(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Mutils
module Mc = Micromega
val max_nb_cstr : int ref
type var = int
module Monomial : sig
(** A monomial is represented by a multiset of variables *)
type t
(** [fold f m acc]
folds over the variables with multiplicities *)
val fold : (var -> int -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
(** [const]
@return the empty monomial i.e. without any variable *)
val const : t
val is_const : t -> bool
(** [var x]
@return the monomial x^1 *)
val var : var -> t
(** [sqrt m]
@return [Some r] iff r^2 = m *)
val sqrt : t -> t option
(** [is_var m]
@return [true] iff m = x^1 for some variable x *)
val is_var : t -> bool
(** [get_var m]
@return [x] iff m = x^1 for variable x *)
val get_var : t -> var option
(** [div m1 m2]
@return a pair [mr,n] such that mr * (m2)^n = m1 where n is maximum *)
val div : t -> t -> t * int
(** [compare m1 m2] provides a total order over monomials*)
val compare : t -> t -> int
(** [variables m]
@return the set of variables with (strictly) positive multiplicities *)
val variables : t -> ISet.t
module MonMap : sig
include Map.S with type key = Monomial.t
val union : (Monomial.t -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a option) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
module Poly : sig
(** Representation of polonomial with rational coefficient.
a1.m1 + ... + c where
- ai are rational constants (num type)
- mi are monomials
- c is a rational constant
type t
(** [constant c]
@return the constant polynomial c *)
val constant : Num.num -> t
(** [variable x]
@return the polynomial 1.x^1 *)
val variable : var -> t
(** [addition p1 p2]
@return the polynomial p1+p2 *)
val addition : t -> t -> t
(** [product p1 p2]
@return the polynomial p1*p2 *)
val product : t -> t -> t
(** [uminus p]
@return the polynomial -p i.e product by -1 *)
val uminus : t -> t
(** [get mi p]
@return the coefficient ai of the monomial mi. *)
val get : Monomial.t -> t -> Num.num
(** [fold f p a] folds f over the monomials of p with non-zero coefficient *)
val fold : (Monomial.t -> Num.num -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
(** [add m n p]
@return the polynomial n*m + p *)
val add : Monomial.t -> Num.num -> t -> t
type cstr = {coeffs : Vect.t ; op : op ; cst : Num.num} (* Representation of linear constraints *)
and op = Eq | Ge | Gt
val eval_op : op -> Num.num -> Num.num -> bool
(*val opMult : op -> op -> op*)
val opAdd : op -> op -> op
(** [is_strict c]
@return whether the constraint is strict i.e. c.op = Gt *)
val is_strict : cstr -> bool
exception Strict
module LinPoly : sig
(** Linear(ised) polynomials represented as a [Vect.t]
i.e a sorted association list.
The constant is the coefficient of the variable 0
Each linear polynomial can be interpreted as a multi-variate polynomial.
There is a bijection mapping between a linear variable and a monomial
(see module [MonT])
type t = Vect.t
(** Each variable of a linear polynomial is mapped to a monomial.
This is done using the monomial tables of the module MonT. *)
module MonT : sig
(** [clear ()] clears the mapping. *)
val clear : unit -> unit
(** [retrieve x]
@return the monomial corresponding to the variable [x] *)
val retrieve : int -> Monomial.t
(** [register m]
@return the variable index for the monomial m *)
val register : Monomial.t -> int
(** [linpol_of_pol p] linearise the polynomial p *)
val linpol_of_pol : Poly.t -> t
(** [var x]
@return 1.y where y is the variable index of the monomial x^1.
val var : var -> t
(** [coq_poly_of_linpol c p]
@param p is a multi-variate polynomial.
@param c maps a rational to a Coq polynomial coefficient.
@return the coq expression corresponding to polynomial [p].*)
val coq_poly_of_linpol : (Num.num -> 'a) -> t -> 'a Mc.pExpr
(** [of_monomial m]
@returns 1.x where x is the variable (index) for monomial m *)
val of_monomial : Monomial.t -> t
(** [of_vect v]
@returns a1.x1 + ... + an.xn
This is not the identity because xi is the variable index of xi^1
val of_vect : Vect.t -> t
(** [variables p]
@return the set of variables of the polynomial p
interpreted as a multi-variate polynomial *)
val variables : t -> ISet.t
(** [is_variable p]
@return Some x if p = a.x for a >= 0 *)
val is_variable : t -> var option
(** [is_linear p]
@return whether the multi-variate polynomial is linear. *)
val is_linear : t -> bool
(** [is_linear_for x p]
@return true if the polynomial is linear in x
i.e can be written c*x+r where c is a constant and r is independent from x *)
val is_linear_for : var -> t -> bool
(** [constant c]
@return the constant polynomial c
val constant : Num.num -> t
(** [search_linear pred p]
@return a variable x such p = a.x + b such that
p is linear in x i.e x does not occur in b and
a is a constant such that [pred a] *)
val search_linear : (Num.num -> bool) -> t -> var option
(** [search_all_linear pred p]
@return all the variables x such p = a.x + b such that
p is linear in x i.e x does not occur in b and
a is a constant such that [pred a] *)
val search_all_linear : (Num.num -> bool) -> t -> var list
(** [product p q]
@return the product of the polynomial [p*q] *)
val product : t -> t -> t
(** [factorise x p]
@return [a,b] such that [p = a.x + b]
and [x] does not occur in [b] *)
val factorise : var -> t -> t * t
(** [collect_square p]
@return a mapping m such that m[s] = s^2
for every s^2 that is a monomial of [p] *)
val collect_square : t -> Monomial.t MonMap.t
(** [pp_var o v] pretty-prints a monomial indexed by v. *)
val pp_var : out_channel -> var -> unit
(** [pp o p] pretty-prints a polynomial. *)
val pp : out_channel -> t -> unit
(** [pp_goal typ o l] pretty-prints the list of constraints as a Coq goal. *)
val pp_goal : string -> out_channel -> (t * op) list -> unit
module ProofFormat : sig
(** Proof format used by the proof-generating procedures.
