(* Title: HOL/Auth/Guard/P2.thy
Author: Frederic Blanqui, University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory
Copyright 2002 University of Cambridge
From G. Karjoth, N. Asokan and C. Gulcu
"Protecting the computation results of free-roaming agents"
Mobiles Agents 1998, LNCS 1477.
section\<open>Protocol P2\<close>
theory P2 imports Guard_Public List_Msg begin
subsection\<open>Protocol Definition\<close>
text\<open>Like P1 except the definitions of \<open>chain\<close>, \<open>shop\<close>,
\<open>next_shop\<close> and \<open>nonce\<close>\<close>
subsubsection\<open>offer chaining:
B chains his offer for A with the head offer of L for sending it to C\<close>
definition chain :: "agent => nat => agent => msg => agent => msg" where
"chain B ofr A L C ==
let m1= sign B (Nonce ofr) in
let m2= Hash \<lbrace>head L, Agent C\<rbrace> in
\<lbrace>Crypt (pubK A) m1, m2\<rbrace>"
declare Let_def [simp]
lemma chain_inj [iff]: "(chain B ofr A L C = chain B' ofr' A' L' C')
= (B=B' & ofr=ofr' & A=A' & head L = head L' & C=C')"
by (auto simp: chain_def Let_def)
lemma Nonce_in_chain [iff]: "Nonce ofr \ parts {chain B ofr A L C}"
by (auto simp: chain_def sign_def)
subsubsection\<open>agent whose key is used to sign an offer\<close>
fun shop :: "msg => msg" where
"shop \Crypt K \B,ofr,Crypt K' H\,m2\ = Agent (agt K')"
lemma shop_chain [simp]: "shop (chain B ofr A L C) = Agent B"
by (simp add: chain_def sign_def)
subsubsection\<open>nonce used in an offer\<close>
fun nonce :: "msg => msg" where
"nonce \Crypt K \B,ofr,CryptH\,m2\ = ofr"
lemma nonce_chain [simp]: "nonce (chain B ofr A L C) = Nonce ofr"
by (simp add: chain_def sign_def)
subsubsection\<open>next shop\<close>
fun next_shop :: "msg => agent" where
"next_shop \m1,Hash \headL,Agent C\\ = C"
lemma "next_shop (chain B ofr A L C) = C"
by (simp add: chain_def sign_def)
subsubsection\<open>anchor of the offer list\<close>
definition anchor :: "agent => nat => agent => msg" where
"anchor A n B == chain A n A (cons nil nil) B"
lemma anchor_inj [iff]:
"(anchor A n B = anchor A' n' B') = (A=A' \ n=n' \ B=B')"
by (auto simp: anchor_def)
lemma Nonce_in_anchor [iff]: "Nonce n \ parts {anchor A n B}"
by (auto simp: anchor_def)
lemma shop_anchor [simp]: "shop (anchor A n B) = Agent A"
by (simp add: anchor_def)
subsubsection\<open>request event\<close>
definition reqm :: "agent => nat => nat => msg => agent => msg" where
"reqm A r n I B == \Agent A, Number r, cons (Agent A) (cons (Agent B) I),
cons (anchor A n B) nil\<rbrace>"
lemma reqm_inj [iff]: "(reqm A r n I B = reqm A' r' n' I' B')
= (A=A' & r=r' & n=n' & I=I' & B=B')"
by (auto simp: reqm_def)
lemma Nonce_in_reqm [iff]: "Nonce n \ parts {reqm A r n I B}"
by (auto simp: reqm_def)
definition req :: "agent => nat => nat => msg => agent => event" where
"req A r n I B == Says A B (reqm A r n I B)"
lemma req_inj [iff]: "(req A r n I B = req A' r' n' I' B')
