(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
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(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import Setoid Morphisms.
Require Import BinList BinPos BinNat BinInt.
Require Export Ring_theory.
Local Open Scope positive_scope.
Import RingSyntax.
(* Set Universe Polymorphism. *)
Section MakeRingPol.
(* Ring elements *)
Variable R:Type.
Variable (rO rI : R) (radd rmul rsub: R->R->R) (ropp : R->R).
Variable req : R -> R -> Prop.
(* Ring properties *)
Variable Rsth : Equivalence req.
Variable Reqe : ring_eq_ext radd rmul ropp req.
Variable ARth : almost_ring_theory rO rI radd rmul rsub ropp req.
(* Coefficients *)
Variable C: Type.
Variable (cO cI: C) (cadd cmul csub : C->C->C) (copp : C->C).
Variable ceqb : C->C->bool.
Variable phi : C -> R.
Variable CRmorph : ring_morph rO rI radd rmul rsub ropp req
cO cI cadd cmul csub copp ceqb phi.
(* Power coefficients *)
Variable Cpow : Type.
Variable Cp_phi : N -> Cpow.
Variable rpow : R -> Cpow -> R.
Variable pow_th : power_theory rI rmul req Cp_phi rpow.
(* division is ok *)
Variable cdiv: C -> C -> C * C.
Variable div_th: div_theory req cadd cmul phi cdiv.
(* R notations *)
Notation "0" := rO. Notation "1" := rI.
Infix "+" := radd. Infix "*" := rmul.
Infix "-" := rsub. Notation "- x" := (ropp x).
Infix "==" := req.
Infix "^" := (pow_pos rmul).
(* C notations *)
Infix "+!" := cadd. Infix "*!" := cmul.
Infix "-! " := csub. Notation "-! x" := (copp x).
Infix "?=!" := ceqb. Notation "[ x ]" := (phi x).
(* Useful tactics *)
Add Morphism radd with signature (req ==> req ==> req) as radd_ext.
Proof. exact (Radd_ext Reqe). Qed.
Add Morphism rmul with signature (req ==> req ==> req) as rmul_ext.
Proof. exact (Rmul_ext Reqe). Qed.
Add Morphism ropp with signature (req ==> req) as ropp_ext.
Proof. exact (Ropp_ext Reqe). Qed.
Add Morphism rsub with signature (req ==> req ==> req) as rsub_ext.
Proof. exact (ARsub_ext Rsth Reqe ARth). Qed.
Ltac rsimpl := gen_srewrite Rsth Reqe ARth.
Ltac add_push := gen_add_push radd Rsth Reqe ARth.
Ltac mul_push := gen_mul_push rmul Rsth Reqe ARth.
Ltac add_permut_rec t :=
match t with
| ?x + ?y => add_permut_rec y || add_permut_rec x
| _ => add_push t; apply (Radd_ext Reqe); [|reflexivity]
Ltac add_permut :=
repeat (reflexivity ||
match goal with |- ?t == _ => add_permut_rec t end).
Ltac mul_permut_rec t :=
match t with
| ?x * ?y => mul_permut_rec y || mul_permut_rec x
| _ => mul_push t; apply (Rmul_ext Reqe); [|reflexivity]
Ltac mul_permut :=
repeat (reflexivity ||
match goal with |- ?t == _ => mul_permut_rec t end).
(* Definition of multivariable polynomials with coefficients in C :
Type [Pol] represents [X1 ... Xn].
The representation is Horner's where a [n] variable polynomial
(C[X1..Xn]) is seen as a polynomial on [X1] which coefficients
are polynomials with [n-1] variables (C[X2..Xn]).
There are several optimisations to make the repr compacter:
- [Pc c] is the constant polynomial of value c
== c*X1^0*..*Xn^0
- [Pinj j Q] is a polynomial constant w.r.t the [j] first variables.
variable indices are shifted of j in Q.
== X1^0 *..* Xj^0 * Q{X1 <- Xj+1;..; Xn-j <- Xn}
- [PX P i Q] is an optimised Horner form of P*X^i + Q
with P not the null polynomial
== P * X1^i + Q{X1 <- X2; ..; Xn-1 <- Xn}
In addition:
- polynomials of the form (PX (PX P i (Pc 0)) j Q) are forbidden
since they can be represented by the simpler form (PX P (i+j) Q)
- (Pinj i (Pinj j P)) is (Pinj (i+j) P)
- (Pinj i (Pc c)) is (Pc c)
Inductive Pol : Type :=
| Pc : C -> Pol
| Pinj : positive -> Pol -> Pol
| PX : Pol -> positive -> Pol -> Pol.
Definition P0 := Pc cO.
Definition P1 := Pc cI.
Fixpoint Peq (P P' : Pol) {struct P'} : bool :=
match P, P' with
| Pc c, Pc c' => c ?=! c'
| Pinj j Q, Pinj j' Q' =>
match j ?= j' with
| Eq => Peq Q Q'
| _ => false
| PX P i Q, PX P' i' Q' =>
match i ?= i' with
| Eq => if Peq P P' then Peq Q Q' else false
| _ => false
| _, _ => false
Infix "?==" := Peq.
Definition mkPinj j P :=
match P with
| Pc _ => P
| Pinj j' Q => Pinj (j + j') Q
| _ => Pinj j P
Definition mkPinj_pred j P:=
match j with
| xH => P
| xO j => Pinj (Pos.pred_double j) P
| xI j => Pinj (xO j) P
Definition mkPX P i Q :=
match P with
| Pc c => if c ?=! cO then mkPinj xH Q else PX P i Q
| Pinj _ _ => PX P i Q
| PX P' i' Q' => if Q' ?== P0 then PX P' (i' + i) Q else PX P i Q
Definition mkXi i := PX P1 i P0.
Definition mkX := mkXi 1.
(** Opposite of addition *)
Fixpoint Popp (P:Pol) : Pol :=
match P with
| Pc c => Pc (-! c)
| Pinj j Q => Pinj j (Popp Q)
| PX P i Q => PX (Popp P) i (Popp Q)
Notation "-- P" := (Popp P).
(** Addition et subtraction *)
Fixpoint PaddC (P:Pol) (c:C) : Pol :=
match P with
| Pc c1 => Pc (c1 +! c)
| Pinj j Q => Pinj j (PaddC Q c)
| PX P i Q => PX P i (PaddC Q c)
Fixpoint PsubC (P:Pol) (c:C) : Pol :=
match P with
| Pc c1 => Pc (c1 -! c)
| Pinj j Q => Pinj j (PsubC Q c)
| PX P i Q => PX P i (PsubC Q c)
Section PopI.
Variable Pop : Pol -> Pol -> Pol.
Variable Q : Pol.
