(* Title: Pure/Thy/latex.ML
Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen
LaTeX presentation elements -- based on outer lexical syntax.
signature LATEX =
type text
val string: string -> text
val text: string * Position.T -> text
val block: text list -> text
val enclose_body: string -> string -> text list -> text list
val enclose_block: string -> string -> text list -> text
val output_text: text list -> string
val output_positions: Position.T -> text list -> string
val output_name: string -> string
val output_ascii: string -> string
val output_ascii_breakable: string -> string -> string
val output_symbols: Symbol.symbol list -> string
val output_syms: string -> string
val symbols: Symbol_Pos.T list -> text
val symbols_output: Symbol_Pos.T list -> text
val begin_delim: string -> string
val end_delim: string -> string
val begin_tag: string -> string
val end_tag: string -> string
val environment_block: string -> text list -> text
val environment: string -> string -> string
val isabelle_body: string -> text list -> text list
val theory_entry: string -> string
val latexN: string
val latex_output: string -> string * int
val latex_markup: string * Properties.T -> Markup.output
val latex_indent: string -> int -> string
structure Latex: LATEX =
(* text with positions *)
abstype text = Text of string * Position.T | Block of text list
fun string s = Text (s, Position.none);
val text = Text;
val block = Block;
fun output_text texts =
fun output (Text (s, _)) = Buffer.add s
| output (Block body) = fold output body;
in Buffer.empty |> fold output texts |> Buffer.content end;
fun output_positions file_pos texts =
fun position (a, b) = enclose "%:%" "%:%" (a ^ "=" ^ b);
fun add_position p positions =
let val s = position (apply2 Value.print_int p)
in positions |> s <> hd positions ? cons s end;
fun output (Text (s, pos)) (positions, line) =
val positions' =
(case Position.line_of pos of
NONE => positions
| SOME l => add_position (line, l) positions);
val line' = fold_string (fn c => fn n => if c = "\n" then n + 1 else n) s line;
in (positions', line') end
| output (Block body) res = fold output body res;
(case Position.file_of file_pos of
NONE => ""
| SOME file =>
([position (Markup.fileN, file), "\\endinput"], 1)
|> fold output texts |> #1 |> rev |> cat_lines)
fun enclose_body bg en body =
(if bg = "" then [] else [string bg]) @ body @
(if en = "" then [] else [string en]);
fun enclose_block bg en = block o enclose_body bg en;
(* output name for LaTeX macros *)
val output_name =
(fn "_" => "UNDERSCORE"
| "'" => "PRIME"
| "0" => "ZERO"
| "1" => "ONE"
| "2" => "TWO"
| "3" => "THREE"
| "4" => "FOUR"
| "5" => "FIVE"
| "6" => "SIX"
| "7" => "SEVEN"
| "8" => "EIGHT"
| "9" => "NINE"
| s => s);
fun enclose_name bg en = enclose bg en o output_name;
(* output verbatim ASCII *)
val output_ascii =
(fn " " => "\\ "
| "\t" => "\\ "
| "\n" => "\\isanewline\n"
| s =>
|> exists_string (fn s' => s = s') "\"#$%&',-<>\\^_`{}~" ? enclose "{\\char`\\" "}"
|> suffix "{\\kern0pt}");
fun output_ascii_breakable sep =
space_explode sep
#> map output_ascii
#> space_implode (output_ascii sep ^ "\\discretionary{}{}{}");
(* output symbols *)
val char_table =
[("\007", "{\\isacharbell}"),
("!", "{\\isacharbang}"),
("\"", "{\\isachardoublequote}"),
("#", "{\\isacharhash}"),
("$", "{\\isachardollar}"),
("%", "{\\isacharpercent}"),
("&", "{\\isacharampersand}"),
("'", "{\\isacharprime}"),
("(", "{\\isacharparenleft}"),
(")", "{\\isacharparenright}"),
("*", "{\\isacharasterisk}"),
("+", "{\\isacharplus}"),
(",", "{\\isacharcomma}"),
("-", "{\\isacharminus}"),
(".", "{\\isachardot}"),
