ok (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd
(Rth_ARth (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd (SORrt sor)) (SORrm addon)).
rewrite H. apply (Rtimes_0_r sor).
Lemma nformula_times_nformula_correct : forall (env:PolEnv)
(f1 f2 f : NFormula),
eval_nformula env f1 -> eval_nformula env f2 ->
nformula_times_nformula f1 f2 = Some f ->
eval_nformula env f.
unfold nformula_times_nformula.
destruct f1 ; destruct f2.
case_eq (OpMult o o0) ; simpl ; try discriminate.
intros. inversion H2 ; simpl.
unfold eval_pol.
destruct o1; simpl;
rewrite (Pmul_ok (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd
(Rth_ARth (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd (SORrt sor)) (SORrm addon));
apply OpMult_sound with (3:= H);assumption.
Lemma nformula_plus_nformula_correct : forall (env:PolEnv)
(f1 f2 f : NFormula),
eval_nformula env f1 -> eval_nformula env f2 ->
nformula_plus_nformula f1 f2 = Some f ->
eval_nformula env f.
unfold nformula_plus_nformula.
destruct f1 ; destruct f2.
case_eq (OpAdd o o0) ; simpl ; try discriminate.
intros. inversion H2 ; simpl.
unfold eval_pol.
destruct o1; simpl;
rewrite (Padd_ok (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd
(Rth_ARth (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd (SORrt sor)) (SORrm addon));
apply OpAdd_sound with (3:= H);assumption.
Lemma eval_Psatz_Sound :
forall (l : list NFormula) (env : PolEnv),
(forall (f : NFormula), In f l -> eval_nformula env f) ->
forall (e : Psatz) (f : NFormula), eval_Psatz l e = Some f ->
eval_nformula env f.
induction e.
(* PsatzIn *)
simpl ; intros.
destruct (nth_in_or_default n l (Pc cO, Equal)) as [Hin|Heq].
(* index is in bounds *)
apply H. congruence.
(* index is out-of-bounds *)
inversion H0.
rewrite Heq. simpl.
now apply (morph0 (SORrm addon)).
(* PsatzSquare *)
simpl. intros. inversion H0.
simpl. unfold eval_pol.
rewrite (Psquare_ok (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd
(Rth_ARth (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd (SORrt sor)) (SORrm addon));
now apply (Rtimes_square_nonneg sor).
(* PsatzMulC *)
case_eq (eval_Psatz l e) ; simpl ; intros.
apply IHe in H0.
apply pexpr_times_nformula_correct with (1:=H0) (2:= H1).
(* PsatzMulC *)
simpl ; intro.
case_eq (eval_Psatz l e1) ; simpl ; try discriminate.
case_eq (eval_Psatz l e2) ; simpl ; try discriminate.
apply IHe1 in H1. apply IHe2 in H0.
apply (nformula_times_nformula_correct env n0 n) ; assumption.
(* PsatzAdd *)
simpl ; intro.
case_eq (eval_Psatz l e1) ; simpl ; try discriminate.
case_eq (eval_Psatz l e2) ; simpl ; try discriminate.
apply IHe1 in H1. apply IHe2 in H0.
apply (nformula_plus_nformula_correct env n0 n) ; assumption.
(* PsatzC *)
intro. case_eq (cO [<] c).
intros. inversion H1. simpl.
rewrite <- (morph0 (SORrm addon)). now apply cltb_sound.
(* PsatzZ *)
simpl. intros. inversion H0.
simpl. apply (morph0 (SORrm addon)).
Fixpoint ge_bool (n m : nat) : bool :=
match n with
| O => match m with
| O => true
| S _ => false
| S n => match m with
| O => true
| S m => ge_bool n m
Lemma ge_bool_cases : forall n m,
(if ge_bool n m then n >= m else n < m)%nat.
induction n; destruct m ; simpl; auto with arith.
specialize (IHn m). destruct (ge_bool); auto with arith.
