* EditPlugin.java - Abstract class all plugins must implement
* :tabSize=4:indentSize=4:noTabs=false:
* :folding=explicit:collapseFolds=1:
* Copyright (C) 1999, 2003 Slava Pestov
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package org.gjt.sp.jedit;
import org.gjt.sp.jedit.browser.VFSBrowser;
import org.gjt.sp.jedit.menu.EnhancedMenu;
import org.gjt.sp.util.Log;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.io.*;
* The abstract base class that every plugin must implement.
* Alternatively, instead of extending this class, a plugin core class can
* extend {@link EBPlugin} to automatically receive EditBus messages.
* <h3>Basic plugin information properties</h3>
* Note that in all cases above where a <i>className</i> is needed, the fully
* qualified class name, including the package name, if any, must be used.<p>
* The following properties are required for jEdit to load the plugin:
* <ul>
* <li><code>plugin.<i>className</i>.activate</code> - set this to
* <code>defer</code> if your plugin only needs to be loaded when it is first
* invoked; set it to <code>startup</code> if your plugin must be loaded at
* startup regardless; set it to a whitespace-separated list of property names
* if your plugin should be loaded if at least one of these properties is set.
* Note that if this property is <b>not</b> set, the plugin will not work with
* jEdit 4.3final.
* </li>
* <li><code>plugin.<i>className</i>.name</code></li>
* <li><code>plugin.<i>className</i>.version</code></li>
* <li><code>plugin.<i>className</i>.jars</code> - only needed if your plugin
* bundles external JAR files. Contains a whitespace-separated list of JAR
* file names. Without this property, the plugin manager will leave behind the
* external JAR files when removing the plugin.</li>
* <li><code>plugin.<i>className</i>.files</code> - only needed if your plugin
* bundles external files like libraries which MUST reside in the local
* filesystem. Contains a whitespace-separated list of file names.
* Without this property, the plugin manager will leave behind the
* external files when removing the plugin.</li>
* <li><code>plugin.<i>className</i>.description</code> - the short description
* associated with the plugin. The short description is used by the Plugin
* Manager and on the list pages on Plugin Central. </li>
* </ul>
* The following properties are optional but recommended:
* <ul>
* <li><code>plugin.<i>className</i>.author</code></li>
* <li><code>plugin.<i>className</i>.usePluginHome</code> - whether
* the plugin uses the EditPlugin.getPluginHome API or not. Even
* if the plugin doesn't store any data, this property should be set
* so that the plugin manager can tell that there is no data stored.</li>
* <li><code>plugin.<i>className</i>.docs</code> - the path to plugin
* documentation in HTML format. </li>
* <li><code>plugin.<i>className</i>.longdescription</code> - the path to
* the long description in XHTML (no fancy stuff here, please - just proper
* XHTML subset with the basic tags: {@code html, h1, h2, p, li, ul, ol, a, b, i, u, br})
* <p> The long description is extracted from the plugin at various times,
* primarily at plugin packaging time to update the data on the
* plugin detail pages of Plugin Central. </p>
* <p>
* If this property is left out, the default will be to look in a file
* called <description.html>. </p>
* For the previous two properties, if a relative path is supplied,
* it should be both </p>
* <ol>
* <li> relative to the location of the .props file (when it is in the source tree) </li>
* <li> relative to the root of the JAR (when it is packaged in the JAR file) </li>
*<p> Both conditions are easily satisfied if the .props file as well as
* description.html are both located in the root directory of the plugin,
* as well as the generated JAR. </p>
* <h3>Plugin dependency properties</h3>
* <p>Plugin dependencies are also specified using properties.
* Each dependency is defined in a property named with
* <code>plugin.<i>className</i>.depend.</code> followed by a number.
* Dependencies must be numbered in order, starting from zero.
* This determines the order that dependent plugins get loaded and activated,
* so order is very important. </p>
* <p> The value of a dependency property has one of the following forms: </p>
* <ul>
* <li> <code>jdk <i>minimumJavaVersion</i></code> </li>
* <li> <code>jedit <i>minimumjEditVersion</i></code> - note that this must be
* a version number in the form returned by {@link jEdit#getBuild()},
* not {@link jEdit#getVersion()}. Note that the documentation here describes
* the jEdit 4.2 plugin API, so this dependency must be set to at least
* <code></code> (4.2final).</li>
* <li><code><i>pluginClassName pluginVersion</i></code> - the fully quailified
* plugin class name with package must be specified.</li>
* <li><code>optional plugin <i>pluginClassName pluginVersion</i></code> -
* an optional dependency, indicating that the plugin will work without it,
* but that the dependency should be loaded before this plugin. </li>
<p>In this example, the ProjectViewer plugin is an optional dependency of
the Console, beacause the Console only listens to events from the ProjectViewer.
