/* Title: Pure/General/sql.scala
Author: Makarius
Support for SQL databases: SQLite and PostgreSQL.
package isabelle
import java.time.OffsetDateTime
import java.sql.{DriverManager, Connection, PreparedStatement, ResultSet}
import scala.collection.mutable
object SQL
/** SQL language **/
type Source = String
/* concrete syntax */
def escape_char(c: Char): String =
c match {
case '\u0000' => "\\0"
case '\'' => "\\'"
case '\"' => "\\\""
case '\b' => "\\b"
case '\n' => "\\n"
case '\r' => "\\r"
case '\t' => "\\t"
case '\u001a' => "\\Z"
case '\\' => "\\\\"
case _ => c.toString
def string(s: String): Source =
s.iterator.map(escape_char).mkString("'", "", "'")
def ident(s: String): Source =
Long_Name.implode(Long_Name.explode(s).map(a => quote(a.replace("\"", "\"\""))))
def enclose(s: Source): Source = "(" + s + ")"
def enclosure(ss: Iterable[Source]): Source = ss.mkString("(", ", ", ")")
def select(columns: List[Column] = Nil, distinct: Boolean = false): Source =
"SELECT " + (if (distinct) "DISTINCT " else "") +
(if (columns.isEmpty) "*" else commas(columns.map(_.ident))) + " FROM "
val join_outer: Source = " LEFT OUTER JOIN "
val join_inner: Source = " INNER JOIN "
def join(outer: Boolean): Source = if (outer) join_outer else join_inner
def member(x: Source, set: Iterable[String]): Source =
set.iterator.map(a => x + " = " + SQL.string(a)).mkString("(", " OR ", ")")
/* types */
object Type extends Enumeration
val Boolean = Value("BOOLEAN")
val Int = Value("INTEGER")
val Long = Value("BIGINT")
val Double = Value("DOUBLE PRECISION")
val String = Value("TEXT")
val Bytes = Value("BLOB")
def sql_type_default(T: Type.Value): Source = T.toString
def sql_type_sqlite(T: Type.Value): Source =
if (T == Type.Boolean) "INTEGER"
else if (T == Type.Date) "TEXT"
else sql_type_default(T)
def sql_type_postgresql(T: Type.Value): Source =
if (T == Type.Bytes) "BYTEA"
else sql_type_default(T)
/* columns */
object Column
def bool(name: String, strict: Boolean = false, primary_key: Boolean = false): Column =
Column(name, Type.Boolean, strict, primary_key)
def int(name: String, strict: Boolean = false, primary_key: Boolean = false): Column =
Column(name, Type.Int, strict, primary_key)
def long(name: String, strict: Boolean = false, primary_key: Boolean = false): Column =
Column(name, Type.Long, strict, primary_key)
def double(name: String, strict: Boolean = false, primary_key: Boolean = false): Column =
Column(name, Type.Double, strict, primary_key)
def string(name: String, strict: Boolean = false, primary_key: Boolean = false): Column =
Column(name, Type.String, strict, primary_key)
def bytes(name: String, strict: Boolean = false, primary_key: Boolean = false): Column =
Column(name, Type.Bytes, strict, primary_key)
def date(name: String, strict: Boolean = false, primary_key: Boolean = false): Column =
Column(name, Type.Date, strict, primary_key)
sealed case class Column(
name: String, T: Type.Value, strict: Boolean = false, primary_key: Boolean = false,
expr: SQL.Source = "")
def make_primary_key: Column = copy(primary_key = true)
def apply(table: Table): Column =
Column(Long_Name.qualify(table.name, name), T, strict = strict, primary_key = primary_key)
def ident: Source =
if (expr == "") SQL.ident(name)
else enclose(expr) + " AS " + SQL.ident(name)
def decl(sql_type: Type.Value => Source): Source =
ident + " " + sql_type(T) + (if (strict || primary_key) " NOT NULL" else "")
def defined: String = ident + " IS NOT NULL"
def undefined: String = ident + " IS NULL"
def equal(s: String): Source = ident + " = " + string(s)
def where_equal(s: String): Source = "WHERE " + equal(s)
override def toString: Source = ident
/* tables */
sealed case class Table(name: String, columns: List[Column], body: Source = "")
private val columns_index: Map[String, Int] =
Library.duplicates(columns.map(_.name)) match {
case Nil =>
case bad => error("Duplicate column names " + commas_quote(bad) + " for table " + quote(name))
def ident: Source = SQL.ident(name)
def query: Source =
if (body == "") error("Missing SQL body for table " + quote(name))
else SQL.enclose(body)
def query_named: Source = query + " AS " + SQL.ident(name)
def create(strict: Boolean = false, sql_type: Type.Value => Source): Source =
val primary_key =
columns.filter(_.primary_key).map(_.name) match {
case Nil => Nil
case keys => List("PRIMARY KEY " + enclosure(keys))
"CREATE TABLE " + (if (strict) "" else "IF NOT EXISTS ") +
ident + " " + enclosure(columns.map(_.decl(sql_type)) ::: primary_key)
def create_index(index_name: String, index_columns: List[Column],
