(* Title: Tools/Code/code_scala.ML
Author: Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen
Serializer for Scala.
signature CODE_SCALA =
val target: string
structure Code_Scala : CODE_SCALA =
open Basic_Code_Symbol;
open Basic_Code_Thingol;
open Code_Printer;
infixr 5 @@;
infixr 5 @|;
(** Scala serializer **)
val target = "Scala";
val print_scala_string =
fun chr i = "\\u" ^ align_right "0" 4 (Int.fmt StringCvt.HEX i)
fun char c = if c = "'" then "\\'"
else if c = "\"" then "\\\""
else if c = "\\" then "\\\\"
val i = ord c
if i < 32 orelse i > 126
then chr i
else if i >= 128
then error "non-ASCII byte in Scala string literal"
else c
in quote o translate_string char end;
datatype scala_stmt = Fun of typscheme * ((iterm list * iterm) * (thm option * bool)) list
| Datatype of vname list * ((string * vname list) * itype list) list
| Class of (vname * ((class * class) list * (string * itype) list))
* (string * { vs: (vname * sort) list,
inst_params: ((string * (const * int)) * (thm * bool)) list,
superinst_params: ((string * (const * int)) * (thm * bool)) list }) list;
fun print_scala_stmt tyco_syntax const_syntax reserved
args_num is_constr (deresolve, deresolve_full) =
val deresolve_const = deresolve o Constant;
val deresolve_tyco = deresolve o Type_Constructor;
val deresolve_class = deresolve o Type_Class;
fun lookup_tyvar tyvars = lookup_var tyvars o Name.enforce_case true;
fun intro_tyvars vs = intro_vars (map (Name.enforce_case true o fst) vs);
fun print_tyco_expr tyvars fxy (sym, tys) = applify "[" "]"
(print_typ tyvars NOBR) fxy ((str o deresolve) sym) tys
and print_typ tyvars fxy (tyco `%% tys) = (case tyco_syntax tyco
of NONE => print_tyco_expr tyvars fxy (Type_Constructor tyco, tys)
| SOME (_, print) => print (print_typ tyvars) fxy tys)
| print_typ tyvars fxy (ITyVar v) = (str o lookup_tyvar tyvars) v;
fun print_dicttyp tyvars (class, ty) = print_tyco_expr tyvars NOBR (Type_Class class, [ty]);
fun print_tupled_typ tyvars ([], ty) =
print_typ tyvars NOBR ty
| print_tupled_typ tyvars ([ty1], ty2) =
concat [print_typ tyvars BR ty1, str "=>", print_typ tyvars NOBR ty2]
| print_tupled_typ tyvars (tys, ty) =
concat [enum "," "(" ")" (map (print_typ tyvars NOBR) tys),
str "=>", print_typ tyvars NOBR ty];
fun constraint p1 p2 = Pretty.block [p1, str ":", Pretty.brk 1, p2];
fun print_var vars NONE = str "_"
| print_var vars (SOME v) = (str o lookup_var vars) v;
fun applify_dict tyvars (Dict (_, d)) = applify_plain_dict tyvars d
and applify_plain_dict tyvars (Dict_Const (inst, dss)) =
applify_dictss tyvars ((str o deresolve o Class_Instance) inst) dss
| applify_plain_dict tyvars (Dict_Var { var, class, ... }) =
Pretty.block [str "implicitly",
enclose "[" "]" [Pretty.block [(str o deresolve_class) class,
enclose "[" "]" [(str o lookup_tyvar tyvars) var]]]]
and applify_dictss tyvars p dss =
applify "(" ")" (applify_dict tyvars) NOBR p (flat dss)
fun print_term tyvars is_pat some_thm vars fxy (IConst const) =
print_app tyvars is_pat some_thm vars fxy (const, [])
| print_term tyvars is_pat some_thm vars fxy (t as (t1 `$ t2)) =
(case Code_Thingol.unfold_const_app t
of SOME app => print_app tyvars is_pat some_thm vars fxy app
| _ => applify "(" ")" (print_term tyvars is_pat some_thm vars NOBR) fxy
