(* Title: HOL/HOLCF/Domain.thy
Author: Brian Huffman
section \<open>Domain package\<close>
theory Domain
imports Representable Domain_Aux
"lazy" "unsafe" and
"domaindef" "domain" :: thy_defn and
"domain_isomorphism" :: thy_decl
default_sort "domain"
subsection \<open>Representations of types\<close>
lemma emb_prj: "emb\((prj\x)::'a) = cast\DEFL('a)\x"
by (simp add: cast_DEFL)
lemma emb_prj_emb:
fixes x :: "'a"
assumes "DEFL('a) \ DEFL('b)"
shows "emb\(prj\(emb\x) :: 'b) = emb\x"
unfolding emb_prj
apply (rule cast.belowD)
apply (rule monofun_cfun_arg [OF assms])
apply (simp add: cast_DEFL)
lemma prj_emb_prj:
assumes "DEFL('a) \ DEFL('b)"
shows "prj\(emb\(prj\x :: 'b)) = (prj\x :: 'a)"
apply (rule emb_eq_iff [THEN iffD1])
apply (simp only: emb_prj)
apply (rule deflation_below_comp1)
apply (rule deflation_cast)
apply (rule deflation_cast)
apply (rule monofun_cfun_arg [OF assms])
text \<open>Isomorphism lemmas used internally by the domain package:\<close>
lemma domain_abs_iso:
fixes abs and rep
assumes DEFL: "DEFL('b) = DEFL('a)"
assumes abs_def: "(abs :: 'a \ 'b) \ prj oo emb"
assumes rep_def: "(rep :: 'b \ 'a) \ prj oo emb"
shows "rep\(abs\x) = x"
unfolding abs_def rep_def
by (simp add: emb_prj_emb DEFL)
lemma domain_rep_iso:
fixes abs and rep
assumes DEFL: "DEFL('b) = DEFL('a)"
assumes abs_def: "(abs :: 'a \ 'b) \ prj oo emb"
assumes rep_def: "(rep :: 'b \ 'a) \ prj oo emb"
shows "abs\(rep\x) = x"
unfolding abs_def rep_def
by (simp add: emb_prj_emb DEFL)
subsection \<open>Deflations as sets\<close>
definition defl_set :: "'a::bifinite defl \ 'a set"
where "defl_set A = {x. cast\A\x = x}"
lemma adm_defl_set: "adm (\x. x \ defl_set A)"
unfolding defl_set_def by simp
lemma defl_set_bottom: "\ \ defl_set A"
unfolding defl_set_def by simp
lemma defl_set_cast [simp]: "cast\A\x \ defl_set A"
unfolding defl_set_def by simp
lemma defl_set_subset_iff: "defl_set A \ defl_set B \ A \ B"
apply (simp add: defl_set_def subset_eq cast_below_cast [symmetric])
apply (auto simp add: cast.belowI cast.belowD)
subsection \<open>Proving a subtype is representable\<close>
text \<open>Temporarily relax type constraints.\<close>
setup \<open>
fold Sign.add_const_constraint
[ (\<^const_name>\<open>defl\<close>, SOME \<^typ>\<open>'a::pcpo itself \<Rightarrow> udom defl\<close>)
, (\<^const_name>\<open>emb\<close>, SOME \<^typ>\<open>'a::pcpo \<rightarrow> udom\<close>)
, (\<^const_name>\<open>prj\<close>, SOME \<^typ>\<open>udom \<rightarrow> 'a::pcpo\<close>)
, (\<^const_name>\<open>liftdefl\<close>, SOME \<^typ>\<open>'a::pcpo itself \<Rightarrow> udom u defl\<close>)
, (\<^const_name>\<open>liftemb\<close>, SOME \<^typ>\<open>'a::pcpo u \<rightarrow> udom u\<close>)
, (\<^const_name>\<open>liftprj\<close>, SOME \<^typ>\<open>udom u \<rightarrow> 'a::pcpo u\<close>) ]
lemma typedef_domain_class:
fixes Rep :: "'a::pcpo \ udom"
fixes Abs :: "udom \ 'a::pcpo"
fixes t :: "udom defl"
assumes type: "type_definition Rep Abs (defl_set t)"
assumes below: "(\) \ \x y. Rep x \ Rep y"
assumes emb: "emb \ (\ x. Rep x)"
assumes prj: "prj \ (\ x. Abs (cast\t\x))"
assumes defl: "defl \ (\ a::'a itself. t)"
assumes liftemb: "(liftemb :: 'a u \ udom u) \ u_map\emb"
assumes liftprj: "(liftprj :: udom u \ 'a u) \ u_map\prj"
assumes liftdefl: "(liftdefl :: 'a itself \ _) \ (\t. liftdefl_of\DEFL('a))"
shows "OFCLASS('a, domain_class)"
have emb_beta: "\x. emb\x = Rep x"
unfolding emb
apply (rule beta_cfun)
apply (rule typedef_cont_Rep [OF type below adm_defl_set cont_id])
have prj_beta: "\y. prj\y = Abs (cast\t\y)"
unfolding prj
apply (rule beta_cfun)
apply (rule typedef_cont_Abs [OF type below adm_defl_set])
apply simp_all
have prj_emb: "\x::'a. prj\(emb\x) = x"
using type_definition.Rep [OF type]
unfolding prj_beta emb_beta defl_set_def
by (simp add: type_definition.Rep_inverse [OF type])
have emb_prj: "\y. emb\(prj\y :: 'a) = cast\t\y"
unfolding prj_beta emb_beta
by (simp add: type_definition.Abs_inverse [OF type])
show "ep_pair (emb :: 'a \ udom) prj"
apply standard
apply (simp add: prj_emb)
apply (simp add: emb_prj cast.below)
show "cast\DEFL('a) = emb oo (prj :: udom \ 'a)"
by (rule cfun_eqI, simp add: defl emb_prj)
qed (simp_all only: liftemb liftprj liftdefl)
lemma typedef_DEFL:
assumes "defl \ (\a::'a::pcpo itself. t)"
shows "DEFL('a::pcpo) = t"
unfolding assms ..
text \<open>Restore original typing constraints.\<close>
setup \<open>
fold Sign.add_const_constraint
[(\<^const_name>\<open>defl\<close>, SOME \<^typ>\<open>'a::domain itself \<Rightarrow> udom defl\<close>),
(\<^const_name>\<open>emb\<close>, SOME \<^typ>\<open>'a::domain \<rightarrow> udom\<close>),
(\<^const_name>\<open>prj\<close>, SOME \<^typ>\<open>udom \<rightarrow> 'a::domain\<close>),
(\<^const_name>\<open>liftdefl\<close>, SOME \<^typ>\<open>'a::predomain itself \<Rightarrow> udom u defl\<close>),
(\<^const_name>\<open>liftemb\<close>, SOME \<^typ>\<open>'a::predomain u \<rightarrow> udom u\<close>),
(\<^const_name>\<open>liftprj\<close>, SOME \<^typ>\<open>udom u \<rightarrow> 'a::predomain u\<close>)]
ML_file \<open>Tools/domaindef.ML\<close>
subsection \<open>Isomorphic deflations\<close>
definition isodefl :: "('a \ 'a) \ udom defl \ bool"
where "isodefl d t \ cast\t = emb oo d oo prj"
definition isodefl' :: "('a::predomain \<rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> udom u defl \<Rightarrow> bool"
where "isodefl' d t \ cast\t = liftemb oo u_map\d oo liftprj"
lemma isodeflI: "(\x. cast\t\x = emb\(d\(prj\x))) \ isodefl d t"
unfolding isodefl_def by (simp add: cfun_eqI)
lemma cast_isodefl: "isodefl d t \ cast\t = (\ x. emb\(d\(prj\x)))"
unfolding isodefl_def by (simp add: cfun_eqI)
lemma isodefl_strict: "isodefl d t \ d\\ = \"