= (A=A' & r=r' & n=n' & I=I' & B=B')"
by (auto simp: req_def)
subsubsection\<open>propose event\<close>
definition prom :: "agent => nat => agent => nat => msg => msg =>
msg => agent => msg" where
"prom B ofr A r I L J C == \Agent A, Number r,
app (J, del (Agent B, I)), cons (chain B ofr A L C) L\<rbrace>"
lemma prom_inj [dest]: "prom B ofr A r I L J C = prom B' ofr' A' r' I' L' J' C'
==> B=B' & ofr=ofr' & A=A' & r=r' & L=L' & C=C'"
by (auto simp: prom_def)
lemma Nonce_in_prom [iff]: "Nonce ofr \ parts {prom B ofr A r I L J C}"
by (auto simp: prom_def)
definition pro :: "agent => nat => agent => nat => msg => msg =>
msg => agent => event" where
"pro B ofr A r I L J C == Says B C (prom B ofr A r I L J C)"
lemma pro_inj [dest]: "pro B ofr A r I L J C = pro B' ofr' A' r' I' L' J' C'
==> B=B' & ofr=ofr' & A=A' & r=r' & L=L' & C=C'"
by (auto simp: pro_def dest: prom_inj)
inductive_set p2 :: "event list set"
Nil: "[] \ p2"
| Fake: "[| evsf \ p2; X \ synth (analz (spies evsf)) |] ==> Says Spy B X # evsf \ p2"
| Request: "[| evsr \ p2; Nonce n \ used evsr; I \ agl |] ==> req A r n I B # evsr \ p2"
| Propose: "[| evsp \ p2; Says A' B \Agent A,Number r,I,cons M L\ \ set evsp;
I \<in> agl; J \<in> agl; isin (Agent C, app (J, del (Agent B, I)));
Nonce ofr \<notin> used evsp |] ==> pro B ofr A r I (cons M L) J C # evsp \<in> p2"
subsubsection\<open>valid offer lists\<close>
valid :: "agent \ nat \ agent \ msg set"
for A :: agent and n :: nat and B :: agent
Request [intro]: "cons (anchor A n B) nil \ valid A n B"
| Propose [intro]: "L \ valid A n B
\<Longrightarrow> cons (chain (next_shop (head L)) ofr A L C) L \<in> valid A n B"
subsubsection\<open>basic properties of valid\<close>
lemma valid_not_empty: "L \ valid A n B \ \M L'. L = cons M L'"
by (erule valid.cases, auto)
lemma valid_pos_len: "L \ valid A n B \ 0 < len L"
by (erule valid.induct, auto)
subsubsection\<open>list of offers\<close>
fun offers :: "msg \ msg"
"offers (cons M L) = cons \shop M, nonce M\ (offers L)"
| "offers other = nil"
subsection\<open>Properties of Protocol P2\<close>
text\<open>same as \<open>P1_Prop\<close> except that publicly verifiable forward
integrity is replaced by forward privacy\<close>
subsection\<open>strong forward integrity:
except the last one, no offer can be modified\<close>
lemma strong_forward_integrity: "\L. Suc i < len L
\<longrightarrow> L \<in> valid A n B \<longrightarrow> repl (L,Suc i,M) \<in> valid A n B \<longrightarrow> M = ith (L,Suc i)"
apply (induct i)
(* i = 0 *)
apply clarify
apply (frule len_not_empty, clarsimp)
apply (frule len_not_empty, clarsimp)
apply (ind_cases "\x,xa,l'a\ \ valid A n B" for x xa l'a)
apply (ind_cases "\x,M,l'a\ \ valid A n B" for x l'a)
apply (simp add: chain_def)
(* i > 0 *)
apply clarify
apply (frule len_not_empty, clarsimp)
apply (ind_cases "\x,repl(l',Suc na,M)\ \ valid A n B" for x l' na)
apply (frule len_not_empty, clarsimp)
apply (ind_cases "\x,l'\ \ valid A n B" for x l')
