products/Sources/formale Sprachen/JAVA/openjdk-20-36_src/make/conf image not shown  


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Datei: access-controlPP.launch   Sprache: JAVA

 * Copyright (c) 2015, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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 * or visit if you need additional information or have any
 * questions.

 * This file defines build profiles for the JIB tool and others.
 * A build profile defines a set of configuration options and external
 * dependencies that we for some reason or other care about specifically.
 * Typically, build profiles are defined for the build configurations we
 * build regularly.
 * Contract against this file from the tools that use it, is to provide
 * a function on the form:
 * getJibProfiles(input)
 * which returns an object graph describing the profiles and their
 * dependencies. The name of the function is based on the name of this
 * file, minus the extension and the '-', camel cased and prefixed with
 * 'get'.
 * The parameter 'input' is an object that optionally contains  some data.
 * Optionally because a tool may read the configuration for different purposes.
 * To initially get a list of available profiles, the active profile may not
 * yet be known for instance.
 * Data that may be set on the input object:
 * input.profile = <name of active profile>
 * If the active profile is set, the following data from it must also
 * be provided:
 * input.profile
 * input.build_id
 * input.target_os
 * input.target_cpu
 * input.build_os
 * input.build_cpu
 * input.target_platform
 * input.build_platform
 * // The build_osenv_* variables describe the unix layer on Windows systems,
 * // i.e. Cygwin, which may also be 32 or 64 bit.
 * input.build_osenv
 * input.build_osenv_cpu
 * input.build_osenv_platform
 * input.build_osenv_version
 * For more complex nested attributes, there is a method "get":
 * input.get("<dependency>", "<attribute>")
 * Valid attributes are:
 * install_path
 * download_path
 * download_dir
 * home_path
 * The output data generated by this configuration file has the following
 * format:
 * data: {
 *   // Identifies the version of this format to the tool reading it
 *   format_version: "1.0",
 *   // Name of base outputdir. JIB assumes the actual output dir is formed
 *   // by adding the configuration name: <output_basedir>/<config-name>
 *   output_basedir: "build",
 *   // Configure argument to use to specify configuration name
 *   configuration_configure_arg:
 *   // Make argument to use to specify configuration name
 *   configuration_make_arg:
 *   profiles: {
 *     <profile-name>: {
 *       // Name of os the profile is built to run on
 *       target_os; <string>
 *       // Name of cpu the profile is built to run on
 *       target_cpu; <string>
 *       // Combination of target_os and target_cpu for convenience
 *       target_platform; <string>
 *       // Name of os the profile is built on
 *       build_os; <string>
 *       // Name of cpu the profile is built on
 *       build_cpu; <string>
 *       // Combination of build_os and build_cpu for convenience
 *       build_platform; <string>
 *       // List of dependencies needed to build this profile
 *       dependencies: <Array of strings>
 *       // List of configure args to use for this profile
 *       configure_args: <Array of strings>
 *       // List of free form labels describing aspects of this profile
 *       labels: <Array of strings>
 *     }
 *   }
 *   // Dependencies use a Maven like deployment structure
 *   dependencies: {
 *     <dependency-name>: {
 *       // Organization part of path defining this dependency
 *       organization: <string>
 *       // File extension for this dependency
 *       ext: <string>
 *       // Module part of path for defining this dependency,
 *       // defaults to <dependency-name>
 *       module: <string>
 *       // Revision part of path for defining this dependency
 *       revision: <string>
 *       // List of configure args to add when using this dependency,
 *       // defaults to
 *       // "--with-<dependency-name>=input.get("<dependency-name", "install_path")"
 *       configure_args: <array of strings>
 *       // Name of environment variable to set when using this dependency
 *       // when running make
 *       environment_name: <string>
 *       // Value of environment variable to set when using this dependency
 *       // when running make
 *       environment_value: <string>
 *       // Value to add to the PATH variable when using this dependency,
 *       // applies to both make and configure
 *       environment_path: <string>
 *     }
 *     <dependency-name>: {
 *       // For certain dependencies where a legacy distribution mechanism is
 *       // already in place, the "javare" server layout is also supported
 *       // Indicate that an alternate server source and layout should be used
 *       server: "javare"
 *       // For "javare", a combination of module, revision,
 *       // build number (optional), files and checksum file is possible for
 *       // artifacts following the standard layout.
 *       module: <string>
 *       revision: <string>
 *       build_number: <string>
 *       checksum_file: <string>
 *       file: <string>
 *       // For other files, use checksum path and path instead
 *       checksum_path: <string>
 *       path: <string>
 *     }
 *   }
 * }

 * Main entry to generate the profile configuration
 * @param input External data to use for generating the configuration
 * @returns {{}} Profile configuration

var getJibProfiles = function (input) {

    var data = {};

    // Identifies the version of this format to the tool reading it.
    // 1.1 signifies that the publish, publish-src and get-src features are usable.
    // 1.2 signifies that artifact uploads should fail on missing artifacts by default.
    // 1.3 input.get(<dep>, "home_path") automatically goes down into a single top
    //     dir just like default configure_args and environment_path variables.
    data.format_version = "1.3";

    // Organization, product and version are used when uploading/publishing build results
    data.organization = "";
    data.product = "jdk";
    data.version = getVersion();

    // The base directory for the build output. JIB will assume that the
    // actual build directory will be <output_basedir>/<configuration>
    data.output_basedir = "build";
    // The configure argument to use to specify the name of the configuration
    data.configuration_configure_arg = "--with-conf-name=";
    // The make argument to use to specify the name of the configuration
    data.configuration_make_arg = "CONF_NAME=";

    // Exclude list to use when Jib creates a source bundle
    data.src_bundle_excludes = [
    // Include list to use when creating a minimal jib source bundle which
    // contains just the jib configuration files.
    data.conf_bundle_includes = [

