(* Title: Pure/PIDE/xml.ML
Author: David Aspinall
Author: Stefan Berghofer
Author: Makarius
Untyped XML trees and representation of ML values.
signature XML_DATA_OPS =
type 'a A
type 'a T
type 'a V
type 'a P
val int_atom: int A
val bool_atom: bool A
val unit_atom: unit A
val properties: Properties.T T
val string: string T
val int: int T
val bool: bool T
val unit: unit T
val pair: 'a T -> 'b T -> ('a * 'b) T
val triple: 'a T -> 'b T -> 'c T -> ('a * 'b * 'c) T
val list: 'a T -> 'a list T
val option: 'a T -> 'a option T
val variant: 'a V list -> 'a T
signature XML =
type attributes = (string * string) list
datatype tree =
Elem of (string * attributes) * tree list
| Text of string
type body = tree list
val blob: string list -> body
val is_empty: tree -> bool
val is_empty_body: body -> bool
val xml_elemN: string
val xml_nameN: string
val xml_bodyN: string
val wrap_elem: ((string * attributes) * tree list) * tree list -> tree
val unwrap_elem: tree -> (((string * attributes) * tree list) * tree list) option
val add_content: tree -> Buffer.T -> Buffer.T
val content_of: body -> string
val trim_blanks: body -> body
val header: string
val text: string -> string
val element: string -> attributes -> string list -> string
val output_markup: Markup.T -> Markup.output
val string_of: tree -> string
val pretty: int -> tree -> Pretty.T
val parse_comments: string list -> unit * string list
val parse_string : string -> string option
val parse_element: string list -> tree * string list
val parse_document: string list -> tree * string list
val parse: string -> tree
exception XML_ATOM of string
exception XML_BODY of body
structure Encode:
include XML_DATA_OPS
val tree: tree T
structure Decode:
include XML_DATA_OPS
val tree: tree T
structure XML: XML =
(** XML trees **)
open Output_Primitives.XML;
val blob = map Text;
fun is_empty (Text "") = true
| is_empty _ = false;
val is_empty_body = forall is_empty;
(* wrapped elements *)
val xml_elemN = "xml_elem";
val xml_nameN = "xml_name";
val xml_bodyN = "xml_body";
fun wrap_elem (((a, atts), body1), body2) =
Elem ((xml_elemN, (xml_nameN, a) :: atts), Elem ((xml_bodyN, []), body1) :: body2);
fun unwrap_elem (Elem ((name, (n, a) :: atts), Elem ((name', atts'), body1) :: body2)) =
if name = xml_elemN andalso n = xml_nameN andalso name' = xml_bodyN andalso null atts'
then SOME (((a, atts), body1), body2) else NONE
| unwrap_elem _ = NONE;
(* text content *)
fun add_content tree =
(case unwrap_elem tree of
SOME (_, ts) => fold add_content ts
| NONE =>
(case tree of
Elem (_, ts) => fold add_content ts
| Text s => Buffer.add s));
fun content_of body = Buffer.empty |> fold add_content body |> Buffer.content;
(* trim blanks *)
fun trim_blanks trees =
trees |> maps
(fn Elem (markup, body) => [Elem (markup, trim_blanks body)]
| Text s =>
let val s' = s |> raw_explode |> trim Symbol.is_blank |> implode;
in if s' = "" then [] else [Text s'] end);
(** string representation **)
val header = "1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n";
(* escaped text *)
fun decode "<" = "<"
| decode ">" = ">"
| decode "&" = "&"
| decode "'" = "'"
| decode """ = "\""
| decode c = c;
fun encode "<" = "<"
| encode ">" = ">"
| encode "&" = "&"
| encode "'" = "'"
| encode "\"" = """
| encode c = c;
val text = translate_string encode;
(* elements *)
fun elem name atts =
space_implode " " (name :: map (fn (a, x) => a ^ "=\"" ^ text x ^ "\"") atts);
fun element name atts body =
let val b = implode body in
if b = "" then enclose "<" "/>" (elem name atts)
else enclose "<" ">" (elem name atts) ^ b ^ enclose "" ">" name
fun output_markup (markup as (name, atts)) =
if Markup.is_empty markup then Markup.no_output
else (enclose "<" ">" (elem name atts), enclose "" ">" name);
(* output *)
fun buffer_of depth tree =
fun traverse _ (Elem ((name, atts), [])) =
Buffer.add "<" #> Buffer.add (elem name atts) #> Buffer.add "/>"
| traverse d (Elem ((name, atts), ts)) =
Buffer.add "<" #> Buffer.add (elem name atts) #> Buffer.add ">" #>
traverse_body d ts #>
Buffer.add "" #> Buffer.add name #> Buffer.add ">"
| traverse _ (Text s) = Buffer.add (text s)
and traverse_body 0 _ = Buffer.add "..."