by (drule_tac x=l' in spec, simp, blast)
subsection\<open>insertion resilience:
except at the beginning, no offer can be inserted\<close>
lemma chain_isnt_head [simp]: "L \ valid A n B \
head L \<noteq> chain (next_shop (head L)) ofr A L C"
by (erule valid.induct, auto simp: chain_def sign_def anchor_def)
lemma insertion_resilience: "\L. L \ valid A n B \ Suc i < len L
\<longrightarrow> ins (L,Suc i,M) \<notin> valid A n B"
supply [[simproc del: defined_all]]
apply (induct i)
(* i = 0 *)
apply clarify
apply (frule len_not_empty, clarsimp)
apply (ind_cases "\x,l'\ \ valid A n B" for x l', simp)
apply (ind_cases "\x,M,l'\ \ valid A n B" for x l', clarsimp)
apply (ind_cases "\head l',l'\ \ valid A n B" for l', simp, simp)
(* i > 0 *)
apply clarify
apply (frule len_not_empty, clarsimp)
apply (ind_cases "\x,l'\ \ valid A n B" for x l')
apply (frule len_not_empty, clarsimp)
apply (ind_cases "\x,ins(l',Suc na,M)\ \ valid A n B" for x l' na)
apply (frule len_not_empty, clarsimp)
by (drule_tac x=l' in spec, clarsimp)
subsection\<open>truncation resilience:
only shop i can truncate at offer i\<close>
lemma truncation_resilience: "\L. L \ valid A n B \ Suc i < len L
\<longrightarrow> cons M (trunc (L,Suc i)) \<in> valid A n B \<longrightarrow> shop M = shop (ith (L,i))"
apply (induct i)
(* i = 0 *)
apply clarify
apply (frule len_not_empty, clarsimp)
apply (ind_cases "\x,l'\ \ valid A n B" for x l')
apply (frule len_not_empty, clarsimp)
apply (ind_cases "\M,l'\ \ valid A n B" for l')
apply (frule len_not_empty, clarsimp, simp)
(* i > 0 *)
apply clarify
apply (frule len_not_empty, clarsimp)
apply (ind_cases "\x,l'\ \ valid A n B" for x l')
apply (frule len_not_empty, clarsimp)
by (drule_tac x=l' in spec, clarsimp)
subsection\<open>declarations for tactics\<close>
declare knows_Spy_partsEs [elim]
declare Fake_parts_insert [THEN subsetD, dest]
declare initState.simps [simp del]
subsection\<open>get components of a message\<close>
lemma get_ML [dest]: "Says A' B \A,R,I,M,L\ \ set evs \
M \<in> parts (spies evs) \<and> L \<in> parts (spies evs)"
by blast
subsection\<open>general properties of p2\<close>
lemma reqm_neq_prom [iff]:
"reqm A r n I B \ prom B' ofr A' r' I' (cons M L) J C"
by (auto simp: reqm_def prom_def)
lemma prom_neq_reqm [iff]:
"prom B' ofr A' r' I' (cons M L) J C \ reqm A r n I B"
by (auto simp: reqm_def prom_def)
lemma req_neq_pro [iff]: "req A r n I B \ pro B' ofr A' r' I' (cons M L) J C"
by (auto simp: req_def pro_def)
lemma pro_neq_req [iff]: "pro B' ofr A' r' I' (cons M L) J C \ req A r n I B"
by (auto simp: req_def pro_def)
lemma p2_has_no_Gets: "evs \ p2 \ \A X. Gets A X \ set evs"
by (erule p2.induct, auto simp: req_def pro_def)
lemma p2_is_Gets_correct [iff]: "Gets_correct p2"
by (auto simp: Gets_correct_def dest: p2_has_no_Gets)
lemma p2_is_one_step [iff]: "one_step p2"
by (unfold one_step_def, clarify, ind_cases "ev#evs \ p2" for ev evs, auto)