    // Define some common values
    var common = getJibProfilesCommon(input, data);
    // Generate the profiles part of the configuration
    data.profiles = getJibProfilesProfiles(input, common, data);
    // Generate the dependencies part of the configuration
    data.dependencies = getJibProfilesDependencies(input, common, data);

    return data;

 * Generates some common values
 * @param input External data to use for generating the configuration
 * @returns Common values

var getJibProfilesCommon = function (input, data) {
    var common = {};

    common.organization = "jpg.infra.builddeps";
    common.build_id = getBuildId(input);
    common.build_number = input.build_number != null ? input.build_number : "0";

    // List of the main profile names used for iteration
    common.main_profile_names = [

    // These are the base settings for all the main build profiles.
    common.main_profile_base = {
        dependencies: ["boot_jdk""gnumake""jtreg""jib""autoconf""jmh""jcov"],
        default_make_targets: ["product-bundles""test-bundles""static-libs-bundles"],
        configure_args: concat("--enable-jtreg-failure-handler",
            versionArgs(input, common))

    // Extra settings for debug profiles
    common.debug_suffix = "-debug";
    common.debug_profile_base = {
        configure_args: ["--enable-debug"],
        labels: "debug"
    // Extra settings for slowdebug profiles
    common.slowdebug_suffix = "-slowdebug";
    common.slowdebug_profile_base = {
        configure_args: ["--with-debug-level=slowdebug"],
        labels: "slowdebug"
    // Extra settings for optimized profiles
    common.optimized_suffix = "-optimized";
    common.optimized_profile_base = {
        configure_args: ["--with-debug-level=optimized"],
        labels: "optimized",
    // Extra settings for openjdk only profiles
    common.open_suffix = "-open";
    common.open_profile_base = {
        configure_args: ["--enable-openjdk-only"],
        labels: "open"

    common.configure_args_64bit = ["--with-target-bits=64"];
    common.configure_args_32bit = ["--with-target-bits=32"];

     * Define common artifacts template for all main profiles
     * @param o - Object containing data for artifacts

    common.main_profile_artifacts = function (o) {
        var jdk_subdir = (o.jdk_subdir != null ? o.jdk_subdir : "jdk-" + data.version);
        var jdk_suffix = (o.jdk_suffix != null ? o.jdk_suffix : "tar.gz");
        var pf = o.platform
        return {
            artifacts: {
                jdk: {
                    local: "bundles/\\(jdk.*bin." + jdk_suffix + "\\)",
                    remote: [
                        "bundles/" + pf + "/jdk-" + data.version + "_" + pf + "_bin." + jdk_suffix,
                        "bundles/" + pf + "/\\1"
                    subdir: jdk_subdir,
                    exploded: "images/jdk"
                test: {
                    local: "bundles/\\(jdk.*bin-tests.tar.gz\\)",
                    remote: [
                        "bundles/" + pf + "/jdk-" + data.version + "_" + pf + "_bin-tests.tar.gz",
                        "bundles/" + pf + "/\\1"
                    exploded: "images/test"
                test_demos: {
                    local: "bundles/\\(jdk.*bin-tests-demos.tar.gz\\)",
                    remote: [
                        "bundles/" + pf + "/jdk-" + data.version + "_" + pf + "_bin-tests-demos.tar.gz",
                        "bundles/" + pf + "/\\1"
                    exploded: "images/test"
                jdk_symbols: {
                    local: "bundles/\\(jdk.*bin-symbols.tar.gz\\)",
                    remote: [
                        "bundles/" + pf + "/jdk-" + data.version + "_" + pf + "_bin-symbols.tar.gz",
                        "bundles/" + pf + "/\\1"
                    subdir: jdk_subdir,
                    exploded: "images/jdk"
                static_libs: {
                    local: "bundles/\\(jdk.*bin-static-libs.tar.gz\\)",
                    remote: [
                        "bundles/" + pf + "/jdk-" + data.version + "_" + pf + "_bin-static-libs.tar.gz",
                        "bundles/" + pf + "/\\1"
                    subdir: jdk_subdir,

     * Define common artifacts template for all debug profiles
     * @param o - Object containing data for artifacts

    common.debug_profile_artifacts = function (o) {
        var jdk_subdir = "jdk-" + data.version + "/fastdebug";
        var jdk_suffix = (o.jdk_suffix != null ? o.jdk_suffix : "tar.gz");
        var pf = o.platform
        return {
            artifacts: {
                jdk: {
                    local: "bundles/\\(jdk.*bin-debug." + jdk_suffix + "\\)",
                    remote: [
                        "bundles/" + pf + "/jdk-" + data.version + "_" + pf + "_bin-debug." + jdk_suffix,
                        "bundles/" + pf + "/\\1"
                    subdir: jdk_subdir,
                    exploded: "images/jdk"
                test: {
                    local: "bundles/\\(jdk.*bin-tests-debug.tar.gz\\)",
                    remote: [
                        "bundles/" + pf + "/jdk-" + data.version + "_" + pf + "_bin-tests-debug.tar.gz",
                        "bundles/" + pf + "/\\1"
                    exploded: "images/test"
                jdk_symbols: {
                    local: "bundles/\\(jdk.*bin-debug-symbols.tar.gz\\)",
                    remote: [
                        "bundles/" + pf + "/jdk-" + data.version + "_" + pf + "_bin-debug-symbols.tar.gz",
                        "bundles/" + pf + "/\\1"
                    subdir: jdk_subdir,
                    exploded: "images/jdk"
                static_libs: {
                    local: "bundles/\\(jdk.*bin-static-libs-debug.tar.gz\\)",
                    remote: [
                        "bundles/" + pf + "/jdk-" + data.version + "_" + pf + "_bin-static-libs-debug.tar.gz",
                        "bundles/" + pf + "/\\1"
                    subdir: jdk_subdir,

    common.boot_jdk_version = "19";
    common.boot_jdk_build_number = "36";
    common.boot_jdk_home = input.get("boot_jdk""install_path") + "/jdk-"
        + common.boot_jdk_version
        + (input.build_os == "macosx" ? ".jdk/Contents/Home" : "");

    return common;