strict: Boolean = false, unique: Boolean = false): Source =
"CREATE " + (if (unique) "UNIQUE " else "") + "INDEX " +
(if (strict) "" else "IF NOT EXISTS ") + SQL.ident(index_name) + " ON " +
ident + " " + enclosure(index_columns.map(_.name))
def insert_cmd(cmd: Source, sql: Source = ""): Source =
cmd + " INTO " + ident + " VALUES " + enclosure(columns.map(_ => "?")) +
(if (sql == "") "" else " " + sql)
def insert(sql: Source = ""): Source = insert_cmd("INSERT", sql)
def delete(sql: Source = ""): Source =
"DELETE FROM " + ident +
(if (sql == "") "" else " " + sql)
def select(
select_columns: List[Column] = Nil, sql: Source = "", distinct: Boolean = false): Source =
SQL.select(select_columns, distinct = distinct) + ident +
(if (sql == "") "" else " " + sql)
override def toString: Source = ident
/** SQL database operations **/
/* statements */
class Statement private[SQL](val db: Database, val rep: PreparedStatement)
extends AutoCloseable
stmt =>
object bool
def update(i: Int, x: Boolean) { rep.setBoolean(i, x) }
def update(i: Int, x: Option[Boolean])
if (x.isDefined) update(i, x.get)
else rep.setNull(i, java.sql.Types.BOOLEAN)
object int
def update(i: Int, x: Int) { rep.setInt(i, x) }
def update(i: Int, x: Option[Int])
if (x.isDefined) update(i, x.get)
else rep.setNull(i, java.sql.Types.INTEGER)
object long
def update(i: Int, x: Long) { rep.setLong(i, x) }
def update(i: Int, x: Option[Long])
if (x.isDefined) update(i, x.get)
else rep.setNull(i, java.sql.Types.BIGINT)
object double
def update(i: Int, x: Double) { rep.setDouble(i, x) }
def update(i: Int, x: Option[Double])
if (x.isDefined) update(i, x.get)
else rep.setNull(i, java.sql.Types.DOUBLE)
object string
def update(i: Int, x: String) { rep.setString(i, x) }
def update(i: Int, x: Option[String]): Unit = update(i, x.orNull)
object bytes
def update(i: Int, bytes: Bytes)
if (bytes == null) rep.setBytes(i, null)
else rep.setBinaryStream(i, bytes.stream(), bytes.length)
def update(i: Int, bytes: Option[Bytes]): Unit = update(i, bytes.orNull)
object date
def update(i: Int, date: Date): Unit = db.update_date(stmt, i, date)
def update(i: Int, date: Option[Date]): Unit = update(i, date.orNull)
def execute(): Boolean = rep.execute()
def execute_query(): Result = new Result(this, rep.executeQuery())
def close(): Unit = rep.close
/* results */
class Result private[SQL](val stmt: Statement, val rep: ResultSet)
res =>
def next(): Boolean = rep.next()
def iterator[A](get: Result => A): Iterator[A] = new Iterator[A]
private var _next: Boolean = res.next()
def hasNext: Boolean = _next
def next: A = { val x = get(res); _next = res.next(); x }
def bool(column: Column): Boolean = rep.getBoolean(column.name)
def int(column: Column): Int = rep.getInt(column.name)
def long(column: Column): Long = rep.getLong(column.name)
def double(column: Column): Double = rep.getDouble(column.name)
def string(column: Column): String =
val s = rep.getString(column.name)
if (s == null) "" else s
def bytes(column: Column): Bytes =
val bs = rep.getBytes(column.name)
if (bs == null) Bytes.empty else Bytes(bs)
def date(column: Column): Date = stmt.db.date(res, column)
def timing(c1: Column, c2: Column, c3: Column): Timing =
Timing(Time.ms(long(c1)), Time.ms(long(c2)), Time.ms(long(c3)))
def get[A](column: Column, f: Column => A): Option[A] =
val x = f(column)
if (rep.wasNull) None else Some(x)
def get_bool(column: Column): Option[Boolean] = get(column, bool)
def get_int(column: Column): Option[Int] = get(column, int)
def get_long(column: Column): Option[Long] = get(column, long)
def get_double(column: Column): Option[Double] = get(column, double)
def get_string(column: Column): Option[String] = get(column, string)
def get_bytes(column: Column): Option[Bytes] = get(column, bytes)
def get_date(column: Column): Option[Date] = get(column, date)
/* database */
trait Database extends AutoCloseable
db =>
/* types */
def sql_type(T: Type.Value): Source
/* connection */
def connection: Connection
def close() { connection.close }
def transaction[A](body: => A): A =
val auto_commit = connection.getAutoCommit
try {
val savepoint = connection.setSavepoint
try {
val result = body
catch { case exn: Throwable => connection.rollback(savepoint); throw exn }
finally { connection.setAutoCommit(auto_commit) }
/* statements and results */
def statement(sql: Source): Statement =
new Statement(db, connection.prepareStatement(sql))
def using_statement[A](sql: Source)(f: Statement => A): A =
def update_date(stmt: Statement, i: Int, date: Date): Unit