lemma p2_has_only_Says' [rule_format]: "evs \ p2 \
ev \<in> set evs \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>A B X. ev=Says A B X)"
by (erule p2.induct, auto simp: req_def pro_def)
lemma p2_has_only_Says [iff]: "has_only_Says p2"
by (auto simp: has_only_Says_def dest: p2_has_only_Says')
lemma p2_is_regular [iff]: "regular p2"
apply (simp only: regular_def, clarify)
apply (erule_tac p2.induct)
apply (simp_all add: initState.simps knows.simps pro_def prom_def
req_def reqm_def anchor_def chain_def sign_def)
by (auto dest: no_Key_in_agl no_Key_in_appdel parts_trans)
subsection\<open>private keys are safe\<close>
lemma priK_parts_Friend_imp_bad [rule_format,dest]:
"[| evs \ p2; Friend B \ A |]
==> (Key (priK A) \<in> parts (knows (Friend B) evs)) \<longrightarrow> (A \<in> bad)"
apply (erule p2.induct)
apply (simp_all add: initState.simps knows.simps pro_def prom_def
req_def reqm_def anchor_def chain_def sign_def)
apply (blast dest: no_Key_in_agl)
apply (auto del: parts_invKey disjE dest: parts_trans
simp add: no_Key_in_appdel)
lemma priK_analz_Friend_imp_bad [rule_format,dest]:
"[| evs \ p2; Friend B \ A |]
==> (Key (priK A) \<in> analz (knows (Friend B) evs)) \<longrightarrow> (A \<in> bad)"
by auto
lemma priK_notin_knows_max_Friend:
"[| evs \ p2; A \ bad; A \ Friend C |]
==> Key (priK A) \<notin> analz (knows_max (Friend C) evs)"
apply (rule not_parts_not_analz, simp add: knows_max_def, safe)
apply (drule_tac H="spies' evs" in parts_sub)
apply (rule_tac p=p2 in knows_max'_sub_spies', simp+)
apply (drule_tac H="spies evs" in parts_sub)
by (auto dest: knows'_sub_knows [THEN subsetD] priK_notin_initState_Friend)
subsection\<open>general guardedness properties\<close>
lemma agl_guard [intro]: "I \ agl \ I \ guard n Ks"
by (erule agl.induct, auto)
lemma Says_to_knows_max'_guard: "[| Says A' C \<lbrace>A'',r,I,L\<rbrace> \<in> set evs;
Guard n Ks (knows_max' C evs) |] ==> L \ guard n Ks"
by (auto dest: Says_to_knows_max')
lemma Says_from_knows_max'_guard: "[| Says C A' \<lbrace>A'',r,I,L\<rbrace> \<in> set evs;
Guard n Ks (knows_max' C evs) |] ==> L \ guard n Ks"
by (auto dest: Says_from_knows_max')
lemma Says_Nonce_not_used_guard: "[| Says A' B \A'',r,I,L\ \ set evs;
Nonce n \<notin> used evs |] ==> L \<in> guard n Ks"
by (drule not_used_not_parts, auto)
subsection\<open>guardedness of messages\<close>
lemma chain_guard [iff]: "chain B ofr A L C \ guard n {priK A}"
by (case_tac "ofr=n", auto simp: chain_def sign_def)
lemma chain_guard_Nonce_neq [intro]: "n \ ofr
\<Longrightarrow> chain B ofr A' L C \<in> guard n {priK A}"
by (auto simp: chain_def sign_def)
lemma anchor_guard [iff]: "anchor A n' B \ guard n {priK A}"
by (case_tac "n'=n", auto simp: anchor_def)
lemma anchor_guard_Nonce_neq [intro]: "n \ n'
\<Longrightarrow> anchor A' n' B \<in> guard n {priK A}"
by (auto simp: anchor_def)
lemma reqm_guard [intro]: "I \ agl \ reqm A r n' I B \ guard n {priK A}"
