(* Title: Pure/Thy/markdown.ML
Author: Makarius
Minimal support for Markdown documents (see also http://commonmark.org)
that consist only of paragraphs and (nested) lists:
* list items start with marker \<^item> (itemize), \<^enum> (enumerate), \<^descr> (description)
* adjacent list items with same indentation and same marker are grouped
into a single list
* singleton blank lines separate paragraphs
* multiple blank lines escape from the current list hierarchy
Notable differences to official Markdown:
* indentation of list items needs to match exactly
* indentation is unlimited (Markdown interprets 4 spaces as block quote)
* list items always consist of paragraphs -- no notion of "tight" list
signature MARKDOWN =
datatype kind = Itemize | Enumerate | Description
val print_kind: kind -> string
val is_control: Symbol.symbol -> bool
type line
val line_source: line -> Antiquote.text_antiquote list
val line_is_item: line -> bool
val line_content: line -> Antiquote.text_antiquote list
val make_line: Antiquote.text_antiquote list -> line
val empty_line: line
datatype block = Par of line list | List of {indent: int, kind: kind, body: block list}
val read_lines: line list -> block list
val read_antiquotes: Antiquote.text_antiquote list -> block list
val read_source: Input.source -> block list
val text_reports: Antiquote.text_antiquote list -> Position.report list
val reports: block list -> Position.report list
structure Markdown: MARKDOWN =
(* item kinds *)
datatype kind = Itemize | Enumerate | Description;
fun print_kind Itemize = Markup.itemizeN
| print_kind Enumerate = Markup.enumerateN
| print_kind Description = Markup.descriptionN;
val kinds = [("item", Itemize), ("enum", Enumerate), ("descr", Description)];
val is_control = member (op =) ["\<^item>", "\<^enum>", "\<^descr>"];
(* document lines *)
datatype line =
Line of
{source: Antiquote.text_antiquote list,
is_empty: bool,
indent: int,
item: kind option,
bullet_pos: Position.T,
content: Antiquote.text_antiquote list};
val eof_line =
Line {source = [Antiquote.Text [(Symbol.eof, Position.none)]],
is_empty = false, indent = 0, item = NONE, bullet_pos = Position.none, content = []};
fun line_source (Line {source, ...}) = source;
fun line_is_empty (Line {is_empty, ...}) = is_empty;
fun line_is_item (Line {item, ...}) = is_some item;
fun line_content (Line {content, ...}) = content;
(* make line *)
fun bad_blank ((s, _): Symbol_Pos.T) = Symbol.is_ascii_blank s andalso s <> Symbol.space;
val bad_blanks = maps (fn Antiquote.Text ss => filter bad_blank ss | _ => []);
fun check_blanks source =
(case bad_blanks source of
[] => ()
| (c, pos) :: _ =>
error ("Bad blank character " ^ quote (ML_Syntax.print_symbol c) ^ Position.here pos));
val is_space = Symbol.is_space o Symbol_Pos.symbol;
val is_empty = forall (fn Antiquote.Text ss => forall is_space ss | _ => false);
fun strip_spaces (Antiquote.Text ss :: rest) =
let val (sp, ss') = chop_prefix is_space ss
in (length sp, if null ss' then rest else Antiquote.Text ss' :: rest) end
| strip_spaces source = (0, source);
fun read_marker source =
let val (indent, source') = strip_spaces source in
(case source' of
(control as Antiquote.Control {name = (name, pos), body = [], ...}) :: rest =>
val item = AList.lookup (op =) kinds name;
val bullet_pos = if is_some item then pos else Position.none;
val (_, rest') = strip_spaces (if is_some item then rest else control :: rest);
in ((indent, item, bullet_pos), rest') end
| _ => ((indent, NONE, Position.none), source'))
fun make_line source =
val _ = check_blanks source;
val ((indent, item, bullet_pos), content) = read_marker source;
Line {source = source, is_empty = is_empty source, indent = indent,
item = item, bullet_pos = bullet_pos, content = content}
