(* Title: Pure/PIDE/command.ML
Author: Makarius
Prover command execution: read -- eval -- print.
signature COMMAND =
type blob = {file_node: string, src_path: Path.T, content: (SHA1.digest * string list) option}
val read_file: Path.T -> Position.T -> bool -> Path.T -> Token.file
val read_thy: Toplevel.state -> theory
val read: Keyword.keywords -> theory -> Path.T-> (unit -> theory) ->
blob Exn.result list * int -> Token.T list -> Toplevel.transition
val read_span: Keyword.keywords -> Toplevel.state -> Path.T -> (unit -> theory) ->
Command_Span.span -> Toplevel.transition
type eval
val eval_command_id: eval -> Document_ID.command
val eval_exec_id: eval -> Document_ID.exec
val eval_eq: eval * eval -> bool
val eval_running: eval -> bool
val eval_finished: eval -> bool
val eval_result_command: eval -> Toplevel.transition
val eval_result_state: eval -> Toplevel.state
val eval: Keyword.keywords -> Path.T -> (unit -> theory) ->
blob Exn.result list * int -> Document_ID.command -> Token.T list -> eval -> eval
type print
type print_fn = Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.state -> unit
val print0: {pri: int, print_fn: print_fn} -> eval -> print
val print: bool -> (string * string list) list -> Keyword.keywords -> string ->
eval -> print list -> print list option
val parallel_print: print -> bool
type print_function =
{keywords: Keyword.keywords, command_name: string, args: string list, exec_id: Document_ID.exec} ->
{delay: Time.time option, pri: int, persistent: bool, strict: bool, print_fn: print_fn} option
val print_function: string -> print_function -> unit
val no_print_function: string -> unit
type exec = eval * print list
val init_exec: theory option -> exec
val no_exec: exec
val exec_ids: exec option -> Document_ID.exec list
val exec: Document_ID.execution -> exec -> unit
val exec_parallel_prints: Document_ID.execution -> Future.task list -> exec -> exec option
structure Command: COMMAND =
(** main phases of execution **)
fun task_context group f =
|> Future.interruptible_task
|> Future.task_context "Command.run_process" group;
(* read *)
type blob = {file_node: string, src_path: Path.T, content: (SHA1.digest * string list) option};
fun read_file_node file_node master_dir pos delimited src_path =
val _ =
if Context_Position.pide_reports ()
then Position.report pos (Markup.language_path delimited) else ();
fun read_file () =
val path = File.check_file (File.full_path master_dir src_path);
val text = File.read path;
val file_pos = Path.position path;
in (text, file_pos) end;
fun read_url () =
val text = Isabelle_System.download file_node;
val file_pos = Position.file file_node;
in (text, file_pos) end;
val (text, file_pos) =
(case try Url.explode file_node of
NONE => read_file ()
| SOME (Url.File _) => read_file ()
| _ => read_url ());
val lines = split_lines text;
val digest = SHA1.digest text;
in {src_path = src_path, lines = lines, digest = digest, pos = Position.copy_id pos file_pos} end
handle ERROR msg => error (msg ^ Position.here pos);
val read_file = read_file_node "";
fun blob_file src_path lines digest file_node =
val file_pos =
Position.file file_node |>
(case Position.get_id (Position.thread_data ()) of
| SOME exec_id => Position.put_id exec_id);
in {src_path = src_path, lines = lines, digest = digest, pos = file_pos} end
fun resolve_files master_dir (blobs, blobs_index) toks =
(case Outer_Syntax.parse_spans toks of
[Command_Span.Span (Command_Span.Command_Span _, _)] =>
(case try (nth toks) blobs_index of
SOME tok =>
val source = Token.input_of tok;
val pos = Input.pos_of source;
val delimited = Input.is_delimited source;
fun make_file (Exn.Res {file_node, src_path, content = NONE}) =
Exn.interruptible_capture (fn () =>
read_file_node file_node master_dir pos delimited src_path) ()
| make_file (Exn.Res {file_node, src_path, content = SOME (digest, lines)}) =
(Position.report pos (Markup.language_path delimited);
Exn.Res (blob_file src_path lines digest file_node))
| make_file (Exn.Exn e) = Exn.Exn e;