Fixpoint PaddI (j:positive) (P:Pol) : Pol :=
match P with
| Pc c => mkPinj j (PaddC Q c)
| Pinj j' Q' =>
match Z.pos_sub j' j with
| Zpos k => mkPinj j (Pop (Pinj k Q') Q)
| Z0 => mkPinj j (Pop Q' Q)
| Zneg k => mkPinj j' (PaddI k Q')
| PX P i Q' =>
match j with
| xH => PX P i (Pop Q' Q)
| xO j => PX P i (PaddI (Pos.pred_double j) Q')
| xI j => PX P i (PaddI (xO j) Q')
Fixpoint PsubI (j:positive) (P:Pol) : Pol :=
match P with
| Pc c => mkPinj j (PaddC (--Q) c)
| Pinj j' Q' =>
match Z.pos_sub j' j with
| Zpos k => mkPinj j (Pop (Pinj k Q') Q)
| Z0 => mkPinj j (Pop Q' Q)
| Zneg k => mkPinj j' (PsubI k Q')
| PX P i Q' =>
match j with
| xH => PX P i (Pop Q' Q)
| xO j => PX P i (PsubI (Pos.pred_double j) Q')
| xI j => PX P i (PsubI (xO j) Q')
Variable P' : Pol.
Fixpoint PaddX (i':positive) (P:Pol) : Pol :=
match P with
| Pc c => PX P' i' P
| Pinj j Q' =>
match j with
| xH => PX P' i' Q'
| xO j => PX P' i' (Pinj (Pos.pred_double j) Q')
| xI j => PX P' i' (Pinj (xO j) Q')
| PX P i Q' =>
match Z.pos_sub i i' with
| Zpos k => mkPX (Pop (PX P k P0) P') i' Q'
| Z0 => mkPX (Pop P P') i Q'
| Zneg k => mkPX (PaddX k P) i Q'
Fixpoint PsubX (i':positive) (P:Pol) : Pol :=
match P with
| Pc c => PX (--P') i' P
| Pinj j Q' =>
match j with
| xH => PX (--P') i' Q'
| xO j => PX (--P') i' (Pinj (Pos.pred_double j) Q')
| xI j => PX (--P') i' (Pinj (xO j) Q')
| PX P i Q' =>
match Z.pos_sub i i' with
| Zpos k => mkPX (Pop (PX P k P0) P') i' Q'
| Z0 => mkPX (Pop P P') i Q'
| Zneg k => mkPX (PsubX k P) i Q'
End PopI.
Fixpoint Padd (P P': Pol) {struct P'} : Pol :=
match P' with
| Pc c' => PaddC P c'
| Pinj j' Q' => PaddI Padd Q' j' P
| PX P' i' Q' =>
match P with
| Pc c => PX P' i' (PaddC Q' c)
| Pinj j Q =>
match j with
| xH => PX P' i' (Padd Q Q')
| xO j => PX P' i' (Padd (Pinj (Pos.pred_double j) Q) Q')
| xI j => PX P' i' (Padd (Pinj (xO j) Q) Q')
| PX P i Q =>
match Z.pos_sub i i' with
| Zpos k => mkPX (Padd (PX P k P0) P') i' (Padd Q Q')
| Z0 => mkPX (Padd P P') i (Padd Q Q')
| Zneg k => mkPX (PaddX Padd P' k P) i (Padd Q Q')
Infix "++" := Padd.
Fixpoint Psub (P P': Pol) {struct P'} : Pol :=
match P' with
| Pc c' => PsubC P c'
| Pinj j' Q' => PsubI Psub Q' j' P
| PX P' i' Q' =>
match P with
| Pc c => PX (--P') i' (*(--(PsubC Q' c))*) (PaddC (--Q') c)
| Pinj j Q =>
match j with
| xH => PX (--P') i' (Psub Q Q')
| xO j => PX (--P') i' (Psub (Pinj (Pos.pred_double j) Q) Q')
| xI j => PX (--P') i' (Psub (Pinj (xO j) Q) Q')
| PX P i Q =>
match Z.pos_sub i i' with
| Zpos k => mkPX (Psub (PX P k P0) P') i' (Psub Q Q')
| Z0 => mkPX (Psub P P') i (Psub Q Q')
| Zneg k => mkPX (PsubX Psub P' k P) i (Psub Q Q')
Infix "--" := Psub.
(** Multiplication *)
Fixpoint PmulC_aux (P:Pol) (c:C) : Pol :=
match P with
| Pc c' => Pc (c' *! c)
| Pinj j Q => mkPinj j (PmulC_aux Q c)
| PX P i Q => mkPX (PmulC_aux P c) i (PmulC_aux Q c)
Definition PmulC P c :=
if c ?=! cO then P0 else
if c ?=! cI then P else PmulC_aux P c.
Section PmulI.
Variable Pmul : Pol -> Pol -> Pol.
Variable Q : Pol.
Fixpoint PmulI (j:positive) (P:Pol) : Pol :=
match P with
| Pc c => mkPinj j (PmulC Q c)
| Pinj j' Q' =>
match Z.pos_sub j' j with
| Zpos k => mkPinj j (Pmul (Pinj k Q') Q)
| Z0 => mkPinj j (Pmul Q' Q)
| Zneg k => mkPinj j' (PmulI k Q')
| PX P' i' Q' =>
match j with
| xH => mkPX (PmulI xH P') i' (Pmul Q' Q)
| xO j' => mkPX (PmulI j P') i' (PmulI (Pos.pred_double j') Q')
| xI j' => mkPX (PmulI j P') i' (PmulI (xO j') Q')
End PmulI.
Fixpoint Pmul (P P'' : Pol) {struct P''} : Pol :=
match P'' with
| Pc c => PmulC P c
| Pinj j' Q' => PmulI Pmul Q' j' P
| PX P' i' Q' =>
match P with
| Pc c => PmulC P'' c
| Pinj j Q =>
let QQ' :=
match j with
| xH => Pmul Q Q'
| xO j => Pmul (Pinj (Pos.pred_double j) Q) Q'
| xI j => Pmul (Pinj (xO j) Q) Q'
end in
mkPX (Pmul P P') i' QQ'
| PX P i Q=>
let QQ' := Pmul Q Q' in
let PQ' := PmulI Pmul Q' xH P in
let QP' := Pmul (mkPinj xH Q) P' in
let PP' := Pmul P P' in
(mkPX (mkPX PP' i P0 ++ QP') i' P0) ++ mkPX PQ' i QQ'
Infix "**" := Pmul.
(** Monomial **)
(** A monomial is X1^k1...Xi^ki. Its representation
is a simplified version of the polynomial representation:
- [mon0] correspond to the polynom [P1].
- [(zmon j M)] corresponds to [(Pinj j ...)],
i.e. skip j variable indices.
- [(vmon i M)] is X^i*M with X the current variable,
its corresponds to (PX P1 i ...)]
Inductive Mon: Set :=
| mon0: Mon
| zmon: positive -> Mon -> Mon
| vmon: positive -> Mon -> Mon.
Definition mkZmon j M :=
match M with mon0 => mon0 | _ => zmon j M end.
Definition zmon_pred j M :=
match j with xH => M | _ => mkZmon (Pos.pred j) M end.
