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Datei: Tree.thy   Sprache: Isabelle

Original von: Isabelle©

(* Author: Tobias Nipkow *)
(* Todo: minimal ipl of almost complete trees *)

section \<open>Binary Tree\<close>

theory Tree
imports Main

datatype 'a tree =
  Leaf ("\\") |
  Node "'a tree" ("value"'a) "'a tree" ("(1\<langle>_,/ _,/ _\<rangle>)")
datatype_compat tree

primrec left :: "'a tree \ 'a tree" where
"left (Node l v r) = l" |
"left Leaf = Leaf"

primrec right :: "'a tree \ 'a tree" where
"right (Node l v r) = r" |
"right Leaf = Leaf"

text\<open>Counting the number of leaves rather than nodes:\<close>

fun size1 :: "'a tree \ nat" where
"size1 \\ = 1" |
"size1 \l, x, r\ = size1 l + size1 r"

fun subtrees :: "'a tree \ 'a tree set" where
"subtrees \\ = {\\}" |
"subtrees (\l, a, r\) = {\l, a, r\} \ subtrees l \ subtrees r"

fun mirror :: "'a tree \ 'a tree" where
"mirror \\ = Leaf" |
"mirror \l,x,r\ = \mirror r, x, mirror l\"

class height = fixes height :: "'a \ nat"

instantiation tree :: (type)height

fun height_tree :: "'a tree => nat" where
"height Leaf = 0" |
"height (Node l a r) = max (height l) (height r) + 1"

instance ..


fun min_height :: "'a tree \ nat" where
"min_height Leaf = 0" |
"min_height (Node l _ r) = min (min_height l) (min_height r) + 1"

fun complete :: "'a tree \ bool" where
"complete Leaf = True" |
"complete (Node l x r) = (height l = height r \ complete l \ complete r)"

text \<open>Almost complete:\<close>
definition acomplete :: "'a tree \ bool" where
"acomplete t = (height t - min_height t \ 1)"

text \<open>Weight balanced:\<close>
fun wbalanced :: "'a tree \ bool" where
"wbalanced Leaf = True" |
"wbalanced (Node l x r) = (abs(int(size l) - int(size r)) \ 1 \ wbalanced l \ wbalanced r)"

text \<open>Internal path length:\<close>
fun ipl :: "'a tree \ nat" where
"ipl Leaf = 0 " |
"ipl (Node l _ r) = ipl l + size l + ipl r + size r"

fun preorder :: "'a tree \ 'a list" where
"preorder \\ = []" |
"preorder \l, x, r\ = x # preorder l @ preorder r"

fun inorder :: "'a tree \ 'a list" where
"inorder \\ = []" |
"inorder \l, x, r\ = inorder l @ [x] @ inorder r"

text\<open>A linear version avoiding append:\<close>
fun inorder2 :: "'a tree \ 'a list \ 'a list" where
"inorder2 \\ xs = xs" |
"inorder2 \l, x, r\ xs = inorder2 l (x # inorder2 r xs)"

fun postorder :: "'a tree \ 'a list" where
"postorder \\ = []" |
"postorder \l, x, r\ = postorder l @ postorder r @ [x]"

text\<open>Binary Search Tree:\<close>
fun bst_wrt :: "('a \ 'a \ bool) \ 'a tree \ bool" where
"bst_wrt P \\ \ True" |
"bst_wrt P \l, a, r\ \
 (\<forall>x\<in>set_tree l. P x a) \<and> (\<forall>x\<in>set_tree r. P a x) \<and> bst_wrt P l \<and> bst_wrt P r"

abbreviation bst :: "('a::linorder) tree \ bool" where
"bst \ bst_wrt (<)"

fun (in linorder) heap :: "'a tree \ bool" where
"heap Leaf = True" |
"heap (Node l m r) =
  ((\<forall>x \<in> set_tree l \<union> set_tree r. m \<le> x) \<and> heap l \<and> heap r)"

subsection \<open>\<^const>\<open>map_tree\<close>\<close>

lemma eq_map_tree_Leaf[simp]: "map_tree f t = Leaf \ t = Leaf"
by (rule tree.map_disc_iff)

lemma eq_Leaf_map_tree[simp]: "Leaf = map_tree f t \ t = Leaf"
by (cases t) auto

subsection \<open>\<^const>\<open>size\<close>\<close>

lemma size1_size: "size1 t = size t + 1"
by (induction t) simp_all

lemma size1_ge0[simp]: "0 < size1 t"
by (simp add: size1_size)