("/", "{\\isacharslash}"),
(":", "{\\isacharcolon}"),
(";", "{\\isacharsemicolon}"),
("<", "{\\isacharless}"),
("=", "{\\isacharequal}"),
(">", "{\\isachargreater}"),
("?", "{\\isacharquery}"),
("@", "{\\isacharat}"),
("[", "{\\isacharbrackleft}"),
("\\", "{\\isacharbackslash}"),
("]", "{\\isacharbrackright}"),
("^", "{\\isacharcircum}"),
("_", "{\\isacharunderscore}"),
("`", "{\\isacharbackquote}"),
("{", "{\\isacharbraceleft}"),
("|", "{\\isacharbar}"),
("}", "{\\isacharbraceright}"),
("~", "{\\isachartilde}")];
fun output_chr " " = "\\ "
| output_chr "\t" = "\\ "
| output_chr "\n" = "\\isanewline\n"
| output_chr c =
(case Symtab.lookup char_table c of
SOME s => s ^ "{\\kern0pt}"
| NONE => if Symbol.is_ascii_digit c then enclose "{\\isadigit{" "}}" c else c);
fun output_sym sym =
(case Symbol.decode sym of
Symbol.Char s => output_chr s
| Symbol.UTF8 s => s
| Symbol.Sym s => enclose_name "{\\isasym" "}" s
| Symbol.Control s => enclose_name "\\isactrl" " " s
| Symbol.Malformed s => error (Symbol.malformed_msg s)
| Symbol.EOF => error "Bad EOF symbol");
open Basic_Symbol_Pos;
val scan_latex_length =
Scan.many1 (fn (s, _) => s <> Symbol.latex andalso Symbol.not_eof s)
>> (Symbol.length o map Symbol_Pos.symbol) ||
$$ Symbol.latex -- Scan.option (Scan.permissive Symbol_Pos.scan_cartouche "") >> K 0;
val scan_latex =
$$ Symbol.latex |-- Symbol_Pos.scan_cartouche_content "Embedded LaTeX: "
>> (implode o map Symbol_Pos.symbol) ||
Scan.one (Symbol.not_eof o Symbol_Pos.symbol) >> (output_sym o Symbol_Pos.symbol);
fun read scan syms =
Scan.read Symbol_Pos.stopper (Scan.repeat scan) (map (rpair Position.none) syms);
fun length_symbols syms =
fold Integer.add (these (read scan_latex_length syms)) 0;
fun output_symbols syms =
if member (op =) syms Symbol.latex then
(case read scan_latex syms of
SOME ss => implode ss
| NONE => error ("Malformed embedded LaTeX: " ^ quote (Symbol.beginning 10 syms)))
else implode (map output_sym syms);
val output_syms = output_symbols o Symbol.explode;
fun symbols syms = text (Symbol_Pos.content syms, #1 (Symbol_Pos.range syms));
fun symbols_output syms =
text (output_symbols (map Symbol_Pos.symbol syms), #1 (Symbol_Pos.range syms));
(* tags *)
val begin_delim = enclose_name "%\n\\isadelim" "\n";
val end_delim = enclose_name "%\n\\endisadelim" "\n";
val begin_tag = enclose_name "%\n\\isatag" "\n";
fun end_tag tg = enclose_name "%\n\\endisatag" "\n" tg ^ enclose "{\\isafold" "}%\n" tg;
(* theory presentation *)
fun environment_delim name =
("%\n\\begin{" ^ output_name name ^ "}%\n",
"%\n\\end{" ^ output_name name ^ "}");
fun environment_block name = environment_delim name |-> enclose_body #> block;
fun environment name = environment_delim name |-> enclose;
fun isabelle_body name =
("%\n\\begin{isabellebody}%\n\\setisabellecontext{" ^ output_syms name ^ "}%\n")
fun theory_entry name = "\\input{" ^ name ^ ".tex}\n\n";
(* print mode *)
val latexN = "latex";
fun latex_output str =
let val syms = Symbol.explode str
in (output_symbols syms, length_symbols syms) end;
fun latex_markup (s, _: Properties.T) =
if s = Markup.commandN orelse s = Markup.keyword1N orelse s = Markup.keyword3N
then ("\\isacommand{", "}")
else if s = Markup.keyword2N
then ("\\isakeyword{", "}")
else Markup.no_output;
fun latex_indent "" _ = ""
| latex_indent s _ = enclose "\\isaindent{" "}" s;
val _ = Output.add_mode latexN latex_output (prefix Symbol.latex o cartouche);
val _ = Markup.add_mode latexN latex_markup;
val _ = Pretty.add_mode latexN latex_indent;
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.15 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.