(print_term tyvars is_pat some_thm vars BR t1) [t2])
| print_term tyvars is_pat some_thm vars fxy (IVar v) =
print_var vars v
| print_term tyvars is_pat some_thm vars fxy (t as _ `|=> _) =
val (vs_tys, body) = Code_Thingol.unfold_abs t;
val (ps, vars') = fold_map (print_abs_head tyvars) vs_tys vars;
brackets (ps @| print_term tyvars false some_thm vars' NOBR body)
| print_term tyvars is_pat some_thm vars fxy (ICase case_expr) =
(case Code_Thingol.unfold_const_app (#primitive case_expr)
of SOME (app as ({ sym = Constant const, ... }, _)) =>
if is_none (const_syntax const)
then print_case tyvars some_thm vars fxy case_expr
else print_app tyvars is_pat some_thm vars fxy app
| NONE => print_case tyvars some_thm vars fxy case_expr)
and print_abs_head tyvars (some_v, ty) vars =
val vars' = intro_vars (the_list some_v) vars;
(concat [
enclose "(" ")" [constraint (print_var vars' some_v) (print_typ tyvars NOBR ty)],
str "=>"
], vars')
and print_app tyvars is_pat some_thm vars fxy
(app as ({ sym, typargs, dom, dicts, ... }, ts)) =
val k = length ts;
val typargs' = if is_pat then [] else typargs;
val syntax = case sym of
Constant const => const_syntax const
| _ => NONE;
val applify_dicts =
if is_pat orelse is_some syntax orelse is_constr sym
orelse Code_Thingol.unambiguous_dictss dicts
then fn p => K p
else applify_dictss tyvars;
val (l, print') = case syntax of
NONE => (args_num sym, fn fxy => fn ts => applify_dicts
(gen_applify (is_constr sym) "(" ")"
(print_term tyvars is_pat some_thm vars NOBR) fxy
(applify "[" "]" (print_typ tyvars NOBR)
NOBR ((str o deresolve) sym) typargs') ts) dicts)
| SOME (k, Plain_printer s) => (k, fn fxy => fn ts => applify_dicts
(applify "(" ")"
(print_term tyvars is_pat some_thm vars NOBR) fxy
(applify "[" "]" (print_typ tyvars NOBR)
NOBR (str s) typargs') ts) dicts)
| SOME (k, Complex_printer print) =>
(k, fn fxy => fn ts => print (print_term tyvars is_pat some_thm) some_thm vars fxy
(ts ~~ take k dom))
in if k = l then print' fxy ts
else if k < l then
print_term tyvars is_pat some_thm vars fxy (Code_Thingol.eta_expand l app)
else let
val (ts1, ts23) = chop l ts;
Pretty.block (print' BR ts1 :: map (fn t => Pretty.block
[str ".apply(", print_term tyvars is_pat some_thm vars NOBR t, str ")"]) ts23)
end end
and print_bind tyvars some_thm fxy p =
gen_print_bind (print_term tyvars true) some_thm fxy p
and print_case tyvars some_thm vars fxy { clauses = [], ... } =
(brackify fxy o Pretty.breaks o map str) ["sys.error(\"empty case\")"]
| print_case tyvars some_thm vars fxy (case_expr as { clauses = [_], ... }) =
val (bind :: binds, body) = Code_Thingol.unfold_let (ICase case_expr);
fun print_match_val ((pat, ty), t) vars =
|> print_bind tyvars some_thm BR pat
|>> (fn p => (false, concat [str "val", constraint p (print_typ tyvars NOBR ty),
str "=", print_term tyvars false some_thm vars NOBR t]));
fun print_match_seq t vars =
((true, print_term tyvars false some_thm vars NOBR t), vars);
fun print_match is_first ((IVar NONE, ty), t) =
if Code_Thingol.is_IAbs t andalso is_first
then print_match_val ((IVar NONE, ty), t)
else print_match_seq t
| print_match _ ((pat, ty), t) =
print_match_val ((pat, ty), t);
val (seps_ps, vars') =