| traverse_body d ts = fold (traverse (d - 1)) ts;
in Buffer.empty |> traverse depth tree end;
val string_of = Buffer.content o buffer_of ~1;
fun pretty depth tree =
Pretty.str (Buffer.content (buffer_of (Int.max (0, depth)) tree));
val _ = ML_system_pp (fn depth => fn _ => Pretty.to_polyml o pretty (FixedInt.toInt depth));
(** XML parsing **)
fun err msg (xs, _) =
fn () => "XML parsing error: " ^ msg () ^ "\nfound: " ^ quote (Symbol.beginning 100 xs);
fun ignored _ = [];
fun name_start_char c = Symbol.is_ascii_letter c orelse c = ":" orelse c = "_";
fun name_char c = name_start_char c orelse Symbol.is_ascii_digit c orelse c = "-" orelse c = ".";
val parse_name = Scan.one name_start_char ::: Scan.many name_char;
val blanks = Scan.many Symbol.is_blank;
val special = $$ "&" ^^ (parse_name >> implode) ^^ $$ ";" >> decode;
val regular = Scan.one Symbol.not_eof;
fun regular_except x = Scan.one (fn c => Symbol.not_eof c andalso c <> x);
val parse_chars = Scan.repeat1 (special || regular_except "<") >> implode;
val parse_cdata =
Scan.this_string " |--
(Scan.repeat (Scan.unless (Scan.this_string "]]>") regular) >> implode) --|
Scan.this_string "]]>";
val parse_att =
((parse_name >> implode) --| (blanks -- $$ "=" -- blanks)) --
(($$ "\"" || $$ "'") :|-- (fn s =>
(Scan.repeat (special || regular_except s) >> implode) --| $$ s));
val parse_comment =
Scan.this_string "") regular) --
Scan.this_string "-->" >> ignored;
val parse_processing_instruction =
Scan.this_string "" --
Scan.repeat (Scan.unless (Scan.this_string "?>") regular) --
Scan.this_string "?>" >> ignored;
val parse_doctype =
Scan.this_string " --
Scan.repeat (Scan.unless ($$ ">") regular) --
$$ ">" >> ignored;
val parse_misc =
Scan.one Symbol.is_blank >> ignored ||
parse_processing_instruction ||
val parse_optional_text =
Scan.optional (parse_chars >> (single o Text)) [];
val parse_comments =
blanks -- Scan.repeat (parse_comment -- blanks >> K ()) >> K ();
val parse_string = Scan.read Symbol.stopper parse_chars o raw_explode;
fun parse_content xs =
(parse_optional_text @@@
((parse_element >> single ||
parse_cdata >> (single o Text) ||
parse_processing_instruction ||
@@@ parse_optional_text)) xs
and parse_element xs =
($$ "<" |-- parse_name -- Scan.repeat (blanks |-- parse_att) --| blanks :--
(fn (name, _) =>
!! (err (fn () => "Expected > or />"))
($$ "/" -- $$ ">" >> ignored ||
$$ ">" |-- parse_content --|
!! (err (fn () => "Expected " ^ implode name ^ ">"))
($$ "<" -- $$ "/" -- Scan.this name -- blanks -- $$ ">")))
>> (fn ((name, atts), body) => Elem ((implode name, atts), body))) xs;
val parse_document =
(Scan.repeat parse_misc -- Scan.option parse_doctype -- Scan.repeat parse_misc)
|-- parse_element;
fun parse s =
(case Scan.finite Symbol.stopper (Scan.error (!! (err (fn () => "Malformed element"))
(blanks |-- parse_document --| blanks))) (raw_explode s) of