Definition mkVmon i M :=
match M with
| mon0 => vmon i mon0
| zmon j m => vmon i (zmon_pred j m)
| vmon i' m => vmon (i+i') m
Fixpoint CFactor (P: Pol) (c: C) {struct P}: Pol * Pol :=
match P with
| Pc c1 => let (q,r) := cdiv c1 c in (Pc r, Pc q)
| Pinj j1 P1 =>
let (R,S) := CFactor P1 c in
(mkPinj j1 R, mkPinj j1 S)
| PX P1 i Q1 =>
let (R1, S1) := CFactor P1 c in
let (R2, S2) := CFactor Q1 c in
(mkPX R1 i R2, mkPX S1 i S2)
Fixpoint MFactor (P: Pol) (c: C) (M: Mon) {struct P}: Pol * Pol :=
match P, M with
_, mon0 => if (ceqb c cI) then (Pc cO, P) else CFactor P c
| Pc _, _ => (P, Pc cO)
| Pinj j1 P1, zmon j2 M1 =>
match j1 ?= j2 with
Eq => let (R,S) := MFactor P1 c M1 in
(mkPinj j1 R, mkPinj j1 S)
| Lt => let (R,S) := MFactor P1 c (zmon (j2 - j1) M1) in
(mkPinj j1 R, mkPinj j1 S)
| Gt => (P, Pc cO)
| Pinj _ _, vmon _ _ => (P, Pc cO)
| PX P1 i Q1, zmon j M1 =>
let M2 := zmon_pred j M1 in
let (R1, S1) := MFactor P1 c M in
let (R2, S2) := MFactor Q1 c M2 in
(mkPX R1 i R2, mkPX S1 i S2)
| PX P1 i Q1, vmon j M1 =>
match i ?= j with
Eq => let (R1,S1) := MFactor P1 c (mkZmon xH M1) in
(mkPX R1 i Q1, S1)
| Lt => let (R1,S1) := MFactor P1 c (vmon (j - i) M1) in
(mkPX R1 i Q1, S1)
| Gt => let (R1,S1) := MFactor P1 c (mkZmon xH M1) in
(mkPX R1 i Q1, mkPX S1 (i-j) (Pc cO))
Definition POneSubst (P1: Pol) (cM1: C * Mon) (P2: Pol): option Pol :=
let (c,M1) := cM1 in
let (Q1,R1) := MFactor P1 c M1 in
match R1 with
(Pc c) => if c ?=! cO then None
else Some (Padd Q1 (Pmul P2 R1))
| _ => Some (Padd Q1 (Pmul P2 R1))
Fixpoint PNSubst1 (P1: Pol) (cM1: C * Mon) (P2: Pol) (n: nat) : Pol :=
match POneSubst P1 cM1 P2 with
Some P3 => match n with S n1 => PNSubst1 P3 cM1 P2 n1 | _ => P3 end
| _ => P1
Definition PNSubst (P1: Pol) (cM1: C * Mon) (P2: Pol) (n: nat): option Pol :=
match POneSubst P1 cM1 P2 with
Some P3 => match n with S n1 => Some (PNSubst1 P3 cM1 P2 n1) | _ => None end
| _ => None
Fixpoint PSubstL1 (P1: Pol) (LM1: list ((C * Mon) * Pol)) (n: nat) : Pol :=
match LM1 with
cons (M1,P2) LM2 => PSubstL1 (PNSubst1 P1 M1 P2 n) LM2 n
| _ => P1
Fixpoint PSubstL (P1: Pol) (LM1: list ((C * Mon) * Pol)) (n: nat) : option Pol :=
match LM1 with
cons (M1,P2) LM2 =>
match PNSubst P1 M1 P2 n with
Some P3 => Some (PSubstL1 P3 LM2 n)
| None => PSubstL P1 LM2 n
| _ => None
Fixpoint PNSubstL (P1: Pol) (LM1: list ((C * Mon) * Pol)) (m n: nat) : Pol :=
match PSubstL P1 LM1 n with
Some P3 => match m with S m1 => PNSubstL P3 LM1 m1 n | _ => P3 end
| _ => P1
(** Evaluation of a polynomial towards R *)
Local Notation hd := (List.hd 0).
Fixpoint Pphi(l:list R) (P:Pol) : R :=
match P with
| Pc c => [c]
| Pinj j Q => Pphi (jump j l) Q
| PX P i Q => Pphi l P * (hd l) ^ i + Pphi (tail l) Q
Reserved Notation "P @ l " (at level 10, no associativity).
Notation "P @ l " := (Pphi l P).
Definition Pequiv (P Q : Pol) := forall l, P@l == Q@l.
Infix "===" := Pequiv (at level 70, no associativity).
Instance Pequiv_eq : Equivalence Pequiv.
unfold Pequiv; split; red; intros; [reflexivity|now symmetry|now etransitivity].
Instance Pphi_ext : Proper (eq ==> Pequiv ==> req) Pphi.
now intros l l' <- P Q H.
Instance Pinj_ext : Proper (eq ==> Pequiv ==> Pequiv) Pinj.
intros i j <- P P' HP l. simpl. now rewrite HP.
Instance PX_ext : Proper (Pequiv ==> eq ==> Pequiv ==> Pequiv) PX.
intros P P' HP p p' <- Q Q' HQ l. simpl. now rewrite HP, HQ.
(** Evaluation of a monomial towards R *)
Fixpoint Mphi(l:list R) (M: Mon) : R :=
match M with
| mon0 => rI
| zmon j M1 => Mphi (jump j l) M1
| vmon i M1 => Mphi (tail l) M1 * (hd l) ^ i
Notation "M @@ l" := (Mphi l M) (at level 10, no associativity).
(** Proofs *)
Ltac destr_pos_sub :=
match goal with |- context [Z.pos_sub ?x ?y] =>
generalize (Z.pos_sub_discr x y); destruct (Z.pos_sub x y)
Lemma jump_add' i j (l:list R) : jump (i + j) l = jump j (jump i l).
Proof. rewrite Pos.add_comm. apply jump_add. Qed.
Lemma Peq_ok P P' : (P ?== P') = true -> P === P'.
unfold Pequiv.
revert P';induction P;destruct P';simpl; intros H l; try easy.
- now apply (morph_eq CRmorph).
- destruct (Pos.compare_spec p p0); [ subst | easy | easy ].
now rewrite IHP.
- specialize (IHP1 P'1); specialize (IHP2 P'2).
destruct (Pos.compare_spec p p0); [ subst | easy | easy ].
destruct (P2 ?== P'1); [|easy].
rewrite H in *.
now rewrite IHP1, IHP2.
Lemma Peq_spec P P' : BoolSpec (P === P') True (P ?== P').
generalize (Peq_ok P P'). destruct (P ?== P'); auto.
Lemma Pphi0 l : P0@l == 0.
simpl;apply (morph0 CRmorph).
Lemma Pphi1 l : P1@l == 1.
simpl;apply (morph1 CRmorph).
Lemma mkPinj_ok j l P : (mkPinj j P)@l == P@(jump j l).
destruct P;simpl;rsimpl.
now rewrite jump_add'.
Instance mkPinj_ext : Proper (eq ==> Pequiv ==> Pequiv) mkPinj.
intros i j <- P Q H l. now rewrite !mkPinj_ok.
