(* Title: Pure/ML/ml_pretty.ML
Author: Makarius
Minimal support for raw ML pretty printing, notably for toplevel pp.
signature ML_PRETTY =
datatype pretty =
Block of (string * string) * bool * FixedInt.int * pretty list |
String of string * FixedInt.int |
Break of bool * FixedInt.int * FixedInt.int
val block: pretty list -> pretty
val str: string -> pretty
val brk: FixedInt.int -> pretty
val pair: ('a * FixedInt.int -> pretty) -> ('b * FixedInt.int -> pretty) ->
('a * 'b) * FixedInt.int -> pretty
val enum: string -> string -> string -> ('a * FixedInt.int -> pretty) ->
'a list * FixedInt.int -> pretty
val to_polyml: pretty -> PolyML.pretty
val from_polyml: PolyML.pretty -> pretty
val format_polyml: int -> PolyML.pretty -> string
val format: int -> pretty -> string
val default_margin: int
val string_of_polyml: PolyML.pretty -> string
val make_string_fn: string
structure ML_Pretty: ML_PRETTY =
(* datatype pretty *)
datatype pretty =
Block of (string * string) * bool * FixedInt.int * pretty list |
String of string * FixedInt.int |
Break of bool * FixedInt.int * FixedInt.int;
fun block prts = Block (("", ""), false, 2, prts);
fun str s = String (s, FixedInt.fromInt (size s));
fun brk width = Break (false, width, 0);
fun pair pretty1 pretty2 ((x, y), depth: FixedInt.int) =
block [str "(", pretty1 (x, depth), str ",", brk 1, pretty2 (y, depth - 1), str ")"];
fun enum sep lpar rpar pretty (args, depth: FixedInt.int) =
fun elems _ [] = []
| elems 0 _ = [str "..."]
| elems d [x] = [pretty (x, d)]
| elems d (x :: xs) = pretty (x, d) :: str sep :: brk 1 :: elems (d - 1) xs;
in block (str lpar :: (elems (FixedInt.max (depth, 0)) args @ [str rpar])) end;
(* convert *)
fun to_polyml (Break (false, width, offset)) = PolyML.PrettyBreak (width, offset)
| to_polyml (Break (true, _, _)) =
PolyML.PrettyBlock (0, false, [PolyML.ContextProperty ("fbrk", "")],
[PolyML.PrettyString " "])
| to_polyml (Block ((bg, en), consistent, ind, prts)) =
let val context =
(if bg = "" then [] else [PolyML.ContextProperty ("begin", bg)]) @
(if en = "" then [] else [PolyML.ContextProperty ("end", en)])
in PolyML.PrettyBlock (ind, consistent, context, map to_polyml prts) end
| to_polyml (String (s, len)) =
if len = FixedInt.fromInt (size s) then PolyML.PrettyString s
(0, false,
[PolyML.ContextProperty ("length", FixedInt.toString len)], [PolyML.PrettyString s]);
val from_polyml =
fun convert _ (PolyML.PrettyBreak (width, offset)) = Break (false, width, offset)
| convert _ (PolyML.PrettyBlock (_, _,
[PolyML.ContextProperty ("fbrk", _)], [PolyML.PrettyString " "])) =
Break (true, 1, 0)
| convert len (PolyML.PrettyBlock (ind, consistent, context, prts)) =
fun property name default =
(case List.find (fn PolyML.ContextProperty (a, _) => name = a | _ => false) context of
SOME (PolyML.ContextProperty (_, b)) => b
| _ => default);
val bg = property "begin" "";
val en = property "end" "";
val len' = property "length" len;
in Block ((bg, en), consistent, ind, map (convert len') prts) end
| convert len (PolyML.PrettyString s) =
String (s, FixedInt.fromInt (case Int.fromString len of SOME i => i | NONE => size s))
in convert "" end;
(* format *)
fun format_polyml margin prt =
val result = Unsynchronized.ref [];
val () = PolyML.prettyPrint (fn s => result := s :: ! result, margin) prt
in String.concat (List.rev (! result)) end;
fun format margin = format_polyml margin o to_polyml;
val default_margin = 76;
(* make string *)
val string_of_polyml = format_polyml default_margin;
val make_string_fn =
"(fn x => ML_Pretty.string_of_polyml (ML_system_pretty \
\(x, FixedInt.fromInt (ML_Print_Depth.get_print_depth ()))))";
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.16 Sekunden
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nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.