(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
open Proof
type t =
| Dash of int
| Star of int
| Plus of int
let bullet_eq b1 b2 = match b1, b2 with
| Dash n1, Dash n2 -> n1 = n2
| Star n1, Star n2 -> n1 = n2
| Plus n1, Plus n2 -> n1 = n2
| _ -> false
let pr_bullet b =
match b with
| Dash n -> Pp.(str (String.make n '-'))
| Star n -> Pp.(str (String.make n '*'))
| Plus n -> Pp.(str (String.make n '+'))
type behavior = {
name : string;
put : Proof.t -> t -> Proof.t;
suggest: Proof.t -> Pp.t
let behaviors = Hashtbl.create 4
let register_behavior b = Hashtbl.add behaviors b.name b
(*** initial modes ***)
let none = {
name = "None";
put = (fun x _ -> x);
suggest = (fun _ -> Pp.mt ())
let _ = register_behavior none
module Strict = struct
type suggestion =
| Suggest of t (* this bullet is mandatory here *)
| Unfinished of t (* no mandatory bullet here, but this bullet is unfinished *)
| NoBulletInUse (* No mandatory bullet (or brace) here, no bullet pending,
some focused goals exists. *)
| NeedClosingBrace (* Some unfocussed goal exists "{" needed to focus them *)
| ProofFinished (* No more goal anywhere *)
(* give a message only if more informative than the standard coq message *)
let suggest_on_solved_goal sugg =
match sugg with
| NeedClosingBrace -> Pp.(str"Try unfocusing with \"}\".")
| NoBulletInUse -> Pp.mt ()
| ProofFinished -> Pp.mt ()
| Suggest b -> Pp.(str"Focus next goal with bullet " ++ pr_bullet b ++ str".")
| Unfinished b -> Pp.(str"The current bullet " ++ pr_bullet b ++ str" is unfinished.")
(* give always a message. *)
let suggest_on_error sugg =
match sugg with
| NeedClosingBrace -> Pp.(str"Try unfocusing with \"}\".")
| NoBulletInUse -> assert false (* This should never raise an error. *)
| ProofFinished -> Pp.(str"No more subgoals.")
| Suggest b -> Pp.(str"Expecting " ++ pr_bullet b ++ str".")
| Unfinished b -> Pp.(str"Current bullet " ++ pr_bullet b ++ str" is not finished.")
exception FailedBullet of t * suggestion
let _ =
| FailedBullet (b,sugg) ->
let prefix = Pp.(str"Wrong bullet " ++ pr_bullet b ++ str": ") in
CErrors.user_err ~hdr:"Focus" Pp.(prefix ++ suggest_on_error sugg)
| _ -> raise CErrors.Unhandled)
(* spiwack: we need only one focus kind as we keep a stack of (distinct!) bullets *)
let bullet_kind = (new_focus_kind () : t list focus_kind)
let bullet_cond = done_cond ~loose_end:true bullet_kind
(* spiwack: as it is bullets are reset (locally) by *any* non-bullet focusing command
experience will tell if this is the right discipline of if we want to be finer and
reset them only for a choice of bullets. *)
let get_bullets pr =
if is_last_focus bullet_kind pr then
get_at_focus bullet_kind pr
let has_bullet bul pr =
let rec has_bullet = function
| b'::_ when bullet_eq bul b' -> true
| _::l -> has_bullet l
| [] -> false
has_bullet (get_bullets pr)
(* pop a bullet from proof [pr]. There should be at least one
bullet in use. If pop impossible (pending proofs on this level
of bullet or higher) then raise [Proof.CannotUnfocusThisWay]. *)
let pop pr =
match get_bullets pr with
| b::_ -> unfocus bullet_kind pr () , b
| _ -> assert false
let push (b:t) pr =
focus bullet_cond (b::get_bullets pr) 1 pr
let suggest_bullet (prf : Proof.t): suggestion =
if is_done prf then ProofFinished
else if not (no_focused_goal prf)
then (* No suggestion if a bullet is not mandatory, look for an unfinished bullet *)
match get_bullets prf with
| b::_ -> Unfinished b
| _ -> NoBulletInUse
else (* There is no goal under focus but some are unfocussed,
let us look at the bullet needed. *)
let rec loop prf =
match pop prf with
| prf, b ->
(* pop went well, this means that there are no more goals
*under this* bullet b, see if a new b can be pushed. *)
try ignore (push b prf); Suggest b
with _ ->
(* b could not be pushed, so we must look for a outer bullet *)
loop prf
| exception _ ->
(* No pop was possible, but there are still
subgoals somewhere: there must be a "}" to use. *)
loop prf
let rec pop_until (prf : Proof.t) bul : Proof.t =
let prf', b = pop prf in
if bullet_eq bul b then prf'
else pop_until prf' bul
let put p bul =
if not (has_bullet bul p) then
(* bullet is not in use, so pushing it is always ok unless
no goal under focus. *)
push bul p
match suggest_bullet p with
| Suggest suggested_bullet when bullet_eq bul suggested_bullet
-> (* suggested_bullet is mandatory and you gave the right one *)
let p' = pop_until p bul in
push bul p'
(* the bullet you gave is in use but not the right one *)
| sugg -> raise (FailedBullet (bul,sugg))
with NoSuchGoals _ -> (* push went bad *)
raise (FailedBullet (bul,suggest_bullet p))
let strict = {
name = "Strict Subproofs";
put = put;
suggest = (fun prf -> suggest_on_solved_goal (suggest_bullet prf))
let _ = register_behavior strict
(* Current bullet behavior, controlled by the option *)
let current_behavior = ref Strict.strict
let () =
Goptions.(declare_string_option {
optdepr = false;
optname = "bullet behavior";
optkey = ["Bullet";"Behavior"];
optread = begin fun () ->
optwrite = begin fun n ->
current_behavior :=
try Hashtbl.find behaviors n
with Not_found ->
CErrors.user_err Pp.(str ("Unknown bullet behavior: \"" ^ n ^ "\"."))
let put p b =
(!current_behavior).put p b
let suggest p =
(!current_behavior).suggest p
(* Better printing for bullet exceptions *)
exception SuggestNoSuchGoals of int * Proof.t
let _ = CErrors.register_handler begin function
| SuggestNoSuchGoals(n,proof) ->
let suffix = suggest proof in
Pp.(str "No such " ++ str (CString.plural n "goal") ++ str "." ++
pr_non_empty_arg (fun x -> x) suffix)
| _ -> raise CErrors.Unhandled
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