 * Generates the profiles part of the configuration.
 * @param input External data to use for generating the configuration
 * @param common The common values
 * @returns {{}} Profiles part of the configuration

var getJibProfilesProfiles = function (input, common, data) {
    // Main SE profiles
    var profiles = {

        "linux-x64": {
            target_os: "linux",
            target_cpu: "x64",
            dependencies: ["devkit""gtest""build_devkit""graphviz""pandoc"],
            configure_args: concat(
                (input.build_cpu == "x64" ? common.configure_args_64bit
                 : "--openjdk-target=x86_64-linux-gnu"),
                (isWsl(input) ? [ "--host=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu",
                    "--build=x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu" ] : [])),

        "linux-x86": {
            target_os: "linux",
            target_cpu: "x86",
            build_cpu: "x64",
            dependencies: ["devkit""gtest"],
            configure_args: concat(common.configure_args_32bit,

        "macosx-x64": {
            target_os: "macosx",
            target_cpu: "x64",
            dependencies: ["devkit""gtest""pandoc"],
            configure_args: concat(common.configure_args_64bit, "--with-zlib=system",
                // Use system SetFile instead of the one in the devkit as the
                // devkit one may not work on Catalina.

        "macosx-aarch64": {
            target_os: "macosx",
            target_cpu: "aarch64",
            dependencies: ["devkit""gtest""pandoc"],
            configure_args: concat(common.configure_args_64bit,

        "windows-x64": {
            target_os: "windows",
            target_cpu: "x64",
            dependencies: ["devkit""gtest""pandoc"],
            configure_args: concat(common.configure_args_64bit),

        "windows-x86": {
            target_os: "windows",
            target_cpu: "x86",
            build_cpu: "x64",
            dependencies: ["devkit""gtest"],
            configure_args: concat(common.configure_args_32bit),

        "windows-aarch64": {
            target_os: "windows",
            target_cpu: "aarch64",
            dependencies: ["devkit""gtest""build_devkit"],
            configure_args: [

        "linux-aarch64": {
            target_os: "linux",
            target_cpu: "aarch64",
            build_cpu: "x64",
            dependencies: ["devkit""gtest""build_devkit""pandoc"],
            configure_args: [

        "linux-arm32": {
            target_os: "linux",
            target_cpu: "arm",
            build_cpu: "x64",
            dependencies: ["devkit""gtest""build_devkit"],
            configure_args: [

        "linux-ppc64le": {
            target_os: "linux",
            target_cpu: "ppc64le",
            build_cpu: "x64",
            dependencies: ["devkit""gtest""build_devkit"],
            configure_args: [

        "linux-s390x": {
            target_os: "linux",
            target_cpu: "s390x",
            build_cpu: "x64",
            dependencies: ["devkit""gtest""build_devkit"],
            configure_args: [

    // Add the base settings to all the main profiles
    common.main_profile_names.forEach(function (name) {
        profiles[name] = concatObjects(common.main_profile_base, profiles[name]);

    // Generate debug versions of all the main profiles
    common.main_profile_names.forEach(function (name) {
        var debugName = name + common.debug_suffix;
        profiles[debugName] = concatObjects(profiles[name],
    // Generate slowdebug versions of all the main profiles
    common.main_profile_names.forEach(function (name) {
        var debugName = name + common.slowdebug_suffix;
        profiles[debugName] = concatObjects(profiles[name],
    // Generate optimized versions of all the main profiles
    common.main_profile_names.forEach(function (name) {
        var optName = name + common.optimized_suffix;
        profiles[optName] = concatObjects(profiles[name],
        profiles[optName].default_make_targets = [ "hotspot" ];
    // Generate testmake profiles for the main profile of each build host
    // platform. This profile only runs the makefile tests.
    // Ant is needed to run the idea project generator test.
    var testmakeBase = {
        dependencies: [ "ant" ],
        environment: {
            "ANT_HOME": input.get("ant""home_path")
    [ "linux-x64""macosx-aarch64""macosx-x64""windows-x64""linux-aarch64"]
        .forEach(function (name) {
            var maketestName = name + "-testmake";
            profiles[maketestName] = concatObjects(profiles[name], testmakeBase);
            profiles[maketestName].default_make_targets = [ "test-make" ];

    // Generate -gcov profiles
    [ "linux-aarch64""linux-x64""macosx-x64""macosx-aarch64" ].forEach(function (name) {
        var gcovName = name + "-gcov";
        profiles[gcovName] = clone(profiles[name]);
        profiles[gcovName].default_make_targets = ["product-bundles""test-bundles"];
        profiles[gcovName].configure_args = concat(profiles[gcovName].configure_args,

    // Profiles for building the zero jvm variant. These are used for verification.
    var zeroProfiles = {
        "linux-x64-zero": {
            target_os: "linux",
            target_cpu: "x64",
            dependencies: ["devkit""gtest"],
            configure_args: concat(common.configure_args_64bit, [

        "linux-aarch64-zero": {
            target_os: "linux",
            target_cpu: "aarch64",
            dependencies: ["devkit""gtest"],
            configure_args: concat(common.configure_args_64bit, [

        "linux-x86-zero": {
            target_os: "linux",
            target_cpu: "x86",
            build_cpu: "x64",
            dependencies: ["devkit""gtest"],
            configure_args:  concat(common.configure_args_32bit, [
    profiles = concatObjects(profiles, zeroProfiles);

    // Add the base settings to the zero profiles and generate debug profiles
    Object.keys(zeroProfiles).forEach(function (name) {
        var debugName = name + common.debug_suffix;
        profiles[name] = concatObjects(common.main_profile_base, profiles[name]);
        profiles[debugName] = concatObjects(profiles[name], common.debug_profile_base);