It requires Jedit 4.2 final. </p>
plugin.console.ConsolePlugin.depend.1=jdk 1.5
plugin.console.ConsolePlugin.depend.2=plugin errorlist.ErrorListPlugin 1.4
plugin.console.ConsolePlugin.depend.3=optional plugin projectviewer.ProjectPlugin
* <h3>Plugin menu item properties</h3>
*<p> To add your plugin to the view's <b>Plugins</b> menu, define one of these two
* properties: </p>
* <ul>
* <li><code>plugin.<i>className</i>.menu-item</code> - if this is defined,
* the action named by this property is added to the <b>Plugins</b> menu.</li>
* <li><code>plugin.<i>className</i>.menu</code> - if this is defined,
* a sub-menu is added to the <b>Plugins</b> menu whose content is the
* whitespace-separated list of action names in this property. A separator may
* be added to the sub-menu by listing <code>-</code> in the property.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>If you want the plugin's menu items to be determined at runtime, define a
* property <code>plugin.<i>className</i>.menu.code</code> to be BeanShell
* code that evaluates to an implementation of
* {@link org.gjt.sp.jedit.menu.DynamicMenuProvider}.</p>
* To add your plugin to the file system browser's <b>Plugins</b> menu, define
* one of these two properties:
* <ul>
* <li><code>plugin.<i>className</i>.browser-menu-item</code> - if this is
* defined, the action named by this property is added to the <b>Plugins</b>
* menu.</li>
* <li><code>plugin.<i>className</i>.browser-menu</code> - if this is defined,
* a sub-menu is added to the <b>Plugins</b> menu whose content is the
* whitespace-separated list of action names in this property. A separator may
* be added to the sub-menu by listing <code>-</code> in the property.</li>
* </ul>
* <p>Again, if the browser menu items need to be determined at runtime, define a
* property <code>plugin.<i>className</i>.browser-menu.code</code> to be BeanShell
* code that evaluates to an implementation of
* {@link org.gjt.sp.jedit.menu.DynamicMenuProvider}.</p>
*<p> In all cases, each action's
* menu item label is taken from the <code><i>actionName</i>.label</code>
* property. View actions are defined in an <code>actions.xml</code>
* file, file system browser actions are defined in a
* <code>browser.actions.xml</code> file; see {@link ActionSet}.
* <h3>Plugin option pane properties</h3>
* <p>To add your plugin to the <b>Plugin Options</b> dialog box, define one of
* these two properties:
* <ul>
* <li><code>plugin.<i>className</i>.option-pane=<i>paneName</i></code> - if this is defined,
* a single option pane with this name is added to the <b>Plugin Options</b>
* menu.</li>
* <li><code>plugin.<i>className</i>.option-group=<i>paneName1</i> [<i>paneName2 paneName3</i> ...]</code> - if this is defined,
* a branch node is added to the <b>Plugin Options</b> dialog box whose content
* is the whitespace-separated list of <i>paneNames</i> in this property.</li>
* </ul>
* Then for each option <i>paneName</i>, define these two properties:
* <ul>
* <li><code>options.<i>paneName</i>.label</code> - the label to show
* for the pane in the dialog box.</li>
* <li><code>options.<i>paneName</i>.code</code> - BeanShell code that
* evaluates to an instance of the {@link OptionPane} class.</li>
* </ul>
* <h3>Example</h3>
* Here is an example set of plugin properties:
# jEdit only needs to load the plugin the first time the user accesses it
# the presence of this property also tells jEdit the plugin is using the new API
plugin.QuickNotepadPlugin.author=John Gellene
# see jEdit.getBuild() to understand jEdit's version convention:
plugin.QuickNotepadPlugin.depend.1=jdk 1.7
plugin.QuickNotepadPlugin.description=This plugin provides a dockable "scratch pad" for writing and displaying notes, to do lists or similar items as unformatted text.
