(* Title: HOL/Unix/Nested_Environment.thy
Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
section \<open>Nested environments\<close>
theory Nested_Environment
imports Main
text \<open>
Consider a partial function @{term [source] "e :: 'a \ 'b option"}; this may
be understood as an \<^emph>\<open>environment\<close> mapping indexes \<^typ>\<open>'a\<close> to optional
entry values \<^typ>\<open>'b\<close> (cf.\ the basic theory \<open>Map\<close> of Isabelle/HOL). This
basic idea is easily generalized to that of a \<^emph>\<open>nested environment\<close>, where
entries may be either basic values or again proper environments. Then each
entry is accessed by a \<^emph>\<open>path\<close>, i.e.\ a list of indexes leading to its
position within the structure.
datatype (dead 'a, dead 'b, dead 'c) env =
Val 'a
| Env 'b "'c \<Rightarrow> ('a, 'b, 'c) env option"
text \<open>
In the type \<^typ>\<open>('a, 'b, 'c) env\<close> the parameter \<^typ>\<open>'a\<close> refers to
basic values (occurring in terminal positions), type \<^typ>\<open>'b\<close> to values
associated with proper (inner) environments, and type \<^typ>\<open>'c\<close> with the
index type for branching. Note that there is no restriction on any of these
types. In particular, arbitrary branching may yield rather large
(transfinite) tree structures.
subsection \<open>The lookup operation\<close>
text \<open>
Lookup in nested environments works by following a given path of index
elements, leading to an optional result (a terminal value or nested
environment). A \<^emph>\<open>defined position\<close> within a nested environment is one where
\<^term>\<open>lookup\<close> at its path does not yield \<^term>\<open>None\<close>.
primrec lookup :: "('a, 'b, 'c) env \ 'c list \ ('a, 'b, 'c) env option"
and lookup_option :: "('a, 'b, 'c) env option \ 'c list \ ('a, 'b, 'c) env option"
"lookup (Val a) xs = (if xs = [] then Some (Val a) else None)"
| "lookup (Env b es) xs =
(case xs of
[] \<Rightarrow> Some (Env b es)
| y # ys \<Rightarrow> lookup_option (es y) ys)"
| "lookup_option None xs = None"
| "lookup_option (Some e) xs = lookup e xs"
hide_const lookup_option
text \<open>
The characteristic cases of \<^term>\<open>lookup\<close> are expressed by the following
theorem lookup_nil: "lookup e [] = Some e"
by (cases e) simp_all
theorem lookup_val_cons: "lookup (Val a) (x # xs) = None"
by simp
theorem lookup_env_cons:
"lookup (Env b es) (x # xs) =
(case es x of
None \<Rightarrow> None
| Some e \<Rightarrow> lookup e xs)"
by (cases "es x") simp_all
lemmas lookup.simps [simp del] lookup_option.simps [simp del]
and lookup_simps [simp] = lookup_nil lookup_val_cons lookup_env_cons
theorem lookup_eq:
"lookup env xs =
(case xs of
[] \<Rightarrow> Some env
| x # xs \<Rightarrow>
(case env of
Val a \<Rightarrow> None
| Env b es \<Rightarrow>
(case es x of
None \<Rightarrow> None
| Some e \<Rightarrow> lookup e xs)))"
by (simp split: list.split env.split)
text \<open>
Displaced \<^term>\<open>lookup\<close> operations, relative to a certain base path prefix,
may be reduced as follows. There are two cases, depending whether the
environment actually extends far enough to follow the base path.
theorem lookup_append_none:
assumes "lookup env xs = None"
shows "lookup env (xs @ ys) = None"
using assms
proof (induct xs arbitrary: env)
case Nil
then have False by simp
then show ?case ..
case (Cons x xs)
show ?case
proof (cases env)
case Val
then show ?thesis by simp
case (Env b es)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "es x")
case None
with Env show ?thesis by simp
case (Some e)
note es = \<open>es x = Some e\<close>
show ?thesis
proof (cases "lookup e xs")
case None
then have "lookup e (xs @ ys) = None" by (rule Cons.hyps)
with Env Some show ?thesis by simp
case Some
with Env es have False using Cons.prems by simp
then show ?thesis ..