by (case_tac "n'=n", auto simp: reqm_def)
lemma reqm_guard_Nonce_neq [intro]: "[| n \ n'; I \ agl |]
==> reqm A' r n' I B \<in> guard n {priK A}"
by (auto simp: reqm_def)
lemma prom_guard [intro]: "[| I \ agl; J \ agl; L \ guard n {priK A} |]
==> prom B ofr A r I L J C \<in> guard n {priK A}"
by (auto simp: prom_def)
lemma prom_guard_Nonce_neq [intro]: "[| n \ ofr; I \ agl; J \ agl;
L \<in> guard n {priK A} |] ==> prom B ofr A' r I L J C \<in> guard n {priK A}"
by (auto simp: prom_def)
subsection\<open>Nonce uniqueness\<close>
lemma uniq_Nonce_in_chain [dest]: "Nonce k \ parts {chain B ofr A L C} \ k=ofr"
by (auto simp: chain_def sign_def)
lemma uniq_Nonce_in_anchor [dest]: "Nonce k \ parts {anchor A n B} \ k=n"
by (auto simp: anchor_def chain_def sign_def)
lemma uniq_Nonce_in_reqm [dest]: "[| Nonce k \ parts {reqm A r n I B};
I \<in> agl |] ==> k=n"
by (auto simp: reqm_def dest: no_Nonce_in_agl)
lemma uniq_Nonce_in_prom [dest]: "[| Nonce k \ parts {prom B ofr A r I L J C};
I \<in> agl; J \<in> agl; Nonce k \<notin> parts {L} |] ==> k=ofr"
by (auto simp: prom_def dest: no_Nonce_in_agl no_Nonce_in_appdel)
subsection\<open>requests are guarded\<close>
lemma req_imp_Guard [rule_format]: "[| evs \ p2; A \ bad |] ==>
req A r n I B \<in> set evs \<longrightarrow> Guard n {priK A} (spies evs)"
apply (erule p2.induct, simp)
apply (simp add: req_def knows.simps, safe)
apply (erule in_synth_Guard, erule Guard_analz, simp)
by (auto simp: req_def pro_def dest: Says_imp_knows_Spy)
lemma req_imp_Guard_Friend: "[| evs \ p2; A \ bad; req A r n I B \ set evs |]
==> Guard n {priK A} (knows_max (Friend C) evs)"
apply (rule Guard_knows_max')
apply (rule_tac H="spies evs" in Guard_mono)
apply (rule req_imp_Guard, simp+)
apply (rule_tac B="spies' evs" in subset_trans)
apply (rule_tac p=p2 in knows_max'_sub_spies', simp+)
by (rule knows'_sub_knows)
subsection\<open>propositions are guarded\<close>
lemma pro_imp_Guard [rule_format]: "[| evs \ p2; B \ bad; A \ bad |] ==>
pro B ofr A r I (cons M L) J C \<in> set evs \<longrightarrow> Guard ofr {priK A} (spies evs)"
supply [[simproc del: defined_all]]
apply (erule p2.induct) (* +3 subgoals *)
(* Nil *)
apply simp
(* Fake *)
apply (simp add: pro_def, safe) (* +4 subgoals *)
(* 1 *)
apply (erule in_synth_Guard, drule Guard_analz, simp, simp)
(* 2 *)
apply simp
(* 3 *)
apply (simp, simp add: req_def pro_def, blast)
(* 4 *)
apply (simp add: pro_def)
apply (blast dest: prom_inj Says_Nonce_not_used_guard Nonce_not_used_Guard)
(* 5 *)
apply simp
apply safe (* +1 subgoal *)
apply (simp add: pro_def)
apply (blast dest: prom_inj Says_Nonce_not_used_guard)
(* 6 *)
apply (simp add: pro_def)
apply (blast dest: Says_imp_knows_Spy)
(* Request *)
apply (simp add: pro_def)
apply (blast dest: prom_inj Says_Nonce_not_used_guard Nonce_not_used_Guard)
(* Propose *)
apply simp
apply safe (* +1 subgoal *)
(* 1 *)
apply (simp add: pro_def)