val files = map make_file blobs;
toks |> map_index (fn (i, tok) =>
if i = blobs_index then Token.put_files files tok else tok)
| NONE => toks)
| _ => toks);
fun reports_of_token keywords tok =
val malformed_symbols =
Input.source_explode (Token.input_of tok)
|> map_filter (fn (sym, pos) =>
if Symbol.is_malformed sym
then SOME ((pos, Markup.bad ()), "Malformed symbolic character") else NONE);
val is_malformed = Token.is_error tok orelse not (null malformed_symbols);
val reports = Token.reports keywords tok @ Token.completion_report tok @ malformed_symbols;
in (is_malformed, reports) end;
fun read_thy st = Toplevel.theory_of st
handle Toplevel.UNDEF => Pure_Syn.bootstrap_thy;
fun read keywords thy master_dir init blobs_info span =
val command_reports = Outer_Syntax.command_reports thy;
val token_reports = map (reports_of_token keywords) span;
val _ = Position.reports_text (maps #2 token_reports @ maps command_reports span);
val verbatim =
span |> map_filter (fn tok =>
if Token.kind_of tok = Token.Verbatim then SOME (Token.pos_of tok) else NONE);
val _ =
if null verbatim then ()
else legacy_feature ("Old-style {* verbatim *} token -- use \cartouche\ instead" ^
Position.here_list verbatim);
if exists #1 token_reports
then Toplevel.malformed (#1 (Token.core_range_of span)) "Malformed command syntax"
else Outer_Syntax.parse_span thy init (resolve_files master_dir blobs_info span)
fun read_span keywords st master_dir init =
Command_Span.content #> read keywords (read_thy st) master_dir init ([], ~1);
(* eval *)
type eval_state = {failed: bool, command: Toplevel.transition, state: Toplevel.state};
fun init_eval_state opt_thy =
{failed = false,
command = Toplevel.empty,
state =
(case opt_thy of
NONE => Toplevel.init_toplevel ()
| SOME thy => Toplevel.theory_toplevel thy)};
datatype eval =
Eval of
{command_id: Document_ID.command, exec_id: Document_ID.exec, eval_process: eval_state lazy};
fun eval_command_id (Eval {command_id, ...}) = command_id;
fun eval_exec_id (Eval {exec_id, ...}) = exec_id;
val eval_eq = op = o apply2 eval_exec_id;
val eval_running = Execution.is_running_exec o eval_exec_id;
fun eval_finished (Eval {eval_process, ...}) = Lazy.is_finished eval_process;
fun eval_result (Eval {eval_process, ...}) =
Exn.release (Lazy.finished_result eval_process);
val eval_result_command = #command o eval_result;
val eval_result_state = #state o eval_result;
fun reset_state keywords tr st0 = Toplevel.setmp_thread_position tr (fn () =>
val name = Toplevel.name_of tr;
val res =
if Keyword.is_theory_body keywords name then Toplevel.reset_theory st0
else if Keyword.is_proof keywords name then Toplevel.reset_proof st0
else if Keyword.is_theory_end keywords name then
(case Toplevel.reset_notepad st0 of
NONE => Toplevel.reset_theory st0
| some => some)
else NONE;
(case res of
NONE => st0
| SOME st => (Output.error_message (Toplevel.type_error tr ^ " -- using reset state"); st))
end) ();
fun run keywords int tr st =
if Future.proofs_enabled 1 andalso Keyword.is_diag keywords (Toplevel.name_of tr) then
val (tr1, tr2) = Toplevel.fork_presentation tr;
val _ =
Execution.fork {name = "Toplevel.diag", pos = Toplevel.pos_of tr, pri = ~1}
(fn () => Toplevel.command_exception int tr1 st);
in Toplevel.command_errors int tr2 st end
else Toplevel.command_errors int tr st;
fun check_token_comments ctxt tok =
(Thy_Output.check_comments ctxt (Input.source_explode (Token.input_of tok)); [])
handle exn =>
if Exn.is_interrupt exn then Exn.reraise exn
else Runtime.exn_messages exn;
fun check_span_comments ctxt span tr =
Toplevel.setmp_thread_position tr (fn () => maps (check_token_comments ctxt) span) ();
fun report_indent tr st =
(case try Toplevel.proof_of st of
SOME prf =>
let val keywords = Thy_Header.get_keywords (Proof.theory_of prf) in
if Keyword.command_kind keywords (Toplevel.name_of tr) = SOME Keyword.prf_script then
(case try (Thm.nprems_of o #goal o Proof.goal) prf of
NONE => ()
| SOME 0 => ()
| SOME n =>
let val report = Markup.markup_only (Markup.command_indent (n - 1));
