(* This bug report actually revealed two bugs in the reconstruction of
a term with "match" in the vm *)
(* A simplified form of the first problem *)
(* Reconstruction of terms normalized with vm when a constructor has *)
(* let-ins arguments *)
Record A : Type := C { a := 0 : nat; b : a=a }.
Goal forall d:A, match d with C a b => b end = match d with C a b => b end.
(* Now check that it is well-typed *)
match goal with |- ?c = _ => first [let x := type of c in idtac | fail 2] end.
(* A simplified form of the second problem *)
Parameter P : nat -> Type.
Inductive box A := Box : A -> box A.
Axiom com : {m : nat & box (P m) }.
Lemma L :
(let (w, s) as com' return (com' = com -> Prop) := com in
let (s0) as s0
return (existT (fun m : nat => box (P m)) w s0 = com -> Prop) := s in
fun _ : existT (fun m : nat => box (P m)) w (Box (P w) s0) = com =>
True) eq_refl.
(* Now check that it is well-typed (the "P w" used to be turned into "P s") *)
match goal with |- ?c => first [let x := type of c in idtac | fail 2] end.
(* Then the original report *)
Require Import Equality.
Parameter NameSet : Set.
Parameter SignedName : Set.
Parameter SignedName_compare : forall (x y : SignedName), comparison.
Parameter pu_type : NameSet -> NameSet -> Type.
Parameter pu_nameOf : forall {from to : NameSet}, pu_type from to -> SignedName.
Parameter commute : forall {from mid1 mid2 to : NameSet},
pu_type from mid1 -> pu_type mid1 to
-> pu_type from mid2 -> pu_type mid2 to -> Prop.
Program Definition castPatchFrom {from from' to : NameSet}
(HeqFrom : from = from')
(p : pu_type from to)
: pu_type from' to
:= p.
Class PatchUniverse : Type := mkPatchUniverse {
commutable : forall {from mid1 to : NameSet},
pu_type from mid1 -> pu_type mid1 to -> Prop
:= fun {from mid1 to : NameSet}
(p : pu_type from mid1) (q : pu_type mid1 to) =>
exists mid2 : NameSet,
exists q' : pu_type from mid2,
exists p' : pu_type mid2 to,
commute p q q' p';
commutable_dec : forall {from mid to : NameSet}
(p : pu_type from mid)
(q : pu_type mid to),
{mid2 : NameSet &
{ q' : pu_type from mid2 &
{ p' : pu_type mid2 to &
commute p q q' p' }}}
+ {~(commutable p q)}
Inductive SequenceBase (pu : PatchUniverse)
: NameSet -> NameSet -> Type
:= Nil : forall {cxt : NameSet},
SequenceBase pu cxt cxt
| Cons : forall {from mid to : NameSet}
(p : pu_type from mid)
(qs : SequenceBase pu mid to),
SequenceBase pu from to.
Arguments Nil [pu cxt].
Arguments Cons [pu from mid to].
Program Fixpoint insertBase {pu : PatchUniverse}
{from mid to : NameSet}
(p : pu_type from mid)
(qs : SequenceBase pu mid to)
: SequenceBase pu from to
:= match qs with
| Nil => Cons p Nil
| Cons q qs' =>
match SignedName_compare (pu_nameOf p) (pu_nameOf q) with
| Lt => Cons p qs
| _ => match commutable_dec p (castPatchFrom _ q) with
| inleft (existT _ _ (existT _ q' (existT _ p' _))) => Cons q'
(insertBase p' qs')
| inright _ => Cons p qs
Lemma insertBaseConsLt {pu : PatchUniverse}
{o op opq opqr : NameSet}
(p : pu_type o op)
(q : pu_type op opq)
(rs : SequenceBase pu opq opqr)
(p_Lt_q : SignedName_compare (pu_nameOf p) (pu_nameOf q)
= Lt)
: insertBase p (Cons q rs) = Cons p (Cons q rs).
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.29 Sekunden
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