lemma eq_size_0[simp]: "size t = 0 \ t = Leaf"
by(cases t) auto

lemma eq_0_size[simp]: "0 = size t \ t = Leaf"
by(cases t) auto

lemma neq_Leaf_iff: "(t \ \\) = (\l a r. t = \l, a, r\)"
by (cases t) auto

lemma size_map_tree[simp]: "size (map_tree f t) = size t"
by (induction t) auto

lemma size1_map_tree[simp]: "size1 (map_tree f t) = size1 t"
by (simp add: size1_size)

subsection \<open>\<^const>\<open>set_tree\<close>\<close>

lemma eq_set_tree_empty[simp]: "set_tree t = {} \ t = Leaf"
by (cases t) auto

lemma eq_empty_set_tree[simp]: "{} = set_tree t \ t = Leaf"
by (cases t) auto

lemma finite_set_tree[simp]: "finite(set_tree t)"
by(induction t) auto

subsection \<open>\<^const>\<open>subtrees\<close>\<close>

lemma neq_subtrees_empty[simp]: "subtrees t \ {}"
by (cases t)(auto)

lemma neq_empty_subtrees[simp]: "{} \ subtrees t"
by (cases t)(auto)

lemma size_subtrees: "s \ subtrees t \ size s \ size t"
by(induction t)(auto)

lemma set_treeE: "a \ set_tree t \ \l r. \l, a, r\ \ subtrees t"
by (induction t)(auto)

lemma Node_notin_subtrees_if[simp]: "a \ set_tree t \ Node l a r \ subtrees t"
by (induction t) auto

lemma in_set_tree_if: "\l, a, r\ \ subtrees t \ a \ set_tree t"
by (metis Node_notin_subtrees_if)

subsection \<open>\<^const>\<open>height\<close> and \<^const>\<open>min_height\<close>\<close>

lemma eq_height_0[simp]: "height t = 0 \ t = Leaf"
by(cases t) auto

lemma eq_0_height[simp]: "0 = height t \ t = Leaf"
by(cases t) auto

lemma height_map_tree[simp]: "height (map_tree f t) = height t"
by (induction t) auto

lemma height_le_size_tree: "height t \ size (t::'a tree)"
by (induction t) auto

lemma size1_height: "size1 t \ 2 ^ height (t::'a tree)"
proof(induction t)
  case (Node l a r)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "height l \ height r")
    case True
    have "size1(Node l a r) = size1 l + size1 r" by simp
    also have "\ \ 2 ^ height l + 2 ^ height r" using Node.IH by arith
    also have "\ \ 2 ^ height r + 2 ^ height r" using True by simp
    also have "\ = 2 ^ height (Node l a r)"
      using True by (auto simp: max_def mult_2)
    finally show ?thesis .
    case False
    have "size1(Node l a r) = size1 l + size1 r" by simp
    also have "\ \ 2 ^ height l + 2 ^ height r" using Node.IH by arith
    also have "\ \ 2 ^ height l + 2 ^ height l" using False by simp
    finally show ?thesis using False by (auto simp: max_def mult_2)
qed simp

corollary size_height: "size t \ 2 ^ height (t::'a tree) - 1"
using size1_height[of t, unfolded size1_size] by(arith)

lemma height_subtrees: "s \ subtrees t \ height s \ height t"
by (induction t) auto

lemma min_height_le_height: "min_height t \ height t"
by(induction t) auto

lemma min_height_map_tree[simp]: "min_height (map_tree f t) = min_height t"
by (induction t) auto

lemma min_height_size1: "2 ^ min_height t \ size1 t"
proof(induction t)
  case (Node l a r)
  have "(2::nat) ^ min_height (Node l a r) \ 2 ^ min_height l + 2 ^ min_height r"
    by (simp add: min_def)
  also have "\ \ size1(Node l a r)" using Node.IH by simp
  finally show ?case .
qed simp

subsection \<open>\<^const>\<open>complete\<close>\<close>

lemma complete_iff_height: "complete t \ (min_height t = height t)"
apply(induction t)
 apply simp
apply (simp add: min_def max_def)
by (metis le_antisym le_trans min_height_le_height)

