(* Title: HOL/Induct/SList.thy
Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
This theory is strictly of historical interest. It illustrates how
recursive datatypes can be constructed in higher-order logic from
first principles. Isabelle's datatype package automates a
construction of this sort.
Enriched theory of lists; mutual indirect recursive data-types.
Definition of type 'a list (strict lists) by a least fixed point
We use list(A) == lfp(%Z. {NUMB(0)} <+> A \<times> Z)
and not list == lfp(%Z. {NUMB(0)} <+> range(Leaf) \<times> Z)
so that list can serve as a "functor" for defining other recursive types.
This enables the conservative construction of mutual recursive datatypes
such as
datatype 'a m = Node 'a * 'a m list
section \<open>Extended List Theory (old)\<close>
theory SList
imports Sexp
(*Hilbert_Choice is needed for the function "inv"*)
(* *********************************************************************** *)
(* *)
(* Building up data type *)
(* *)
(* *********************************************************************** *)
(* Defining the Concrete Constructors *)
NIL :: "'a item" where
"NIL = In0(Numb(0))"
CONS :: "['a item, 'a item] => 'a item" where
"CONS M N = In1(Scons M N)"
list :: "'a item set => 'a item set"
for A :: "'a item set"
NIL_I: "NIL \ list A"
| CONS_I: "[| a \ A; M \ list A |] ==> CONS a M \ list A"
definition "List = list (range Leaf)"
typedef 'a list = "List :: 'a item set"
morphisms Rep_List Abs_List
unfolding List_def by (blast intro: list.NIL_I)
abbreviation "Case == Old_Datatype.Case"
abbreviation "Split == Old_Datatype.Split"
List_case :: "['b, ['a item, 'a item]=>'b, 'a item] => 'b" where
"List_case c d = Case(%x. c)(Split(d))"
List_rec :: "['a item, 'b, ['a item, 'a item, 'b]=>'b] => 'b" where
"List_rec M c d = wfrec (pred_sexp\<^sup>+)
(%g. List_case c (%x y. d x y (g y))) M"
(* *********************************************************************** *)
(* *)
(* Abstracting data type *)
(* *)
(* *********************************************************************** *)
(*Declaring the abstract list constructors*)
"[x, xs]" == "x#[xs]"
"[x]" == "x#[]"
Nil ("[]") and
Cons (infixr "#" 65)
Nil :: "'a list" ("[]") where
"Nil = Abs_List(NIL)"
"Cons" :: "['a, 'a list] => 'a list" (infixr "#" 65) where
"x#xs = Abs_List(CONS (Leaf x)(Rep_List xs))"
(* list Recursion -- the trancl is Essential; see list.ML *)
list_rec :: "['a list, 'b, ['a, 'a list, 'b]=>'b] => 'b" where
"list_rec l c d =
List_rec(Rep_List l) c (%x y r. d(inv Leaf x)(Abs_List y) r)"
list_case :: "['b, ['a, 'a list]=>'b, 'a list] => 'b" where
"list_case a f xs = list_rec xs a (%x xs r. f x xs)"
(* list Enumeration *)
"[x, xs]" == "x#[xs]"
"[x]" == "x#[]"
"case xs of [] => a | y#ys => b" == "CONST list_case(a, %y ys. b, xs)"
(* *********************************************************************** *)
(* *)
(* Generalized Map Functionals *)
(* *)
(* *********************************************************************** *)
(* Generalized Map Functionals *)
Rep_map :: "('b => 'a item) => ('b list => 'a item)" where
"Rep_map f xs = list_rec xs NIL(%x l r. CONS(f x) r)"
Abs_map :: "('a item => 'b) => 'a item => 'b list" where
"Abs_map g M = List_rec M Nil (%N L r. g(N)#r)"
map :: "('a=>'b) => ('a list => 'b list)" where
"map f xs = list_rec xs [] (%x l r. f(x)#r)"
primrec take :: "['a list,nat] => 'a list" where
take_0: "take xs 0 = []"
| take_Suc: "take xs (Suc n) = list_case [] (%x l. x # take l n) xs"
lemma ListI: "x \ list (range Leaf) \ x \ List"
by (simp add: List_def)
lemma ListD: "x \ List \ x \ list (range Leaf)"
by (simp add: List_def)
lemma list_unfold: "list(A) = usum {Numb(0)} (uprod A (list(A)))"
by (fast intro!: list.intros [unfolded NIL_def CONS_def]
