theory Reg_Exp_Example
text \<open>An example from the experiments from SmallCheck (\<^url>\<open>\<close>)\<close>
text \<open>The example (original in Haskell) was imported with Haskabelle and
manually slightly adapted.
datatype Nat = Zer
| Suc Nat
fun sub :: "Nat \ Nat \ Nat"
"sub x y = (case y of
Zer \<Rightarrow> x
| Suc y' \ case x of
Zer \<Rightarrow> Zer
| Suc x' \ sub x' y')"
datatype Sym = N0
| N1 Sym
datatype RE = Sym Sym
| Or RE RE
| Seq RE RE
| And RE RE
| Star RE
| Empty
function accepts :: "RE \ Sym list \ bool" and
seqSplit :: "RE \ RE \ Sym list \ Sym list \ bool" and
seqSplit'' :: "RE \ RE \ Sym list \ Sym list \ bool" and
seqSplit' :: "RE \ RE \ Sym list \ Sym list \ bool"
"accepts re ss = (case re of
Sym n \<Rightarrow> case ss of
Nil \<Rightarrow> False
| (n' # ss') \<Rightarrow> n = n' & List.null ss'
| Or re1 re2 \<Rightarrow> accepts re1 ss | accepts re2 ss
| Seq re1 re2 \<Rightarrow> seqSplit re1 re2 Nil ss
| And re1 re2 \<Rightarrow> accepts re1 ss & accepts re2 ss
| Star re' \ case ss of
Nil \<Rightarrow> True
| (s # ss') \ seqSplit re' re [s] ss'
| Empty \<Rightarrow> List.null ss)"
| "seqSplit re1 re2 ss2 ss = (seqSplit'' re1 re2 ss2 ss | seqSplit' re1 re2 ss2 ss)"
| "seqSplit'' re1 re2 ss2 ss = (accepts re1 ss2 & accepts re2 ss)"
| "seqSplit' re1 re2 ss2 ss = (case ss of
Nil \<Rightarrow> False
| (n # ss') \ seqSplit re1 re2 (ss2 @ [n]) ss')"
by pat_completeness auto
fun rep :: "Nat \ RE \ RE"
"rep n re = (case n of
Zer \<Rightarrow> Empty
| Suc n' \ Seq re (rep n' re))"
fun repMax :: "Nat \ RE \ RE"
"repMax n re = (case n of
Zer \<Rightarrow> Empty
| Suc n' \ Or (rep n re) (repMax n' re))"
fun repInt' :: "Nat \ Nat \ RE \ RE"
"repInt' n k re = (case k of
Zer \<Rightarrow> rep n re
| Suc k' \ Or (rep n re) (repInt' (Suc n) k' re))"
fun repInt :: "Nat \ Nat \ RE \ RE"
"repInt n k re = repInt' n (sub k n) re"
fun prop_regex :: "Nat * Nat * RE * RE * Sym list \ bool"
"prop_regex (n, (k, (p, (q, s)))) =
((accepts (repInt n k (And p q)) s) = (accepts (And (repInt n k p) (repInt n k q)) s))"
lemma "accepts (repInt n k (And p q)) s --> accepts (And (repInt n k p) (repInt n k q)) s"
quickcheck[tester = random, iterations = 10000]
quickcheck[tester = predicate_compile_wo_ff]
quickcheck[tester = predicate_compile_ff_fs]*)
setup \<open>
(Quickcheck.add_tester ("prolog", (, Code_Prolog.test_goals)))
setup \<open>Code_Prolog.map_code_options (K
{ensure_groundness = true,
limit_globally = NONE,
limited_types = [(\<^typ>\<open>Sym\<close>, 0), (\<^typ>\<open>Sym list\<close>, 2), (\<^typ>\<open>RE\<close>, 6)],
limited_predicates = [(["repIntPa"], 2), (["repP"], 2), (["subP"], 0),
(["accepts", "acceptsaux", "seqSplit", "seqSplita", "seqSplitaux", "seqSplitb"], 25)],
replacing =
[(("repP", "limited_repP"), "lim_repIntPa"),
(("subP", "limited_subP"), "repIntP"),
(("repIntPa", "limited_repIntPa"), "repIntP"),
(("accepts", "limited_accepts"), "quickcheck")],
manual_reorder = []})\<close>
text \<open>Finding the counterexample still seems out of reach for the
prolog-style generation.\<close>
lemma "accepts (And (repInt n k p) (repInt n k q)) s --> accepts (repInt n k (And p q)) s"
quickcheck[tester = random, iterations = 1000]
(*quickcheck[tester = predicate_compile_wo_ff]*)
(*quickcheck[tester = predicate_compile_ff_fs, iterations = 1]*)
(*quickcheck[tester = prolog, iterations = 1, size = 1]*)
section \<open>Given a partial solution\<close>
(* assumes "n = Zer"
assumes "k = Suc (Suc Zer)"*)
assumes "p = Sym N0"
assumes "q = Seq (Sym N0) (Sym N0)"
(* assumes "s = [N0, N0]"*)
shows "accepts (And (repInt n k p) (repInt n k q)) s --> accepts (repInt n k (And p q)) s"
(*quickcheck[tester = predicate_compile_wo_ff, iterations = 1]*)
quickcheck[tester = prolog, iterations = 1, size = 1]
section \<open>Checking the counterexample\<close>
definition a_sol
"a_sol = (Zer, (Suc (Suc Zer), (Sym N0, (Seq (Sym N0) (Sym N0), [N0, N0]))))"
assumes "n = Zer"
assumes "k = Suc (Suc Zer)"
assumes "p = Sym N0"
assumes "q = Seq (Sym N0) (Sym N0)"
assumes "s = [N0, N0]"
shows "accepts (repInt n k (And p q)) s --> accepts (And (repInt n k p) (repInt n k q)) s"
(*quickcheck[tester = predicate_compile_wo_ff]*)
assumes "n = Zer"
assumes "k = Suc (Suc Zer)"
assumes "p = Sym N0"
assumes "q = Seq (Sym N0) (Sym N0)"
assumes "s = [N0, N0]"
shows "accepts (And (repInt n k p) (repInt n k q)) s --> accepts (repInt n k (And p q)) s"
(*quickcheck[tester = predicate_compile_wo_ff, iterations = 1, expect = counterexample]*)
quickcheck[tester = prolog, iterations = 1, size = 1]
assumes "n = Zer"
assumes "k = Suc (Suc Zer)"
assumes "p = Sym N0"
assumes "q = Seq (Sym N0) (Sym N0)"
assumes "s = [N0, N0]"
shows "prop_regex (n, (k, (p, (q, s))))"
quickcheck[tester = smart_exhaustive, depth = 30]
quickcheck[tester = prolog]
lemma "prop_regex a_sol"
quickcheck[tester = random]
quickcheck[tester = smart_exhaustive]
value "prop_regex a_sol"
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.3 Sekunden
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