(* Title: HOL/ex/Functions.thy
Author: Alexander Krauss, TU Muenchen
section \<open>Examples of function definitions\<close>
theory Functions
imports Main "HOL-Library.Monad_Syntax"
subsection \<open>Very basic\<close>
fun fib :: "nat \ nat"
"fib 0 = 1"
| "fib (Suc 0) = 1"
| "fib (Suc (Suc n)) = fib n + fib (Suc n)"
text \<open>Partial simp and induction rules:\<close>
thm fib.psimps
thm fib.pinduct
text \<open>There is also a cases rule to distinguish cases along the definition:\<close>
thm fib.cases
text \<open>Total simp and induction rules:\<close>
thm fib.simps
thm fib.induct
text \<open>Elimination rules:\<close>
thm fib.elims
subsection \<open>Currying\<close>
fun add
"add 0 y = y"
| "add (Suc x) y = Suc (add x y)"
thm add.simps
thm add.induct \<comment> \<open>Note the curried induction predicate\<close>
subsection \<open>Nested recursion\<close>
function nz
"nz 0 = 0"
| "nz (Suc x) = nz (nz x)"
by pat_completeness auto
lemma nz_is_zero: \<comment> \<open>A lemma we need to prove termination\<close>
assumes trm: "nz_dom x"
shows "nz x = 0"
using trm
by induct (auto simp: nz.psimps)
termination nz
by (relation "less_than") (auto simp:nz_is_zero)
thm nz.simps
thm nz.induct
subsubsection \<open>Here comes McCarthy's 91-function\<close>
function f91 :: "nat \ nat"
"f91 n = (if 100 < n then n - 10 else f91 (f91 (n + 11)))"
by pat_completeness auto
text \<open>Prove a lemma before attempting a termination proof:\<close>
lemma f91_estimate:
assumes trm: "f91_dom n"
shows "n < f91 n + 11"
using trm by induct (auto simp: f91.psimps)
let ?R = "measure (\x. 101 - x)"
show "wf ?R" ..
fix n :: nat
assume "\ 100 < n" \ \Inner call\
then show "(n + 11, n) \ ?R" by simp
assume inner_trm: "f91_dom (n + 11)" \<comment> \<open>Outer call\<close>
with f91_estimate have "n + 11 < f91 (n + 11) + 11" .
with \<open>\<not> 100 < n\<close> show "(f91 (n + 11), n) \<in> ?R" by simp
text \<open>Now trivial (even though it does not belong here):\<close>
lemma "f91 n = (if 100 < n then n - 10 else 91)"
by (induct n rule: f91.induct) auto
subsubsection \<open>Here comes Takeuchi's function\<close>
definition tak_m1 where "tak_m1 = (\(x,y,z). if x \ y then 0 else 1)"
definition tak_m2 where "tak_m2 = (\(x,y,z). nat (Max {x, y, z} - Min {x, y, z}))"
definition tak_m3 where "tak_m3 = (\(x,y,z). nat (x - Min {x, y, z}))"
function tak :: "int \ int \ int \ int" where
"tak x y z = (if x \ y then y else tak (tak (x-1) y z) (tak (y-1) z x) (tak (z-1) x y))"
by auto
lemma tak_pcorrect:
"tak_dom (x, y, z) \ tak x y z = (if x \ y then y else if y \ z then z else x)"
by (induction x y z rule: tak.pinduct) (auto simp: tak.psimps)
by (relation "tak_m1 <*mlex*> tak_m2 <*mlex*> tak_m3 <*mlex*> {}")
(auto simp: mlex_iff wf_mlex tak_pcorrect tak_m1_def tak_m2_def tak_m3_def min_def max_def)
theorem tak_correct: "tak x y z = (if x \ y then y else if y \ z then z else x)"
by (induction x y z rule: tak.induct) auto
subsection \<open>More general patterns\<close>
subsubsection \<open>Overlapping patterns\<close>
text \<open>
Currently, patterns must always be compatible with each other, since
no automatic splitting takes place. But the following definition of
GCD is OK, although patterns overlap:
fun gcd2 :: "nat \ nat \ nat"
"gcd2 x 0 = x"
| "gcd2 0 y = y"
| "gcd2 (Suc x) (Suc y) = (if x < y then gcd2 (Suc x) (y - x)
else gcd2 (x - y) (Suc y))"
thm gcd2.simps
thm gcd2.induct
subsubsection \<open>Guards\<close>
text \<open>We can reformulate the above example using guarded patterns:\<close>
function gcd3 :: "nat \ nat \ nat"
"gcd3 x 0 = x"
| "gcd3 0 y = y"
| "gcd3 (Suc x) (Suc y) = gcd3 (Suc x) (y - x)" if "x < y"
| "gcd3 (Suc x) (Suc y) = gcd3 (x - y) (Suc y)" if "\ x < y"
apply (case_tac x, case_tac a, auto)
apply (case_tac ba, auto)
termination by lexicographic_order
thm gcd3.simps
thm gcd3.induct
text \<open>General patterns allow even strange definitions:\<close>
function ev :: "nat \ bool"
"ev (2 * n) = True"
| "ev (2 * n + 1) = False"
proof - \<comment> \<open>completeness is more difficult here \dots\<close>
fix P :: bool
fix x :: nat
assume c1: "\n. x = 2 * n \ P"
and c2: "\n. x = 2 * n + 1 \ P"
have divmod: "x = 2 * (x div 2) + (x mod 2)" by auto
show P
proof (cases "x mod 2 = 0")
case True
with divmod have "x = 2 * (x div 2)" by simp
with c1 show "P" .