vars |> print_match true bind ||>> fold_map (print_match false) binds |>> uncurry cons;
val all_seps_ps = seps_ps @ [(true, print_term tyvars false some_thm vars' NOBR body)];
fun insert_seps [(_, p)] = [p]
| insert_seps ((_, p) :: (seps_ps as (sep, _) :: _)) =
(if sep then Pretty.block [p, str ";"] else p) :: insert_seps seps_ps
in brackify_block fxy (str "{") (insert_seps all_seps_ps) (str "}") end
| print_case tyvars some_thm vars fxy { term = t, typ = ty, clauses = clauses as _ :: _, ... } =
fun print_select (pat, body) =
val (p_pat, vars') = print_bind tyvars some_thm NOBR pat vars;
val p_body = print_term tyvars false some_thm vars' NOBR body
in concat [str "case", p_pat, str "=>", p_body] end;
map print_select clauses
|> Pretty.block_enclose (concat [print_term tyvars false some_thm vars NOBR t, str "match", str "{"], str "}")
|> single
|> enclose "(" ")"
fun print_context tyvars vs s = applify "[" "]"
(fn (v, sort) => (Pretty.block o map str)
(lookup_tyvar tyvars v :: maps (fn class => [" : ", deresolve_class class]) sort))
NOBR (str s) vs;
fun print_defhead tyvars vars const vs params tys ty =
concat [str "def", constraint (applify "(" ")" (fn (param, ty) =>
constraint ((str o lookup_var vars) param) (print_typ tyvars NOBR ty))
NOBR (print_context tyvars vs (deresolve_const const)) (params ~~ tys)) (print_typ tyvars NOBR ty),
str "="];
fun print_def const (vs, ty) [] =
val (tys, ty') = Code_Thingol.unfold_fun ty;
val params = Name.invent (snd reserved) "a" (length tys);
val tyvars = intro_tyvars vs reserved;
val vars = intro_vars params reserved;
concat [print_defhead tyvars vars const vs params tys ty',
str ("sys.error(" ^ print_scala_string const ^ ")")]
| print_def const (vs, ty) eqs =
val tycos = fold (fn ((ts, t), _) =>
fold Code_Thingol.add_tyconames (t :: ts)) eqs [];
val tyvars = reserved
|> intro_base_names
(is_none o tyco_syntax) deresolve_tyco tycos
|> intro_tyvars vs;
val simple = case eqs
of [((ts, _), _)] => forall Code_Thingol.is_IVar ts
| _ => false;
val vars1 = reserved
|> intro_base_names_for (is_none o const_syntax)
deresolve (map (snd o fst) eqs);
val params = if simple
then (map (fn IVar (SOME x) => x) o fst o fst o hd) eqs
else aux_params vars1 (map (fst o fst) eqs);
val vars2 = intro_vars params vars1;
val (tys', ty') = Code_Thingol.unfold_fun_n (length params) ty;
fun tuplify [p] = p
| tuplify ps = enum "," "(" ")" ps;
fun print_rhs vars' ((_, t), (some_thm, _)) =
print_term tyvars false some_thm vars' NOBR t;
fun print_clause (eq as ((ts, _), (some_thm, _))) =
val vars' = intro_vars ((fold o Code_Thingol.fold_varnames)
(insert (op =)) ts []) vars1;
concat [str "case",
tuplify (map (print_term tyvars true some_thm vars' NOBR) ts),
str "=>", print_rhs vars' eq]
val head = print_defhead tyvars vars2 const vs params tys' ty';
in if simple then
concat [head, print_rhs vars2 (hd eqs)]
(concat [head, tuplify (map (str o lookup_var vars2) params),
str "match", str "{"], str "}")
(map print_clause eqs)
val print_method = str o Library.enclose "`" "`" o deresolve_full o Constant;
fun print_inst class (tyco, { vs, inst_params, superinst_params }) =
val tyvars = intro_tyvars vs reserved;
val classtyp = (class, tyco `%% map (ITyVar o fst) vs);
