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Datei: OG_Syntax.thy   Sprache: Isabelle

Original von: Isabelle©

theory OG_Syntax
imports OG_Tactics Quote_Antiquote

text\<open>Syntax for commands and for assertions and boolean expressions in
 commands \<open>com\<close> and annotated commands \<open>ann_com\<close>.\<close>

abbreviation Skip :: "'a com"  ("SKIP" 63)
  where "SKIP \ Basic id"

abbreviation AnnSkip :: "'a assn \ 'a ann_com" ("_//SKIP" [90] 63)
  where "r SKIP \ AnnBasic r id"

  Seq  ("_,,/ _" [55, 56] 55) and
  AnnSeq  ("_;;/ _" [60,61] 60)

  "_Assign"      :: "idt \ 'b \ 'a com" ("(\_ :=/ _)" [70, 65] 61)
  "_AnnAssign"   :: "'a assn \ idt \ 'b \ 'a com" ("(_ \_ :=/ _)" [90,70,65] 61)

  "\x := a" \ "CONST Basic \\(_update_name x (\_. a))\"
  "r \x := a" \ "CONST AnnBasic r \\(_update_name x (\_. a))\"

  "_AnnCond1"    :: "'a assn \ 'a bexp \ 'a ann_com \ 'a ann_com \ 'a ann_com"
                    ("_ //IF _ /THEN _ /ELSE _ /FI"  [90,0,0,0] 61)
  "_AnnCond2"    :: "'a assn \ 'a bexp \ 'a ann_com \ 'a ann_com"
                    ("_ //IF _ /THEN _ /FI"  [90,0,0] 61)
  "_AnnWhile"    :: "'a assn \ 'a bexp \ 'a assn \ 'a ann_com \ 'a ann_com"
                    ("_ //WHILE _ /INV _ //DO _//OD"  [90,0,0,0] 61)
  "_AnnAwait"    :: "'a assn \ 'a bexp \ 'a com \ 'a ann_com"
                    ("_ //AWAIT _ /THEN /_ /END"  [90,0,0] 61)
  "_AnnAtom"     :: "'a assn \ 'a com \ 'a ann_com" ("_//\_\" [90,0] 61)
  "_AnnWait"     :: "'a assn \ 'a bexp \ 'a ann_com" ("_//WAIT _ END" [90,0] 61)

  "_Cond"        :: "'a bexp \ 'a com \ 'a com \ 'a com"
                                  ("(0IF _/ THEN _/ ELSE _/ FI)" [0, 0, 0] 61)
  "_Cond2"       :: "'a bexp \ 'a com \ 'a com" ("IF _ THEN _ FI" [0,0] 56)
  "_While_inv"   :: "'a bexp \ 'a assn \ 'a com \ 'a com"
                    ("(0WHILE _/ INV _ //DO _ /OD)"  [0, 0, 0] 61)
  "_While"       :: "'a bexp \ 'a com \ 'a com"
                    ("(0WHILE _ //DO _ /OD)"  [0, 0] 61)

  "IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI" \<rightharpoonup> "CONST Cond \<lbrace>b\<rbrace> c1 c2"
  "IF b THEN c FI" \<rightleftharpoons> "IF b THEN c ELSE SKIP FI"
  "WHILE b INV i DO c OD" \<rightharpoonup> "CONST While \<lbrace>b\<rbrace> i c"
  "WHILE b DO c OD" \<rightleftharpoons> "WHILE b INV CONST undefined DO c OD"

  "r IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2 FI" \<rightharpoonup> "CONST AnnCond1 r \<lbrace>b\<rbrace> c1 c2"
  "r IF b THEN c FI" \<rightharpoonup> "CONST AnnCond2 r \<lbrace>b\<rbrace> c"
  "r WHILE b INV i DO c OD" \<rightharpoonup> "CONST AnnWhile r \<lbrace>b\<rbrace> i c"
  "r AWAIT b THEN c END" \<rightharpoonup> "CONST AnnAwait r \<lbrace>b\<rbrace> c"
  "r \c\" \ "r AWAIT CONST True THEN c END"
  "r WAIT b END" \<rightleftharpoons> "r AWAIT b THEN SKIP END"

nonterminal prgs

  "_PAR" :: "prgs \ 'a" ("COBEGIN//_//COEND" [57] 56)
  "_prg" :: "['a, 'a] \ prgs" ("_//_" [60, 90] 57)
  "_prgs" :: "['a, 'a, prgs] \ prgs" ("_//_//\//_" [60,90,57] 57)

