(* Title: HOL/IOA/Solve.thy
Author: Tobias Nipkow & Konrad Slind
Copyright 1994 TU Muenchen
section \<open>Weak possibilities mapping (abstraction)\<close>
theory Solve
imports IOA
definition is_weak_pmap :: "['c \ 'a, ('action,'c)ioa,('action,'a)ioa] \ bool" where
"is_weak_pmap f C A \
(\<forall>s\<in>starts_of(C). f(s)\<in>starts_of(A)) \<and>
(\<forall>s t a. reachable C s \<and>
\<longrightarrow> (if a\<in>externals(asig_of(C)) then
else f(s)=f(t)))"
declare mk_trace_thm [simp] trans_in_actions [simp]
lemma trace_inclusion:
"[| IOA(C); IOA(A); externals(asig_of(C)) = externals(asig_of(A));
is_weak_pmap f C A |] ==> traces(C) \<subseteq> traces(A)"
apply (unfold is_weak_pmap_def traces_def)
apply (simp (no_asm) add: has_trace_def)
apply safe
apply (rename_tac ex1 ex2)
(* choose same trace, therefore same NF *)
apply (rule_tac x = "mk_trace C ex1" in exI)
apply simp
(* give execution of abstract automata *)
apply (rule_tac x = "(mk_trace A ex1,\i. f (ex2 i))" in bexI)
(* Traces coincide *)
apply (simp (no_asm_simp) add: mk_trace_def filter_oseq_idemp)
(* Use lemma *)
apply (frule states_of_exec_reachable)
(* Now show that it's an execution *)
apply (simp add: executions_def)
apply safe
(* Start states map to start states *)
apply (drule bspec)
apply assumption
(* Show that it's an execution fragment *)
apply (simp add: is_execution_fragment_def)
apply safe
apply (erule_tac x = "ex2 n" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x = "ex2 (Suc n)" in allE)
apply (erule_tac x = a in allE)
apply simp
(* Lemmata *)
lemma imp_conj_lemma: "(P \ Q\R) \ P\Q \ R"
by blast
(* fist_order_tautology of externals_of_par *)
lemma externals_of_par_extra:
"a\externals(asig_of(A1||A2)) =
(a\<in>externals(asig_of(A1)) \<and> a\<in>externals(asig_of(A2)) \<or>
a\<in>externals(asig_of(A1)) \<and> a\<notin>externals(asig_of(A2)) \<or>
a\<notin>externals(asig_of(A1)) \<and> a\<in>externals(asig_of(A2)))"
apply (auto simp add: externals_def asig_of_par asig_comp_def asig_inputs_def asig_outputs_def)
lemma comp1_reachable: "[| reachable (C1||C2) s |] ==> reachable C1 (fst s)"
apply (simp add: reachable_def)
apply (erule bexE)
apply (rule_tac x =
"(filter_oseq (\a. a\actions (asig_of (C1))) (fst ex) , \i. fst (snd ex i))" in bexI)
(* fst(s) is in projected execution *)
apply force
(* projected execution is indeed an execution *)
apply (simp cong del: if_weak_cong
add: executions_def is_execution_fragment_def par_def starts_of_def
trans_of_def filter_oseq_def
split: option.split)
(* Exact copy of proof of comp1_reachable for the second
component of a parallel composition. *)
lemma comp2_reachable: "[| reachable (C1||C2) s|] ==> reachable C2 (snd s)"
apply (simp add: reachable_def)
apply (erule bexE)
apply (rule_tac x =
"(filter_oseq (\a. a\actions (asig_of (C2))) (fst ex) , \i. snd (snd ex i))" in bexI)
(* fst(s) is in projected execution *)
apply force
(* projected execution is indeed an execution *)
apply (simp cong del: if_weak_cong
add: executions_def is_execution_fragment_def par_def starts_of_def
trans_of_def filter_oseq_def
split: option.split)
declare if_split [split del] if_weak_cong [cong del]
