(* Title: Pure/General/sha1.ML
Author: Makarius
Author: Sascha Boehme, TU Muenchen
Digesting strings according to SHA-1 (see RFC 3174).
signature SHA1 =
eqtype digest
val rep: digest -> string
val fake: string -> digest
val digest: string -> digest
val test_samples: unit -> unit
structure SHA1: SHA1 =
(** internal implementation in ML -- relatively slow **)
(* 32bit words *)
infix 4 << >>;
infix 3 andb;
infix 2 orb xorb;
val op << = Word32.<<;
val op >> = Word32.>>;
val op andb = Word32.andb;
val op orb = Word32.orb;
val op xorb = Word32.xorb;
val notb = Word32.notb;
fun rotate k w = w << k orb w >> (0w32 - k);
(* hexadecimal words *)
fun hex_digit (text, w: Word32.word) =
val d = Word32.toInt (w andb 0wxf);
val dig = if d < 10 then chr (Char.ord #"0" + d) else chr (Char.ord #"a" + d - 10);
in (dig ^ text, w >> 0w4) end;
fun hex_word w = #1 (funpow 8 hex_digit ("", w));
(* padding *)
fun pack_bytes 0 _ = ""
| pack_bytes k n = pack_bytes (k - 1) (n div 256) ^ chr (n mod 256);
fun padded_text str =
val len = size str;
val padding = chr 128 ^ replicate_string (~ (len + 9) mod 64) (chr 0) ^ pack_bytes 8 (len * 8);
fun byte i = Char.ord (String.sub (if i < len then (str, i) else (padding, (i - len))));
fun word i =
Word32.fromInt (byte (4 * i)) << 0w24 orb
Word32.fromInt (byte (4 * i + 1)) << 0w16 orb
Word32.fromInt (byte (4 * i + 2)) << 0w8 orb
Word32.fromInt (byte (4 * i + 3));
in ((len + size padding) div 4, word) end;
(* digest_string_internal *)
fun digest_word (i, w, {a, b, c, d, e}) =
val {f, k} =
if i < 20 then
{f = (b andb c) orb (notb b andb d),
k = 0wx5A827999}
else if i < 40 then
{f = b xorb c xorb d,
k = 0wx6ED9EBA1}
else if i < 60 then
{f = (b andb c) orb (b andb d) orb (c andb d),
k = 0wx8F1BBCDC}
{f = b xorb c xorb d,
k = 0wxCA62C1D6};
val op + = Word32.+;
{a = rotate 0w5 a + f + e + w + k,
b = a,
c = rotate 0w30 b,
d = c,
e = d}
fun digest_string_internal str =
val (text_len, text) = padded_text str;
(*hash result -- 5 words*)
val hash_array : Word32.word Array.array =
Array.fromList [0wx67452301, 0wxEFCDAB89, 0wx98BADCFE, 0wx10325476, 0wxC3D2E1F0];
fun hash i = Array.sub (hash_array, i);
fun add_hash x i = Array.update (hash_array, i, hash i + x);
(*current chunk -- 80 words*)
val chunk_array = Array.array (80, 0w0: Word32.word);
fun chunk i = Array.sub (chunk_array, i);
fun init_chunk pos =
Array.modifyi (fn (i, _) =>
if i < 16 then text (pos + i)
else rotate 0w1 (chunk (i - 3) xorb chunk (i - 8) xorb chunk (i - 14) xorb chunk (i - 16)))
fun digest_chunks pos =
if pos < text_len then
val _ = init_chunk pos;
val {a, b, c, d, e} = Array.foldli digest_word
{a = hash 0,
b = hash 1,
c = hash 2,
d = hash 3,
e = hash 4}
val _ = add_hash a 0;
val _ = add_hash b 1;
val _ = add_hash c 2;
val _ = add_hash d 3;
val _ = add_hash e 4;
in digest_chunks (pos + 16) end
else ();
val _ = digest_chunks 0;
val hex = hex_word o hash;
in hex 0 ^ hex 1 ^ hex 2 ^ hex 3 ^ hex 4 end;
(** external implementation in C **)
(* C library and memory *)
val library_path =
Path.explode ("$ML_HOME/" ^ (if ML_System.platform_is_windows then "sha1.dll" else "libsha1.so"));
val library_call =
(Foreign.loadLibraryIndirect (fn () => File.platform_path library_path)) "sha1_buffer",
(Foreign.cByteArray, Foreign.cUlong, Foreign.cPointer), Foreign.cPointer);
fun with_memory n =
Thread_Attributes.uninterruptible (fn restore_attributes => fn f =>
val mem = Foreign.Memory.malloc (Word.fromInt n);
val res = Exn.capture (restore_attributes f) mem;
val _ = Foreign.Memory.free mem;
in Exn.release res end);
(* digesting *)
fun hex_string byte = op ^ (apply2 hex_digit (Integer.div_mod (Word8.toInt byte) 16));
fun digest_string_external str =
with_memory 20 (fn mem =>
val bytes = Byte.stringToBytes str;
val _ = library_call (bytes, Word8Vector.length bytes, mem);
fun get i = hex_string (Foreign.Memory.get8 (mem, Word.fromInt i));
in implode (map get (0 upto 19)) end);
(** type digest **)
datatype digest = Digest of string;
fun rep (Digest s) = s;
val fake = Digest;
val _ = ML_system_pp (fn _ => fn _ => Pretty.to_polyml o Pretty.str o quote o rep);
fun digest_string str = digest_string_external str
handle Foreign.Foreign msg =>
(warning (msg ^ "\nUsing slow ML implementation of SHA1.digest"); digest_string_internal str);
val digest = Digest o digest_string;
(** SHA1 samples found in the wild **)
fun check (msg, key) =
let val key' = rep (digest msg) in
if key = key' then ()
raise Fail ("SHA1 library integrity test failed on " ^ quote msg ^ ":\n" ^
key ^ " expected, but\n" ^ key' ^ " was found")
fun test_samples () =
List.app check
[("", "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709"),
("a", "86f7e437faa5a7fce15d1ddcb9eaeaea377667b8"),
("abc", "a9993e364706816aba3e25717850c26c9cd0d89d"),
("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "32d10c7b8cf96570ca04ce37f2a19d84240d3a89"),
("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", "2fd4e1c67a2d28fced849ee1bb76e7391b93eb12"),
(replicate_string 100 "\000", "ed4a77d1b56a118938788fc53037759b6c501e3d"),
("a\000b", "4a3dec2d1f8245280855c42db0ee4239f917fdb8"),
("\000\001", "3f29546453678b855931c174a97d6c0894b8f546")];
val _ = test_samples ();
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.19 Sekunden
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