# plugin menu
plugin.QuickNotepadPlugin.menu=quicknotepad \
- \
quicknotepad.choose-file \
quicknotepad.save-file \
options.quicknotepad.code=new QuickNotepadOptionPane();
* Note that action and option pane labels are not shown in the above example.
* @see org.gjt.sp.jedit.jEdit#getProperty(String)
* @see org.gjt.sp.jedit.jEdit#getPlugin(String)
* @see org.gjt.sp.jedit.jEdit#getPlugins()
* @see org.gjt.sp.jedit.jEdit#getPluginJAR(String)
* @see org.gjt.sp.jedit.jEdit#getPluginJARs()
* @see org.gjt.sp.jedit.jEdit#addPluginJAR(String)
* @see org.gjt.sp.jedit.jEdit#removePluginJAR(PluginJAR,boolean)
* @see org.gjt.sp.jedit.ActionSet
* @see org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.DockableWindowManager
* @see org.gjt.sp.jedit.OptionPane
* @see org.gjt.sp.jedit.PluginJAR
* @see org.gjt.sp.jedit.ServiceManager
* @author Slava Pestov
* @author John Gellene (API documentation)
* @author Alan Ezust (API documentation)
* @since jEdit 2.1pre1
public abstract class EditPlugin
//{{{ start() method
* jEdit calls this method when the plugin is being activated, either
* during startup or at any other time. A plugin can get activated for
* a number of reasons:
* <ul>
* <li>The plugin is written for jEdit 4.1 or older, in which case it
* will always be loaded at startup.</li>
* <li>The plugin has its <code>activate</code> property set to
* <code>startup</code>, in which case it will always be loaded at
* startup.</li>
* <li>One of the properties listed in the plugin's
* <code>activate</code> property is set to <code>true</code>,
* in which case it will always be loaded at startup.</li>
* <li>One of the plugin's classes is being accessed by another plugin,
* a macro, or a BeanShell snippet in a plugin API XML file.</li>
* </ul>
* Note that this method is always called from the event dispatch
* thread, even if the activation resulted from a class being loaded
* from another thread. A side effect of this is that some of your
* plugin's code might get executed before this method finishes
* running.<p>
* When this method is being called for plugins written for jEdit 4.1
* and below, no views or buffers are open. However, this is not the
* case for plugins using the new API. For example, if your plugin adds
* tool bars to views, make sure you correctly handle the case where
* views are already open when the plugin is loaded.<p>
* If your plugin must be loaded on startup, take care to have this
* method return as quickly as possible.<p>
* The default implementation of this method does nothing.
* @since jEdit 2.1pre1
public void start() {}
//{{{ stop() method
* jEdit calls this method when the plugin is being unloaded. This can
* be when the program is exiting, or at any other time.<p>
* If a plugin uses state information or other persistent data
* that should be stored in a special format, this would be a good place
* to write the data to storage. If the plugin uses jEdit's properties
* API to hold settings, no special processing is needed for them on
* exit, since they will be saved automatically.<p>
* With plugins written for jEdit 4.1 and below, this method is only
* called when the program is exiting. However, this is not the case
* for plugins using the new API. For example, if your plugin adds
* tool bars to views, make sure you correctly handle the case where
* views are still open when the plugin is unloaded.<p>
* To avoid memory leaks, this method should ensure that no references
* to any objects created by this plugin remain in the heap. In the
* case of actions, dockable windows and services, jEdit ensures this
* automatically. For other objects, your plugin must clean up maually.
* <p>
* The default implementation of this method does nothing.
* @since jEdit 2.1pre1
public void stop() {} //}}}
//{{{ getPluginHome() method
* Returns the home of your plugin.
