products/Sources/formale Sprachen/Delphi/Elbe 1.0/Sources image not shown  


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Datei: language.pas   Sprache: Delphi

unit Language;
  Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
  Dialogs, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, jpeg, ExtCtrls, StrUtils, WinSock, Registry,
  ShellAPI, Math, DateUtils,Gendefs;
function trans(lang:Naturallanguages;n:integer;S:JString):JString;
function trans(lang:Naturallanguages;n:integer;S:JString):JString;
  if lang=english then begin case n of
    1: S:='not yet implemented';
    2: S:='graph incomplete';
    3: S:='graph incomplete';
    4: S:='file number is wrong';
    5: S:='graph is too complex';
    6: S:='block error';
    7: S:='mapping wrong';
    8: S:='block error';
    9: S:='new length set';
   10: S:='cannot process attributes';
   11: S:='cannot create file';
   12: S:='not in this perspective';
   13: S:='please save source';
   14: S:='no printer available';
   15: S:='not at this time';
   16: S:='Only allowd in the source';
   17: S:='Control Flow of ';
   18: S:='Data Flow of ';
   19: S:='line too long';
   20: S:=' line ';
   21: S:='line=';
   22: S:=' column=';
   23: S:='analyzing file';
   24: S:='';
   25: S:='too many color marks in line';
   26: S:=' Do not always say what you know,';
   27: S:=' but always know what you are saying.';
   28: S:='';
   29: S:='';
   30: S:='Save file ';
   31: S:=' be saved?';
   32: S:=' Please switch off Blanks';
   33: S:='Acrobat file (*.pdf)|*.pdf';
   34: S:=' - preparing print...';
   35: S:='%s - print of page %d of %d (%%%d completed)...';
   36: S:='page %d';
   37: S:='the first start takes longer';
   38: S:='execute this file';
   39: S:='execute the predefined batch command';
   40: S:='transferred';
   41: S:='could not connect';
   42: S:='conversion not possible currently';
   43: S:='source files';
   44: S:='not possible for b/w';
   45: S:='not yet possible';
   46: S:='not found';
   47: S:='not found';
   48: S:='process has been cancelled';
   49: S:='please restart program';
   50: S:='read only';
   51: S:='please specify email address';
   52: S:='library too long';
   53: S:='length wrong';
   54: S:='please restart program';
   55: S:='please restart program';
   56: S:='set to default';
   57: S:='license is gone';
   58: S:='license is gone';
   59: S:='key and result';
   60: S:='ley and result';
   61: S:='database not connectable';
   62: S:='database not connectable';
   63: S:='database not connectable';
   64: S:='database not connectable';
   65: S:='sql result wrong';
   66: S:='sql result wrong';
   67: S:='database not connectable';
   68: S:='file corrupt';
   69: S:='cannot process file';
   70: S:='file names will be reset';
   71: S:='file not found';
   72: S:='file type is unknown';
   73: S:='about is impossible';
   74: S:='not possible for the same filename';
   75: S:='invalid export';
   76: S:='invalid export';
   77: S:='not possible';
   78: S:='not possible';
   79: S:='not possible';
   80: S:='not possible';
   81: S:='not possible';
   82: S:='not possible';
   83: S:='not possible';
   84: S:='not possible';
   85: S:='not possible';
   86: S:='not possible';
   87: S:='not possible';
   88: S:='wrong filter';
   89: S:='wrong filter';
   90: S:='error on opening file';
   91: S:='error on opening file';
   92: S:='new length of verticestack';
   93: S:='new length of verticestack';
   94: S:='new length of verticestack';
   95: S:='new length of verticestack';
   96: S:='cannot find node';
   97: S:='new length of verticestack';
   98: S:='solution wrong';
   99: S:='new length of edgestack';
  100: S:='block inconsistent';
  101: S:='fatal error';
  102: S:='unknown extension of file';
  103: S:='library not found';
  104: S:='fatal exception';
  105: S:='library not found';
  106: S:='wrong tree structure';
  107: S:='stackmax reached';
  108: S:='interface corrupt';
  109: S:='wrong tree structure';
  110: S:='font Elbian.ttf not found, please install';
  111: S:='keys differ';
  112: S:='license has expired';
  113: S:='feature only works after registration';
  114: S:='license has expired';
  115: S:='license has expired';
  116: S:='code too long';
  117: S:='string too long';