(*Composition of possibility-mappings *)
lemma fxg_is_weak_pmap_of_product_IOA:
"[| is_weak_pmap f C1 A1;
is_weak_pmap g C2 A2;
compat_ioas C1 C2; compat_ioas A1 A2 |]
==> is_weak_pmap (\<lambda>p.(f(fst(p)),g(snd(p)))) (C1||C2) (A1||A2)"
apply (unfold is_weak_pmap_def)
apply (rule conjI)
(* start_states *)
apply (simp add: par_def starts_of_def)
(* transitions *)
apply (rule allI)+
apply (rule imp_conj_lemma)
apply (simp (no_asm) add: externals_of_par_extra)
apply (simp (no_asm) add: par_def)
apply (simp add: trans_of_def)
apply (simplesubst if_split)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (rule impI)
apply (erule disjE)
(* case 1 a:e(A1) | a:e(A2) *)
apply (simp add: comp1_reachable comp2_reachable ext_is_act)
apply (erule disjE)
(* case 2 a:e(A1) | a~:e(A2) *)
apply (simp add: comp1_reachable comp2_reachable ext_is_act ext1_ext2_is_not_act2)
(* case 3 a:~e(A1) | a:e(A2) *)
apply (simp add: comp1_reachable comp2_reachable ext_is_act ext1_ext2_is_not_act1)
(* case 4 a:~e(A1) | a~:e(A2) *)
apply (rule impI)
apply (subgoal_tac "a\externals (asig_of (A1)) & a\externals (asig_of (A2))")
(* delete auxiliary subgoal *)
prefer 2
apply force
apply (simp (no_asm) add: conj_disj_distribR cong add: conj_cong split: if_split)
apply (tactic \<open>
REPEAT((resolve_tac \<^context> [conjI, impI] 1 ORELSE eresolve_tac \<^context> [conjE] 1) THEN
asm_full_simp_tac(\<^context> addsimps [@{thm comp1_reachable}, @{thm comp2_reachable}]) 1)\<close>)
lemma reachable_rename_ioa: "[| reachable (rename C g) s |] ==> reachable C s"
apply (simp add: reachable_def)
apply (erule bexE)
apply (rule_tac x = "((\i. case (fst ex i) of None \ None | Some (x) => g x) ,snd ex)" in bexI)
apply (simp (no_asm))
(* execution is indeed an execution of C *)
apply (simp add: executions_def is_execution_fragment_def par_def
starts_of_def trans_of_def rename_def split: option.split)
apply force
lemma rename_through_pmap: "[| is_weak_pmap f C A |]
==> (is_weak_pmap f (rename C g) (rename A g))"
apply (simp add: is_weak_pmap_def)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (simp add: rename_def starts_of_def)
apply (rule allI)+
apply (rule imp_conj_lemma)
apply (simp (no_asm) add: rename_def)
apply (simp add: externals_def asig_inputs_def asig_outputs_def asig_of_def trans_of_def)
apply safe
apply (simplesubst if_split)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (rule impI)
apply (erule disjE)
apply (erule exE)
apply (erule conjE)
(* x is input *)
apply (drule sym)
apply (drule sym)
apply simp
apply hypsubst+
apply (cut_tac C = "C" and g = "g" and s = "s" in reachable_rename_ioa)
apply assumption
apply simp
(* x is output *)
apply (erule exE)
apply (erule conjE)
apply (drule sym)
apply (drule sym)
apply simp
apply hypsubst+
apply (cut_tac C = "C" and g = "g" and s = "s" in reachable_rename_ioa)
apply assumption
apply simp
(* x is internal *)
apply (simp (no_asm) cong add: conj_cong)
apply (rule impI)
apply (erule conjE)
apply (cut_tac C = "C" and g = "g" and s = "s" in reachable_rename_ioa)
apply auto
declare if_split [split] if_weak_cong [cong]
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