    // Define a profile with precompiled headers disabled. This is just used for
    // verification of this build configuration.
    var noPchProfiles = {
        "linux-x64-debug-nopch": {
            target_os: "linux",
            target_cpu: "x64",
            dependencies: ["devkit""gtest"],
            configure_args: concat(common.configure_args_64bit,
    profiles = concatObjects(profiles, noPchProfiles);
    // Add base settings to noPch profiles
    Object.keys(noPchProfiles).forEach(function (name) {
        profiles[name] = concatObjects(common.main_profile_base, profiles[name]);
        profiles[name] = concatObjects(common.debug_profile_base, profiles[name]);
        // Override default make target with hotspot as that's the only part of
        // the build using precompiled headers.
        profiles[name].default_make_targets = ["hotspot"];

    // Bootcycle profiles runs the build with itself as the boot jdk. This can
    // be done in two ways. Either using the builtin bootcycle target in the
    // build system. Or by supplying the main jdk build as bootjdk to configure.
    [ "linux-x64""macosx-x64""windows-x64""linux-aarch64" ]
        .forEach(function (name) {
            var bootcycleName = name + "-bootcycle";
            var bootcyclePrebuiltName = name + "-bootcycle-prebuilt";
            // The base bootcycle profile just changes the default target
            // compared to the base profile
            profiles[bootcycleName] = clone(profiles[name]);
            profiles[bootcycleName].default_make_targets = [ "bootcycle-images" ];
            // The prebuilt bootcycle variant modifies the boot jdk argument
            var bootcyclePrebuiltBase = {
                dependencies: [ name + ".jdk" ],
                configure_args: [
                    "--with-boot-jdk=" + input.get(name + ".jdk""home_path"),
            profiles[bootcyclePrebuiltName] = concatObjects(profiles[name],
            var bootJdkIndex = profiles[bootcyclePrebuiltName].dependencies.indexOf("boot_jdk");
            delete profiles[bootcyclePrebuiltName].dependencies[bootJdkIndex];
            profiles[bootcyclePrebuiltName].default_make_targets = [ "product-images" ];

    // JCov profiles build JCov-instrumented JDK image based on images provided through dependencies.
    [ "linux-aarch64""linux-x64""macosx-x64""macosx-aarch64""windows-x64" ]
        .forEach(function (name) {
            var jcovName = name + "-jcov";
            profiles[jcovName] = clone(common.main_profile_base);
            profiles[jcovName].target_os = profiles[name].target_os
            profiles[jcovName].target_cpu = profiles[name].target_cpu
            profiles[jcovName].default_make_targets = [ "jcov-bundles" ];
            profiles[jcovName].dependencies = concat(profiles[jcovName].dependencies,
                [ name + ".jdk""devkit" ]);
            profiles[jcovName].configure_args = concat(profiles[jcovName].configure_args,
                ["--with-jcov-input-jdk=" + input.get(name + ".jdk""home_path")]);

    // Define artifacts for profiles
    var artifactData = {
        "linux-x64": {
            platform: "linux-x64",
        "linux-x86": {
            platform: "linux-x86",
        "macosx-x64": {
            platform: "macos-x64",
            jdk_subdir: "jdk-" + data.version +  ".jdk/Contents/Home",
        "macosx-aarch64": {
            platform: "macos-aarch64",
            jdk_subdir: "jdk-" + data.version + ".jdk/Contents/Home",
        "windows-x64": {
            platform: "windows-x64",
            jdk_suffix: "zip",
        "windows-x86": {
            platform: "windows-x86",
            jdk_suffix: "zip",
        "windows-aarch64": {
            platform: "windows-aarch64",
            jdk_suffix: "zip",
       "linux-aarch64": {
            platform: "linux-aarch64",
       "linux-arm32": {
            platform: "linux-arm32",
       "linux-ppc64le": {
            platform: "linux-ppc64le",
       "linux-s390x": {
            platform: "linux-s390x",
    // Generate common artifacts for all main profiles
    Object.keys(artifactData).forEach(function (name) {
        profiles[name] = concatObjects(profiles[name],

    // Generate common artifacts for all debug profiles
    Object.keys(artifactData).forEach(function (name) {
        var debugName = name + common.debug_suffix;
        profiles[debugName] = concatObjects(profiles[debugName],

    buildJdkDep = input.build_os + "-" + input.build_cpu + ".jdk";
    docsProfiles = {
        "docs": {
            target_os: input.build_os,
            target_cpu: input.build_cpu,
            dependencies: [
                "boot_jdk""devkit""graphviz""pandoc", buildJdkDep,
            configure_args: concat(
                versionArgs(input, common),
                "--with-build-jdk=" + input.get(buildJdkDep, "home_path"),
                // Provide an explicit JDK for the docs-reference target to
                // mimic the running conditions of when it's run for real as
                // closely as possible.
                "--with-docs-reference-jdk=" + input.get(buildJdkDep, "home_path")
            default_make_targets: ["all-docs-bundles"],
            artifacts: {
                doc_api_spec: {
                    local: "bundles/\\(jdk-" + data.version + ".*doc-api-spec.tar.gz\\)",
                    remote: [
                        "bundles/common/jdk-" + data.version + "_doc-api-spec.tar.gz",
                javase_doc_api_spec: {
                    local: "bundles/\\(javase-" + data.version + ".*doc-api-spec.tar.gz\\)",
                    remote: [
                        "bundles/common/javase-" + data.version + "_doc-api-spec.tar.gz",
                reference_doc_api_spec: {
                    local: "bundles/\\(jdk-reference-" + data.version + ".*doc-api-spec.tar.gz\\)",
                    remote: [
                        "bundles/common/jdk-reference-" + data.version + "_doc-api-spec.tar.gz",
    profiles = concatObjects(profiles, docsProfiles);