lemma size1_if_complete: "complete t \ size1 t = 2 ^ height t"
by (induction t) auto

lemma size_if_complete: "complete t \ size t = 2 ^ height t - 1"
using size1_if_complete[simplified size1_size] by fastforce

lemma size1_height_if_incomplete:
  "\ complete t \ size1 t < 2 ^ height t"
proof(induction t)
  case Leaf thus ?case by simp
  case (Node l x r)
  have 1: ?case if h: "height l < height r"
    using h size1_height[of l] size1_height[of r] power_strict_increasing[OF h, of "2::nat"]
    by(auto simp: max_def simp del: power_strict_increasing_iff)
  have 2: ?case if h: "height l > height r"
    using h size1_height[of l] size1_height[of r] power_strict_increasing[OF h, of "2::nat"]
    by(auto simp: max_def simp del: power_strict_increasing_iff)
  have 3: ?case if h: "height l = height r" and c: "\ complete l"
    using h size1_height[of r] Node.IH(1)[OF c] by(simp)
  have 4: ?case if h: "height l = height r" and c: "\ complete r"
    using h size1_height[of l] Node.IH(2)[OF c] by(simp)
  from 1 2 3 4 Node.prems show ?case apply (simp add: max_def) by linarith

lemma complete_iff_min_height: "complete t \ (height t = min_height t)"
by(auto simp add: complete_iff_height)

lemma min_height_size1_if_incomplete:
  "\ complete t \ 2 ^ min_height t < size1 t"
proof(induction t)
  case Leaf thus ?case by simp
  case (Node l x r)
  have 1: ?case if h: "min_height l < min_height r"
    using h min_height_size1[of l] min_height_size1[of r] power_strict_increasing[OF h, of "2::nat"]
    by(auto simp: max_def simp del: power_strict_increasing_iff)
  have 2: ?case if h: "min_height l > min_height r"
    using h min_height_size1[of l] min_height_size1[of r] power_strict_increasing[OF h, of "2::nat"]
    by(auto simp: max_def simp del: power_strict_increasing_iff)
  have 3: ?case if h: "min_height l = min_height r" and c: "\ complete l"
    using h min_height_size1[of r] Node.IH(1)[OF c] by(simp add: complete_iff_min_height)
  have 4: ?case if h: "min_height l = min_height r" and c: "\ complete r"
    using h min_height_size1[of l] Node.IH(2)[OF c] by(simp add: complete_iff_min_height)
  from 1 2 3 4 Node.prems show ?case
    by (fastforce simp: complete_iff_min_height[THEN iffD1])

lemma complete_if_size1_height: "size1 t = 2 ^ height t \ complete t"
using  size1_height_if_incomplete by fastforce

lemma complete_if_size1_min_height: "size1 t = 2 ^ min_height t \ complete t"
using min_height_size1_if_incomplete by fastforce

lemma complete_iff_size1: "complete t \ size1 t = 2 ^ height t"
using complete_if_size1_height size1_if_complete by blast

subsection \<open>\<^const>\<open>acomplete\<close>\<close>

lemma acomplete_subtreeL: "acomplete (Node l x r) \ acomplete l"
by(simp add: acomplete_def)

lemma acomplete_subtreeR: "acomplete (Node l x r) \ acomplete r"
by(simp add: acomplete_def)

lemma acomplete_subtrees: "\ acomplete t; s \ subtrees t \ \ acomplete s"
using [[simp_depth_limit=1]]
by(induction t arbitrary: s)
  (auto simp add: acomplete_subtreeL acomplete_subtreeR)

text\<open>Balanced trees have optimal height:\<close>

lemma acomplete_optimal:
fixes t :: "'a tree" and t' :: "'b tree"
assumes "acomplete t" "size t \ size t'" shows "height t \ height t'"
proof (cases "complete t")
  case True
  have "(2::nat) ^ height t \ 2 ^ height t'"
  proof -
    have "2 ^ height t = size1 t"
      using True by (simp add: size1_if_complete)
    also have "\ \ size1 t'" using assms(2) by(simp add: size1_size)
    also have "\ \ 2 ^ height t'" by (rule size1_height)
    finally show ?thesis .
  thus ?thesis by (simp)
  case False
  have "(2::nat) ^ min_height t < 2 ^ height t'"
  proof -
    have "(2::nat) ^ min_height t < size1 t"
      by(rule min_height_size1_if_incomplete[OF False])
    also have "\ \ size1 t'" using assms(2) by (simp add: size1_size)
    also have "\ \ 2 ^ height t'" by(rule size1_height)
    finally have "(2::nat) ^ min_height t < (2::nat) ^ height t'" .
    thus ?thesis .
  hence *: "min_height t < height t'" by simp
  have "min_height t + 1 = height t"
    using min_height_le_height[of t] assms(1) False
    by (simp add: complete_iff_height acomplete_def)
  with * show ?thesis by arith