apply (blast dest: prom_inj Says_Nonce_not_used_guard)
(* 2 *)
apply (simp add: pro_def)
by (blast dest: Says_imp_knows_Spy)
lemma pro_imp_Guard_Friend: "[| evs \ p2; B \ bad; A \ bad;
pro B ofr A r I (cons M L) J C \<in> set evs |]
==> Guard ofr {priK A} (knows_max (Friend D) evs)"
apply (rule Guard_knows_max')
apply (rule_tac H="spies evs" in Guard_mono)
apply (rule pro_imp_Guard, simp+)
apply (rule_tac B="spies' evs" in subset_trans)
apply (rule_tac p=p2 in knows_max'_sub_spies', simp+)
by (rule knows'_sub_knows)
subsection\<open>data confidentiality:
no one other than the originator can decrypt the offers\<close>
lemma Nonce_req_notin_spies: "[| evs \ p2; req A r n I B \ set evs; A \ bad |]
==> Nonce n \<notin> analz (spies evs)"
by (frule req_imp_Guard, simp+, erule Guard_Nonce_analz, simp+)
lemma Nonce_req_notin_knows_max_Friend: "[| evs \ p2; req A r n I B \ set evs;
A \<notin> bad; A \<noteq> Friend C |] ==> Nonce n \<notin> analz (knows_max (Friend C) evs)"
apply (clarify, frule_tac C=C in req_imp_Guard_Friend, simp+)
apply (simp add: knows_max_def, drule Guard_invKey_keyset, simp+)
by (drule priK_notin_knows_max_Friend, auto simp: knows_max_def)
lemma Nonce_pro_notin_spies: "[| evs \ p2; B \ bad; A \ bad;
pro B ofr A r I (cons M L) J C \<in> set evs |] ==> Nonce ofr \<notin> analz (spies evs)"
by (frule pro_imp_Guard, simp+, erule Guard_Nonce_analz, simp+)
lemma Nonce_pro_notin_knows_max_Friend: "[| evs \ p2; B \ bad; A \ bad;
A \<noteq> Friend D; pro B ofr A r I (cons M L) J C \<in> set evs |]
==> Nonce ofr \<notin> analz (knows_max (Friend D) evs)"
apply (clarify, frule_tac A=A in pro_imp_Guard_Friend, simp+)
apply (simp add: knows_max_def, drule Guard_invKey_keyset, simp+)
by (drule priK_notin_knows_max_Friend, auto simp: knows_max_def)
subsection\<open>forward privacy:
only the originator can know the identity of the shops\<close>
lemma forward_privacy_Spy: "[| evs \ p2; B \ bad; A \ bad;
pro B ofr A r I (cons M L) J C \<in> set evs |]
==> sign B (Nonce ofr) \<notin> analz (spies evs)"
by (auto simp:sign_def dest: Nonce_pro_notin_spies)
lemma forward_privacy_Friend: "[| evs \ p2; B \ bad; A \ bad; A \ Friend D;
pro B ofr A r I (cons M L) J C \<in> set evs |]
==> sign B (Nonce ofr) \<notin> analz (knows_max (Friend D) evs)"
by (auto simp:sign_def dest:Nonce_pro_notin_knows_max_Friend )
subsection\<open>non repudiability: an offer signed by B has been sent by B\<close>
lemma Crypt_reqm: "[| Crypt (priK A) X \ parts {reqm A' r n I B}; I \ agl |] ==> A=A'"
by (auto simp: reqm_def anchor_def chain_def sign_def dest: no_Crypt_in_agl)
lemma Crypt_prom: "[| Crypt (priK A) X \ parts {prom B ofr A' r I L J C};
I \<in> agl; J \<in> agl |] ==> A=B | Crypt (priK A) X \<in> parts {L}"
apply (simp add: prom_def anchor_def chain_def sign_def)
by (blast dest: no_Crypt_in_agl no_Crypt_in_appdel)
lemma Crypt_safeness: "[| evs \ p2; A \ bad |] ==> Crypt (priK A) X \ parts (spies evs)