* @return the plugin home. It can be null if there is no
* settings directory
* @since 4.3pre10
* @see #getResourceAsStream
* @see #getResourceAsOutputStream
* @see #getResourcePath
public File getPluginHome()
return getPluginHome(getClassName());
} //}}}
//{{{ getPluginHome() method
* <p>Returns the home of the specified plugin.</p>
* <p>Since the first parameter is a reference to the
* {@code Class} instance for the plugin,
* this method requires the plugin to be activated.</p>
* <p>See {@link #getPluginHome(EditPlugin)} method, as
* an alternate, for when the plugin doesn't need
* to be activated, or when you do not have the
* {@code Class} instance available.</p>
* @param clazz the class of the plugin
* @return the plugin home. It can be null if there is no
* settings directory
* @since 4.3pre10
* @see #getPluginHome(EditPlugin)
* @see #getResourceAsStream
* @see #getResourceAsOutputStream
* @see #getResourcePath
public static File getPluginHome(Class<? extends EditPlugin> clazz)
return getPluginHome(clazz.getName());
} //}}}
//{{{ getPluginHome() method
* <p>Returns the home of the specified plugin.</p>
* <p>This method doesn't need the plugin to be activated. You can pass
* an {@code EditPlugin.Deferred} instance that you get from
* {@code jEdit.getPlugin(String)} or {@code jEdit.getPlugins()} if
* the plugin in question is not activated yet and this method doesn't
* cause the plugin to get activated. If you have a reference to the
* plugins {@code Class} instance available, consider using the
* {@code Class} method.</p>
* @param plugin the plugin
* @return the plugin home. It can be null if there is no settings directory
* @since 4.3pre10
* @see #getPluginHome(Class)
* @see #getResourceAsStream
* @see #getResourceAsOutputStream
* @see #getResourcePath
public static File getPluginHome(EditPlugin plugin)
return getPluginHome(plugin.getClassName());
} //}}}
//{{{ getPluginHome() method
* Returns the home of the specified plugin.
* @param pluginClassName the plugin class name (fully qualified)
* @return the plugin home. It can be null if there is no settings directory
* @since 4.3pre10
* @see #getResourceAsStream
* @see #getResourceAsOutputStream
* @see #getResourcePath
private static File getPluginHome(String pluginClassName)
String settingsDirectory = jEdit.getSettingsDirectory();
if (settingsDirectory == null)
return null;
File file = new File(settingsDirectory, "plugins");
if (!file.isDirectory())
if (!file.mkdir())
Log.log(Log.ERROR, EditPlugin.class, "Can't create directory:" + file.getAbsolutePath());
return new File(file, pluginClassName);
} //}}}
//{{{ getResourceAsStream() method
* <p>Returns an input stream to the specified resource, or {@code null}
* if none is found.</p>
* <p>Since the first parameter is a reference to the
* {@code Class} instance for the plugin,
* this method requires the plugin to be activated.</p>
* <p>See {@link #getResourceAsStream(EditPlugin,String)} method, as
* an alternate, for when the plugin doesn't need
* to be activated, or when you do not have the
* {@code Class} instance available.</p>
* @param clazz the plugin class
* @param path The path to the resource to be returned, relative to
* the plugin's resource path.
* @return An input stream for the resource, or <code>null</code>.
* @since 4.3pre10
* @see #getPluginHome
* @see #getResourceAsStream(EditPlugin,String)
* @see #getResourceAsOutputStream
* @see #getResourcePath
public static InputStream getResourceAsStream(Class<? extends EditPlugin> clazz, String path)
return getResourceAsStream(clazz.getName(), path);
} //}}}
//{{{ getResourceAsStream() method
* <p>Returns an input stream to the specified resource, or <code>null</code>
* if none is found.</p>
* <p>This method doesn't need the plugin to be activated. You can pass
* an {@code EditPlugin.Deferred} instance that you get from
* {@code jEdit.getPlugin(String)} or {@code jEdit.getPlugins()} if
* the plugin in question is not activated yet and this method doesn't
* cause the plugin to get activated. If you have a reference to the
* plugins {@code Class} instance available, consider using the
* {@code Class} method.</p>
* @param plugin the plugin
* @param path The path to the resource to be returned, relative to
* the plugin's resource path.
* @return An input stream for the resource, or <code>null</code>.
* @since 4.3pre10
* @see #getPluginHome
* @see #getResourceAsStream(Class,String)
* @see #getResourceAsOutputStream
* @see #getResourcePath
public static InputStream getResourceAsStream(EditPlugin plugin, String path)
return getResourceAsStream(plugin.getClassName(), path);
} //}}}
//{{{ getResourceAsStream() method
* Returns an input stream to the specified resource, or <code>null</code>
* if none is found.
* @param pluginClassName the plugin class name (fully qualified)
* @param path The path to the resource to be returned, relative to
* the plugin's resource path.
* @return An input stream for the resource, or <code>null</code>.