Lemma pow_pos_add x i j : x^(j + i) == x^i * x^j.
rewrite Pos.add_comm.
apply (pow_pos_add Rsth (Rmul_ext Reqe) (ARmul_assoc ARth)).
Lemma ceqb_spec c c' : BoolSpec ([c] == [c']) True (c ?=! c').
generalize (morph_eq CRmorph c c').
destruct (c ?=! c'); auto.
Lemma mkPX_ok l P i Q :
(mkPX P i Q)@l == P@l * (hd l)^i + Q@(tail l).
unfold mkPX. destruct P.
- case ceqb_spec; intros H; simpl; try reflexivity.
rewrite H, (morph0 CRmorph), mkPinj_ok; rsimpl.
- reflexivity.
- case Peq_spec; intros H; simpl; try reflexivity.
rewrite H, Pphi0, Pos.add_comm, pow_pos_add; rsimpl.
Instance mkPX_ext : Proper (Pequiv ==> eq ==> Pequiv ==> Pequiv) mkPX.
intros P P' HP i i' <- Q Q' HQ l. now rewrite !mkPX_ok, HP, HQ.
Hint Rewrite
(morph0 CRmorph)
(morph1 CRmorph)
(morph0 CRmorph)
(morph_add CRmorph)
(morph_mul CRmorph)
(morph_sub CRmorph)
(morph_opp CRmorph)
: Esimpl.
(* Quicker than autorewrite with Esimpl :-) *)
Ltac Esimpl := try rewrite_db Esimpl; rsimpl; simpl.
Lemma PaddC_ok c P l : (PaddC P c)@l == P@l + [c].
revert l;induction P;simpl;intros;Esimpl;trivial.
rewrite IHP2;rsimpl.
Lemma PsubC_ok c P l : (PsubC P c)@l == P@l - [c].
revert l;induction P;simpl;intros.
- Esimpl.
- rewrite IHP;rsimpl.
- rewrite IHP2;rsimpl.
Lemma PmulC_aux_ok c P l : (PmulC_aux P c)@l == P@l * [c].
revert l;induction P;simpl;intros;Esimpl;trivial.
rewrite IHP1, IHP2;rsimpl. add_permut. mul_permut.
Lemma PmulC_ok c P l : (PmulC P c)@l == P@l * [c].
unfold PmulC.
case ceqb_spec; intros H.
- rewrite H; Esimpl.
- case ceqb_spec; intros H'.
+ rewrite H'; Esimpl.
+ apply PmulC_aux_ok.
Lemma Popp_ok P l : (--P)@l == - P@l.
revert l;induction P;simpl;intros.
- Esimpl.
- apply IHP.
- rewrite IHP1, IHP2;rsimpl.
Hint Rewrite PaddC_ok PsubC_ok PmulC_ok Popp_ok : Esimpl.
Lemma PaddX_ok P' P k l :
(forall P l, (P++P')@l == P@l + P'@l) ->
(PaddX Padd P' k P) @ l == P@l + P'@l * (hd l)^k.
intros IHP'.
revert k l. induction P;simpl;intros.
- add_permut.
- destruct p; simpl;
rewrite ?jump_pred_double; add_permut.
- destr_pos_sub; intros ->; Esimpl.
+ rewrite IHP';rsimpl. add_permut.
+ rewrite IHP', pow_pos_add;simpl;Esimpl. add_permut.
+ rewrite IHP1, pow_pos_add;rsimpl. add_permut.
Lemma Padd_ok P' P l : (P ++ P')@l == P@l + P'@l.
revert P l; induction P';simpl;intros;Esimpl.
- revert p l; induction P;simpl;intros.
+ Esimpl; add_permut.
+ destr_pos_sub; intros ->;Esimpl.
* now rewrite IHP'.
* rewrite IHP';Esimpl. now rewrite jump_add'.
* rewrite IHP. now rewrite jump_add'.
+ destruct p0;simpl.
* rewrite IHP2;simpl. rsimpl.
* rewrite IHP2;simpl. rewrite jump_pred_double. rsimpl.
* rewrite IHP'. rsimpl.
- destruct P;simpl.
+ Esimpl. add_permut.
+ destruct p0;simpl;Esimpl; rewrite IHP'2; simpl.
* rsimpl. add_permut.
* rewrite jump_pred_double. rsimpl. add_permut.
* rsimpl. add_permut.
+ destr_pos_sub; intros ->; Esimpl.
* rewrite IHP'1, IHP'2;rsimpl. add_permut.
* rewrite IHP'1, IHP'2;simpl;Esimpl.
rewrite pow_pos_add;rsimpl. add_permut.
* rewrite PaddX_ok by trivial; rsimpl.
rewrite IHP'2, pow_pos_add; rsimpl. add_permut.
Lemma Psub_opp P' P : P -- P' === P ++ (--P').
revert P; induction P'; simpl; intros.
- intro l; Esimpl.
- revert p; induction P; simpl; intros; try reflexivity.
+ destr_pos_sub; intros ->; now apply mkPinj_ext.
+ destruct p0; now apply PX_ext.
- destruct P; simpl; try reflexivity.
+ destruct p0; now apply PX_ext.
+ destr_pos_sub; intros ->; apply mkPX_ext; auto.
revert p1. induction P2; simpl; intros; try reflexivity.
destr_pos_sub; intros ->; now apply mkPX_ext.
Lemma Psub_ok P' P l : (P -- P')@l == P@l - P'@l.
rewrite Psub_opp, Padd_ok, Popp_ok. rsimpl.
Lemma PmulI_ok P' :
(forall P l, (Pmul P P') @ l == P @ l * P' @ l) ->
forall P p l, (PmulI Pmul P' p P) @ l == P @ l * P' @ (jump p l).
intros IHP'.
induction P;simpl;intros.
- Esimpl; mul_permut.
- destr_pos_sub; intros ->;Esimpl.
+ now rewrite IHP'.
+ now rewrite IHP', jump_add'.
+ now rewrite IHP, jump_add'.
- destruct p0;Esimpl; rewrite ?IHP1, ?IHP2; rsimpl.
+ f_equiv. mul_permut.
+ rewrite jump_pred_double. f_equiv. mul_permut.
+ rewrite IHP'. f_equiv. mul_permut.
Lemma Pmul_ok P P' l : (P**P')@l == P@l * P'@l.
revert P l;induction P';simpl;intros.
- apply PmulC_ok.
- apply PmulI_ok;trivial.
- destruct P.
+ rewrite (ARmul_comm ARth). Esimpl.
+ Esimpl. f_equiv. rewrite IHP'1; Esimpl.
destruct p0;rewrite IHP'2;Esimpl.
rewrite jump_pred_double; Esimpl.
+ rewrite Padd_ok, !mkPX_ok, Padd_ok, !mkPX_ok,
!IHP'1, !IHP'2, PmulI_ok; trivial. simpl. Esimpl.
add_permut; f_equiv; mul_permut.
Lemma mkZmon_ok M j l :
(mkZmon j M) @@ l == (zmon j M) @@ l.
destruct M; simpl; rsimpl.