case False
then have "x mod 2 = 1" by simp
with divmod have "x = 2 * (x div 2) + 1" by simp
with c2 show "P" .
qed presburger+ \<comment> \<open>solve compatibility with presburger\<close>
termination by lexicographic_order
thm ev.simps
thm ev.induct
thm ev.cases
subsection \<open>Mutual Recursion\<close>
fun evn od :: "nat \ bool"
"evn 0 = True"
| "od 0 = False"
| "evn (Suc n) = od n"
| "od (Suc n) = evn n"
thm evn.simps
thm od.simps
thm evn_od.induct
thm evn_od.termination
thm evn.elims
thm od.elims
subsection \<open>Definitions in local contexts\<close>
locale my_monoid =
fixes opr :: "'a \ 'a \ 'a"
and un :: "'a"
assumes assoc: "opr (opr x y) z = opr x (opr y z)"
and lunit: "opr un x = x"
and runit: "opr x un = x"
fun foldR :: "'a list \ 'a"
"foldR [] = un"
| "foldR (x # xs) = opr x (foldR xs)"
fun foldL :: "'a list \ 'a"
"foldL [] = un"
| "foldL [x] = x"
| "foldL (x # y # ys) = foldL (opr x y # ys)"
thm foldL.simps
lemma foldR_foldL: "foldR xs = foldL xs"
by (induct xs rule: foldL.induct) (auto simp:lunit runit assoc)
thm foldR_foldL
thm my_monoid.foldL.simps
thm my_monoid.foldR_foldL
subsection \<open>\<open>fun_cases\<close>\<close>
subsubsection \<open>Predecessor\<close>
fun pred :: "nat \ nat"
"pred 0 = 0"
| "pred (Suc n) = n"
thm pred.elims
assumes "pred x = y"
obtains "x = 0" "y = 0" | "n" where "x = Suc n" "y = n"
by (fact pred.elims[OF assms])
text \<open>If the predecessor of a number is 0, that number must be 0 or 1.\<close>
fun_cases pred0E[elim]: "pred n = 0"
lemma "pred n = 0 \ n = 0 \ n = Suc 0"
by (erule pred0E) metis+
text \<open>
Other expressions on the right-hand side also work, but whether the
generated rule is useful depends on how well the simplifier can
simplify it. This example works well:
fun_cases pred42E[elim]: "pred n = 42"
lemma "pred n = 42 \ n = 43"
by (erule pred42E)
subsubsection \<open>List to option\<close>
fun list_to_option :: "'a list \ 'a option"
"list_to_option [x] = Some x"
| "list_to_option _ = None"
fun_cases list_to_option_NoneE: "list_to_option xs = None"
and list_to_option_SomeE: "list_to_option xs = Some x"
lemma "list_to_option xs = Some y \ xs = [y]"
by (erule list_to_option_SomeE)
subsubsection \<open>Boolean Functions\<close>
fun xor :: "bool \ bool \ bool"
"xor False False = False"
| "xor True True = False"
| "xor _ _ = True"
thm xor.elims
text \<open>
\<open>fun_cases\<close> does not only recognise function equations, but also works with
functions that return a boolean, e.g.:
fun_cases xor_TrueE: "xor a b" and xor_FalseE: "\xor a b"
subsubsection \<open>Many parameters\<close>
fun sum4 :: "nat \ nat \ nat \ nat \ nat"
where "sum4 a b c d = a + b + c + d"
fun_cases sum40E: "sum4 a b c d = 0"
lemma "sum4 a b c d = 0 \ a = 0"
by (erule sum40E)
subsection \<open>Partial Function Definitions\<close>
text \<open>Partial functions in the option monad:\<close>
partial_function (option)
collatz :: "nat \ nat list option"
"collatz n =
(if n \<le> 1 then Some [n]
else if even n
then do { ns \<leftarrow> collatz (n div 2); Some (n # ns) }
else do { ns \<leftarrow> collatz (3 * n + 1); Some (n # ns)})"
declare collatz.simps[code]
value "collatz 23"
text \<open>Tail-recursive functions:\<close>
partial_function (tailrec) fixpoint :: "('a \ 'a) \ 'a \ 'a"
"fixpoint f x = (if f x = x then x else fixpoint f (f x))"
subsection \<open>Regression tests\<close>
text \<open>
The following examples mainly serve as tests for the
function package.