val empty_line = make_line [];
(* document blocks *)
datatype block = Par of line list | List of {indent: int, kind: kind, body: block list};
fun block_lines (Par lines) = lines
| block_lines (List {body, ...}) = maps block_lines body;
fun block_source (Par lines) = maps line_source lines
| block_source (List {body, ...}) = maps line_source (maps block_lines body);
fun block_range (Par lines) = Antiquote.text_range (maps line_content lines)
| block_range (List {body, ...}) = Antiquote.text_range (maps line_source (maps block_lines body));
fun block_indent (List {indent, ...}) = indent
| block_indent (Par (Line {indent, ...} :: _)) = indent
| block_indent _ = 0;
fun block_list indent0 kind0 (List {indent, kind, body}) =
if indent0 = indent andalso kind0 = kind then SOME body else NONE
| block_list _ _ _ = NONE;
val is_list = fn List _ => true | _ => false;
val is_item = fn Par (line :: _) => line_is_item line | _ => false;
fun list_items [] = []
| list_items (item :: rest) =
let val (item_rest, rest') = chop_prefix (not o is_item) rest;
in (item :: item_rest) :: list_items rest' end;
(* read document *)
fun build (indent, item, rev_body) document =
(case (item, document) of
(SOME kind, block :: blocks) =>
(case block_list indent kind block of
SOME list => List {indent = indent, kind = kind, body = fold cons rev_body list} :: blocks
| NONE =>
if (if is_list block then indent < block_indent block else indent <= block_indent block)
then build (indent, item, block :: rev_body) blocks
else List {indent = indent, kind = kind, body = rev rev_body} :: document)
| (SOME kind, []) => [List {indent = indent, kind = kind, body = rev rev_body}]
| (NONE, _) => fold cons rev_body document);
fun plain_line (line as Line {is_empty, item, ...}) =
not is_empty andalso is_none item andalso line <> eof_line;
val parse_paragraph =
Scan.one (fn line => line <> eof_line) -- Scan.many plain_line >> (fn (line, lines) =>
val Line {indent, item, ...} = line;
val block = Par (line :: lines);
in (indent, item, [block]) end);
val parse_document =
parse_paragraph ::: Scan.repeat (Scan.option (Scan.one line_is_empty) |-- parse_paragraph)
>> (fn pars => fold_rev build pars []);
val read_lines =
Scan.read (Scan.stopper (K eof_line) (fn line => line = eof_line))
(Scan.repeat (Scan.many line_is_empty |-- parse_document) --| Scan.many line_is_empty) #>
the_default [] #> flat;
val read_antiquotes = Antiquote.split_lines #> map make_line #> read_lines;
val read_source = Antiquote.read_comments #> read_antiquotes;
(* PIDE reports *)
val text_reports =
maps (fn Antiquote.Text ss => [(#1 (Symbol_Pos.range ss), Markup.words)] | _ => []);
val block_pos = #1 o block_range;
val item_pos = #1 o Antiquote.text_range o maps block_source;
fun line_reports depth (Line {bullet_pos, content, ...}) =
cons (bullet_pos, Markup.markdown_bullet depth) #> append (text_reports content);
fun item_reports blocks =
cons (item_pos blocks, Markup.markdown_item);
fun block_reports depth block =
(case block of
Par lines =>
cons (block_pos block, Markup.markdown_paragraph) #>
fold (line_reports depth) lines
| List {kind, body, ...} =>
cons (block_pos block, Markup.markdown_list (print_kind kind)) #>
fold item_reports (list_items body) #>
fold (block_reports (depth + 1)) body);
fun reports blocks =
filter (Position.is_reported o #1) (fold (block_reports 0) blocks []);
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.2 Sekunden
Die Informationen auf dieser Webseite wurden
nach bestem Wissen sorgfältig zusammengestellt. Es wird jedoch weder Vollständigkeit, noch Richtigkeit,
noch Qualität der bereit gestellten Informationen zugesichert.
Die farbliche Syntaxdarstellung ist noch experimentell.