Lemma zmon_pred_ok M j l :
(zmon_pred j M) @@ (tail l) == (zmon j M) @@ l.
destruct j; simpl; rewrite ?mkZmon_ok; simpl; rsimpl.
rewrite jump_pred_double; rsimpl.
Lemma mkVmon_ok M i l :
(mkVmon i M)@@l == M@@l * (hd l)^i.
destruct M;simpl;intros;rsimpl.
- rewrite zmon_pred_ok;simpl;rsimpl.
- rewrite pow_pos_add;rsimpl.
Ltac destr_factor := match goal with
| H : context [CFactor ?P _] |- context [CFactor ?P ?c] =>
destruct (CFactor P c); destr_factor; rewrite H; clear H
| H : context [MFactor ?P _ _] |- context [MFactor ?P ?c ?M] =>
specialize (H M); destruct (MFactor P c M); destr_factor; rewrite H; clear H
| _ => idtac
Lemma Mcphi_ok P c l :
let (Q,R) := CFactor P c in
P@l == Q@l + [c] * R@l.
revert l.
induction P as [c0 | j P IH | P1 IH1 i P2 IH2]; intros l; Esimpl.
- assert (H := (div_eucl_th div_th) c0 c).
destruct cdiv as (q,r). rewrite H; Esimpl. add_permut.
- destr_factor. Esimpl.
- destr_factor. Esimpl. add_permut.
Lemma Mphi_ok P (cM: C * Mon) l :
let (c,M) := cM in
let (Q,R) := MFactor P c M in
P@l == Q@l + [c] * M@@l * R@l.
destruct cM as (c,M). revert M l.
induction P; destruct M; intros l; simpl; auto;
try (case ceqb_spec; intro He);
try (case Pos.compare_spec; intros He);
rewrite ?He;
destr_factor; simpl; Esimpl.
- assert (H := div_eucl_th div_th c0 c).
destruct cdiv as (q,r). rewrite H; Esimpl. add_permut.
- assert (H := Mcphi_ok P c). destr_factor. Esimpl.
- now rewrite <- jump_add, Pos.sub_add.
- assert (H2 := Mcphi_ok P2 c). assert (H3 := Mcphi_ok P3 c).
destr_factor. Esimpl. add_permut.
- rewrite zmon_pred_ok. simpl. add_permut.
- rewrite mkZmon_ok. simpl. add_permut. mul_permut.
- add_permut. mul_permut.
rewrite <- pow_pos_add, Pos.add_comm, Pos.sub_add by trivial; rsimpl.
- rewrite mkZmon_ok. simpl. Esimpl. add_permut. mul_permut.
rewrite <- pow_pos_add, Pos.sub_add by trivial; rsimpl.
Lemma POneSubst_ok P1 cM1 P2 P3 l :
POneSubst P1 cM1 P2 = Some P3 ->
[fst cM1] * (snd cM1)@@l == P2@l -> P1@l == P3@l.
destruct cM1 as (cc,M1).
unfold POneSubst.
assert (H := Mphi_ok P1 (cc, M1) l). simpl in H.
destruct MFactor as (R1,S1); simpl. rewrite H. clear H.
intros EQ EQ'. replace P3 with (R1 ++ P2 ** S1).
- rewrite EQ', Padd_ok, Pmul_ok; rsimpl.
- revert EQ. destruct S1; try now injection 1.
case ceqb_spec; now inversion 2.
Lemma PNSubst1_ok n P1 cM1 P2 l :
[fst cM1] * (snd cM1)@@l == P2@l ->
P1@l == (PNSubst1 P1 cM1 P2 n)@l.
revert P1. induction n; simpl; intros P1;
generalize (POneSubst_ok P1 cM1 P2); destruct POneSubst;
intros; rewrite <- ?IHn; auto; reflexivity.
Lemma PNSubst_ok n P1 cM1 P2 l P3 :
PNSubst P1 cM1 P2 n = Some P3 ->
[fst cM1] * (snd cM1)@@l == P2@l -> P1@l == P3@l.
unfold PNSubst.
assert (H := POneSubst_ok P1 cM1 P2); destruct POneSubst; try discriminate.
destruct n; inversion_clear 1.
intros. rewrite <- PNSubst1_ok; auto.
Fixpoint MPcond (LM1: list (C * Mon * Pol)) (l: list R) : Prop :=
match LM1 with
| (M1,P2) :: LM2 => ([fst M1] * (snd M1)@@l == P2@l) /\ MPcond LM2 l
| _ => True
Lemma PSubstL1_ok n LM1 P1 l :
MPcond LM1 l -> P1@l == (PSubstL1 P1 LM1 n)@l.
revert P1; induction LM1 as [|(M2,P2) LM2 IH]; simpl; intros.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite <- IH by intuition; now apply PNSubst1_ok.
Lemma PSubstL_ok n LM1 P1 P2 l :
PSubstL P1 LM1 n = Some P2 -> MPcond LM1 l -> P1@l == P2@l.
revert P1. induction LM1 as [|(M2,P2') LM2 IH]; simpl; intros.
- discriminate.
- assert (H':=PNSubst_ok n P3 M2 P2'). destruct PNSubst.
* injection H as <-. rewrite <- PSubstL1_ok; intuition.
* now apply IH.
Lemma PNSubstL_ok m n LM1 P1 l :
MPcond LM1 l -> P1@l == (PNSubstL P1 LM1 m n)@l.
revert LM1 P1. induction m; simpl; intros;
assert (H' := PSubstL_ok n LM1 P2); destruct PSubstL;
auto; try reflexivity.
rewrite <- IHm; auto.
(** Definition of polynomial expressions *)
Inductive PExpr : Type :=
| PEO : PExpr
| PEI : PExpr
| PEc : C -> PExpr
| PEX : positive -> PExpr
| PEadd : PExpr -> PExpr -> PExpr
| PEsub : PExpr -> PExpr -> PExpr
| PEmul : PExpr -> PExpr -> PExpr
| PEopp : PExpr -> PExpr
| PEpow : PExpr -> N -> PExpr.
Register PExpr as plugins.setoid_ring.pexpr.
Register PEc as plugins.setoid_ring.const.
Register PEX as plugins.setoid_ring.var.
Register PEadd as plugins.setoid_ring.add.
Register PEsub as plugins.setoid_ring.sub.
Register PEmul as plugins.setoid_ring.mul.
Register PEopp as plugins.setoid_ring.opp.
Register PEpow as plugins.setoid_ring.pow.
(** evaluation of polynomial expressions towards R *)
Definition mk_X j := mkPinj_pred j mkX.
(** evaluation of polynomial expressions towards R *)
Fixpoint PEeval (l:list R) (pe:PExpr) {struct pe} : R :=
match pe with
| PEO => rO
| PEI => rI
| PEc c => phi c
| PEX j => nth 0 j l
| PEadd pe1 pe2 => (PEeval l pe1) + (PEeval l pe2)
| PEsub pe1 pe2 => (PEeval l pe1) - (PEeval l pe2)
| PEmul pe1 pe2 => (PEeval l pe1) * (PEeval l pe2)
| PEopp pe1 => - (PEeval l pe1)
| PEpow pe1 n => rpow (PEeval l pe1) (Cp_phi n)
Strategy expand [PEeval].