Fixpoint xhyps_of_psatz (base:nat) (acc : list nat) (prf : Psatz) : list nat :=
match prf with
| PsatzC _ | PsatzZ | PsatzSquare _ => acc
| PsatzMulC _ prf => xhyps_of_psatz base acc prf
| PsatzAdd e1 e2 | PsatzMulE e1 e2 => xhyps_of_psatz base (xhyps_of_psatz base acc e2) e1
| PsatzIn n => if ge_bool n base then (n::acc) else acc
Fixpoint nhyps_of_psatz (prf : Psatz) : list nat :=
match prf with
| PsatzC _ | PsatzZ | PsatzSquare _ => nil
| PsatzMulC _ prf => nhyps_of_psatz prf
| PsatzAdd e1 e2 | PsatzMulE e1 e2 => nhyps_of_psatz e1 ++ nhyps_of_psatz e2
| PsatzIn n => n :: nil
Fixpoint extract_hyps (l: list NFormula) (ln : list nat) : list NFormula :=
match ln with
| nil => nil
| n::ln => nth n l (Pc cO, Equal) :: extract_hyps l ln
Lemma extract_hyps_app : forall l ln1 ln2,
extract_hyps l (ln1 ++ ln2) = (extract_hyps l ln1) ++ (extract_hyps l ln2).
induction ln1.
rewrite IHln1. reflexivity.
Ltac inv H := inversion H ; try subst ; clear H.
Lemma nhyps_of_psatz_correct : forall (env : PolEnv) (e:Psatz) (l : list NFormula) (f: NFormula),
eval_Psatz l e = Some f ->
((forall f', In f' (extract_hyps l (nhyps_of_psatz e)) -> eval_nformula env f') -> eval_nformula env f).
induction e ; intros.
simpl in *.
apply H0. intuition congruence.
(* PsatzSquare *)
simpl in *.
inv H.
unfold eval_pol.
rewrite (Psquare_ok (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd
(Rth_ARth (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd (SORrt sor)) (SORrm addon));
now apply (Rtimes_square_nonneg sor).
(* PsatzMulC *)
simpl in *.
case_eq (eval_Psatz l e).
intros. rewrite H1 in H. simpl in H.
apply pexpr_times_nformula_correct with (2:= H).
apply IHe with (1:= H1); auto.
intros. rewrite H1 in H. simpl in H ; discriminate.
(* PsatzMulE *)
simpl in *.
revert H.
case_eq (eval_Psatz l e1).
case_eq (eval_Psatz l e2) ; simpl ; intros.
apply nformula_times_nformula_correct with (3:= H2).
apply IHe1 with (1:= H1) ; auto.
intros. apply H0. rewrite extract_hyps_app.
apply in_or_app. tauto.
apply IHe2 with (1:= H) ; auto.
intros. apply H0. rewrite extract_hyps_app.
apply in_or_app. tauto.
discriminate. simpl. discriminate.
(* PsatzAdd *)
simpl in *.
revert H.
case_eq (eval_Psatz l e1).
case_eq (eval_Psatz l e2) ; simpl ; intros.
apply nformula_plus_nformula_correct with (3:= H2).
apply IHe1 with (1:= H1) ; auto.
intros. apply H0. rewrite extract_hyps_app.
apply in_or_app. tauto.
apply IHe2 with (1:= H) ; auto.
intros. apply H0. rewrite extract_hyps_app.
apply in_or_app. tauto.
discriminate. simpl. discriminate.
(* PsatzC *)
simpl in H.
case_eq (cO [<] c).
intros. rewrite H1 in H. inv H.
unfold eval_nformula. simpl.
rewrite <- (morph0 (SORrm addon)). now apply cltb_sound.
intros. rewrite H1 in H. discriminate.
(* PsatzZ *)
simpl in *. inv H.
unfold eval_nformula. simpl.
apply (morph0 (SORrm addon)).
(* roughly speaking, normalise_pexpr_correct is a proof of
forall env p, eval_pexpr env p == eval_pol env (normalise_pexpr p) *)
Definition paddC := PaddC cplus.
Definition psubC := PsubC cminus.
Definition PsubC_ok : forall c P env, eval_pol env (psubC P c) == eval_pol env P - [c] :=
let Rops_wd := mk_reqe (*rplus rtimes ropp req*)
(SORplus_wd sor)
(SORtimes_wd sor)
(SORopp_wd sor) in
PsubC_ok (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd (Rth_ARth (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd (SORrt sor))
(SORrm addon).