elim: list.cases [unfolded NIL_def CONS_def])
(*This justifies using list in other recursive type definitions*)
lemma list_mono: "A<=B ==> list(A) <= list(B)"
apply (rule subsetI)
apply (erule list.induct)
apply (auto intro!: list.intros)
(*Type checking -- list creates well-founded sets*)
lemma list_sexp: "list(sexp) <= sexp"
apply (rule subsetI)
apply (erule list.induct)
apply (unfold NIL_def CONS_def)
apply (auto intro: sexp.intros sexp_In0I sexp_In1I)
(* A <= sexp ==> list(A) <= sexp *)
lemmas list_subset_sexp = subset_trans [OF list_mono list_sexp]
(*Induction for the type 'a list *)
lemma list_induct:
"[| P(Nil);
!!x xs. P(xs) ==> P(x # xs) |] ==> P(l)"
apply (unfold Nil_def Cons_def)
apply (rule Rep_List_inverse [THEN subst])
(*types force good instantiation*)
apply (rule Rep_List [unfolded List_def, THEN list.induct], simp)
apply (erule Abs_List_inverse [unfolded List_def, THEN subst], blast)
(*** Isomorphisms ***)
lemma inj_on_Abs_list: "inj_on Abs_List (list(range Leaf))"
apply (rule inj_on_inverseI)
apply (erule Abs_List_inverse [unfolded List_def])
(** Distinctness of constructors **)
lemma CONS_not_NIL [iff]: "CONS M N ~= NIL"
by (simp add: NIL_def CONS_def)
lemmas NIL_not_CONS [iff] = CONS_not_NIL [THEN not_sym]
lemmas CONS_neq_NIL = CONS_not_NIL [THEN notE]
lemmas NIL_neq_CONS = sym [THEN CONS_neq_NIL]
lemma Cons_not_Nil [iff]: "x # xs ~= Nil"
apply (unfold Nil_def Cons_def)
apply (rule CONS_not_NIL [THEN inj_on_Abs_list [THEN inj_on_contraD]])
apply (simp_all add: list.intros rangeI Rep_List [unfolded List_def])
lemmas Nil_not_Cons = Cons_not_Nil [THEN not_sym]
declare Nil_not_Cons [iff]
lemmas Cons_neq_Nil = Cons_not_Nil [THEN notE]
lemmas Nil_neq_Cons = sym [THEN Cons_neq_Nil]
(** Injectiveness of CONS and Cons **)
lemma CONS_CONS_eq [iff]: "(CONS K M)=(CONS L N) = (K=L & M=N)"
by (simp add: CONS_def)
(*For reasoning about abstract list constructors*)
declare Rep_List [THEN ListD, intro] ListI [intro]
declare list.intros [intro,simp]
declare Leaf_inject [dest!]
lemma Cons_Cons_eq [iff]: "(x#xs=y#ys) = (x=y & xs=ys)"
apply (simp add: Cons_def)
apply (subst Abs_List_inject)
apply (auto simp add: Rep_List_inject)
lemmas Cons_inject2 = Cons_Cons_eq [THEN iffD1, THEN conjE]
lemma CONS_D: "CONS M N \ list(A) \ M \ A & N \ list(A)"
by (induct L == "CONS M N" rule: list.induct) auto
lemma sexp_CONS_D: "CONS M N \ sexp \ M \ sexp \ N \ sexp"
apply (simp add: CONS_def In1_def)
apply (fast dest!: Scons_D)
(*Reasoning about constructors and their freeness*)
lemma not_CONS_self: "N \ list(A) \ \M. N \ CONS M N"
apply (erule list.induct) apply simp_all done
lemma not_Cons_self2: "\x. l \ x#l"
by (induct l rule: list_induct) simp_all
lemma neq_Nil_conv2: "(xs \ []) = (\y ys. xs = y#ys)"
by (induct xs rule: list_induct) auto
(** Conversion rules for List_case: case analysis operator **)
lemma List_case_NIL [simp]: "List_case c h NIL = c"
by (simp add: List_case_def NIL_def)
lemma List_case_CONS [simp]: "List_case c h (CONS M N) = h M N"
by (simp add: List_case_def CONS_def)
(*** List_rec -- by wf recursion on pred_sexp ***)
(* The trancl(pred_sexp) is essential because pred_sexp_CONS_I1,2 would not
hold if pred_sexp^+ were changed to pred_sexp. *)
lemma List_rec_unfold_lemma:
"(\M. List_rec M c d) \
wfrec (pred_sexp\<^sup>+) (\<lambda>g. List_case c (\<lambda>x y. d x y (g y)))"
by (simp add: List_rec_def)
lemmas List_rec_unfold =
def_wfrec [OF List_rec_unfold_lemma wf_pred_sexp [THEN wf_trancl]]
(** pred_sexp lemmas **)
lemma pred_sexp_CONS_I1:
"[| M \ sexp; N \ sexp |] ==> (M, CONS M N) \ pred_sexp\<^sup>+"
by (simp add: CONS_def In1_def)
lemma pred_sexp_CONS_I2:
"[| M \ sexp; N \ sexp |] ==> (N, CONS M N) \ pred_sexp\<^sup>+"
by (simp add: CONS_def In1_def)
lemma pred_sexp_CONS_D:
"(CONS M1 M2, N) \ pred_sexp\<^sup>+ \
(M1,N) \<in> pred_sexp\<^sup>+ \<and> (M2,N) \<in> pred_sexp\<^sup>+"
apply (frule pred_sexp_subset_Sigma [THEN trancl_subset_Sigma, THEN subsetD])
apply (blast dest!: sexp_CONS_D intro: pred_sexp_CONS_I1 pred_sexp_CONS_I2
trans_trancl [THEN transD])
(** Conversion rules for List_rec **)
lemma List_rec_NIL [simp]: "List_rec NIL c h = c"
apply (rule List_rec_unfold [THEN trans])
apply (simp add: List_case_NIL)
lemma List_rec_CONS [simp]:
"[| M \ sexp; N \ sexp |]
==> List_rec (CONS M N) c h = h M N (List_rec N c h)"
apply (rule List_rec_unfold [THEN trans])
apply (simp add: pred_sexp_CONS_I2)
(*** list_rec -- by List_rec ***)
lemmas Rep_List_in_sexp =
subsetD [OF range_Leaf_subset_sexp [THEN list_subset_sexp]
Rep_List [THEN ListD]]
lemma list_rec_Nil [simp]: "list_rec Nil c h = c"
by (simp add: list_rec_def ListI [THEN Abs_List_inverse] Nil_def)
lemma list_rec_Cons [simp]: "list_rec (a#l) c h = h a l (list_rec l c h)"
by (simp add: list_rec_def ListI [THEN Abs_List_inverse] Cons_def
Rep_List_inverse Rep_List [THEN ListD] inj_Leaf Rep_List_in_sexp)
(*Type checking. Useful?*)
lemma List_rec_type:
"[| M \ list(A);
c \<in> C(NIL);
\<And>x y r. [| x \<in> A; y \<in> list(A); r \<in> C(y) |] ==> h x y r \<in> C(CONS x y)
|] ==> List_rec M c h \<in> C(M :: 'a item)"
apply (erule list.induct, simp)
apply (insert list_subset_sexp)
apply (subst List_rec_CONS, blast+)
(** Generalized map functionals **)
lemma Rep_map_Nil [simp]: "Rep_map f Nil = NIL"
by (simp add: Rep_map_def)
lemma Rep_map_Cons [simp]:
"Rep_map f(x#xs) = CONS(f x)(Rep_map f xs)"
by (simp add: Rep_map_def)
lemma Rep_map_type: "(\x. f(x) \ A) \ Rep_map f xs \ list(A)"
apply (simp add: Rep_map_def)
apply (rule list_induct, auto)
lemma Abs_map_NIL [simp]: "Abs_map g NIL = Nil"
by (simp add: Abs_map_def)
lemma Abs_map_CONS [simp]:
"[| M \ sexp; N \ sexp |] ==> Abs_map g (CONS M N) = g(M) # Abs_map g N"
by (simp add: Abs_map_def)
(*Eases the use of primitive recursion.*)
lemma def_list_rec_NilCons:
"[| \xs. f(xs) = list_rec xs c h |]
==> f [] = c \<and> f(x#xs) = h x xs (f xs)"
by simp
lemma Abs_map_inverse:
"[| M \ list(A); A<=sexp; \z. z \ A ==> f(g(z)) = z |]
==> Rep_map f (Abs_map g M) = M"
apply (erule list.induct, simp_all)
apply (insert list_subset_sexp)
apply (subst Abs_map_CONS, blast)
apply blast
apply simp
(*Rep_map_inverse is obtained via Abs_Rep_map and map_ident*)
(** list_case **)
(* setting up rewrite sets *)
text\<open>Better to have a single theorem with a conjunctive conclusion.\<close>
declare def_list_rec_NilCons [OF list_case_def, simp]
(** list_case **)
lemma expand_list_case:
"P(list_case a f xs) = ((xs=[] \ P a ) \ (\y ys. xs=y#ys \ P(f y ys)))"
by (induct xs rule: list_induct) simp_all
(**** Function definitions ****)
declare def_list_rec_NilCons [OF map_def, simp]
(** The functional "map" and the generalized functionals **)
lemma Abs_Rep_map:
"(\x. f(x)\ sexp) ==>
Abs_map g (Rep_map f xs) = map (\<lambda>t. g(f(t))) xs"
apply (induct xs rule: list_induct)
apply (simp_all add: Rep_map_type list_sexp [THEN subsetD])
(** Additional mapping lemmas **)
lemma map_ident [simp]: "map(%x. x)(xs) = xs"
by (induct xs rule: list_induct) simp_all
lemma map_compose: "map(f o g)(xs) = map f (map g xs)"
apply (simp add: o_def)
apply (induct xs rule: list_induct)
apply simp_all
(** take **)
lemma take_Suc1 [simp]: "take [] (Suc x) = []"
by simp
lemma take_Suc2 [simp]: "take(a#xs)(Suc x) = a#take xs x"
by simp
lemma take_Nil [simp]: "take [] n = []"
by (induct n) simp_all
lemma take_take_eq [simp]: "\n. take (take xs n) n = take xs n"
apply (induct xs rule: list_induct)
apply simp_all
apply (rule allI)
apply (induct_tac n)
apply auto
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