unfolding isodefl_def
by (drule cfun_fun_cong [where x="\"], simp)
lemma isodefl_imp_deflation:
fixes d :: "'a \ 'a"
assumes "isodefl d t" shows "deflation d"
note assms [unfolded isodefl_def, simp]
fix x :: 'a
show "d\(d\x) = d\x"
using cast.idem [of t "emb\x"] by simp
show "d\x \ x"
using cast.below [of t "emb\x"] by simp
lemma isodefl_ID_DEFL: "isodefl (ID :: 'a \ 'a) DEFL('a)"
unfolding isodefl_def by (simp add: cast_DEFL)
lemma isodefl_LIFTDEFL:
"isodefl' (ID :: 'a \ 'a) LIFTDEFL('a::predomain)"
unfolding isodefl'_def by (simp add: cast_liftdefl u_map_ID)
lemma isodefl_DEFL_imp_ID: "isodefl (d :: 'a \ 'a) DEFL('a) \ d = ID"
unfolding isodefl_def
apply (simp add: cast_DEFL)
apply (simp add: cfun_eq_iff)
apply (rule allI)
apply (drule_tac x="emb\x" in spec)
apply simp
lemma isodefl_bottom: "isodefl \ \"
unfolding isodefl_def by (simp add: cfun_eq_iff)
lemma adm_isodefl:
"cont f \ cont g \ adm (\x. isodefl (f x) (g x))"
unfolding isodefl_def by simp
lemma isodefl_lub:
assumes "chain d" and "chain t"
assumes "\i. isodefl (d i) (t i)"
shows "isodefl (\i. d i) (\i. t i)"
using assms unfolding isodefl_def
by (simp add: contlub_cfun_arg contlub_cfun_fun)
lemma isodefl_fix:
assumes "\d t. isodefl d t \ isodefl (f\d) (g\t)"
shows "isodefl (fix\f) (fix\g)"
unfolding fix_def2
apply (rule isodefl_lub, simp, simp)
apply (induct_tac i)
apply (simp add: isodefl_bottom)
apply (simp add: assms)
lemma isodefl_abs_rep:
fixes abs and rep and d
assumes DEFL: "DEFL('b) = DEFL('a)"
assumes abs_def: "(abs :: 'a \ 'b) \ prj oo emb"
assumes rep_def: "(rep :: 'b \ 'a) \ prj oo emb"
shows "isodefl d t \ isodefl (abs oo d oo rep) t"
unfolding isodefl_def
by (simp add: cfun_eq_iff assms prj_emb_prj emb_prj_emb)
lemma isodefl'_liftdefl_of: "isodefl d t \ isodefl' d (liftdefl_of\t)"
unfolding isodefl_def isodefl'_def
by (simp add: cast_liftdefl_of u_map_oo liftemb_eq liftprj_eq)
lemma isodefl_sfun:
"isodefl d1 t1 \ isodefl d2 t2 \
isodefl (sfun_map\<cdot>d1\<cdot>d2) (sfun_defl\<cdot>t1\<cdot>t2)"
apply (rule isodeflI)
apply (simp add: cast_sfun_defl cast_isodefl)
apply (simp add: emb_sfun_def prj_sfun_def)
apply (simp add: sfun_map_map isodefl_strict)
lemma isodefl_ssum:
"isodefl d1 t1 \ isodefl d2 t2 \
isodefl (ssum_map\<cdot>d1\<cdot>d2) (ssum_defl\<cdot>t1\<cdot>t2)"
apply (rule isodeflI)
apply (simp add: cast_ssum_defl cast_isodefl)
apply (simp add: emb_ssum_def prj_ssum_def)
apply (simp add: ssum_map_map isodefl_strict)
lemma isodefl_sprod:
"isodefl d1 t1 \ isodefl d2 t2 \
isodefl (sprod_map\<cdot>d1\<cdot>d2) (sprod_defl\<cdot>t1\<cdot>t2)"
apply (rule isodeflI)
apply (simp add: cast_sprod_defl cast_isodefl)
apply (simp add: emb_sprod_def prj_sprod_def)
apply (simp add: sprod_map_map isodefl_strict)
lemma isodefl_prod:
"isodefl d1 t1 \ isodefl d2 t2 \
isodefl (prod_map\<cdot>d1\<cdot>d2) (prod_defl\<cdot>t1\<cdot>t2)"