Definition PaddC_ok : forall c P env, eval_pol env (paddC P c) == eval_pol env P + [c] :=
let Rops_wd := mk_reqe (*rplus rtimes ropp req*)
(SORplus_wd sor)
(SORtimes_wd sor)
(SORopp_wd sor) in
PaddC_ok (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd (Rth_ARth (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd (SORrt sor))
(SORrm addon).
(* Check that a formula f is inconsistent by normalizing and comparing the
resulting constant with 0 *)
Definition check_inconsistent (f : NFormula) : bool :=
let (e, op) := f in
match e with
| Pc c =>
match op with
| Equal => cneqb c cO
| NonStrict => c [<] cO
| Strict => c [<=] cO
| NonEqual => c [=] cO
| _ => false (* not a constant *)
Lemma check_inconsistent_sound :
forall (p : PolC) (op : Op1),
check_inconsistent (p, op) = true -> forall env, ~ eval_op1 op (eval_pol env p).
intros p op H1 env. unfold check_inconsistent in H1.
destruct op; simpl ;
destruct p ; simpl; try discriminate H1;
try rewrite <- (morph0 (SORrm addon)); trivial.
now apply cneqb_sound.
apply (morph_eq (SORrm addon)) in H1. congruence.
apply cleb_sound in H1. now apply -> (Rle_ngt sor).
apply cltb_sound in H1. now apply -> (Rlt_nge sor).
Definition check_normalised_formulas : list NFormula -> Psatz -> bool :=
fun l cm =>
match eval_Psatz l cm with
| None => false
| Some f => check_inconsistent f
Lemma checker_nf_sound :
forall (l : list NFormula) (cm : Psatz),
check_normalised_formulas l cm = true ->
forall env : PolEnv, make_impl (eval_nformula env) l False.
intros l cm H env.
unfold check_normalised_formulas in H.
revert H.
case_eq (eval_Psatz l cm) ; [|discriminate].
intros nf. intros.
rewrite <- make_conj_impl. intro.
assert (H1' := make_conj_in _ _ H1).
assert (Hnf := @eval_Psatz_Sound _ _ H1' _ _ H).
destruct nf.
apply (@check_inconsistent_sound _ _ H0 env Hnf).
(** Normalisation of formulae **)
Inductive Op2 : Set := (* binary relations *)
| OpEq
| OpNEq
| OpLe
| OpGe
| OpLt
| OpGt.
Definition eval_op2 (o : Op2) : R -> R -> Prop :=
match o with
| OpEq => req
| OpNEq => fun x y : R => x ~= y
| OpLe => rle
| OpGe => fun x y : R => y <= x
| OpLt => fun x y : R => x < y
| OpGt => fun x y : R => y < x
Definition eval_pexpr : PolEnv -> PExpr C -> R :=
PEeval rplus rtimes rminus ropp phi pow_phi rpow.
Record Formula (T:Type) : Type := {
Flhs : PExpr T;
Fop : Op2;
Frhs : PExpr T
Definition eval_formula (env : PolEnv) (f : Formula C) : Prop :=
let (lhs, op, rhs) := f in
(eval_op2 op) (eval_pexpr env lhs) (eval_pexpr env rhs).
(* We normalize Formulas by moving terms to one side *)
Definition norm := norm_aux cO cI cplus ctimes cminus copp ceqb.
Definition psub := Psub cO cplus cminus copp ceqb.
Definition padd := Padd cO cplus ceqb.
Definition pmul := Pmul cO cI cplus ctimes ceqb.
Definition normalise (f : Formula C) : NFormula :=
let (lhs, op, rhs) := f in
let lhs := norm lhs in
let rhs := norm rhs in
match op with
| OpEq => (psub lhs rhs, Equal)
| OpNEq => (psub lhs rhs, NonEqual)
| OpLe => (psub rhs lhs, NonStrict)
| OpGe => (psub lhs rhs, NonStrict)
| OpGt => (psub lhs rhs, Strict)
| OpLt => (psub rhs lhs, Strict)
Definition negate (f : Formula C) : NFormula :=
let (lhs, op, rhs) := f in
let lhs := norm lhs in
let rhs := norm rhs in
match op with
| OpEq => (psub rhs lhs, NonEqual)
| OpNEq => (psub rhs lhs, Equal)
| OpLe => (psub lhs rhs, Strict) (* e <= e' == ~ e > e' *)
| OpGe => (psub rhs lhs, Strict)
| OpGt => (psub rhs lhs, NonStrict)
| OpLt => (psub lhs rhs, NonStrict)
Lemma eval_pol_sub : forall env lhs rhs, eval_pol env (psub lhs rhs) == eval_pol env lhs - eval_pol env rhs.
apply (Psub_ok (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd
(Rth_ARth (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd (SORrt sor)) (SORrm addon)).