in Toplevel.setmp_thread_position tr (fn () => Output.report [report]) () end)
else ()
| NONE => ());
fun status tr m =
Toplevel.setmp_thread_position tr (fn () => Output.status [Markup.markup_only m]) ();
fun eval_state keywords span tr ({state, ...}: eval_state) =
val _ = Thread_Attributes.expose_interrupt ();
val st = reset_state keywords tr state;
val _ = report_indent tr st;
val _ = status tr Markup.running;
val (errs1, result) = run keywords true tr st;
val errs2 =
(case result of
NONE => []
| SOME st' => check_span_comments (Toplevel.presentation_context st') span tr);
val errs = errs1 @ errs2;
val _ = List.app (Future.error_message (Toplevel.pos_of tr)) errs;
(case result of
val _ = status tr Markup.failed;
val _ = status tr Markup.finished;
val _ = if null errs then (status tr Markup.canceled; Exn.interrupt ()) else ();
in {failed = true, command = tr, state = st} end
| SOME st' =>
val _ =
if Keyword.is_theory_end keywords (Toplevel.name_of tr) andalso
can (Toplevel.end_theory Position.none) st'
then status tr Markup.finalized else ();
val _ = status tr Markup.finished;
in {failed = false, command = tr, state = st'} end)
fun eval keywords master_dir init blobs_info command_id span eval0 =
val exec_id = Document_ID.make ();
fun process () =
val eval_state0 = eval_result eval0;
val thy = read_thy (#state eval_state0);
val tr =
Position.setmp_thread_data (Position.id_only (Document_ID.print exec_id))
(fn () =>
read keywords thy master_dir init blobs_info span |> Toplevel.exec_id exec_id) ();
in eval_state keywords span tr eval_state0 end;
Eval {command_id = command_id, exec_id = exec_id,
eval_process = Lazy.lazy_name "Command.eval" process}
(* print *)
datatype print = Print of
{name: string, args: string list, delay: Time.time option, pri: int, persistent: bool,
exec_id: Document_ID.exec, print_process: unit lazy};
fun print_exec_id (Print {exec_id, ...}) = exec_id;
val print_eq = op = o apply2 print_exec_id;
type print_fn = Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.state -> unit;
type print_function =
{keywords: Keyword.keywords, command_name: string, args: string list, exec_id: Document_ID.exec} ->
{delay: Time.time option, pri: int, persistent: bool, strict: bool, print_fn: print_fn} option;
val print_functions =
Synchronized.var "Command.print_functions" ([]: (string * print_function) list);
fun print_error tr opt_context e =
(Toplevel.setmp_thread_position tr o Runtime.controlled_execution opt_context) e ()
handle exn =>
if Exn.is_interrupt exn then Exn.reraise exn
else List.app (Future.error_message (Toplevel.pos_of tr)) (Runtime.exn_messages exn);
fun print_finished (Print {print_process, ...}) = Lazy.is_finished print_process;
fun print_persistent (Print {persistent, ...}) = persistent;
val overlay_ord = prod_ord string_ord (list_ord string_ord);
fun make_print (name, args) {delay, pri, persistent, strict, print_fn} eval =
val exec_id = Document_ID.make ();
fun process () =
val {failed, command, state = st', ...} = eval_result eval;
val tr = Toplevel.exec_id exec_id command;
val opt_context = try Toplevel.generic_theory_of st';
if failed andalso strict then ()
else print_error tr opt_context (fn () => print_fn tr st')
Print {
name = name, args = args, delay = delay, pri = pri, persistent = persistent,
exec_id = exec_id, print_process = Lazy.lazy_name "Command.print" process}
fun bad_print name_args exn =
make_print name_args {delay = NONE, pri = 0, persistent = false,
strict = false, print_fn = fn _ => fn _ => Exn.reraise exn};
fun print0 {pri, print_fn} =
make_print ("", [serial_string ()])
{delay = NONE, pri = pri, persistent = true, strict = true, print_fn = print_fn};
fun print command_visible command_overlays keywords command_name eval old_prints =
val print_functions = Synchronized.value print_functions;
fun new_print (name, args) get_pr =
val params =
{keywords = keywords,
command_name = command_name,
args = args,
exec_id = eval_exec_id eval};
(case Exn.capture (Runtime.controlled_execution NONE get_pr) params of