subsection \<open>\<^const>\<open>wbalanced\<close>\<close>

lemma wbalanced_subtrees: "\ wbalanced t; s \ subtrees t \ \ wbalanced s"
using [[simp_depth_limit=1]] by(induction t arbitrary: s) auto

subsection \<open>\<^const>\<open>ipl\<close>\<close>

text \<open>The internal path length of a tree:\<close>

lemma ipl_if_complete_int:
  "complete t \ int(ipl t) = (int(height t) - 2) * 2^(height t) + 2"
apply(induction t)
 apply simp
apply simp
apply (simp add: algebra_simps size_if_complete of_nat_diff)

subsection "List of entries"

lemma eq_inorder_Nil[simp]: "inorder t = [] \ t = Leaf"
by (cases t) auto

lemma eq_Nil_inorder[simp]: "[] = inorder t \ t = Leaf"
by (cases t) auto

lemma set_inorder[simp]: "set (inorder t) = set_tree t"
by (induction t) auto

lemma set_preorder[simp]: "set (preorder t) = set_tree t"
by (induction t) auto

lemma set_postorder[simp]: "set (postorder t) = set_tree t"
by (induction t) auto

lemma length_preorder[simp]: "length (preorder t) = size t"
by (induction t) auto

lemma length_inorder[simp]: "length (inorder t) = size t"
by (induction t) auto

lemma length_postorder[simp]: "length (postorder t) = size t"
by (induction t) auto

lemma preorder_map: "preorder (map_tree f t) = map f (preorder t)"
by (induction t) auto

lemma inorder_map: "inorder (map_tree f t) = map f (inorder t)"
by (induction t) auto

lemma postorder_map: "postorder (map_tree f t) = map f (postorder t)"
by (induction t) auto

lemma inorder2_inorder: "inorder2 t xs = inorder t @ xs"
by (induction t arbitrary: xs) auto

subsection \<open>Binary Search Tree\<close>

lemma bst_wrt_mono: "(\x y. P x y \ Q x y) \ bst_wrt P t \ bst_wrt Q t"
by (induction t) (auto)

lemma bst_wrt_le_if_bst: "bst t \ bst_wrt (\) t"
using bst_wrt_mono less_imp_le by blast

lemma bst_wrt_le_iff_sorted: "bst_wrt (\) t \ sorted (inorder t)"
apply (induction t)
by (fastforce simp: sorted_append intro: less_imp_le less_trans)

lemma bst_iff_sorted_wrt_less: "bst t \ sorted_wrt (<) (inorder t)"
apply (induction t)
 apply simp
apply (fastforce simp: sorted_wrt_append)

subsection \<open>\<^const>\<open>heap\<close>\<close>

subsection \<open>\<^const>\<open>mirror\<close>\<close>

lemma mirror_Leaf[simp]: "mirror t = \\ \ t = \\"
by (induction t) simp_all

lemma Leaf_mirror[simp]: "\\ = mirror t \ t = \\"
using mirror_Leaf by fastforce

lemma size_mirror[simp]: "size(mirror t) = size t"
by (induction t) simp_all

lemma size1_mirror[simp]: "size1(mirror t) = size1 t"
by (simp add: size1_size)

lemma height_mirror[simp]: "height(mirror t) = height t"
by (induction t) simp_all

lemma min_height_mirror [simp]: "min_height (mirror t) = min_height t"
by (induction t) simp_all  

lemma ipl_mirror [simp]: "ipl (mirror t) = ipl t"
by (induction t) simp_all

lemma inorder_mirror: "inorder(mirror t) = rev(inorder t)"
by (induction t) simp_all

lemma map_mirror: "map_tree f (mirror t) = mirror (map_tree f t)"
by (induction t) simp_all

lemma mirror_mirror[simp]: "mirror(mirror t) = t"
by (induction t) simp_all


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