  118: S:='data unknown';
  119: S:='interface corrupt';
  120: S:='functor tree corrupt';
  121: S:='functor tree wrong';
  122: S:='keymax exceeded';
  123: S:='cannot inquire DNS';
  124: S:='block error';
  125: S:='block error';
  126: S:='block error';
  127: S:='block error';
  128: S:='cannot process file';
  129: S:='cannot process file';
  130: S:='interface corrupt';
  131: S:='too many tree levels';
  132: S:='this is not a network license';
  133: S:='program already runs';
  134: S:='this is not a network license';
  135: S:='helpfile missing';
  136: S:='you need adminstrator''s rights';
  137: S:='you need adminstrator''s rights';
  138: S:='first start';
  139: S:='download program file?';
  140: S:='connect to the internet?';
  141: S:='please focus on element to be printed';
  142: S:='text';
  143: S:='Action can''t be undone. Do replacement?';
  144: S:='Stopped by mouse move';
  145: S:='control flow';
  146: S:='data flow';
  147: S:='number of occurrences:';
  148: S:='doing activation';
  149: S:='cleaning...';
  150: S:='download cancelled';
  151: S:='download not possible';
  152: S:='connection not possible';
  153: S:='The source navigator';
  154: S:='The source detective';
  155: S:='caution, loading this file takes longer than usual';
  156: S:='all files';
  157: S:='execution of';
  158: S:='at';
  159: S:='this is not a transferable license';
  160: S:='rtf format';
  161: S:='error in file associations';
  162: S:='File too large.'+crlf+
          'This is a limited version of '+Application.Title+'.'+crlf
         +' A full license can be obtained under help:get license.';
  163: S:='Limited to a size of:';
  164: S:='Version is up to date ';
  165: S:='binary';
  166: S:='License is valid for';
  167: S:='About ';
  168: S:='file with binary data, search for ?';
  169: S:='wrapped to the beginning';
  170: S:='back to start of file';
  171: S:='obstrous characters';
  172: S:='plain';
  173: S:='modified';
  174: S:='read only';
  175: S:='insert';
  176: S:='replace';
  177: S:='Navigator';
  178: S:='Semantics';
  179: S:='Explorer';
  180: S:='Source';
  181: S:='Cfa';
  182: S:='Dfa';
  183: S:='Measures';
  184: S:='Function';
  185: S:='Miniatur';
  186: S:='Printpreview';
  187: S:='Inspector';
  188: S:='number of replacements:';
  189: S:='not visible';
  190: S:='underlined';
  191: S:='chose directory';
  192: S:='command files (*.bat;*.cmd)|*.bat;*.cmd';
  193: S:='IBM zOS free format';
  194: S:='IBM zOS fixed format';
  195: S:='Fujitsu free format';
  196: S:='Fujitsu fixed format';
  197: S:='none';
  198: S:='color';
  199: S:='black';
  200: S:='current page';
  201: S:='print area';
  202: S:='all';
  203: S:='pages';
  204: S:='from';
  205: S:='to';
  206: S:='copies';
  207: S:='number copies';
  208: S:='OK';
  209: S:='cancel';
  210: S:='location';
  211: S:='cancel';
  212: S:='printer';
  213: S:='name:';
  214: S:='properties...';
  215: S:='status:';
  216: S:='ready';
  217: S:='type:';
  218: S:='comment:';
  219: S:='sort';
  220: S:='Print';
  221: S:='The operation will take some time:';
  222: S:='The operation will take some time:';
  223: S:=' is a READ-ONLY file.';
  224: S:='Do you wish to clear the READ-ONLY flag?';
  225: S:='File is in use by another process.';
  226: S:='Do not always say, what thou knowest.';
  227: S:='But do always know, what thou sayest.';
  228: S:='URLs';
  229: S:='small preview';
  230: S:='page navigator';
  231: S:='large preview';
  232: S:='view and print marked text only?';
  233: S:='excerpt from ';
  234: S:='Word wrap';
  235: S:='yes';
  236: S:='no';
  237: S:=' files';
  238: S:='Indent chars';
  239: S:='Intermediate lines';
  240: S:='without grid';
  241: S:='show grid';
  242: S:='cancel';
  // specials multilingual
  case n of
     37: S:='Der erste Start braucht etwas länger ...'+crlf+'The first start takes a little longer ...';
      49,54,55: S:='Bitte neu starten'+crlf+'please restart';
  if IsDebuggerPresent then
    S:='De'+IntToStr(n)+': '+S;

¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.15 Sekunden  (vorverarbeitet)  ¤

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Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.

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