    // Generate open only profiles for all the main and debug profiles.
    // Rewrite artifact remote paths by adding "openjdk/GPL".
    common.main_profile_names.forEach(function (name) {
        var openName = name + common.open_suffix;
        profiles[openName] = concatObjects(profiles[name],
        for (artifactName in profiles[openName].artifacts) {
            var artifact = profiles[openName].artifacts[artifactName];
            artifact.remote = replaceAll(
                (artifact.remote != null ? artifact.remote : artifact.local));
        var debugName = name + common.debug_suffix;
        var openDebugName = name + common.open_suffix + common.debug_suffix;
        profiles[openDebugName] = concatObjects(profiles[debugName],
        for (artifactName in profiles[openDebugName].artifacts) {
            var artifact = profiles[openDebugName].artifacts[artifactName];
            artifact.remote = replaceAll(
                (artifact.remote != null ? artifact.remote : artifact.local));

    // Define the reference implementation profiles. These are basically the same
    // as the open profiles, but upload artifacts to a different location.
    common.main_profile_names.forEach(function (name) {
        var riName = name + "-ri";
        var riDebugName = riName + common.debug_suffix;
        var openName = name + common.open_suffix;
        var openDebugName = openName + common.debug_suffix;
        profiles[riName] = clone(profiles[openName]);
        profiles[riDebugName] = clone(profiles[openDebugName]);
        // Rewrite all remote dirs to "bundles/openjdk/BCL/..."
        for (artifactName in profiles[riName].artifacts) {
            var artifact = profiles[riName].artifacts[artifactName];
            artifact.remote = replaceAll(
                (artifact.remote != null ? artifact.remote : artifact.local));

    // For open profiles, the non-debug jdk bundles, need an "open" prefix on the
    // remote bundle names, forming the word "openjdk". See JDK-8188789.
    common.main_profile_names.forEach(function (name) {
        var openName = name + common.open_suffix;
        profiles[openName].artifacts["jdk"].remote = replaceAll(

    // Generate cmp-baseline profiles for each main profile and their
    // corresponding debug profile. This profile does a compare build run with no
    // changes to verify that the compare script has a clean baseline
    common.main_profile_names.forEach(function (name) {
        [ "", common.open_suffix ].forEach(function (suffix) {
            var cmpBaselineName = name + suffix + "-cmp-baseline";
            profiles[cmpBaselineName] = clone(profiles[name + suffix]);
            // Only compare the images target. This should presumably be expanded
            // to include more build targets when possible.
            profiles[cmpBaselineName].default_make_targets = [ "images""test-image" ];
            if (name == "linux-x64") {
                    = concat(profiles[cmpBaselineName].default_make_targets, "docs");
            profiles[cmpBaselineName].make_args = [ "COMPARE_BUILD=CONF=" ];
            profiles[cmpBaselineName].configure_args = concat(
            // Do not inherit artifact definitions from base profile
            delete profiles[cmpBaselineName].artifacts;

    // Artifacts of JCov profiles
    [ "linux-aarch64""linux-x64""macosx-x64""macosx-aarch64""windows-x64" ]
        .forEach(function (name) {
            var o = artifactData[name]
            var jdk_subdir = (o.jdk_subdir != null ? o.jdk_subdir : "jdk-" + data.version);
            var jdk_suffix = (o.jdk_suffix != null ? o.jdk_suffix : "tar.gz");
            var pf = o.platform
            var jcovName = name + "-jcov";
            profiles[jcovName].artifacts = {
                jdk: {
                    local: "bundles/\\(jdk-jcov.*bin." + jdk_suffix + "\\)",
                    remote: [
                        "bundles/" + pf + "/jdk-jcov-" + data.version + "_" + pf + "_bin." + jdk_suffix
                    subdir: jdk_subdir,
                    exploded: "images/jdk-jcov"

    // Artifacts of gcov (native-code-coverage) profiles
    [ "linux-aarch64""linux-x64""macosx-x64""macosx-aarch64" ].forEach(function (name) {
        var o = artifactData[name]
        var pf = o.platform
        var jdk_subdir = (o.jdk_subdir != null ? o.jdk_subdir : "jdk-" + data.version);
        var jdk_suffix = (o.jdk_suffix != null ? o.jdk_suffix : "tar.gz");
        var gcovName = name + "-gcov";
        profiles[gcovName].artifacts = {
            jdk: {
                local: "bundles/\\(jdk.*bin." + jdk_suffix + "\\)",
                remote: [
                    "bundles/" + pf + "/jdk-" + data.version + "_" + pf + "_bin-gcov." + jdk_suffix,
                subdir: jdk_subdir,
                exploded: "images/jdk",
            test: {
                    local: "bundles/\\(jdk.*bin-tests.tar.gz\\)",
                    remote: [
                        "bundles/" + pf + "/jdk-" + data.version + "_" + pf + "_bin-gcov-tests.tar.gz",
                    exploded: "images/test"
            jdk_symbols: {
                    local: "bundles/\\(jdk.*bin-symbols.tar.gz\\)",
                    remote: [
                        "bundles/" + pf + "/jdk-" + data.version + "_" + pf + "_bin-gcov-symbols.tar.gz",
                    subdir: jdk_subdir,
                    exploded: "images/jdk"

    // Profiles used to run tests.
    var testOnlyProfiles = {
        "run-test": {
            target_os: input.build_os,
            target_cpu: input.build_cpu,
            dependencies: [ "jtreg""gnumake""boot_jdk""devkit""jib" ],
            labels: "test",
            environment: {
                "JT_JAVA": common.boot_jdk_home
    profiles = concatObjects(profiles, testOnlyProfiles);

