(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
module Parser = struct
type state = Pcoq.frozen_t
let init () = Pcoq.freeze ~marshallable:false
let cur_state () = Pcoq.freeze ~marshallable:false
let parse ps entry pa =
Pcoq.unfreeze ps;
Flags.with_option Flags.we_are_parsing (fun () ->
try Pcoq.Entry.parse entry pa
with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
let (e, info) = CErrors.push e in
Exninfo.iraise (e, info))
type t = {
parsing : Parser.state;
system : States.state; (* summary + libstack *)
proof : Proof_global.t option; (* proof state *)
shallow : bool (* is the state trimmed down (libstack) *)
let s_cache = ref None
let s_proof = ref None
let invalidate_cache () =
s_cache := None;
s_proof := None
let update_cache rf v =
rf := Some v; v
let do_if_not_cached rf f v =
match !rf with
| None ->
rf := Some v; f v
| Some vc when vc != v ->
rf := Some v; f v
| Some _ ->
let freeze_interp_state ~marshallable =
{ system = update_cache s_cache (States.freeze ~marshallable);
proof = !s_proof;
shallow = false;
parsing = Parser.cur_state ();
let unfreeze_interp_state { system; proof; parsing } =
do_if_not_cached s_cache States.unfreeze system;
s_proof := proof;
Pcoq.unfreeze parsing
let make_shallow st =
let lib = States.lib_of_state st.system in
{ st with
system = States.replace_lib st.system @@ Lib.drop_objects lib;
shallow = true;
(* Compatibility module *)
module Proof_global = struct
let get () = !s_proof
let set x = s_proof := x
let freeze ~marshallable:_ = get ()
let unfreeze x = s_proof := Some x
exception NoCurrentProof
let () =
CErrors.register_handler begin function
| NoCurrentProof ->
CErrors.user_err Pp.(str "No focused proof (No proof-editing in progress).")
| _ -> raise CErrors.Unhandled
open Proof_global
let cc f = match !s_proof with
| None -> raise NoCurrentProof
| Some x -> f x
let dd f = match !s_proof with
| None -> raise NoCurrentProof
| Some x -> s_proof := Some (f x)
let there_are_pending_proofs () = !s_proof <> None
let get_open_goals () = cc get_open_goals
let set_terminator x = dd (set_terminator x)
let give_me_the_proof_opt () = Option.map give_me_the_proof !s_proof
let give_me_the_proof () = cc give_me_the_proof
let get_current_proof_name () = cc get_current_proof_name
let simple_with_current_proof f =
dd (simple_with_current_proof f)
let with_current_proof f =
let pf, res = cc (with_current_proof f) in
s_proof := Some pf; res
let install_state s = s_proof := Some s
let return_proof ?allow_partial () =
cc (return_proof ?allow_partial)
let close_future_proof ~opaque ~feedback_id pf =
cc (fun st -> close_future_proof ~opaque ~feedback_id st pf)
let close_proof ~opaque ~keep_body_ucst_separate f =
cc (close_proof ~opaque ~keep_body_ucst_separate f)
let discard_all () = s_proof := None
let update_global_env () = dd update_global_env
let get_current_context () = cc Pfedit.get_current_context
let get_all_proof_names () =
try cc get_all_proof_names
with NoCurrentProof -> []
let copy_terminators ~src ~tgt =
match src, tgt with
| None, None -> None
| Some _ , None -> None
| None, Some x -> Some x
| Some src, Some tgt -> Some (copy_terminators ~src ~tgt)
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