theorem lookup_append_some:
assumes "lookup env xs = Some e"
shows "lookup env (xs @ ys) = lookup e ys"
using assms
proof (induct xs arbitrary: env e)
case Nil
then have "env = e" by simp
then show "lookup env ([] @ ys) = lookup e ys" by simp
case (Cons x xs)
note asm = \<open>lookup env (x # xs) = Some e\<close>
show "lookup env ((x # xs) @ ys) = lookup e ys"
proof (cases env)
case (Val a)
with asm have False by simp
then show ?thesis ..
case (Env b es)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "es x")
case None
with asm Env have False by simp
then show ?thesis ..
case (Some e')
note es = \<open>es x = Some e'\<close>
show ?thesis
proof (cases "lookup e' xs")
case None
with asm Env es have False by simp
then show ?thesis ..
case Some
with asm Env es have "lookup e' xs = Some e"
by simp
then have "lookup e' (xs @ ys) = lookup e ys" by (rule Cons.hyps)
with Env es show ?thesis by simp
text \<open>
Successful \<^term>\<open>lookup\<close> deeper down an environment structure means we are
able to peek further up as well. Note that this is basically just the
contrapositive statement of @{thm [source] lookup_append_none} above.
theorem lookup_some_append:
assumes "lookup env (xs @ ys) = Some e"
shows "\e. lookup env xs = Some e"
proof -
from assms have "lookup env (xs @ ys) \ None" by simp
then have "lookup env xs \ None"
by (rule contrapos_nn) (simp only: lookup_append_none)
then show ?thesis by (simp)
text \<open>
The subsequent statement describes in more detail how a successful \<^term>\<open>lookup\<close> with a non-empty path results in a certain situation at any upper
theorem lookup_some_upper:
assumes "lookup env (xs @ y # ys) = Some e"
shows "\b' es' env'.
lookup env xs = Some (Env b' es') \<and>
es' y = Some env' \<and>
lookup env' ys = Some e"
using assms
proof (induct xs arbitrary: env e)
case Nil
from Nil.prems have "lookup env (y # ys) = Some e"
by simp
then obtain b' es' env' where
env: "env = Env b' es'" and
es': "es' y = Some env'" and
look': "lookup env' ys = Some e"
by (auto simp add: lookup_eq split: option.splits env.splits)
from env have "lookup env [] = Some (Env b' es')" by simp
with es' look' show ?case by blast
case (Cons x xs)
from Cons.prems
obtain b' es' env' where
env: "env = Env b' es'" and
es': "es' x = Some env'" and
look': "lookup env' (xs @ y # ys) = Some e"
by (auto simp add: lookup_eq split: option.splits env.splits)
from Cons.hyps [OF look'] obtain b'' es'' env'' where
upper': "lookup env' xs = Some (Env b'' es'')" and
es'': "es'' y = Some env''" and
look'': "lookup env'' ys = Some e"
by blast
from env es' upper' have "lookup env (x # xs) = Some (Env b'' es'')"
by simp
with es'' look'' show ?case by blast
subsection \<open>The update operation\<close>
text \<open>
Update at a certain position in a nested environment may either delete an
existing entry, or overwrite an existing one. Note that update at undefined
positions is simple absorbed, i.e.\ the environment is left unchanged.
