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<p class=rvps3><span class=rvts7>license</span></p>
<p class=rvps2><span class=rvts6></span><br><span class=rvts6>==================</span><br><span class=rvts6>Context IT GmbH</span><br><span class=rvts6>License Agreement</span><br><span class=rvts6>November 2010</span><br><span class=rvts6>==================</span><br><span class=rvts6>This license agreement is a contract between you and the Context IT GmbH. It will apply after installation of the software. By installing you explicitly agree with these conditions.</span><br><span class=rvts6></span><br><span class=rvts6>This is a legal contract between you and Context IT GmbH. It defines the duration and the conditions for thr licensing of a) this software, b) the attached documents and c) files abbreviated by the term software.</span><br><span class=rvts6></span><br><span class=rvts6>1. License. This software is licensed, not sold. That contains the right to use it under the following conditions. The conditions are also the proof, that you are allowed to use and archive the software. Context IT GmbH maintains the ownership and all rights, which are not explicitly specifiued.</span><br><span class=rvts6>Context IT GmbH gives you the permission to use the software under the precondition that, (a) the software will not be redistributed; (b) the software will not be modified; (c) all copy rights remain of the software remain; (d) the software is only used for the agreed upon conditions and duration.</span><br><span class=rvts6></span><br><span class=rvts6>2. Usage on a single computer. The software may only be used on a single computer by a single user as long as the license lasts. You may only install the software on a different computer, if (a) the software has been removed from the first computer, (b) there is no possibility that the software is used on more than one computer.</span><br><span class=rvts6></span><br><span class=rvts6>3. Single user OperationE. You may only use this software in a single user mode and make it available to persons, who are physically present at the computer, where the software runs. The software may not be used in remote mode or as a network installation.</span><br><span class=rvts6></span><br><span class=rvts6>4. Copyright. This software is property of Context IT GmbH and is protected by world wide acknowleged laws. You may not remove the copyright notice from the software.</span><br><span class=rvts6></span><br><span class=rvts6>5. Backup of Data. You may only make one backup of this software and only for the purpose of the usage on a single computer, proviede you also backup the original copy right documents.</span><br><span class=rvts6></span><br><span class=rvts6>6. No mixtute with other software. You may not integrate the software or parts of it into other software, despite of legal allowance. In either case this agreement holds.</span><br><span class=rvts6></span><br><span class=rvts6>7. Network Version. If you have bought or received a licensed network version, this agreement applies to only one single server. It may not be copied to several systems. Each client needs its own license, for a single computer.</span><br><span class=rvts6></span><br><span class=rvts6>8. Transfer of Lizense. The lizense may not be transferred to a thirs party.</span><br><span class=rvts6></span><br><span class=rvts6>9. Limitation of Usage, Modification and Duplication. You are not allowed to use the software outside of the license duraction, neither by usage nor by copying nor by modification. You are not allowed to grant subcontractor licenses.</span><br><span class=rvts6></span><br><span class=rvts6>10. Decompilation, Disassemblig, Reverse Engineering. You are not allowed to use these methods for the software.</span><br><span class=rvts6>Especially you declare, that you will not show the object code on a screen or otherwisen, nor make copies of that. In case of that you receive knowledge of these methods from outside please inform the Context IT GmbH.</span><br><span class=rvts6></span><br><span class=rvts6>11. termination of License The lizense is granted for hte agreed upon duration. Afterwards the software has to be removed from your computer. The license terminates automatically, if one of the conditions is violated. Also in that case it has to be removed.</span><br><span class=rvts6></span><br><span class=rvts6>12. No Warranty at all. The usage of this software is at your own risk. The software has to be used like delivered. There is no warranty for certain functions of the software. Context IT GmbH is not liable to modify or correct the software or to deliver it.</span><br><span class=rvts6>Context IT GmbH does not guarantee that the software complies with your requirements, nor that is free of errors nor that is free of malicious code.</span><br><span class=rvts6>There are no further liabilities. You are responsible for the usage of the software alone. All costs because of defects in the software, the combined service or the correction have to be carried by you.</span><br><span class=rvts6>Context IT GmbH declines all warranties, if the software is modified, corrected or repackaged by a third party.</span><br><span class=rvts6>No Liability for Damage or consequences of Damage In no case will Context IT GmbH be liable for damage od consequences, which emerge out of the uisage of this software.</span><br><span class=rvts6></span><br><span class=rvts6>13. Responsibility If you transfer tzhe software, you are liable for the consequences of that action.</span><br><span class=rvts6></span><br><span class=rvts6>14. Producer Producer of the software is: Context IT GmbH Vierbergen 1a 22926 Ahrensburg Deutschland</span><br><span class=rvts6></span><br><span class=rvts6>15. General This agreement applies to you, your employees and the followers.</span><br><span class=rvts6></span><br><span class=rvts6>16. If one of hte clauses should become intractable, it should become replaced. The other clauses bnecome not concerned by that.</span><br><span class=rvts6></span><br><span class=rvts6>For further questions have a look at the website of the Context IT GmbH.</span><br><span class=rvts6></span><br><span class=rvts6></span><br><span class=rvts6>================</span><br><span class=rvts6>End of Agreement</span><br><span class=rvts6>================</span></p>
<p class=rvps4><span class=rvts8>Copyright © 2010, Context IT GmbH</span></p>
<p class=rvps5><span class=rvts9>Created with the Freeware Edition of HelpNDoc: </span><a class=rvts10 href="http://www.helpndoc.com" target="_blank">Full featured multi-format Help generator</a></p>
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