\<longrightarrow> (\<exists>B Y. Says A B Y \<in> set evs & Crypt (priK A) X \<in> parts {Y})"
apply (erule p2.induct)
(* Nil *)
apply simp
(* Fake *)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule_tac P="\G. Crypt (priK A) X \ G" in parts_insert_substD, simp)
apply (erule disjE)
apply (drule_tac K="priK A" in Crypt_synth, simp+, blast, blast)
(* Request *)
apply (simp add: req_def, clarify)
apply (drule_tac P="\G. Crypt (priK A) X \ G" in parts_insert_substD, simp)
apply (erule disjE)
apply (frule Crypt_reqm, simp, clarify)
apply (rule_tac x=B in exI, rule_tac x="reqm A r n I B" in exI, simp, blast)
(* Propose *)
apply (simp add: pro_def, clarify)
apply (drule_tac P="\G. Crypt (priK A) X \ G" in parts_insert_substD, simp)
apply (rotate_tac -1, erule disjE)
apply (frule Crypt_prom, simp, simp)
apply (rotate_tac -1, erule disjE)
apply (rule_tac x=C in exI)
apply (rule_tac x="prom B ofr Aa r I (cons M L) J C" in exI, blast)
apply (subgoal_tac "cons M L \ parts (spies evsp)")
apply (drule_tac G="{cons M L}" and H="spies evsp" in parts_trans, blast, blast)
apply (drule Says_imp_spies, rotate_tac -1, drule parts.Inj)
apply (drule parts.Snd, drule parts.Snd, drule parts.Snd)
by auto
lemma Crypt_Hash_imp_sign: "[| evs \ p2; A \ bad |] ==>
Crypt (priK A) (Hash X) \<in> parts (spies evs)
\<longrightarrow> (\<exists>B Y. Says A B Y \<in> set evs \<and> sign A X \<in> parts {Y})"
apply (erule p2.induct)
(* Nil *)
apply simp
(* Fake *)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule_tac P="\G. Crypt (priK A) (Hash X) \ G" in parts_insert_substD)
apply simp
apply (erule disjE)
apply (drule_tac K="priK A" in Crypt_synth, simp+, blast, blast)
(* Request *)
apply (simp add: req_def, clarify)
apply (drule_tac P="\G. Crypt (priK A) (Hash X) \ G" in parts_insert_substD)
apply simp
apply (erule disjE)
apply (frule Crypt_reqm, simp+)
apply (rule_tac x=B in exI, rule_tac x="reqm Aa r n I B" in exI)
apply (simp add: reqm_def sign_def anchor_def no_Crypt_in_agl)
apply (simp add: chain_def sign_def, blast)
(* Propose *)
apply (simp add: pro_def, clarify)
apply (drule_tac P="\G. Crypt (priK A) (Hash X) \ G" in parts_insert_substD)
apply simp
apply (rotate_tac -1, erule disjE)
apply (simp add: prom_def sign_def no_Crypt_in_agl no_Crypt_in_appdel)
apply (simp add: chain_def sign_def)
apply (rotate_tac -1, erule disjE)
apply (rule_tac x=C in exI)
apply (rule_tac x="prom B ofr Aa r I (cons M L) J C" in exI)
apply (simp add: prom_def chain_def sign_def)
apply (erule impE)
apply (blast dest: get_ML parts_sub)
apply (blast del: MPair_parts)+
lemma sign_safeness: "[| evs \ p2; A \ bad |] ==> sign A X \ parts (spies evs)
\<longrightarrow> (\<exists>B Y. Says A B Y \<in> set evs \<and> sign A X \<in> parts {Y})"
apply (clarify, simp add: sign_def, frule parts.Snd)
apply (blast dest: Crypt_Hash_imp_sign [unfolded sign_def])
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