primrec update :: "'c list \ ('a, 'b, 'c) env option \
('a, 'b, 'c) env \ ('a, 'b, 'c) env"
and update_option :: "'c list \ ('a, 'b, 'c) env option \
('a, 'b, 'c) env option \ ('a, 'b, 'c) env option"
"update xs opt (Val a) =
(if xs = [] then (case opt of None \<Rightarrow> Val a | Some e \<Rightarrow> e)
else Val a)"
| "update xs opt (Env b es) =
(case xs of
[] \<Rightarrow> (case opt of None \<Rightarrow> Env b es | Some e \<Rightarrow> e)
| y # ys \<Rightarrow> Env b (es (y := update_option ys opt (es y))))"
| "update_option xs opt None =
(if xs = [] then opt else None)"
| "update_option xs opt (Some e) =
(if xs = [] then opt else Some (update xs opt e))"
hide_const update_option
text \<open>
The characteristic cases of \<^term>\<open>update\<close> are expressed by the following
theorem update_nil_none: "update [] None env = env"
by (cases env) simp_all
theorem update_nil_some: "update [] (Some e) env = e"
by (cases env) simp_all
theorem update_cons_val: "update (x # xs) opt (Val a) = Val a"
by simp
theorem update_cons_nil_env:
"update [x] opt (Env b es) = Env b (es (x := opt))"
by (cases "es x") simp_all
theorem update_cons_cons_env:
"update (x # y # ys) opt (Env b es) =
Env b (es (x :=
(case es x of
None \<Rightarrow> None
| Some e \<Rightarrow> Some (update (y # ys) opt e))))"
by (cases "es x") simp_all
lemmas update.simps [simp del] update_option.simps [simp del]
and update_simps [simp] = update_nil_none update_nil_some
update_cons_val update_cons_nil_env update_cons_cons_env
lemma update_eq:
"update xs opt env =
(case xs of
[] \<Rightarrow>
(case opt of
None \<Rightarrow> env
| Some e \<Rightarrow> e)
| x # xs \<Rightarrow>
(case env of
Val a \<Rightarrow> Val a
| Env b es \<Rightarrow>
(case xs of
[] \<Rightarrow> Env b (es (x := opt))
| y # ys \<Rightarrow>
Env b (es (x :=
(case es x of
None \<Rightarrow> None
| Some e \<Rightarrow> Some (update (y # ys) opt e)))))))"
by (simp split: list.split env.split option.split)
text \<open>
The most basic correspondence of \<^term>\<open>lookup\<close> and \<^term>\<open>update\<close> states
that after \<^term>\<open>update\<close> at a defined position, subsequent \<^term>\<open>lookup\<close>
operations would yield the new value.
theorem lookup_update_some:
assumes "lookup env xs = Some e"
shows "lookup (update xs (Some env') env) xs = Some env'"
using assms
proof (induct xs arbitrary: env e)
case Nil
then have "env = e" by simp
then show ?case by simp
case (Cons x xs)
note hyp = Cons.hyps
and asm = \<open>lookup env (x # xs) = Some e\<close>
show ?case
proof (cases env)
case (Val a)
with asm have False by simp
then show ?thesis ..
case (Env b es)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "es x")
case None
with asm Env have False by simp
then show ?thesis ..
case (Some e')
note es = \<open>es x = Some e'\<close>
show ?thesis
proof (cases xs)
case Nil
with Env show ?thesis by simp
case (Cons x' xs')
from asm Env es have "lookup e' xs = Some e" by simp
then have "lookup (update xs (Some env') e') xs = Some env'" by (rule hyp)
with Env es Cons show ?thesis by simp
text \<open>
The properties of displaced \<^term>\<open>update\<close> operations are analogous to those
of \<^term>\<open>lookup\<close> above. There are two cases: below an undefined position
\<^term>\<open>update\<close> is absorbed altogether, and below a defined positions \<^term>\<open>update\<close> affects subsequent \<^term>\<open>lookup\<close> operations in the obvious way.
theorem update_append_none:
assumes "lookup env xs = None"
shows "update (xs @ y # ys) opt env = env"
using assms
proof (induct xs arbitrary: env)
case Nil
then have False by simp
then show ?case ..
case (Cons x xs)
note hyp = Cons.hyps
and asm = \<open>lookup env (x # xs) = None\<close>
show "update ((x # xs) @ y # ys) opt env = env"
proof (cases env)
case (Val a)
then show ?thesis by simp
case (Env b es)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "es x")
case None
note es = \<open>es x = None\<close>
show ?thesis
by (cases xs) (simp_all add: es Env fun_upd_idem_iff)
case (Some e)
note es = \<open>es x = Some e\<close>
show ?thesis
proof (cases xs)
case Nil
with asm Env Some have False by simp
then show ?thesis ..