  "_prg_scheme" :: "['a, 'a, 'a, 'a, 'a] \ prgs"
                  ("SCHEME [_ \ _ < _] _// _" [0,0,0,60, 90] 57)

  "_prg c q" \<rightleftharpoons> "[(CONST Some c, q)]"
  "_prgs c q ps" \<rightleftharpoons> "(CONST Some c, q) # ps"
  "_PAR ps" \<rightleftharpoons> "CONST Parallel ps"

  "_prg_scheme j i k c q" \<rightleftharpoons> "CONST map (\<lambda>i. (CONST Some c, q)) [j..<k]"

print_translation \<open>
    fun quote_tr' f (t :: ts) =
          Term.list_comb (f $ Syntax_Trans.quote_tr' \<^syntax_const>\_antiquote\ t, ts)
      | quote_tr' _ _ = raise Match;

    fun annquote_tr' f (r :: t :: ts) =
          Term.list_comb (f $ r $ Syntax_Trans.quote_tr' \<^syntax_const>\_antiquote\ t, ts)
      | annquote_tr' _ _ = raise Match;

    val assert_tr' = quote_tr' (Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\<open>_Assert\<close>);

    fun bexp_tr' name ((Const (\<^const_syntax>\Collect\, _) $ t) :: ts) =
          quote_tr' (Syntax.const name) (t :: ts)
      | bexp_tr' _ _ = raise Match;

    fun annbexp_tr' name (r :: (Const (\<^const_syntax>\Collect\, _) $ t) :: ts) =
          annquote_tr' (Syntax.const name) (r :: t :: ts)
      | annbexp_tr' _ _ = raise Match;

    fun assign_tr' (Abs (x, _, f $ k $ Bound 0) :: ts) =
          quote_tr' (Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_Assign\ $ Syntax_Trans.update_name_tr' f)
            (Abs (x, dummyT, Syntax_Trans.const_abs_tr' k) :: ts)
      | assign_tr' _ = raise Match;

    fun annassign_tr' (r :: Abs (x, _, f $ k $ Bound 0) :: ts) =
          quote_tr' (Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_AnnAssign\ $ r $ Syntax_Trans.update_name_tr' f)
            (Abs (x, dummyT, Syntax_Trans.const_abs_tr' k) :: ts)
      | annassign_tr' _ = raise Match;

    fun Parallel_PAR [(Const (\<^const_syntax>\<open>Cons\<close>, _) $
            (Const (\<^const_syntax>\<open>Pair\<close>, _) $ (Const (\<^const_syntax>\<open>Some\<close>,_) $ t1 ) $ t2) $
            Const (\<^const_syntax>\<open>Nil\<close>, _))] = Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\<open>_prg\<close> $ t1 $ t2
      | Parallel_PAR [(Const (\<^const_syntax>\<open>Cons\<close>, _) $
            (Const (\<^const_syntax>\<open>Pair\<close>, _) $ (Const (\<^const_syntax>\<open>Some\<close>, _) $ t1) $ t2) $ ts)] =
          Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\<open>_prgs\<close> $ t1 $ t2 $ Parallel_PAR [ts]
      | Parallel_PAR _ = raise Match;

    fun Parallel_tr' ts = Syntax.const \<^syntax_const>\_PAR\ $ Parallel_PAR ts;
   [(\<^const_syntax>\<open>Collect\<close>, K assert_tr'),
    (\<^const_syntax>\<open>Basic\<close>, K assign_tr'),
    (\<^const_syntax>\<open>Cond\<close>, K (bexp_tr' \<^syntax_const>\<open>_Cond\<close>)),
    (\<^const_syntax>\<open>While\<close>, K (bexp_tr' \<^syntax_const>\<open>_While_inv\<close>)),
    (\<^const_syntax>\<open>AnnBasic\<close>, K annassign_tr'),
    (\<^const_syntax>\<open>AnnWhile\<close>, K (annbexp_tr' \<^syntax_const>\<open>_AnnWhile\<close>)),
    (\<^const_syntax>\<open>AnnAwait\<close>, K (annbexp_tr' \<^syntax_const>\<open>_AnnAwait\<close>)),
    (\<^const_syntax>\<open>AnnCond1\<close>, K (annbexp_tr' \<^syntax_const>\<open>_AnnCond1\<close>)),
    (\<^const_syntax>\<open>AnnCond2\<close>, K (annbexp_tr' \<^syntax_const>\<open>_AnnCond2\<close>))]


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