fun print_classparam_instance ((classparam, (const as { dom, ... }, dom_length)), (thm, _)) =
val aux_dom = Name.invent_names (snd reserved) "a" dom;
val auxs = map fst aux_dom;
val vars = intro_vars auxs reserved;
val (aux_dom1, aux_dom2) = chop dom_length aux_dom;
fun abstract_using [] = []
| abstract_using aux_dom = [enum "," "(" ")"
(map (fn (aux, ty) => constraint ((str o lookup_var vars) aux)
(print_typ tyvars NOBR ty)) aux_dom), str "=>"];
val aux_abstr1 = abstract_using aux_dom1;
val aux_abstr2 = abstract_using aux_dom2;
concat ([str "val", print_method classparam, str "="]
@ aux_abstr1 @ aux_abstr2 @| print_app tyvars false (SOME thm) vars NOBR
(const, map (IVar o SOME) auxs))
Pretty.block_enclose (concat [str "implicit def",
constraint (print_context tyvars vs
((Library.enclose "`" "`" o deresolve_full o Class_Instance) (tyco, class)))
(print_dicttyp tyvars classtyp),
str "=", str "new", print_dicttyp tyvars classtyp, str "{"], str "}")
(map print_classparam_instance (inst_params @ superinst_params))
fun print_stmt (Constant const, (_, Fun ((vs, ty), raw_eqs))) =
print_def const (vs, ty) (filter (snd o snd) raw_eqs)
| print_stmt (Type_Constructor tyco, (_, Datatype (vs, cos))) =
val tyvars = intro_tyvars (map (rpair []) vs) reserved;
fun print_co ((co, vs_args), tys) =
concat [Pretty.block ((applify "[" "]" (str o lookup_tyvar tyvars) NOBR
(str ("final case class " ^ deresolve_const co)) vs_args)
@@ enum "," "(" ")" (map (fn (v, arg) => constraint (str v) (print_typ tyvars NOBR arg))
(Name.invent_names (snd reserved) "a" tys))),
str "extends",
applify "[" "]" (str o lookup_tyvar tyvars) NOBR
((str o deresolve_tyco) tyco) vs
Pretty.chunks (applify "[" "]" (str o lookup_tyvar tyvars)
NOBR (str ("abstract sealed class " ^ deresolve_tyco tyco)) vs
:: map print_co cos)
| print_stmt (Type_Class class, (_, Class ((v, (classrels, classparams)), insts))) =
val tyvars = intro_tyvars [(v, [class])] reserved;
fun add_typarg s = Pretty.block
[str s, str "[", (str o lookup_tyvar tyvars) v, str "]"];
fun print_super_classes [] = NONE
| print_super_classes classrels = SOME (concat (str "extends"
:: separate (str "with") (map (add_typarg o deresolve_class o snd) classrels)));
fun print_classparam_val (classparam, ty) =
concat [str "val", constraint (print_method classparam)
((print_tupled_typ tyvars o Code_Thingol.unfold_fun) ty)];
fun print_classparam_def (classparam, ty) =
val (tys, ty) = Code_Thingol.unfold_fun ty;
val [implicit_name] = Name.invent (snd reserved) (lookup_tyvar tyvars v) 1;
val proto_vars = intro_vars [implicit_name] reserved;
val auxs = Name.invent (snd proto_vars) "a" (length tys);
val vars = intro_vars auxs proto_vars;
concat [str "def", constraint (Pretty.block [applify "(" ")"
(fn (aux, ty) => constraint ((str o lookup_var vars) aux)
(print_typ tyvars NOBR ty)) NOBR (add_typarg (deresolve_const classparam))
(auxs ~~ tys), str "(implicit ", str implicit_name, str ": ",
add_typarg (deresolve_class class), str ")"]) (print_typ tyvars NOBR ty), str "=",
applify "(" ")" (str o lookup_var vars) NOBR
(Pretty.block [str implicit_name, str ".", print_method classparam]) auxs]
Pretty.chunks (
(concat ([str "trait", (add_typarg o deresolve_class) class]
@ the_list (print_super_classes classrels) @ [str "{"]), str "}")