* @since 4.3pre10
* @see #getPluginHome
* @see #getResourceAsOutputStream
* @see #getResourcePath
private static InputStream getResourceAsStream(String pluginClassName, String path)
File file = getResourcePath(pluginClassName, path);
if (file == null || !file.exists())
return null;
return new FileInputStream(file);
catch (IOException e)
return null;
} //}}}
//{{{ getResourceAsOutputStream() method
* <p>Returns an output stream to the specified resource, or {@code null}
* if access to that resource is denied.</p>
* <p>Since the first parameter is a reference to the
* {@code Class} instance for the plugin,
* this method requires the plugin to be activated.</p>
* <p>See {@link #getResourceAsOutputStream(EditPlugin,String)} method, as
* an alternate, for when the plugin doesn't need
* to be activated, or when you do not have the
* {@code Class} instance available.</p>
* @param clazz the plugin class
* @param path The path to the resource to be returned, relative to
* the plugin's resource path.
* @return An output stream for the resource, or <code>null</code>.
* @since 4.3pre10
* @see #getPluginHome
* @see #getResourceAsOutputStream(EditPlugin,String)
* @see #getResourceAsStream
* @see #getResourcePath
public static OutputStream getResourceAsOutputStream(Class<? extends EditPlugin> clazz, String path)
return getResourceAsOutputStream(clazz.getName(), path);
} //}}}
//{{{ getResourceAsOutputStream() method
* <p>Returns an output stream to the specified resource, or <code>null</code> if access
* to that resource is denied.</p>
* <p>This method doesn't need the plugin to be activated. You can pass
* an {@code EditPlugin.Deferred} instance that you get from
* {@code jEdit.getPlugin(String)} or {@code jEdit.getPlugins()} if
* the plugin in question is not activated yet and this method doesn't
* cause the plugin to get activated. If you have a reference to the
* plugins {@code Class} instance available, consider using the
* {@code Class} method.</p>
* @param plugin the plugin
* @param path The path to the resource to be returned, relative to
* the plugin's resource path.
* @return An output stream for the resource, or <code>null</code>.
* @since 4.3pre10
* @see #getPluginHome
* @see #getResourceAsOutputStream(Class,String)
* @see #getResourceAsStream
* @see #getResourcePath
public static OutputStream getResourceAsOutputStream(EditPlugin plugin, String path)
return getResourceAsOutputStream(plugin.getClassName(), path);
} //}}}
//{{{ getResourceAsOutputStream() method
* Returns an output stream to the specified resource, or <code>null</node> if access
* to that resource is denied.
* @param pluginClassName the plugin class name (fully qualified)
* @param path The path to the resource to be returned, relative to
* the plugin's resource path.
* @return An output stream for the resource, or <code>null</code>.
* @since 4.3pre10
* @see #getPluginHome
* @see #getResourceAsStream
* @see #getResourcePath
private static OutputStream getResourceAsOutputStream(String pluginClassName, String path)
File file = getResourcePath(pluginClassName, path);
if (file == null)
return null;
File parentFile = file.getParentFile();
if (!parentFile.exists())
if (!parentFile.mkdirs())
Log.log(Log.ERROR, EditPlugin.class, "Unable to create folder " + parentFile.getPath());
return null;
return new FileOutputStream(file);
catch (IOException e)
return null;
} //}}}
//{{{ getResourcePath() method
* <p>Returns the full path of the specified plugin resource.</p>
* <p>Since the first parameter is a reference to the
* {@code Class} instance for the plugin,
* this method requires the plugin to be activated.</p>
* <p>See {@link #getResourcePath(EditPlugin,String)} method, as
* an alternate, for when the plugin doesn't need
* to be activated, or when you do not have the
* {@code Class} instance available.</p>
* @param clazz the plugin class
* @param path The relative path to the resource from the plugin's
* resource path.
* @return The absolute path to the resource or null if there is no plugin home.
* @since 4.3pre10
* @see #getPluginHome
* @see #getResourceAsOutputStream
* @see #getResourceAsStream
* @see #getResourcePath(EditPlugin,String)
public static File getResourcePath(Class<? extends EditPlugin> clazz, String path)
return getResourcePath(clazz.getName(), path);
} //}}}
//{{{ getResourcePath() method
* <p>Returns the full path of the specified plugin resource.</p>
* <p>This method doesn't need the plugin to be activated. You can pass
* an {@code EditPlugin.Deferred} instance that you get from
* {@code jEdit.getPlugin(String)} or {@code jEdit.getPlugins()} if
* the plugin in question is not activated yet and this method doesn't
* cause the plugin to get activated. If you have a reference to the
* plugins {@code Class} instance available, consider using the
* {@code Class} method.</p>
* @param plugin the plugin
* @param path The relative path to the resource from the plugin's
* resource path.