(** Correctness proofs *)
Lemma mkX_ok p l : nth 0 p l == (mk_X p) @ l.
destruct p;simpl;intros;Esimpl;trivial.
- now rewrite <-jump_tl, nth_jump.
- now rewrite <- nth_jump, nth_pred_double.
Hint Rewrite Padd_ok Psub_ok : Esimpl.
Section POWER.
Variable subst_l : Pol -> Pol.
Fixpoint Ppow_pos (res P:Pol) (p:positive) : Pol :=
match p with
| xH => subst_l (res ** P)
| xO p => Ppow_pos (Ppow_pos res P p) P p
| xI p => subst_l ((Ppow_pos (Ppow_pos res P p) P p) ** P)
Definition Ppow_N P n :=
match n with
| N0 => P1
| Npos p => Ppow_pos P1 P p
Lemma Ppow_pos_ok l :
(forall P, subst_l P@l == P@l) ->
forall res P p, (Ppow_pos res P p)@l == res@l * (pow_pos Pmul P p)@l.
intros subst_l_ok res P p. revert res.
induction p;simpl;intros; rewrite ?subst_l_ok, ?Pmul_ok, ?IHp;
Lemma Ppow_N_ok l :
(forall P, subst_l P@l == P@l) ->
forall P n, (Ppow_N P n)@l == (pow_N P1 Pmul P n)@l.
destruct n;simpl.
- reflexivity.
- rewrite Ppow_pos_ok by trivial. Esimpl.
(** Normalization and rewriting *)
Variable n : nat.
Variable lmp:list (C*Mon*Pol).
Let subst_l P := PNSubstL P lmp n n.
Let Pmul_subst P1 P2 := subst_l (P1 ** P2).
Let Ppow_subst := Ppow_N subst_l.
Fixpoint norm_aux (pe:PExpr) : Pol :=
match pe with
| PEO => Pc cO
| PEI => Pc cI
| PEc c => Pc c
| PEX j => mk_X j
| PEadd (PEopp pe1) pe2 => (norm_aux pe2) -- (norm_aux pe1)
| PEadd pe1 (PEopp pe2) => (norm_aux pe1) -- (norm_aux pe2)
| PEadd pe1 pe2 => (norm_aux pe1) ++ (norm_aux pe2)
| PEsub pe1 pe2 => (norm_aux pe1) -- (norm_aux pe2)
| PEmul pe1 pe2 => (norm_aux pe1) ** (norm_aux pe2)
| PEopp pe1 => -- (norm_aux pe1)
| PEpow pe1 n => Ppow_N (fun p => p) (norm_aux pe1) n
Definition norm_subst pe := subst_l (norm_aux pe).
(** Internally, [norm_aux] is expanded in a large number of cases.
To speed-up proofs, we use an alternative definition. *)
Definition get_PEopp pe :=
match pe with
| PEopp pe' => Some pe'
| _ => None
Lemma norm_aux_PEadd pe1 pe2 :
norm_aux (PEadd pe1 pe2) =
match get_PEopp pe1, get_PEopp pe2 with
| Some pe1', _ => (norm_aux pe2) -- (norm_aux pe1')
| None, Some pe2' => (norm_aux pe1) -- (norm_aux pe2')
| None, None => (norm_aux pe1) ++ (norm_aux pe2)
simpl (norm_aux (PEadd _ _)).
destruct pe1; [ | | | | | | | reflexivity | ];
destruct pe2; simpl get_PEopp; reflexivity.
Lemma norm_aux_PEopp pe :
match get_PEopp pe with
| Some pe' => norm_aux pe = -- (norm_aux pe')
| None => True
now destruct pe.
Arguments norm_aux !pe : simpl nomatch.
Lemma norm_aux_spec l pe :
PEeval l pe == (norm_aux pe)@l.
induction pe; cbn.
- now rewrite (morph0 CRmorph).
- now rewrite (morph1 CRmorph).
- reflexivity.
- apply mkX_ok.
- rewrite IHpe1, IHpe2.
assert (H1 := norm_aux_PEopp pe1).
assert (H2 := norm_aux_PEopp pe2).
rewrite norm_aux_PEadd.
do 2 destruct get_PEopp; rewrite ?H1, ?H2; Esimpl; add_permut.
- rewrite IHpe1, IHpe2. Esimpl.
- rewrite IHpe1, IHpe2. now rewrite Pmul_ok.
- rewrite IHpe. Esimpl.
- rewrite Ppow_N_ok by reflexivity.
rewrite (rpow_pow_N pow_th). destruct n0; simpl; Esimpl.
induction p;simpl; now rewrite ?IHp, ?IHpe, ?Pms_ok, ?Pmul_ok.
Lemma norm_subst_spec :
forall l pe, MPcond lmp l ->
PEeval l pe == (norm_subst pe)@l.
intros;unfold norm_subst.
unfold subst_l;rewrite <- PNSubstL_ok;trivial. apply norm_aux_spec.
Fixpoint interp_PElist (l:list R) (lpe:list (PExpr*PExpr)) {struct lpe} : Prop :=
match lpe with
| nil => True
| (me,pe)::lpe =>
match lpe with
| nil => PEeval l me == PEeval l pe
| _ => PEeval l me == PEeval l pe /\ interp_PElist l lpe
Fixpoint mon_of_pol (P:Pol) : option (C * Mon) :=
match P with
| Pc c => if (c ?=! cO) then None else Some (c, mon0)
| Pinj j P =>
match mon_of_pol P with
| None => None
| Some (c,m) => Some (c, mkZmon j m)
| PX P i Q =>
if Peq Q P0 then
match mon_of_pol P with
| None => None
| Some (c,m) => Some (c, mkVmon i m)
else None
Fixpoint mk_monpol_list (lpe:list (PExpr * PExpr)) : list (C*Mon*Pol) :=
match lpe with
| nil => nil
| (me,pe)::lpe =>
match mon_of_pol (norm_subst 0 nil me) with
| None => mk_monpol_list lpe
| Some m => (m,norm_subst 0 nil pe):: mk_monpol_list lpe
Lemma mon_of_pol_ok : forall P m, mon_of_pol P = Some m ->
forall l, [fst m] * Mphi l (snd m) == P@l.
induction P;simpl;intros;Esimpl.
assert (H1 := (morph_eq CRmorph) c cO).
destruct (c ?=! cO).
inversion H;trivial;Esimpl.
generalize H;clear H;case_eq (mon_of_pol P).
intros (c1,P2) H0 H1; inversion H1; Esimpl.
generalize (IHP (c1, P2) H0 (jump p l)).
rewrite mkZmon_ok;simpl;auto.
intros; discriminate.
generalize H;clear H;change match P3 with
| Pc c => c ?=! cO
| Pinj _ _ => false
| PX _ _ _ => false
end with (P3 ?== P0).
assert (H := Peq_ok P3 P0).
destruct (P3 ?== P0).
case_eq (mon_of_pol P2);try intros (cc, pp); intros.
inversion H1.
rewrite mkVmon_ok;simpl.
rewrite H;trivial;Esimpl.
generalize (IHP1 _ H0); simpl; intros HH; rewrite HH; rsimpl.