(map print_classparam_val classparams))
:: map print_classparam_def classparams
@| Pretty.block_enclose
(str ("object " ^ deresolve_class class ^ "{"), str "}")
(map (print_inst class) insts)
in print_stmt end;
fun pickup_instances_for_class program =
val tab =
|> Code_Symbol.Graph.fold
(fn (_, (Code_Thingol.Classinst { class, tyco, vs, inst_params, superinst_params, ... }, _)) =>
Symtab.map_default (class, [])
(cons (tyco, { vs = vs, inst_params = inst_params, superinst_params = superinst_params }))
| _ => I) program;
in Symtab.lookup_list tab end;
fun scala_program_of_program ctxt case_insensitive module_name reserved identifiers exports program =
val variant = if case_insensitive
then Code_Namespace.variant_case_insensitive
else Name.variant;
fun namify_module name_fragment ((nsp_class, nsp_object), nsp_common) =
val declare = Name.declare name_fragment;
in (name_fragment, ((declare nsp_class, declare nsp_object), declare nsp_common)) end;
fun namify_class base ((nsp_class, nsp_object), nsp_common) =
val (base', nsp_class') = variant base nsp_class
in (base', ((nsp_class', nsp_object), Name.declare base' nsp_common)) end;
fun namify_object base ((nsp_class, nsp_object), nsp_common) =
val (base', nsp_object') = variant base nsp_object
in (base', ((nsp_class, nsp_object'), Name.declare base' nsp_common)) end;
fun namify_common base ((nsp_class, nsp_object), nsp_common) =
val (base', nsp_common') = variant base nsp_common
(base', ((Name.declare base' nsp_class, Name.declare base' nsp_object), nsp_common'))
fun namify_stmt (Code_Thingol.Fun _) = namify_object
| namify_stmt (Code_Thingol.Datatype _) = namify_class
| namify_stmt (Code_Thingol.Datatypecons _) = namify_common
| namify_stmt (Code_Thingol.Class _) = namify_class
| namify_stmt (Code_Thingol.Classrel _) = namify_object
| namify_stmt (Code_Thingol.Classparam _) = namify_object
| namify_stmt (Code_Thingol.Classinst _) = namify_common;
val pickup_instances = pickup_instances_for_class program;
fun modify_stmt (_, (_, Code_Thingol.Fun (_, SOME _))) = NONE
| modify_stmt (_, (export, Code_Thingol.Fun (x, NONE))) = SOME (export, Fun x)
| modify_stmt (_, (export, Code_Thingol.Datatype x)) = SOME (export, Datatype x)
| modify_stmt (_, (_, Code_Thingol.Datatypecons _)) = NONE
| modify_stmt (Type_Class class, (export, Code_Thingol.Class x)) =
SOME (export, Class (x, pickup_instances class))
| modify_stmt (_, (_, Code_Thingol.Classrel _)) = NONE
| modify_stmt (_, (_, Code_Thingol.Classparam _)) = NONE
| modify_stmt (_, (_, Code_Thingol.Classinst _)) = NONE
Code_Namespace.hierarchical_program ctxt
{ module_name = module_name, reserved = reserved, identifiers = identifiers,
empty_nsp = ((reserved, reserved), reserved), namify_module = namify_module,
namify_stmt = namify_stmt, cyclic_modules = true,
class_transitive = true, class_relation_public = false, empty_data = (),
memorize_data = K I, modify_stmts = map modify_stmt }
exports program
fun serialize_scala case_insensitive ctxt { module_name, reserved_syms, identifiers,
includes, class_syntax, tyco_syntax, const_syntax } program exports =
(* build program *)
val { deresolver, hierarchical_program = scala_program } =
scala_program_of_program ctxt case_insensitive module_name (Name.make_context reserved_syms)