    // Profiles used to run tests using Jib for internal dependencies.
    var testedProfile = input.testedProfile;
    if (testedProfile == null) {
        testedProfile = input.build_os + "-" + input.build_cpu;
    var testedProfileJdk = testedProfile + ".jdk";
    // Make it possible to use the test image from a different profile
    var testImageProfile;
    if (input.testImageProfile != null) {
        testImageProfile = input.testImageProfile;
    } else if (testedProfile.endsWith("-jcov")) {
        testImageProfile = testedProfile.substring(0, testedProfile.length - "-jcov".length);
    } else {
        testImageProfile = testedProfile;
    var testedProfileTest = testImageProfile + ".test"
    var testOnlyMake = [ "test-prebuilt""LOG_CMDLINES=true""JTREG_VERBOSE=fail,error,time" ];
    if (testedProfile.endsWith("-gcov")) {
        testOnlyMake = concat(testOnlyMake, "GCOV_ENABLED=true")
    var testOnlyProfilesPrebuilt = {
        "run-test-prebuilt": {
            target_os: input.build_os,
            target_cpu: input.build_cpu,
            dependencies: [
                "jtreg""gnumake""boot_jdk""devkit""jib""jcov", testedProfileJdk,
            src: "src.conf",
            make_args: testOnlyMake,
            environment: {
                "BOOT_JDK": common.boot_jdk_home,
                "JT_HOME": input.get("jtreg""home_path"),
                "JDK_IMAGE_DIR": input.get(testedProfileJdk, "home_path"),
                "TEST_IMAGE_DIR": input.get(testedProfileTest, "home_path"),
                "SYMBOLS_IMAGE_DIR": input.get(testedProfile + ".jdk_symbols""home_path")
            labels: "test"
    if (!testedProfile.endsWith("-jcov")) {
        testOnlyProfilesPrebuilt["run-test-prebuilt"]["dependencies"].push(testedProfile ".jdk_symbols");

    // If actually running the run-test-prebuilt profile, verify that the input
    // variable is valid and if so, add the appropriate target_* values from
    // the tested profile. Use testImageProfile value as backup.
    if (input.profile == "run-test-prebuilt") {
        if (profiles[testedProfile] == null && profiles[testImageProfile] == null) {
            error("testedProfile is not defined: " + testedProfile + " " + testImageProfile);
    if (profiles[testedProfile] != null) {
            = profiles[testedProfile]["target_os"];
            = profiles[testedProfile]["target_cpu"];
    } else if (profiles[testImageProfile] != null) {
            = profiles[testImageProfile]["target_os"];
            = profiles[testImageProfile]["target_cpu"];
    profiles = concatObjects(profiles, testOnlyProfilesPrebuilt);

    // On macosx add the devkit bin dir to the path in all the run-test profiles.
    // This gives us a guaranteed working version of lldb for the jtreg failure handler.
    if (input.build_os == "macosx") {
        macosxRunTestExtra = {
            dependencies: [ "lldb" ],
            environment_path: [
                input.get("gnumake""install_path") + "/bin",
                input.get("lldb""install_path") + "/Xcode/Contents/Developer/usr/bin",
        profiles["run-test"] = concatObjects(profiles["run-test"], macosxRunTestExtra);
        profiles["run-test-prebuilt"] = concatObjects(profiles["run-test-prebuilt"], macosxRunTestExtra);

    // The profile run-test-prebuilt defines src.conf as the src bundle. When
    // running in Mach 5, this reduces the time it takes to populate the
    // considerably. But with just src.conf, we cannot actually run any tests,
    // so if running from a workspace with just src.conf in it, we need to also
    // get src.full as a dependency, and define the work_dir (where make gets
    // run) to be in the src.full install path. By running in the install path,
    // the same cached installation of the full src can be reused for multiple
    // test tasks. Care must however be taken not to pollute that work dir by
    // setting the appropriate make variables to control output directories.
    // Use the existence of the top level as indication of if this is
    // the full source or just src.conf.
    if (!new, "../../").exists()) {
        var runTestPrebuiltSrcFullExtra = {
            dependencies: "src.full",
            work_dir: input.get("src.full""install_path"),
        profiles["run-test-prebuilt"] = concatObjects(profiles["run-test-prebuilt"],

    // Generate the missing platform attributes
    profiles = generatePlatformAttributes(profiles);
    profiles = generateDefaultMakeTargetsConfigureArg(common, profiles);
    return profiles;

 * Generate the dependencies part of the configuration
 * @param input External data to use for generating the configuration
 * @param common The common values
 * @returns {{}} Dependencies part of configuration

var getJibProfilesDependencies = function (input, common) {

    var devkit_platform_revisions = {
        linux_x64: "gcc11.2.0-OL6.4+1.0",
        macosx: "Xcode12.4+1.1",
        windows_x64: "VS2022-17.1.0+1.0",
        linux_aarch64: "gcc11.2.0-OL7.6+1.0",
        linux_arm: "gcc8.2.0-Fedora27+1.0",
        linux_ppc64le: "gcc8.2.0-Fedora27+1.0",
        linux_s390x: "gcc8.2.0-Fedora27+1.0"

    var devkit_platform = (input.target_cpu == "x86"
        ? input.target_os + "_x64"
        : input.target_platform);
    if (input.target_platform == "windows_aarch64") {
        devkit_platform = "windows_x64";
    } else if (input.target_os == "macosx") {
        devkit_platform = "macosx";
    var devkit_cross_prefix = "";
    if (!(input.target_os == "windows")) {
        if (input.build_platform != input.target_platform
           && input.build_platform != devkit_platform) {
            devkit_cross_prefix = input.build_platform + "-to-";
    var boot_jdk_os = input.build_os;
    if (input.build_os == "macosx") {
        boot_jdk_os = "macos";
    var boot_jdk_platform = boot_jdk_os + "-" + input.build_cpu;
    var boot_jdk_ext = (input.build_os == "windows" ? ".zip" : ".tar.gz")
    // If running in WSL and building for Windows, it will look like Linux,
    // but we need a Windows boot JDK.
    if (isWsl(input) && input.target_os == "windows") {
        boot_jdk_platform = "windows-" + input.build_cpu;
        boot_jdk_ext = ".zip";
    var boot_jdk = {
        server: "jpg",
        product: "jdk",
        version: common.boot_jdk_version,
        build_number: common.boot_jdk_build_number,
        file: "bundles/" + boot_jdk_platform + "/jdk-" + common.boot_jdk_version + "_"
            + boot_jdk_platform + "_bin" + boot_jdk_ext,
        configure_args: "--with-boot-jdk=" + common.boot_jdk_home,
        environment_path: common.boot_jdk_home + "/bin"