Lemma interp_PElist_ok : forall l lpe,
interp_PElist l lpe -> MPcond (mk_monpol_list lpe) l.
induction lpe;simpl. trivial.
destruct a;simpl;intros.
assert (HH:=mon_of_pol_ok (norm_subst 0 nil p));
destruct (mon_of_pol (norm_subst 0 nil p)).
rewrite <- norm_subst_spec by exact I.
destruct lpe;try destruct H;rewrite <- H;
rewrite (norm_subst_spec 0 nil); try exact I;apply HH;trivial.
apply IHlpe. destruct lpe;simpl;trivial. destruct H. exact H0.
apply IHlpe. destruct lpe;simpl;trivial. destruct H. exact H0.
Lemma norm_subst_ok : forall n l lpe pe,
interp_PElist l lpe ->
PEeval l pe == (norm_subst n (mk_monpol_list lpe) pe)@l.
intros;apply norm_subst_spec. apply interp_PElist_ok;trivial.
Lemma ring_correct : forall n l lpe pe1 pe2,
interp_PElist l lpe ->
(let lmp := mk_monpol_list lpe in
norm_subst n lmp pe1 ?== norm_subst n lmp pe2) = true ->
PEeval l pe1 == PEeval l pe2.
do 2 (rewrite (norm_subst_ok n l lpe);trivial).
apply Peq_ok;trivial.
(** Generic evaluation of polynomial towards R avoiding parenthesis *)
Variable get_sign : C -> option C.
Variable get_sign_spec : sign_theory copp ceqb get_sign.
(* [mkpow x p] = x^p *)
Variable mkpow : R -> positive -> R.
(* [mkpow x p] = -(x^p) *)
Variable mkopp_pow : R -> positive -> R.
(* [mkmult_pow r x p] = r * x^p *)
Variable mkmult_pow : R -> R -> positive -> R.
Fixpoint mkmult_rec (r:R) (lm:list (R*positive)) {struct lm}: R :=
match lm with
| nil => r
| cons (x,p) t => mkmult_rec (mkmult_pow r x p) t
Definition mkmult1 lm :=
match lm with
| nil => 1
| cons (x,p) t => mkmult_rec (mkpow x p) t
Definition mkmultm1 lm :=
match lm with
| nil => ropp rI
| cons (x,p) t => mkmult_rec (mkopp_pow x p) t
Definition mkmult_c_pos c lm :=
if c ?=! cI then mkmult1 (rev' lm)
else mkmult_rec [c] (rev' lm).
Definition mkmult_c c lm :=
match get_sign c with
| None => mkmult_c_pos c lm
| Some c' =>
if c' ?=! cI then mkmultm1 (rev' lm)
else mkmult_rec [c] (rev' lm)
Definition mkadd_mult rP c lm :=
match get_sign c with
| None => rP + mkmult_c_pos c lm
| Some c' => rP - mkmult_c_pos c' lm
Definition add_pow_list (r:R) n l :=
match n with
| N0 => l
| Npos p => (r,p)::l
Fixpoint add_mult_dev
(rP:R) (P:Pol) (fv:list R) (n:N) (lm:list (R*positive)) {struct P} : R :=
match P with
| Pc c =>
let lm := add_pow_list (hd fv) n lm in
mkadd_mult rP c lm
| Pinj j Q =>
add_mult_dev rP Q (jump j fv) N0 (add_pow_list (hd fv) n lm)
| PX P i Q =>
let rP := add_mult_dev rP P fv (N.add (Npos i) n) lm in
if Q ?== P0 then rP
else add_mult_dev rP Q (tail fv) N0 (add_pow_list (hd fv) n lm)
Fixpoint mult_dev (P:Pol) (fv : list R) (n:N)
(lm:list (R*positive)) {struct P} : R :=
(* P@l * (hd 0 l)^n * lm *)
match P with
| Pc c => mkmult_c c (add_pow_list (hd fv) n lm)
| Pinj j Q => mult_dev Q (jump j fv) N0 (add_pow_list (hd fv) n lm)
| PX P i Q =>
let rP := mult_dev P fv (N.add (Npos i) n) lm in
if Q ?== P0 then rP
let lmq := add_pow_list (hd fv) n lm in
add_mult_dev rP Q (tail fv) N0 lmq
Definition Pphi_avoid fv P := mult_dev P fv N0 nil.
Fixpoint r_list_pow (l:list (R*positive)) : R :=
match l with
| nil => rI
| cons (r,p) l => pow_pos rmul r p * r_list_pow l
Hypothesis mkpow_spec : forall r p, mkpow r p == pow_pos rmul r p.
Hypothesis mkopp_pow_spec : forall r p, mkopp_pow r p == - (pow_pos rmul r p).
Hypothesis mkmult_pow_spec : forall r x p, mkmult_pow r x p == r * pow_pos rmul x p.
Lemma mkmult_rec_ok : forall lm r, mkmult_rec r lm == r * r_list_pow lm.
induction lm;intros;simpl;Esimpl.
destruct a as (x,p);Esimpl.
rewrite IHlm. rewrite mkmult_pow_spec. Esimpl.
Lemma mkmult1_ok : forall lm, mkmult1 lm == r_list_pow lm.
destruct lm;simpl;Esimpl.
destruct p. rewrite mkmult_rec_ok;rewrite mkpow_spec;Esimpl.
Lemma mkmultm1_ok : forall lm, mkmultm1 lm == - r_list_pow lm.
destruct lm;simpl;Esimpl.
destruct p;rewrite mkmult_rec_ok. rewrite mkopp_pow_spec;Esimpl.
Lemma r_list_pow_rev : forall l, r_list_pow (rev' l) == r_list_pow l.
(forall l lr : list (R * positive), r_list_pow (rev_append l lr) == r_list_pow lr * r_list_pow l).
induction l;intros;simpl;Esimpl.
destruct a;rewrite IHl;Esimpl.
rewrite (ARmul_comm ARth (pow_pos rmul r p)). reflexivity.
intros;unfold rev'. rewrite H;simpl;Esimpl.
Lemma mkmult_c_pos_ok : forall c lm, mkmult_c_pos c lm == [c]* r_list_pow lm.
intros;unfold mkmult_c_pos;simpl.
assert (H := (morph_eq CRmorph) c cI).
rewrite <- r_list_pow_rev; destruct (c ?=! cI).
rewrite H;trivial;Esimpl.
apply mkmult1_ok. apply mkmult_rec_ok.
Lemma mkmult_c_ok : forall c lm, mkmult_c c lm == [c] * r_list_pow lm.
intros;unfold mkmult_c;simpl.
case_eq (get_sign c);intros.
assert (H1 := (morph_eq CRmorph) c0 cI).
destruct (c0 ?=! cI).
rewrite (morph_eq CRmorph _ _ (sign_spec get_sign_spec _ H)). Esimpl. rewrite H1;trivial.
rewrite <- r_list_pow_rev;trivial;Esimpl.
apply mkmultm1_ok.
rewrite <- r_list_pow_rev; apply mkmult_rec_ok.
apply mkmult_c_pos_ok.