def date(res: Result, column: Column): Date
def insert_permissive(table: Table, sql: Source = ""): Source
/* tables and views */
def tables: List[String] =
val result = new mutable.ListBuffer[String]
val rs = connection.getMetaData.getTables(null, null, "%", null)
while (rs.next) { result += rs.getString(3) }
def create_table(table: Table, strict: Boolean = false, sql: Source = ""): Unit =
table.create(strict, sql_type) + (if (sql == "") "" else " " + sql))(_.execute())
def create_index(table: Table, name: String, columns: List[Column],
strict: Boolean = false, unique: Boolean = false): Unit =
using_statement(table.create_index(name, columns, strict, unique))(_.execute())
def create_view(table: Table, strict: Boolean = false): Unit =
if (strict || !tables.contains(table.name)) {
val sql = "CREATE VIEW " + table + " AS " + { table.query; table.body }
/** SQLite **/
object SQLite
// see https://www.sqlite.org/lang_datefunc.html
val date_format: Date.Format = Date.Format("uuuu-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS x")
lazy val init_jdbc: Unit =
val lib_path = Path.explode("$ISABELLE_SQLITE_HOME/" + Platform.jvm_platform)
val lib_name =
File.find_files(lib_path.file) match {
case List(file) => file.getName
case _ => error("Exactly one file expected in directory " + lib_path.expand)
System.setProperty("org.sqlite.lib.path", File.platform_path(lib_path))
System.setProperty("org.sqlite.lib.name", lib_name)
def open_database(path: Path): Database =
val path0 = path.expand
val s0 = File.platform_path(path0)
val s1 = if (Platform.is_windows) s0.replace('\\', '/') else s0
val connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:" + s1)
new Database(path0.toString, connection)
class Database private[SQLite](name: String, val connection: Connection) extends SQL.Database
override def toString: String = name
def sql_type(T: SQL.Type.Value): SQL.Source = SQL.sql_type_sqlite(T)
def update_date(stmt: SQL.Statement, i: Int, date: Date): Unit =
if (date == null) stmt.string(i) = (null: String)
else stmt.string(i) = date_format(date)
def date(res: SQL.Result, column: SQL.Column): Date =
def insert_permissive(table: SQL.Table, sql: SQL.Source = ""): SQL.Source =
table.insert_cmd("INSERT OR IGNORE", sql = sql)
def rebuild { using_statement("VACUUM")(_.execute()) }
/** PostgreSQL **/
object PostgreSQL
val default_port = 5432
lazy val init_jdbc: Unit = Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver")
def open_database(
user: String,
password: String,
database: String = "",
host: String = "",
port: Int = 0,
ssh: Option[SSH.Session] = None,
ssh_close: Boolean = false): Database =
if (user == "") error("Undefined database user")
val db_host = proper_string(host) getOrElse "localhost"
val db_port = if (port > 0 && port != default_port) ":" + port else ""
val db_name = "/" + (proper_string(database) getOrElse user)
val (url, name, port_forwarding) =
ssh match {
case None =>
val spec = db_host + db_port + db_name
val url = "jdbc:postgresql://" + spec
val name = user + "@" + spec
(url, name, None)
case Some(ssh) =>
val fw =
ssh.port_forwarding(remote_host = db_host,
remote_port = if (port > 0) port else default_port,
ssh_close = ssh_close)
val url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:" + fw.local_port + db_name
val name = user + "@" + fw + db_name + " via ssh " + ssh
(url, name, Some(fw))
try {
val connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password)
new Database(name, connection, port_forwarding)
catch { case exn: Throwable => port_forwarding.foreach(_.close); throw exn }
class Database private[PostgreSQL](
name: String, val connection: Connection, port_forwarding: Option[SSH.Port_Forwarding])
extends SQL.Database
override def toString: String = name
def sql_type(T: SQL.Type.Value): SQL.Source = SQL.sql_type_postgresql(T)
// see https://jdbc.postgresql.org/documentation/head/8-date-time.html
def update_date(stmt: SQL.Statement, i: Int, date: Date): Unit =
if (date == null) stmt.rep.setObject(i, null)
else stmt.rep.setObject(i, OffsetDateTime.from(date.to(Date.timezone_utc).rep))
def date(res: SQL.Result, column: SQL.Column): Date =
val obj = res.rep.getObject(column.name, classOf[OffsetDateTime])
if (obj == null) null else Date.instant(obj.toInstant)
def insert_permissive(table: SQL.Table, sql: SQL.Source = ""): SQL.Source =
sql = sql + (if (sql == "") "" else " ") + "ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING")
override def close() { super.close; port_forwarding.foreach(_.close) }
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