Exn.Res NONE => NONE
| Exn.Res (SOME pr) => SOME (make_print (name, args) pr eval)
| Exn.Exn exn => SOME (bad_print (name, args) exn eval))
fun get_print (name, args) =
(case find_first (fn Print print => (#name print, #args print) = (name, args)) old_prints of
(case AList.lookup (op =) print_functions name of
SOME (bad_print (name, args) (ERROR ("Missing print function " ^ quote name)) eval)
| SOME get_pr => new_print (name, args) get_pr)
| some => some);
val retained_prints =
filter (fn print => print_finished print andalso print_persistent print) old_prints;
val visible_prints =
if command_visible then
fold (fn (name, _) => cons (name, [])) print_functions command_overlays
|> sort_distinct overlay_ord
|> map_filter get_print
else [];
val new_prints = visible_prints @ retained_prints;
if eq_list print_eq (old_prints, new_prints) then NONE else SOME new_prints
fun parallel_print (Print {pri, ...}) =
pri <= 0 orelse (Future.enabled () andalso Options.default_bool "parallel_print");
fun print_function name f =
Synchronized.change print_functions (fn funs =>
(if name = "" then error "Unnamed print function" else ();
if not (AList.defined (op =) funs name) then ()
else warning ("Redefining command print function: " ^ quote name);
AList.update (op =) (name, f) funs));
fun no_print_function name =
Synchronized.change print_functions (filter_out (equal name o #1));
val _ =
print_function "Execution.print"
(fn {args, exec_id, ...} =>
if null args then
SOME {delay = NONE, pri = Task_Queue.urgent_pri + 2, persistent = false, strict = false,
print_fn = fn _ => fn _ => Execution.fork_prints exec_id}
else NONE);
val _ =
print_function "print_state"
(fn {keywords, command_name, ...} =>
if Options.default_bool "editor_output_state" andalso Keyword.is_printed keywords command_name
SOME {delay = NONE, pri = Task_Queue.urgent_pri + 1, persistent = false, strict = false,
print_fn = fn _ => fn st =>
if Toplevel.is_proof st then Output.state (Toplevel.string_of_state st)
else ()}
else NONE);
(* combined execution *)
type exec = eval * print list;
fun init_exec opt_thy : exec =
{command_id = Document_ID.none, exec_id = Document_ID.none,
eval_process = Lazy.value (init_eval_state opt_thy)}, []);
val no_exec = init_exec NONE;
fun exec_ids NONE = []
| exec_ids (SOME (eval, prints)) = eval_exec_id eval :: map print_exec_id prints;
fun run_process execution_id exec_id process =
let val group = Future.worker_subgroup () in
if Execution.running execution_id exec_id [group] then
ignore (task_context group (fn () => Lazy.force_result {strict = true} process) ())
else ()
fun ignore_process process =
Lazy.is_running process orelse Lazy.is_finished process;
fun run_eval execution_id (Eval {exec_id, eval_process, ...}) =
if Lazy.is_finished eval_process then ()
else run_process execution_id exec_id eval_process;
fun fork_print execution_id deps (Print {name, delay, pri, exec_id, print_process, ...}) =
val group = Future.worker_subgroup ();
fun fork () =
ignore ((singleton o Future.forks)
{name = name, group = SOME group, deps = deps, pri = pri, interrupts = true}
(fn () =>
if ignore_process print_process then ()
else run_process execution_id exec_id print_process));
(case delay of
NONE => fork ()
| SOME d => ignore (Event_Timer.request {physical = true} (Time.now () + d) fork))
fun run_print execution_id (print as Print {exec_id, print_process, ...}) =
if ignore_process print_process then ()
else if parallel_print print then fork_print execution_id [] print
else run_process execution_id exec_id print_process;
fun exec execution_id (eval, prints) =
(run_eval execution_id eval; List.app (run_print execution_id) prints);
fun exec_parallel_prints execution_id deps (exec as (Eval {eval_process, ...}, prints)) =
if Lazy.is_finished eval_process
then (List.app (fork_print execution_id deps) prints; NONE)
else SOME exec;
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.4 Sekunden
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