(* Author: Tobias Nipkow *)
section "Join-Based Implementation of Sets"
theory Set2_Join
text \<open>This theory implements the set operations \<open>insert\<close>, \<open>delete\<close>,
\<open>union\<close>, \<open>inter\<close>section and \<open>diff\<close>erence. The implementation is based on binary search trees.
All operations are reduced to a single operation \<open>join l x r\<close> that joins two BSTs \<open>l\<close> and \<open>r\<close>
and an element \<open>x\<close> such that \<open>l < x < r\<close>.
The theory is based on theory \<^theory>\<open>HOL-Data_Structures.Tree2\<close> where nodes have an additional field.
This field is ignored here but it means that this theory can be instantiated
with red-black trees (see theory \<^file>\<open>Set2_Join_RBT.thy\<close>) and other balanced trees.
This approach is very concrete and fixes the type of trees.
Alternatively, one could assume some abstract type \<^typ>\<open>'t\<close> of trees with suitable decomposition
and recursion operators on it.\<close>
locale Set2_Join =
fixes join :: "('a::linorder*'b) tree \ 'a \ ('a*'b) tree \ ('a*'b) tree"
fixes inv :: "('a*'b) tree \ bool"
assumes set_join: "set_tree (join l a r) = set_tree l \ {a} \ set_tree r"
assumes bst_join: "bst (Node l (a, b) r) \ bst (join l a r)"
assumes inv_Leaf: "inv \\"
assumes inv_join: "\ inv l; inv r \ \ inv (join l a r)"
assumes inv_Node: "\ inv (Node l (a,b) r) \ \ inv l \ inv r"
declare set_join [simp] Let_def[simp]
subsection "\split_min\"
fun split_min :: "('a*'b) tree \ 'a \ ('a*'b) tree" where
"split_min (Node l (a, _) r) =
(if l = Leaf then (a,r) else let (m,l') = split_min l in (m, join l' a r))"
lemma split_min_set:
"\ split_min t = (m,t'); t \ Leaf \ \ m \ set_tree t \ set_tree t = {m} \ set_tree t'"
proof(induction t arbitrary: t' rule: tree2_induct)
case Node thus ?case by(auto split: prod.splits if_splits dest: inv_Node)
case Leaf thus ?case by simp
lemma split_min_bst:
"\ split_min t = (m,t'); bst t; t \ Leaf \ \ bst t' \ (\x \ set_tree t'. m < x)"
proof(induction t arbitrary: t' rule: tree2_induct)
case Node thus ?case by(fastforce simp: split_min_set bst_join split: prod.splits if_splits)
case Leaf thus ?case by simp
lemma split_min_inv:
"\ split_min t = (m,t'); inv t; t \ Leaf \ \ inv t'"
proof(induction t arbitrary: t' rule: tree2_induct)
case Node thus ?case by(auto simp: inv_join split: prod.splits if_splits dest: inv_Node)
case Leaf thus ?case by simp
subsection "\join2\"
definition join2 :: "('a*'b) tree \ ('a*'b) tree \ ('a*'b) tree" where
"join2 l r = (if r = Leaf then l else let (m,r') = split_min r in join l m r')"
lemma set_join2[simp]: "set_tree (join2 l r) = set_tree l \ set_tree r"
by(simp add: join2_def split_min_set split: prod.split)
lemma bst_join2: "\ bst l; bst r; \x \ set_tree l. \y \ set_tree r. x < y \
\<Longrightarrow> bst (join2 l r)"
by(simp add: join2_def bst_join split_min_set split_min_bst split: prod.split)
lemma inv_join2: "\ inv l; inv r \ \ inv (join2 l r)"
by(simp add: join2_def inv_join split_min_set split_min_inv split: prod.split)
subsection "\split\"
fun split :: "('a*'b)tree \ 'a \ ('a*'b)tree \ bool \ ('a*'b)tree" where
"split Leaf k = (Leaf, False, Leaf)" |
"split (Node l (a, _) r) x =
(case cmp x a of
LT \<Rightarrow> let (l1,b,l2) = split l x in (l1, b, join l2 a r) |
GT \<Rightarrow> let (r1,b,r2) = split r x in (join l a r1, b, r2) |
EQ \<Rightarrow> (l, True, r))"
lemma split: "split t x = (l,b,r) \ bst t \
set_tree l = {a \<in> set_tree t. a < x} \<and> set_tree r = {a \<in> set_tree t. x < a}
\<and> (b = (x \<in> set_tree t)) \<and> bst l \<and> bst r"
proof(induction t arbitrary: l b r rule: tree2_induct)
case Leaf thus ?case by simp
case Node thus ?case by(force split!: prod.splits if_splits intro!: bst_join)
lemma split_inv: "split t x = (l,b,r) \ inv t \ inv l \ inv r"
proof(induction t arbitrary: l b r rule: tree2_induct)