case (Cons x' xs')
from asm Env es have "lookup e xs = None" by simp
then have "update (xs @ y # ys) opt e = e" by (rule hyp)
with Env es Cons show "update ((x # xs) @ y # ys) opt env = env"
by (simp add: fun_upd_idem_iff)
theorem update_append_some:
assumes "lookup env xs = Some e"
shows "lookup (update (xs @ y # ys) opt env) xs = Some (update (y # ys) opt e)"
using assms
proof (induct xs arbitrary: env e)
case Nil
then have "env = e" by simp
then show ?case by simp
case (Cons x xs)
note hyp = Cons.hyps
and asm = \<open>lookup env (x # xs) = Some e\<close>
show "lookup (update ((x # xs) @ y # ys) opt env) (x # xs) =
Some (update (y # ys) opt e)"
proof (cases env)
case (Val a)
with asm have False by simp
then show ?thesis ..
case (Env b es)
show ?thesis
proof (cases "es x")
case None
with asm Env have False by simp
then show ?thesis ..
case (Some e')
note es = \<open>es x = Some e'\<close>
show ?thesis
proof (cases xs)
case Nil
with asm Env es have "e = e'" by simp
with Env es Nil show ?thesis by simp
case (Cons x' xs')
from asm Env es have "lookup e' xs = Some e" by simp
then have "lookup (update (xs @ y # ys) opt e') xs =
Some (update (y # ys) opt e)" by (rule hyp)
with Env es Cons show ?thesis by simp
text \<open>
Apparently, \<^term>\<open>update\<close> does not affect the result of subsequent \<^term>\<open>lookup\<close> operations at independent positions, i.e.\ in case that the paths
for \<^term>\<open>update\<close> and \<^term>\<open>lookup\<close> fork at a certain point.
theorem lookup_update_other:
assumes neq: "y \ (z::'c)"
shows "lookup (update (xs @ z # zs) opt env) (xs @ y # ys) =
lookup env (xs @ y # ys)"
proof (induct xs arbitrary: env)
case Nil
show ?case
proof (cases env)
case Val
then show ?thesis by simp
case Env
show ?thesis
proof (cases zs)
case Nil
with neq Env show ?thesis by simp
case Cons
with neq Env show ?thesis by simp
case (Cons x xs)
note hyp = Cons.hyps
show ?case
proof (cases env)
case Val
then show ?thesis by simp
case (Env y es)
show ?thesis
proof (cases xs)
case Nil
show ?thesis
proof (cases "es x")
case None
with Env Nil show ?thesis by simp
case Some
with neq hyp and Env Nil show ?thesis by simp
case (Cons x' xs')
show ?thesis
proof (cases "es x")
case None
with Env Cons show ?thesis by simp
case Some
with neq hyp and Env Cons show ?thesis by simp
subsection \<open>Code generation\<close>
lemma equal_env_code [code]:
fixes x y :: "'a::equal"
and f g :: "'c::{equal, finite} \ ('b::equal, 'a, 'c) env option"
"HOL.equal (Env x f) (Env y g) \
HOL.equal x y \<and> (\<forall>z \<in> UNIV.
case f z of
None \<Rightarrow> (case g z of None \<Rightarrow> True | Some _ \<Rightarrow> False)
| Some a \<Rightarrow> (case g z of None \<Rightarrow> False | Some b \<Rightarrow> HOL.equal a b))" (is ?env)
and "HOL.equal (Val a) (Val b) \ HOL.equal a b"
and "HOL.equal (Val a) (Env y g) \ False"
and "HOL.equal (Env x f) (Val b) \ False"
proof (unfold equal)
have "f = g \
(\<forall>z. case f z of
None \<Rightarrow> (case g z of None \<Rightarrow> True | Some _ \<Rightarrow> False)
| Some a \<Rightarrow> (case g z of None \<Rightarrow> False | Some b \<Rightarrow> a = b))" (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
assume ?lhs
then show ?rhs by (auto split: option.splits)
assume ?rhs (is "\z. ?prop z")
show ?lhs
fix z
from \<open>?rhs\<close> have "?prop z" ..
then show "f z = g z" by (auto split: option.splits)
then show "Env x f = Env y g \
x = y \<and> (\<forall>z \<in> UNIV.
case f z of
None \<Rightarrow> (case g z of None \<Rightarrow> True | Some _ \<Rightarrow> False)
| Some a \<Rightarrow> (case g z of None \<Rightarrow> False | Some b \<Rightarrow> a = b))" by simp
qed simp_all
lemma [code nbe]: "HOL.equal (x :: (_, _, _) env) x \ True"
by (fact equal_refl)
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