    var makeRevision = "4.0+1.0";
    var makeBinSubDir = "/bin";
    var makeModule = "gnumake-" + input.build_platform;
    if (input.build_os == "windows") {
        makeModule = "gnumake-" + input.build_osenv_platform;
        if (input.build_osenv == "cygwin") {
            var versionArray = input.build_osenv_version.split(/\./);
            var majorVer = parseInt(versionArray[0]);
            var minorVer = parseInt(versionArray[1]);
            if (majorVer > 3 || (majorVer == 3 && minorVer >= 3)) {
                makeRevision = "4.3+1.0";
            } else {
                makeBinSubDir = "/cygwin/bin";
    var makeBinDir = input.get("gnumake""install_path") + makeBinSubDir;

    var dependencies = {
        boot_jdk: boot_jdk,

        devkit: {
            organization: common.organization,
            ext: "tar.gz",
            module: "devkit-" + devkit_cross_prefix + devkit_platform,
            revision: devkit_platform_revisions[devkit_platform],
            environment: {
                "DEVKIT_HOME": input.get("devkit""home_path"),

        build_devkit: {
            organization: common.organization,
            ext: "tar.gz",
            module: "devkit-" + input.build_platform,
            revision: devkit_platform_revisions[input.build_platform],
            // Only set --with-build-devkit when cross compiling.
            configure_args: (input.build_cpu == input.target_cpu ? false
                : "--with-build-devkit=" + input.get("build_devkit""home_path"))

        lldb: {
            organization: common.organization,
            ext: "tar.gz",
            module: "devkit-macosx" + (input.build_cpu == "x64" ? "_x64" : ""),
            revision: (input.build_cpu == "x64" ? "Xcode11.3.1-MacOSX10.15+1.2" : devkit_platform_revisions[devkit_platform])

        cups: {
            organization: common.organization,
            ext: "tar.gz",
            revision: "1.0118+1.0"

        jtreg: {
            server: "jpg",
            product: "jtreg",
            version: "7.1.1",
            build_number: "1",
            file: "bundles/",
            environment_name: "JT_HOME",
            environment_path: input.get("jtreg""home_path") + "/bin",
            configure_args: "--with-jtreg=" + input.get("jtreg""home_path"),

        jmh: {
            organization: common.organization,
            ext: "tar.gz",
            revision: "1.35+1.0"

        jcov: {
            organization: common.organization,
            revision: "3.0-13-jdk-asm+1.0",
            ext: "zip",
            environment_name: "JCOV_HOME",

        gnumake: {
            organization: common.organization,
            ext: "tar.gz",
            revision: makeRevision,
            module: makeModule,
            configure_args: "MAKE=" + makeBinDir + "/make",
            environment: {
                "MAKE": makeBinDir + "/make"
            environment_path: makeBinDir

        autoconf: {
            organization: common.organization,
            ext: "tar.gz",
            revision: "2.69+1.0.1",
            module: (input.build_os == "windows"
                ? "autoconf-" + input.build_osenv_platform
                : "autoconf-" + input.build_platform),
            configure_args: "",
            environment_path: input.get("autoconf""install_path")

        graphviz: {
            organization: common.organization,
            ext: "tar.gz",
            revision: "2.38.0-1+1.1",
            module: "graphviz-" + input.target_platform,
            configure_args: "DOT=" + input.get("graphviz""install_path") + "/dot",
            environment_path: input.get("graphviz""install_path")

        pandoc: {
            organization: common.organization,
            ext: "tar.gz",
            revision: "2.19.2+1.0",
            module: "pandoc-" + input.build_platform,
            configure_args: "PANDOC=" + input.get("pandoc""install_path") + "/pandoc/pandoc",
            environment_path: input.get("pandoc""install_path") + "/pandoc"

        // This adds java jib as a dependency for the test artifacts resolver
        jib: {
            organization: "",
            ext: "zip",
            classifier: "distribution",
            revision: "3.0-SNAPSHOT",
            environment_name: "JIB_HOME",
            environment_value: input.get("jib""home_path")

        ant: {
            organization: common.organization,
            ext: "zip",
            revision: "1.7.1+1.0",
            configure_args: "",

        gtest: {
            organization: common.organization,
            ext: "tar.gz",
            revision: "1.8.1"

    return dependencies;

 * Generate the missing platform attributes for profiles
 * @param profiles Profiles map to generate attributes on
 * @returns {{}} New profiles map with platform attributes fully filled in

var generatePlatformAttributes = function (profiles) {
    var ret = concatObjects(profiles, {});
    for (var profile in profiles) {
        if (ret[profile].build_os == null) {
            ret[profile].build_os = ret[profile].target_os;
        if (ret[profile].build_cpu == null) {
            ret[profile].build_cpu = ret[profile].target_cpu;
        ret[profile].target_platform = ret[profile].target_os + "_" + ret[profile].target_cpu;
        ret[profile].build_platform = ret[profile].build_os + "_" + ret[profile].build_cpu;
    return ret;