Lemma eval_pol_add : forall env lhs rhs, eval_pol env (padd lhs rhs) == eval_pol env lhs + eval_pol env rhs.
apply (Padd_ok (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd
(Rth_ARth (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd (SORrt sor)) (SORrm addon)).
Lemma eval_pol_mul : forall env lhs rhs, eval_pol env (pmul lhs rhs) == eval_pol env lhs * eval_pol env rhs.
apply (Pmul_ok sor.(SORsetoid) Rops_wd
(Rth_ARth (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd sor.(SORrt)) addon.(SORrm)).
Lemma eval_pol_norm : forall env lhs, eval_pexpr env lhs == eval_pol env (norm lhs).
apply (norm_aux_spec (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd (Rth_ARth (SORsetoid sor) Rops_wd (SORrt sor)) (SORrm addon) (SORpower addon) ).
Theorem normalise_sound :
forall (env : PolEnv) (f : Formula C),
eval_formula env f -> eval_nformula env (normalise f).
intros env f H; destruct f as [lhs op rhs]; simpl in *.
destruct op; simpl in *; rewrite eval_pol_sub ; rewrite <- eval_pol_norm ; rewrite <- eval_pol_norm.
now apply <- (Rminus_eq_0 sor).
intros H1. apply -> (Rminus_eq_0 sor) in H1. now apply H.
now apply -> (Rle_le_minus sor).
now apply -> (Rle_le_minus sor).
now apply -> (Rlt_lt_minus sor).
now apply -> (Rlt_lt_minus sor).
Theorem negate_correct :
forall (env : PolEnv) (f : Formula C),
eval_formula env f <-> ~ (eval_nformula env (negate f)).
intros env f; destruct f as [lhs op rhs]; simpl.
destruct op; simpl in *; rewrite eval_pol_sub ; rewrite <- eval_pol_norm ; rewrite <- eval_pol_norm.
symmetry. rewrite (Rminus_eq_0 sor).
split; intro H; [symmetry; now apply -> (Req_dne sor) | symmetry in H; now apply <- (Req_dne sor)].
rewrite (Rminus_eq_0 sor). split; intro; now apply (Rneq_symm sor).
rewrite <- (Rlt_lt_minus sor). now rewrite <- (Rle_ngt sor).
rewrite <- (Rlt_lt_minus sor). now rewrite <- (Rle_ngt sor).
rewrite <- (Rle_le_minus sor). now rewrite <- (Rlt_nge sor).
rewrite <- (Rle_le_minus sor). now rewrite <- (Rlt_nge sor).
(** Another normalisation - this is used for cnf conversion **)
Definition xnormalise (t:Formula C) : list (NFormula) :=
let (lhs,o,rhs) := t in
let lhs := norm lhs in
let rhs := norm rhs in
match o with
| OpEq =>
(psub lhs rhs, Strict)::(psub rhs lhs , Strict)::nil
| OpNEq => (psub lhs rhs,Equal) :: nil
| OpGt => (psub rhs lhs,NonStrict) :: nil
| OpLt => (psub lhs rhs,NonStrict) :: nil
| OpGe => (psub rhs lhs , Strict) :: nil
| OpLe => (psub lhs rhs ,Strict) :: nil
Import Coq.micromega.Tauto.
Definition cnf_normalise {T : Type} (t:Formula C) (tg : T) : cnf NFormula T :=
List.map (fun x => (x,tg)::nil) (xnormalise t).
Add Ring SORRing : (SORrt sor).
Lemma cnf_normalise_correct : forall (T : Type) env t tg, eval_cnf (Annot:=T) eval_nformula env (cnf_normalise t tg) -> eval_formula env t.
unfold cnf_normalise, xnormalise ; simpl ; intros T env t tg.
unfold eval_cnf, eval_clause.
destruct t as [lhs o rhs]; case_eq o ; unfold eval_tt;
repeat rewrite eval_pol_sub ; repeat rewrite <- eval_pol_norm in * ;
generalize (eval_pexpr env lhs);
generalize (eval_pexpr env rhs) ; intros z1 z2 ; intros.