* @return The absolute path to the resource or null if there is no plugin home.
* @since 4.3pre10
* @see #getPluginHome
* @see #getResourceAsOutputStream
* @see #getResourceAsStream
* @see #getResourcePath(Class,String)
public static File getResourcePath(EditPlugin plugin, String path)
return getResourcePath(plugin.getClassName(), path);
} //}}}
//{{{ getResourcePath() method
* Returns the full path of the specified plugin resource.
* @param pluginClassName the plugin class name (fully qualified)
* @param path The relative path to the resource from the plugin's
* resource path.
* @return The absolute path to the resource or null if there is no plugin home.
* @since 4.3pre10
* @see #getPluginHome
* @see #getResourceAsOutputStream
* @see #getResourceAsStream
private static File getResourcePath(String pluginClassName, String path)
File home = getPluginHome(pluginClassName);
if (home == null)
return null;
return new File(home, path);
} //}}}
//{{{ getClassName() method
* @return the plugin's class name. This might not be the same as
* the class of the actual <code>EditPlugin</code> instance, for
* example if the plugin is not loaded yet.
* @since jEdit 2.5pre3
public String getClassName()
return getClass().getName();
} //}}}
//{{{ getPluginJAR() method
* @return the JAR file containing this plugin.
* @since jEdit 4.2pre1
public PluginJAR getPluginJAR()
return jar;
} //}}}
//{{{ createMenuItems() method
* Called by the view when constructing its <b>Plugins</b> menu.
* See the description of this class for details about how the
* menu items are constructed from plugin properties.
* @return the menu item
* @since jEdit 4.2pre1
public final JMenuItem createMenuItems()
if(this instanceof Broken)
return null;
String menuItemName = jEdit.getProperty("plugin." +
getClassName() + ".menu-item");
if(menuItemName != null)
return GUIUtilities.loadMenuItem(menuItemName);
String menuProperty = "plugin." + getClassName() + ".menu";
String codeProperty = "plugin." + getClassName() + ".menu.code";
if(jEdit.getProperty(menuProperty) != null
|| jEdit.getProperty(codeProperty) != null)
String pluginName = jEdit.getProperty("plugin." +
getClassName() + ".name");
return new EnhancedMenu(menuProperty,pluginName);
return null;
} //}}}
//{{{ createBrowserMenuItems() method
* Called by the filesystem browser when constructing its
* <b>Plugins</b> menu.
* See the description of this class for details about how the
* menu items are constructed from plugin properties.
* @return the menu item
* @since jEdit 4.2pre1
public final JMenuItem createBrowserMenuItems()
if(this instanceof Broken)
return null;
String menuItemName = jEdit.getProperty("plugin." +
getClassName() + ".browser-menu-item");
if(menuItemName != null)
return GUIUtilities.loadMenuItem(
String menuProperty = "plugin." + getClassName() + ".browser-menu";
String codeProperty = "plugin." + getClassName() + ".browser-menu.code";
if(jEdit.getProperty(menuProperty) != null
|| jEdit.getProperty(codeProperty) != null)
String pluginName = jEdit.getProperty("plugin." +
getClassName() + ".name");
return new EnhancedMenu(menuProperty,pluginName,
return null;
} //}}}
//{{{ Package-private members
PluginJAR jar;
//{{{ Broken class
* A placeholder for a plugin that didn't load.
* @see jEdit#getPlugin(String)
* @see PluginJAR#getPlugin()
* @see PluginJAR#activatePlugin()
public static class Broken extends EditPlugin
public String getClassName()
return clazz;
// package-private members
Broken(PluginJAR jar, String clazz)
this.jar = jar;
this.clazz = clazz;
// private members
private final String clazz;
} //}}}
//{{{ Deferred class
* A placeholder for a plugin that hasn't been loaded yet.
* @see jEdit#getPlugin(String)
* @see PluginJAR#getPlugin()
* @see PluginJAR#activatePlugin()
public static class Deferred extends EditPlugin
public String getClassName()
return clazz;
// package-private members
Deferred(PluginJAR jar, String clazz)
this.jar = jar;
this.clazz = clazz;
EditPlugin loadPluginClass()
return null;
public String toString()
return "Deferred[" + clazz + ']';
// private members
private final String clazz;
} //}}}
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