case Leaf thus ?case by simp
case Node
thus ?case by(force simp: inv_join split!: prod.splits if_splits dest!: inv_Node)
declare split.simps[simp del]
subsection "\insert\"
definition insert :: "'a \ ('a*'b) tree \ ('a*'b) tree" where
"insert x t = (let (l,_,r) = split t x in join l x r)"
lemma set_tree_insert: "bst t \ set_tree (insert x t) = {x} \ set_tree t"
by(auto simp add: insert_def split split: prod.split)
lemma bst_insert: "bst t \ bst (insert x t)"
by(auto simp add: insert_def bst_join dest: split split: prod.split)
lemma inv_insert: "inv t \ inv (insert x t)"
by(force simp: insert_def inv_join dest: split_inv split: prod.split)
subsection "\delete\"
definition delete :: "'a \ ('a*'b) tree \ ('a*'b) tree" where
"delete x t = (let (l,_,r) = split t x in join2 l r)"
lemma set_tree_delete: "bst t \ set_tree (delete x t) = set_tree t - {x}"
by(auto simp: delete_def split split: prod.split)
lemma bst_delete: "bst t \ bst (delete x t)"
by(force simp add: delete_def intro: bst_join2 dest: split split: prod.split)
lemma inv_delete: "inv t \ inv (delete x t)"
by(force simp: delete_def inv_join2 dest: split_inv split: prod.split)
subsection "\union\"
fun union :: "('a*'b)tree \ ('a*'b)tree \ ('a*'b)tree" where
"union t1 t2 =
(if t1 = Leaf then t2 else
if t2 = Leaf then t1 else
case t1 of Node l1 (a, _) r1 \<Rightarrow>
let (l2,_ ,r2) = split t2 a;
l' = union l1 l2; r' = union r1 r2
in join l' a r')"
declare union.simps [simp del]
lemma set_tree_union: "bst t2 \ set_tree (union t1 t2) = set_tree t1 \ set_tree t2"
proof(induction t1 t2 rule: union.induct)
case (1 t1 t2)
then show ?case
by (auto simp: union.simps[of t1 t2] split split: tree.split prod.split)
lemma bst_union: "\ bst t1; bst t2 \ \ bst (union t1 t2)"
proof(induction t1 t2 rule: union.induct)
case (1 t1 t2)
thus ?case
by(fastforce simp: union.simps[of t1 t2] set_tree_union split intro!: bst_join
split: tree.split prod.split)
lemma inv_union: "\ inv t1; inv t2 \ \ inv (union t1 t2)"
proof(induction t1 t2 rule: union.induct)
case (1 t1 t2)
thus ?case
by(auto simp:union.simps[of t1 t2] inv_join split_inv
split!: tree.split prod.split dest: inv_Node)
subsection "\inter\"
fun inter :: "('a*'b)tree \ ('a*'b)tree \ ('a*'b)tree" where
"inter t1 t2 =
(if t1 = Leaf then Leaf else
if t2 = Leaf then Leaf else
case t1 of Node l1 (a, _) r1 \<Rightarrow>
let (l2,b,r2) = split t2 a;
l' = inter l1 l2; r' = inter r1 r2
in if b then join l' a r' else join2 l' r')"
declare inter.simps [simp del]
lemma set_tree_inter:
"\ bst t1; bst t2 \ \ set_tree (inter t1 t2) = set_tree t1 \ set_tree t2"
proof(induction t1 t2 rule: inter.induct)
case (1 t1 t2)
show ?case
proof (cases t1 rule: tree2_cases)
case Leaf thus ?thesis by (simp add: inter.simps)
case [simp]: (Node l1 a _ r1)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "t2 = Leaf")
case True thus ?thesis by (simp add: inter.simps)
case False
let ?L1 = "set_tree l1" let ?R1 = "set_tree r1"
have *: "a \ ?L1 \ ?R1" using \bst t1\ by (fastforce)
obtain l2 b r2 where sp: "split t2 a = (l2,b,r2)" using prod_cases3 by blast
let ?L2 = "set_tree l2" let ?R2 = "set_tree r2" let ?A = "if b then {a} else {}"
have t2: "set_tree t2 = ?L2 \ ?R2 \ ?A" and
**: "?L2 \ ?R2 = {}" "a \ ?L2 \ ?R2" "?L1 \ ?R2 = {}" "?L2 \ ?R1 = {}"
using split[OF sp] \<open>bst t1\<close> \<open>bst t2\<close> by (force, force, force, force, force)
have IHl: "set_tree (inter l1 l2) = set_tree l1 \ set_tree l2"
using "1.IH"(1)[OF _ False _ _ sp[symmetric]] "1.prems"(1,2) split[OF sp] by simp
have IHr: "set_tree (inter r1 r2) = set_tree r1 \ set_tree r2"
using "1.IH"(2)[OF _ False _ _ sp[symmetric]] "1.prems"(1,2) split[OF sp] by simp
have "set_tree t1 \ set_tree t2 = (?L1 \ ?R1 \ {a}) \ (?L2 \ ?R2 \ ?A)"
by(simp add: t2)
also have "\ = (?L1 \ ?L2) \ (?R1 \ ?R2) \ ?A"
using * ** by auto
also have "\ = set_tree (inter t1 t2)"
using IHl IHr sp inter.simps[of t1 t2] False by(simp)