Lemma mkadd_mult_ok : forall rP c lm, mkadd_mult rP c lm == rP + [c]*r_list_pow lm.
intros;unfold mkadd_mult.
case_eq (get_sign c);intros.
rewrite (morph_eq CRmorph _ _ (sign_spec get_sign_spec _ H));Esimpl.
rewrite mkmult_c_pos_ok;Esimpl.
rewrite mkmult_c_pos_ok;Esimpl.
Lemma add_pow_list_ok :
forall r n l, r_list_pow (add_pow_list r n l) == pow_N rI rmul r n * r_list_pow l.
destruct n;simpl;intros;Esimpl.
Lemma add_mult_dev_ok : forall P rP fv n lm,
add_mult_dev rP P fv n lm == rP + P@fv*pow_N rI rmul (hd fv) n * r_list_pow lm.
induction P;simpl;intros.
rewrite mkadd_mult_ok. rewrite add_pow_list_ok; Esimpl.
rewrite IHP. simpl. rewrite add_pow_list_ok; Esimpl.
change (match P3 with
| Pc c => c ?=! cO
| Pinj _ _ => false
| PX _ _ _ => false
end) with (Peq P3 P0).
change match n with
| N0 => Npos p
| Npos q => Npos (p + q)
end with (N.add (Npos p) n);trivial.
assert (H := Peq_ok P3 P0).
destruct (P3 ?== P0).
rewrite (H eq_refl).
rewrite IHP1. destruct n;simpl;Esimpl;rewrite pow_pos_add;Esimpl.
add_permut. mul_permut.
rewrite IHP2.
rewrite IHP1. destruct n;simpl;Esimpl;rewrite pow_pos_add;Esimpl.
add_permut. mul_permut.
Lemma mult_dev_ok : forall P fv n lm,
mult_dev P fv n lm == P@fv * pow_N rI rmul (hd fv) n * r_list_pow lm.
induction P;simpl;intros;Esimpl.
rewrite mkmult_c_ok;rewrite add_pow_list_ok;Esimpl.
rewrite IHP. simpl;rewrite add_pow_list_ok;Esimpl.
change (match P3 with
| Pc c => c ?=! cO
| Pinj _ _ => false
| PX _ _ _ => false
end) with (Peq P3 P0).
change match n with
| N0 => Npos p
| Npos q => Npos (p + q)
end with (N.add (Npos p) n);trivial.
assert (H := Peq_ok P3 P0).
destruct (P3 ?== P0).
rewrite (H eq_refl).
rewrite IHP1. destruct n;simpl;Esimpl;rewrite pow_pos_add;Esimpl.
rewrite add_mult_dev_ok. rewrite IHP1; rewrite add_pow_list_ok.
destruct n;simpl;Esimpl;rewrite pow_pos_add;Esimpl.
add_permut; mul_permut.
Lemma Pphi_avoid_ok : forall P fv, Pphi_avoid fv P == P@fv.
unfold Pphi_avoid;intros;rewrite mult_dev_ok;simpl;Esimpl.
Definition Pphi_pow :=
let mkpow x p :=
match p with xH => x | _ => rpow x (Cp_phi (Npos p)) end in
let mkopp_pow x p := ropp (mkpow x p) in
let mkmult_pow r x p := rmul r (mkpow x p) in
Pphi_avoid mkpow mkopp_pow mkmult_pow.
Lemma local_mkpow_ok r p :
match p with
| xI _ => rpow r (Cp_phi (Npos p))
| xO _ => rpow r (Cp_phi (Npos p))
| 1 => r
end == pow_pos rmul r p.
Proof. destruct p; now rewrite ?(rpow_pow_N pow_th). Qed.
Lemma Pphi_pow_ok : forall P fv, Pphi_pow fv P == P@fv.
unfold Pphi_pow;intros;apply Pphi_avoid_ok;intros;
now rewrite ?local_mkpow_ok.
Lemma ring_rw_pow_correct : forall n lH l,
interp_PElist l lH ->
forall lmp, mk_monpol_list lH = lmp ->
forall pe npe, norm_subst n lmp pe = npe ->
PEeval l pe == Pphi_pow l npe.
intros n lH l H1 lmp Heq1 pe npe Heq2.
rewrite Pphi_pow_ok, <- Heq2, <- Heq1.
apply norm_subst_ok. trivial.
Fixpoint mkmult_pow (r x:R) (p: positive) {struct p} : R :=
match p with
| xH => r*x
| xO p => mkmult_pow (mkmult_pow r x p) x p
| xI p => mkmult_pow (mkmult_pow (r*x) x p) x p
Definition mkpow x p :=
match p with
| xH => x
| xO p => mkmult_pow x x (Pos.pred_double p)
| xI p => mkmult_pow x x (xO p)
Definition mkopp_pow x p :=
match p with
| xH => -x
| xO p => mkmult_pow (-x) x (Pos.pred_double p)
| xI p => mkmult_pow (-x) x (xO p)
Definition Pphi_dev := Pphi_avoid mkpow mkopp_pow mkmult_pow.
Lemma mkmult_pow_ok p r x : mkmult_pow r x p == r * x^p.
revert r; induction p;intros;simpl;Esimpl;rewrite !IHp;Esimpl.
Lemma mkpow_ok p x : mkpow x p == x^p.
destruct p;simpl;intros;Esimpl.
- rewrite !mkmult_pow_ok;Esimpl.
- rewrite mkmult_pow_ok;Esimpl.
change x with (x^1) at 1.
now rewrite <- pow_pos_add, Pos.add_1_r, Pos.succ_pred_double.
Lemma mkopp_pow_ok p x : mkopp_pow x p == - x^p.
destruct p;simpl;intros;Esimpl.
- rewrite !mkmult_pow_ok;Esimpl.
- rewrite mkmult_pow_ok;Esimpl.
change x with (x^1) at 1.
now rewrite <- pow_pos_add, Pos.add_1_r, Pos.succ_pred_double.
Lemma Pphi_dev_ok : forall P fv, Pphi_dev fv P == P@fv.
unfold Pphi_dev;intros;apply Pphi_avoid_ok.
- intros;apply mkpow_ok.
- intros;apply mkopp_pow_ok.
- intros;apply mkmult_pow_ok.
Lemma ring_rw_correct : forall n lH l,
interp_PElist l lH ->
forall lmp, mk_monpol_list lH = lmp ->
forall pe npe, norm_subst n lmp pe = npe ->
PEeval l pe == Pphi_dev l npe.
intros n lH l H1 lmp Heq1 pe npe Heq2.
rewrite Pphi_dev_ok. rewrite <- Heq2;rewrite <- Heq1.
apply norm_subst_ok. trivial.
End MakeRingPol.
Arguments PEO {C}.
Arguments PEI {C}.
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