- apply (SORle_antisymm sor).
+ rewrite (Rle_ngt sor). rewrite (Rlt_lt_minus sor). tauto.
+ rewrite (Rle_ngt sor). rewrite (Rlt_lt_minus sor). tauto.
- now rewrite <- (Rminus_eq_0 sor).
- rewrite (Rle_ngt sor). rewrite (Rlt_lt_minus sor). auto.
- rewrite (Rle_ngt sor). rewrite (Rlt_lt_minus sor). auto.
- rewrite (Rlt_nge sor). rewrite (Rle_le_minus sor). auto.
- rewrite (Rlt_nge sor). rewrite (Rle_le_minus sor). auto.
Definition xnegate (t:Formula C) : list (NFormula) :=
let (lhs,o,rhs) := t in
let lhs := norm lhs in
let rhs := norm rhs in
match o with
| OpEq => (psub lhs rhs,Equal) :: nil
| OpNEq => (psub lhs rhs ,Strict)::(psub rhs lhs,Strict)::nil
| OpGt => (psub lhs rhs,Strict) :: nil
| OpLt => (psub rhs lhs,Strict) :: nil
| OpGe => (psub lhs rhs,NonStrict) :: nil
| OpLe => (psub rhs lhs,NonStrict) :: nil
Definition cnf_negate {T : Type} (t:Formula C) (tg:T) : cnf NFormula T :=
List.map (fun x => (x,tg)::nil) (xnegate t).
Lemma cnf_negate_correct : forall (T : Type) env t (tg:T), eval_cnf eval_nformula env (cnf_negate t tg) -> ~ eval_formula env t.
unfold cnf_negate, xnegate ; simpl ; intros T env t tg.
unfold eval_cnf, eval_clause.
destruct t as [lhs o rhs]; case_eq o ; unfold eval_tt; simpl;
repeat rewrite eval_pol_sub ; repeat rewrite <- eval_pol_norm in * ;
generalize (eval_pexpr env lhs);
generalize (eval_pexpr env rhs) ; intros z1 z2 ; intros ; intuition.
apply H0.
rewrite H1 ; ring.
- apply H1. apply (SORle_antisymm sor).
+ rewrite (Rle_ngt sor). rewrite (Rlt_lt_minus sor). tauto.
+ rewrite (Rle_ngt sor). rewrite (Rlt_lt_minus sor). tauto.
- apply H0. now rewrite (Rle_le_minus sor) in H1.
- apply H0. now rewrite (Rle_le_minus sor) in H1.
- apply H0. now rewrite (Rlt_lt_minus sor) in H1.
- apply H0. now rewrite (Rlt_lt_minus sor) in H1.
Lemma eval_nformula_dec : forall env d, (eval_nformula env d) \/ ~ (eval_nformula env d).
destruct d ; simpl.
generalize (eval_pol env p); intros.
destruct o ; simpl.
apply (Req_em sor r 0).
destruct (Req_em sor r 0) ; tauto.
rewrite <- (Rle_ngt sor r 0). generalize (Rle_gt_cases sor r 0). tauto.
rewrite <- (Rlt_nge sor r 0). generalize (Rle_gt_cases sor 0 r). tauto.
(** Reverse transformation *)
Fixpoint xdenorm (jmp : positive) (p: Pol C) : PExpr C :=
match p with
| Pc c => PEc c
| Pinj j p => xdenorm (Pos.add j jmp ) p
| PX p j q => PEadd
(PEmul (xdenorm jmp p) (PEpow (PEX jmp) (Npos j)))
(xdenorm (Pos.succ jmp) q)
Lemma xdenorm_correct : forall p i env,
eval_pol (jump i env) p == eval_pexpr env (xdenorm (Pos.succ i) p).
unfold eval_pol.
induction p.
simpl. reflexivity.
(* Pinj *)
rewrite Pos.add_succ_r.
rewrite <- IHp.
rewrite Pos.add_comm.
rewrite Pjump_add. reflexivity.