It is fairly close to Coq format but a bit more liberal.
It is used for proofs over Z, Q, R.
However, certain constructions e.g. [CutPrf] are only relevant for Z.
type prf_rule =
| Annot of string * prf_rule
| Hyp of int
| Def of int
| Cst of Num.num
| Zero
| Square of Vect.t
| MulC of Vect.t * prf_rule
| Gcd of Big_int.big_int * prf_rule
| MulPrf of prf_rule * prf_rule
| AddPrf of prf_rule * prf_rule
| CutPrf of prf_rule
type proof =
| Done
| Step of int * prf_rule * proof
| Enum of int * prf_rule * Vect.t * prf_rule * proof list
val pr_size : prf_rule -> Num.num
val pr_rule_max_id : prf_rule -> int
val proof_max_id : proof -> int
val normalise_proof : int -> proof -> int * proof
val output_prf_rule : out_channel -> prf_rule -> unit
val output_proof : out_channel -> proof -> unit
val add_proof : prf_rule -> prf_rule -> prf_rule
val mul_cst_proof : Num.num -> prf_rule -> prf_rule
val mul_proof : prf_rule -> prf_rule -> prf_rule
val compile_proof : int list -> proof -> Micromega.zArithProof
val cmpl_prf_rule : ('a Micromega.pExpr -> 'a Micromega.pol) ->
(Num.num -> 'a) -> (int list) -> prf_rule -> 'a Micromega.psatz
val proof_of_farkas : prf_rule IMap.t -> Vect.t -> prf_rule
val eval_prf_rule : (int -> LinPoly.t * op) -> prf_rule -> LinPoly.t * op
val eval_proof : (LinPoly.t * op) IMap.t -> proof -> bool
val output_cstr : out_channel -> cstr -> unit
val opMult : op -> op -> op
(** [module WithProof] constructs polynomials packed with the proof that their sign is correct. *)
module WithProof :
type t = (LinPoly.t * op) * ProofFormat.prf_rule
(** [InvalidProof] is raised if the operation is invalid. *)
exception InvalidProof
val annot : string -> t -> t
val of_cstr : cstr * ProofFormat.prf_rule -> t
(** [out_channel chan c] pretty-prints the constraint [c] over the channel [chan] *)
val output : out_channel -> t -> unit
val output_sys : out_channel -> t list -> unit
(** [zero] represents the tautology (0=0) *)
val zero : t
(** [const n] represents the tautology (n>=0) *)
val const : Num.num -> t
(** [product p q]
@return the polynomial p*q with its sign and proof *)
val product : t -> t -> t
(** [addition p q]
@return the polynomial p+q with its sign and proof *)
val addition : t -> t -> t
(** [mult p q]
@return the polynomial p*q with its sign and proof.
@raise InvalidProof if p is not a constant and p is not an equality *)
val mult : LinPoly.t -> t -> t
(** [cutting_plane p] does integer reasoning and adjust the constant to be integral *)
val cutting_plane : t -> t option
(** [linear_pivot sys p x q]
@return the polynomial [q] where [x] is eliminated using the polynomial [p]
The pivoting operation is only defined if
- p is linear in x i.e p = a.x+b and x neither occurs in a and b
- The pivoting also requires some sign conditions for [a]
val linear_pivot : t list -> t -> Vect.var -> t -> t option
(** [subst sys] performs the equivalent of the 'subst' tactic of Coq.
For every p=0 \in sys such that p is linear in x with coefficient +/- 1
i.e. p = 0 <-> x = e and x \notin e.
Replace x by e in sys
NB: performing this transformation may hinders the non-linear prover to find a proof.
[elim_simple_linear_equality] is much more careful.
val subst : t list -> t list
(** [subst1 sys] performs a single substitution *)
val subst1 : t list -> t list
val saturate_subst : bool -> t list -> t list
val is_substitution : bool -> t -> var option
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