/* Title: Pure/System/platform.scala
Author: Makarius
System platform identification.
package isabelle
object Platform
/* platform family */
val is_linux: Boolean = System.getProperty("os.name", "") == "Linux"
val is_macos: Boolean = System.getProperty("os.name", "") == "Mac OS X"
val is_windows: Boolean = System.getProperty("os.name", "").startsWith("Windows")
def family: Family.Value =
if (is_linux) Family.linux
else if (is_macos) Family.macos
else if (is_windows) Family.windows
else error("Failed to determine current platform family")
object Family extends Enumeration
val linux, macos, windows = Value
def unapply(name: String): Option[Value] =
try { Some(withName(name)) }
catch { case _: NoSuchElementException => None }
def parse(name: String): Value =
unapply(name) getOrElse error("Bad platform family: " + quote(name))
def standard_platform(platform: Family.Value): String =
platform match {
case Platform.Family.linux => "x86_64-linux"
case Platform.Family.macos => "x86_64-darwin"
case Platform.Family.windows => "x86_64-cygwin"
/* platform identifiers */
private val X86 = """i.86|x86""".r
private val X86_64 = """amd64|x86_64""".r
private val Arm64 = """arm64|aarch64""".r
private val Arm32 = """arm""".r
def cpu_arch: String =
System.getProperty("os.arch", "") match {
case X86() => "x86"
case X86_64() => "x86_64"
case Arm64() => "arm64"
case Arm32() => "arm32"
case _ => error("Failed to determine CPU architecture")
def os_name: String =
family match {
case Family.macos => "darwin"
case _ => family.toString
lazy val jvm_platform: String = cpu_arch + "-" + os_name
/* JVM version */
private val Version = """1\.(\d+)\.0_(\d+)""".r
lazy val jvm_version: String =
System.getProperty("java.version") match {
case Version(a, b) => a + "u" + b
case a => a
/* JVM name */
val jvm_name: String = System.getProperty("java.vm.name", "")
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