apply (rule isodeflI)
apply (simp add: cast_prod_defl cast_isodefl)
apply (simp add: emb_prod_def prj_prod_def)
apply (simp add: prod_map_map cfcomp1)
lemma isodefl_u:
"isodefl d t \ isodefl (u_map\d) (u_defl\t)"
apply (rule isodeflI)
apply (simp add: cast_u_defl cast_isodefl)
apply (simp add: emb_u_def prj_u_def liftemb_eq liftprj_eq u_map_map)
lemma isodefl_u_liftdefl:
"isodefl' d t \ isodefl (u_map\d) (u_liftdefl\t)"
apply (rule isodeflI)
apply (simp add: cast_u_liftdefl isodefl'_def)
apply (simp add: emb_u_def prj_u_def liftemb_eq liftprj_eq)
lemma encode_prod_u_map:
= sprod_map\<cdot>(u_map\<cdot>f)\<cdot>(u_map\<cdot>g)\<cdot>x"
unfolding encode_prod_u_def decode_prod_u_def
apply (case_tac x, simp, rename_tac a b)
apply (case_tac a, simp, case_tac b, simp, simp)
lemma isodefl_prod_u:
assumes "isodefl' d1 t1" and "isodefl' d2 t2"
shows "isodefl' (prod_map\d1\d2) (prod_liftdefl\t1\t2)"
using assms unfolding isodefl'_def
unfolding liftemb_prod_def liftprj_prod_def
by (simp add: cast_prod_liftdefl cfcomp1 encode_prod_u_map sprod_map_map)
lemma encode_cfun_map:
= sfun_map\<cdot>(u_map\<cdot>f)\<cdot>g\<cdot>x"
unfolding encode_cfun_def decode_cfun_def
apply (simp add: sfun_eq_iff cfun_map_def sfun_map_def)
apply (rule cfun_eqI, rename_tac y, case_tac y, simp_all)
lemma isodefl_cfun:
assumes "isodefl (u_map\d1) t1" and "isodefl d2 t2"
shows "isodefl (cfun_map\d1\d2) (sfun_defl\t1\t2)"
using isodefl_sfun [OF assms] unfolding isodefl_def
by (simp add: emb_cfun_def prj_cfun_def cfcomp1 encode_cfun_map)
subsection \<open>Setting up the domain package\<close>
named_theorems domain_defl_simps "theorems like DEFL('a t) = t_defl$DEFL('a)"
and domain_isodefl "theorems like isodefl d t ==> isodefl (foo_map$d) (foo_defl$t)"
ML_file \<open>Tools/Domain/domain_isomorphism.ML\<close>
ML_file \<open>Tools/Domain/domain_axioms.ML\<close>
ML_file \<open>Tools/Domain/domain.ML\<close>
lemmas [domain_defl_simps] =
DEFL_cfun DEFL_sfun DEFL_ssum DEFL_sprod DEFL_prod DEFL_u
liftdefl_eq LIFTDEFL_prod u_liftdefl_liftdefl_of
lemmas [domain_map_ID] =
cfun_map_ID sfun_map_ID ssum_map_ID sprod_map_ID prod_map_ID u_map_ID
lemmas [domain_isodefl] =
isodefl_u isodefl_sfun isodefl_ssum isodefl_sprod
isodefl_cfun isodefl_prod isodefl_prod_u isodefl'_liftdefl_of
lemmas [domain_deflation] =
deflation_cfun_map deflation_sfun_map deflation_ssum_map
deflation_sprod_map deflation_prod_map deflation_u_map
setup \<open>
fold Domain_Take_Proofs.add_rec_type
[(\<^type_name>\<open>cfun\<close>, [true, true]),
(\<^type_name>\<open>sfun\<close>, [true, true]),
(\<^type_name>\<open>ssum\<close>, [true, true]),
(\<^type_name>\<open>sprod\<close>, [true, true]),
(\<^type_name>\<open>prod\<close>, [true, true]),
(\<^type_name>\<open>u\<close>, [true])]
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