(* PX *)
rewrite <- IHp1, <- IHp2.
unfold Env.tail , Env.hd.
rewrite <- Pjump_add.
rewrite Pos.add_1_r.
unfold Env.nth.
unfold jump at 2.
rewrite <- Pos.add_1_l.
rewrite (rpow_pow_N (SORpower addon)).
unfold pow_N. ring.
Definition denorm := xdenorm xH.
Lemma denorm_correct : forall p env, eval_pol env p == eval_pexpr env (denorm p).
unfold denorm.
induction p.
rewrite Pos.add_1_r.
apply xdenorm_correct.
rewrite IHp1.
unfold Env.tail.
rewrite xdenorm_correct.
change (Pos.succ xH) with 2%positive.
rewrite (rpow_pow_N (SORpower addon)).
simpl. reflexivity.
(** Sometimes it is convenient to make a distinction between "syntactic" coefficients and "real"
coefficients that are used to actually compute *)
Variable S : Type.
Variable C_of_S : S -> C.
Variable phiS : S -> R.
Variable phi_C_of_S : forall c, phiS c = phi (C_of_S c).
Fixpoint map_PExpr (e : PExpr S) : PExpr C :=
match e with
| PEc c => PEc (C_of_S c)
| PEX p => PEX p
| PEadd e1 e2 => PEadd (map_PExpr e1) (map_PExpr e2)
| PEsub e1 e2 => PEsub (map_PExpr e1) (map_PExpr e2)
| PEmul e1 e2 => PEmul (map_PExpr e1) (map_PExpr e2)
| PEopp e => PEopp (map_PExpr e)
| PEpow e n => PEpow (map_PExpr e) n
Definition map_Formula (f : Formula S) : Formula C :=
let (l,o,r) := f in
Build_Formula (map_PExpr l) o (map_PExpr r).
Definition eval_sexpr : PolEnv -> PExpr S -> R :=
PEeval rplus rtimes rminus ropp phiS pow_phi rpow.
Definition eval_sformula (env : PolEnv) (f : Formula S) : Prop :=
let (lhs, op, rhs) := f in
(eval_op2 op) (eval_sexpr env lhs) (eval_sexpr env rhs).
Lemma eval_pexprSC : forall env s, eval_sexpr env s = eval_pexpr env (map_PExpr s).
unfold eval_pexpr, eval_sexpr.
induction s ; simpl ; try (rewrite IHs1 ; rewrite IHs2) ; try reflexivity.
apply phi_C_of_S.
rewrite IHs. reflexivity.
rewrite IHs. reflexivity.
(** equality might be (too) strong *)
Lemma eval_formulaSC : forall env f, eval_sformula env f = eval_formula env (map_Formula f).
destruct f.
repeat rewrite eval_pexprSC.
(** Some syntactic simplifications of expressions *)
Definition simpl_cone (e:Psatz) : Psatz :=
match e with
| PsatzSquare t =>
match t with
| Pc c => if ceqb cO c then PsatzZ else PsatzC (ctimes c c)
| _ => PsatzSquare t
| PsatzMulE t1 t2 =>
match t1 , t2 with
| PsatzZ , x => PsatzZ
| x , PsatzZ => PsatzZ
| PsatzC c , PsatzC c' => PsatzC (ctimes c c')
| PsatzC p1 , PsatzMulE (PsatzC p2) x => PsatzMulE (PsatzC (ctimes p1 p2)) x
| PsatzC p1 , PsatzMulE x (PsatzC p2) => PsatzMulE (PsatzC (ctimes p1 p2)) x
| PsatzMulE (PsatzC p2) x , PsatzC p1 => PsatzMulE (PsatzC (ctimes p1 p2)) x
| PsatzMulE x (PsatzC p2) , PsatzC p1 => PsatzMulE (PsatzC (ctimes p1 p2)) x
| PsatzC x , PsatzAdd y z => PsatzAdd (PsatzMulE (PsatzC x) y) (PsatzMulE (PsatzC x) z)
| PsatzC c , _ => if ceqb cI c then t2 else PsatzMulE t1 t2
| _ , PsatzC c => if ceqb cI c then t1 else PsatzMulE t1 t2
| _ , _ => e
| PsatzAdd t1 t2 =>
match t1 , t2 with
| PsatzZ , x => x
| x , PsatzZ => x
| x , y => PsatzAdd x y
| _ => e
End Micromega.
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