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma bst_inter: "\ bst t1; bst t2 \ \ bst (inter t1 t2)"
proof(induction t1 t2 rule: inter.induct)
case (1 t1 t2)
thus ?case
by(fastforce simp: inter.simps[of t1 t2] set_tree_inter split
intro!: bst_join bst_join2 split: tree.split prod.split)
lemma inv_inter: "\ inv t1; inv t2 \ \ inv (inter t1 t2)"
proof(induction t1 t2 rule: inter.induct)
case (1 t1 t2)
thus ?case
by(auto simp: inter.simps[of t1 t2] inv_join inv_join2 split_inv
split!: tree.split prod.split dest: inv_Node)
subsection "\diff\"
fun diff :: "('a*'b)tree \ ('a*'b)tree \ ('a*'b)tree" where
"diff t1 t2 =
(if t1 = Leaf then Leaf else
if t2 = Leaf then t1 else
case t2 of Node l2 (a, _) r2 \<Rightarrow>
let (l1,_,r1) = split t1 a;
l' = diff l1 l2; r' = diff r1 r2
in join2 l' r')"
declare diff.simps [simp del]
lemma set_tree_diff:
"\ bst t1; bst t2 \ \ set_tree (diff t1 t2) = set_tree t1 - set_tree t2"
proof(induction t1 t2 rule: diff.induct)
case (1 t1 t2)
show ?case
proof (cases t2 rule: tree2_cases)
case Leaf thus ?thesis by (simp add: diff.simps)
case [simp]: (Node l2 a _ r2)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "t1 = Leaf")
case True thus ?thesis by (simp add: diff.simps)
case False
let ?L2 = "set_tree l2" let ?R2 = "set_tree r2"
obtain l1 b r1 where sp: "split t1 a = (l1,b,r1)" using prod_cases3 by blast
let ?L1 = "set_tree l1" let ?R1 = "set_tree r1" let ?A = "if b then {a} else {}"
have t1: "set_tree t1 = ?L1 \ ?R1 \ ?A" and
**: "a \ ?L1 \ ?R1" "?L1 \ ?R2 = {}" "?L2 \ ?R1 = {}"
using split[OF sp] \<open>bst t1\<close> \<open>bst t2\<close> by (force, force, force, force)
have IHl: "set_tree (diff l1 l2) = set_tree l1 - set_tree l2"
using "1.IH"(1)[OF False _ _ _ sp[symmetric]] "1.prems"(1,2) split[OF sp] by simp
have IHr: "set_tree (diff r1 r2) = set_tree r1 - set_tree r2"
using "1.IH"(2)[OF False _ _ _ sp[symmetric]] "1.prems"(1,2) split[OF sp] by simp
have "set_tree t1 - set_tree t2 = (?L1 \ ?R1) - (?L2 \ ?R2 \ {a})"
by(simp add: t1)
also have "\ = (?L1 - ?L2) \ (?R1 - ?R2)"
using ** by auto
also have "\ = set_tree (diff t1 t2)"
using IHl IHr sp diff.simps[of t1 t2] False by(simp)
finally show ?thesis by simp
lemma bst_diff: "\ bst t1; bst t2 \ \ bst (diff t1 t2)"
proof(induction t1 t2 rule: diff.induct)
case (1 t1 t2)
thus ?case
by(fastforce simp: diff.simps[of t1 t2] set_tree_diff split
intro!: bst_join bst_join2 split: tree.split prod.split)
lemma inv_diff: "\ inv t1; inv t2 \ \ inv (diff t1 t2)"
proof(induction t1 t2 rule: diff.induct)
case (1 t1 t2)
thus ?case
by(auto simp: diff.simps[of t1 t2] inv_join inv_join2 split_inv
split!: tree.split prod.split dest: inv_Node)
text \<open>Locale \<^locale>\<open>Set2_Join\<close> implements locale \<^locale>\<open>Set2\<close>:\<close>
sublocale Set2
where empty = Leaf and insert = insert and delete = delete and isin = isin
and union = union and inter = inter and diff = diff
and set = set_tree and invar = "\t. inv t \ bst t"
proof (standard, goal_cases)
case 1 show ?case by (simp)
case 2 thus ?case by(simp add: isin_set_tree)
case 3 thus ?case by (simp add: set_tree_insert)
case 4 thus ?case by (simp add: set_tree_delete)
case 5 thus ?case by (simp add: inv_Leaf)
case 6 thus ?case by (simp add: bst_insert inv_insert)
case 7 thus ?case by (simp add: bst_delete inv_delete)
case 8 thus ?case by(simp add: set_tree_union)
case 9 thus ?case by(simp add: set_tree_inter)
case 10 thus ?case by(simp add: set_tree_diff)
case 11 thus ?case by (simp add: bst_union inv_union)
case 12 thus ?case by (simp add: bst_inter inv_inter)
case 13 thus ?case by (simp add: bst_diff inv_diff)
interpretation unbal: Set2_Join
where join = "\l x r. Node l (x, ()) r" and inv = "\t. True"
proof (standard, goal_cases)
case 1 show ?case by simp
case 2 thus ?case by simp
case 3 thus ?case by simp
case 4 thus ?case by simp
case 5 thus ?case by simp
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