fun listlen :: "'a list \ nat"
"listlen [] = 0"
| "listlen (x#xs) = Suc (listlen xs)"
subsubsection \<open>Context recursion\<close>
fun f :: "nat \ nat"
zero: "f 0 = 0"
| succ: "f (Suc n) = (if f n = 0 then 0 else f n)"
subsubsection \<open>A combination of context and nested recursion\<close>
function h :: "nat \ nat"
"h 0 = 0"
| "h (Suc n) = (if h n = 0 then h (h n) else h n)"
by pat_completeness auto
subsubsection \<open>Context, but no recursive call\<close>
fun i :: "nat \ nat"
"i 0 = 0"
| "i (Suc n) = (if n = 0 then 0 else i n)"
subsubsection \<open>Tupled nested recursion\<close>
fun fa :: "nat \ nat \ nat"
"fa 0 y = 0"
| "fa (Suc n) y = (if fa n y = 0 then 0 else fa n y)"
subsubsection \<open>Let\<close>
fun j :: "nat \ nat"
"j 0 = 0"
| "j (Suc n) = (let u = n in Suc (j u))"
text \<open>There were some problems with fresh names \dots\<close>
function k :: "nat \ nat"
"k x = (let a = x; b = x in k x)"
by pat_completeness auto
function f2 :: "(nat \ nat) \ (nat \ nat)"
"f2 p = (let (x,y) = p in f2 (y,x))"
by pat_completeness auto
subsubsection \<open>Abbreviations\<close>
fun f3 :: "'a set \ bool"
"f3 x = finite x"
subsubsection \<open>Simple Higher-Order Recursion\<close>
datatype 'a tree = Leaf 'a | Branch "'a tree list"
fun treemap :: "('a \ 'a) \ 'a tree \ 'a tree"
"treemap fn (Leaf n) = (Leaf (fn n))"
| "treemap fn (Branch l) = (Branch (map (treemap fn) l))"
fun tinc :: "nat tree \ nat tree"
"tinc (Leaf n) = Leaf (Suc n)"
| "tinc (Branch l) = Branch (map tinc l)"
fun testcase :: "'a tree \ 'a list"
"testcase (Leaf a) = [a]"
| "testcase (Branch x) =
(let xs = concat (map testcase x);
ys = concat (map testcase x) in
xs @ ys)"
subsubsection \<open>Pattern matching on records\<close>
record point =
Xcoord :: int
Ycoord :: int
function swp :: "point \ point"
"swp \ Xcoord = x, Ycoord = y \ = \ Xcoord = y, Ycoord = x \"
proof -
fix P x
assume "\xa y. x = \Xcoord = xa, Ycoord = y\ \ P"
then show P by (cases x)
qed auto
termination by rule auto
subsubsection \<open>The diagonal function\<close>
fun diag :: "bool \ bool \ bool \ nat"
"diag x True False = 1"
| "diag False y True = 2"
| "diag True False z = 3"
| "diag True True True = 4"
| "diag False False False = 5"
subsubsection \<open>Many equations (quadratic blowup)\<close>
datatype DT =
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | P
| Q | R | S | T | U | V
fun big :: "DT \ nat"
"big A = 0"
| "big B = 0"
| "big C = 0"
| "big D = 0"
| "big E = 0"
| "big F = 0"
| "big G = 0"
| "big H = 0"
| "big I = 0"
| "big J = 0"
| "big K = 0"
| "big L = 0"
| "big M = 0"
| "big N = 0"
| "big P = 0"
| "big Q = 0"
| "big R = 0"
| "big S = 0"
| "big T = 0"
| "big U = 0"
| "big V = 0"
subsubsection \<open>Automatic pattern splitting\<close>
fun f4 :: "nat \ nat \ bool"
"f4 0 0 = True"
| "f4 _ _ = False"
subsubsection \<open>Polymorphic partial-function\<close>
partial_function (option) f5 :: "'a list \ 'a option"
"f5 x = f5 x"
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