(x, []) => x
| (_, ys) => error ("XML parsing error: unprocessed input\n" ^ Symbol.beginning 100 ys));
(** XML as data representation language **)
exception XML_ATOM of string;
exception XML_BODY of tree list;
structure Encode =
type 'a A = 'a -> string;
type 'a T = 'a -> body;
type 'a V = 'a -> string list * body;
type 'a P = 'a -> string list;
(* atomic values *)
fun int_atom i = Value.print_int i;
fun bool_atom false = "0"
| bool_atom true = "1";
fun unit_atom () = "";
(* structural nodes *)
fun node ts = Elem ((":", []), ts);
fun vector xs = map_index (fn (i, x) => (int_atom i, x)) xs;
fun tagged (tag, (xs, ts)) = Elem ((int_atom tag, vector xs), ts);
(* representation of standard types *)
fun tree (t: tree) = [t];
fun properties props = [Elem ((":", props), [])];
fun string "" = []
| string s = [Text s];
val int = string o int_atom;
val bool = string o bool_atom;
val unit = string o unit_atom;
fun pair f g (x, y) = [node (f x), node (g y)];
fun triple f g h (x, y, z) = [node (f x), node (g y), node (h z)];
fun list f xs = map (node o f) xs;
fun option _ NONE = []
| option f (SOME x) = [node (f x)];
fun variant fs x =
[tagged (the (get_index (fn f => SOME (f x) handle General.Match => NONE) fs))];
structure Decode =
type 'a A = string -> 'a;
type 'a T = body -> 'a;
type 'a V = string list * body -> 'a;
type 'a P = string list -> 'a;
(* atomic values *)
fun int_atom s =
Value.parse_int s
handle Fail _ => raise XML_ATOM s;
fun bool_atom "0" = false
| bool_atom "1" = true
| bool_atom s = raise XML_ATOM s;
fun unit_atom "" = ()
| unit_atom s = raise XML_ATOM s;
(* structural nodes *)
fun node (Elem ((":", []), ts)) = ts
| node t = raise XML_BODY [t];
fun vector atts =
map_index (fn (i, (a, x)) => if int_atom a = i then x else raise XML_ATOM a) atts;
fun tagged (Elem ((name, atts), ts)) = (int_atom name, (vector atts, ts))
| tagged t = raise XML_BODY [t];
(* representation of standard types *)
fun tree [t] = t
| tree ts = raise XML_BODY ts;
fun properties [Elem ((":", props), [])] = props
| properties ts = raise XML_BODY ts;
fun string [] = ""
| string [Text s] = s
| string ts = raise XML_BODY ts;
val int = int_atom o string;
val bool = bool_atom o string;
val unit = unit_atom o string;
fun pair f g [t1, t2] = (f (node t1), g (node t2))
| pair _ _ ts = raise XML_BODY ts;
fun triple f g h [t1, t2, t3] = (f (node t1), g (node t2), h (node t3))
| triple _ _ _ ts = raise XML_BODY ts;
fun list f ts = map (f o node) ts;
fun option _ [] = NONE
| option f [t] = SOME (f (node t))
| option _ ts = raise XML_BODY ts;
fun variant fs [t] =
val (tag, (xs, ts)) = tagged t;
val f = nth fs tag handle General.Subscript => raise XML_BODY [t];
in f (xs, ts) end
| variant _ ts = raise XML_BODY ts;
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.3 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.