identifiers exports program;
(* print statements *)
fun lookup_constr tyco constr = case Code_Symbol.Graph.get_node program (Type_Constructor tyco)
of Code_Thingol.Datatype (_, constrs) =>
the (AList.lookup (op = o apsnd fst) constrs constr);
fun classparams_of_class class = case Code_Symbol.Graph.get_node program (Type_Class class)
of Code_Thingol.Class (_, (_, classparams)) => classparams;
fun args_num (sym as Constant const) = case Code_Symbol.Graph.get_node program sym
of Code_Thingol.Fun (((_, ty), []), _) =>
(length o fst o Code_Thingol.unfold_fun) ty
| Code_Thingol.Fun ((_, ((ts, _), _) :: _), _) => length ts
| Code_Thingol.Datatypecons tyco => length (lookup_constr tyco const)
| Code_Thingol.Classparam class =>
(length o fst o Code_Thingol.unfold_fun o the o AList.lookup (op =)
(classparams_of_class class)) const;
fun print_stmt prefix_fragments = print_scala_stmt
tyco_syntax const_syntax (make_vars reserved_syms) args_num
(Code_Thingol.is_constr program) (deresolver prefix_fragments, deresolver []);
(* print modules *)
fun print_module _ base _ ps = Pretty.chunks2
(str ("object " ^ base ^ " {")
:: ps @| str ("} /* object " ^ base ^ " */"));
(* serialization *)
val p = Pretty.chunks2 (map snd includes
@ Code_Namespace.print_hierarchical {
print_module = print_module, print_stmt = print_stmt,
lift_markup = I } scala_program);
(Code_Target.Singleton ("scala", p), try (deresolver []))
val serializer : Code_Target.serializer =
Code_Target.parse_args (Scan.optional (Args.$$$ "case_insensitive" >> K true) false
>> (fn case_insensitive => serialize_scala case_insensitive));
val literals = let
fun numeral_scala k =
if ~2147483647 < k andalso k <= 2147483647
then signed_string_of_int k
else quote (signed_string_of_int k)
in Literals {
literal_string = print_scala_string,
literal_numeral = fn k => "BigInt(" ^ numeral_scala k ^ ")",
literal_list = fn [] => str "Nil" | ps => Pretty.block [str "List", enum "," "(" ")" ps],
infix_cons = (6, "::")
} end;
(** Isar setup **)
val _ = Theory.setup
(target, { serializer = serializer, literals = literals,
check = { env_var = "SCALA_HOME",
make_destination = fn p => p + Path.explode "ROOT.scala",
make_command = fn _ =>
"isabelle_scala scalac $ISABELLE_SCALAC_OPTIONS ROOT.scala"},
evaluation_args = Token.explode0 Keyword.empty_keywords "case_insensitive"})
#> Code_Target.set_printings (Type_Constructor ("fun",
[(target, SOME (2, fn print_typ => fn fxy => fn [ty1, ty2] =>
brackify_infix (1, R) fxy (
print_typ BR ty1 (*product type vs. tupled arguments!*),
str "=>",
print_typ (INFX (1, R)) ty2
#> fold (Code_Target.add_reserved target) [
"abstract", "case", "catch", "class", "def", "do", "else", "extends", "false",
"final", "finally", "for", "forSome", "if", "implicit", "import", "lazy",
"match", "new", "null", "object", "override", "package", "private", "protected",
"requires", "return", "sealed", "super", "this", "throw", "trait", "try",
"true", "type", "val", "var", "while", "with", "yield"
#> fold (Code_Target.add_reserved target) [
"apply", "sys", "scala", "BigInt", "Nil", "List"
end; (*struct*)
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.7 Sekunden
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