 * The default_make_targets attribute on a profile is not a real Jib attribute.
 * This function rewrites that attribute into the corresponding configure arg.
 * Calling this function multiple times on the same profiles object is safe.
 * @param common Common values
 * @param profiles Profiles map to rewrite profiles for
 * @returns {{}} New map of profiles with the make targets converted

var generateDefaultMakeTargetsConfigureArg = function (common, profiles) {
    var ret = concatObjects(profiles, {});
    for (var profile in ret) {
        if (ret[profile]["default_make_targets"] != null) {
            var targetsString = concat(ret[profile].default_make_targets).join(" ");
            // Iterate over all configure args and see if --with-default-make-target
            // is already there and change it, otherwise add it.
            var found = false;
            for (var i in ret[profile].configure_args) {
                var arg = ret[profile].configure_args[i];
                if (arg != null && arg.startsWith("--with-default-make-target=")) {
                    found = true;
                        = "--with-default-make-target=" + targetsString;
            if (!found) {
                ret[profile].configure_args = concat(
                    "--with-default-make-target=" + targetsString);
    return ret;

var getBuildId = function (input) {
    if (input.build_id != null) {
        return input.build_id;
    } else {
        var topdir = new, "../..").getCanonicalFile().getName();
        var userName = java.lang.System.getProperty("");
        return userName + "." + topdir;

 * Deep clones an object tree.
 * @param o Object to clone
 * @returns {{}} Clone of o

var clone = function (o) {
    return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(o));

 * Concatenates all arguments into a new array
 * @returns {Array.<T>} New array containing all arguments

var concat = function () {
    return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], arguments);

 * Takes a String or Array of Strings and does a replace operation on each
 * of them.
 * @param pattern Pattern to look for
 * @param replacement Replacement text to insert
 * @param a String or Array of Strings to replace
 * @returns {Array} Either a new array or a new string depending on the input

var replaceAll = function (pattern, replacement, a) {
    // If a is an array
    if (Array === a.constructor) {
    var newA = [];
    for (var i in a) {
            newA.push(a[i].replace(pattern, replacement));
        return newA;
        } else {
        return a.replace(pattern, replacement);

 * Deep concatenation of two objects. For each node encountered, merge
 * the contents with the corresponding node in the other object tree,
 * treating all strings as array elements.
 * @param o1 Object to concatenate
 * @param o2 Object to concatenate
 * @returns {{}} New object tree containing the concatenation of o1 and o2

var concatObjects = function (o1, o2) {
    if (o1 == null) {
        return clone(o2);
    if (o2 == null) {
        return clone(o1);
    var ret = {};
    for (var a in o1) {
        if (o2[a] == null) {
            ret[a] = clone(o1[a]);
    for (var a in o2) {
        if (o1[a] == null) {
            ret[a] = clone(o2[a]);
        } else {
            if (typeof o1[a] == 'string') {
                ret[a] = clone([o1[a]].concat(o2[a]));
            } else if (Array.isArray(o1[a])) {
                ret[a] = clone(o1[a].concat(o2[a]));
            } else if (typeof o1[a] == 'object') {
                ret[a] = concatObjects(o1[a], o2[a]);
    return ret;

 * Constructs the numeric version string from reading the
 * make/conf/version-numbers.conf file and removing all trailing ".0".
 * @param feature Override feature version
 * @param interim Override interim version
 * @param update Override update version
 * @param patch Override patch version
 * @returns {String} The numeric version string

var getVersion = function (feature, interim, update, patch, extra1, extra2, extra3) {
    var version_numbers = getVersionNumbers();
    var version = (feature != null ? feature : version_numbers.get("DEFAULT_VERSION_FEATURE"))
        + "." + (interim != null ? interim : version_numbers.get("DEFAULT_VERSION_INTERIM"))
        + "." + (update != null ? update :  version_numbers.get("DEFAULT_VERSION_UPDATE"))
        + "." + (patch != null ? patch : version_numbers.get("DEFAULT_VERSION_PATCH"))
        + "." + (extra1 != null ? extra1 : version_numbers.get("DEFAULT_VERSION_EXTRA1"))
        + "." + (extra2 != null ? extra2 : version_numbers.get("DEFAULT_VERSION_EXTRA2"))
        + "." + (extra3 != null ? extra3 : version_numbers.get("DEFAULT_VERSION_EXTRA3"));
    while (version.match(".*\\.0$")) {
        version = version.substring(0, version.length - 2);
    return version;

 * Constructs the common version configure args based on build type and
 * other version inputs

var versionArgs = function(input, common) {
    var args = [];
    if (common.build_number != 0) {
        args = concat(args, "--with-version-build=" + common.build_number);
    if (input.build_type == "promoted") {
        args = concat(args,
                      "--with-version-pre=" + version_numbers.get("DEFAULT_PROMOTED_VERSION_PRE"),
    } else if (input.build_type == "ci") {
        var ciBuildNumber = input.build_id_data.ciBuildNumber;
        var preString = input.build_id_data.projectName;
        if (preString == "jdk") {
            preString = version_numbers.get("DEFAULT_PROMOTED_VERSION_PRE");
        args = concat(args, "--with-version-pre=" + preString,
                      "--with-version-opt=" + ciBuildNumber);
        if (input.target_os == "macosx") {
            args = concat(args, "--with-macosx-bundle-build-version="
                          + common.build_number + "." + ciBuildNumber);
    } else {
        args = concat(args, "--with-version-opt=" + common.build_id);
    var sourceDate
    if (input.build_id_data && input.build_id_data.creationTime) {
        sourceDate = Math.floor(Date.parse(input.build_id_data.creationTime)/1000);
    } else {
        sourceDate = "current";
    args = concat(args, "--with-source-date=" + sourceDate);

    return args;

// Properties representation of the make/conf/version-numbers.conf file. Lazily
// initiated by the function below.
var version_numbers;

 * Read the make/conf/version-numbers.conf file into a Properties object.
 * @returns {java.utilProperties}

var getVersionNumbers = function () {
    // Read version information from make/conf/version-numbers.conf
    if (version_numbers == null) {
        version_numbers = new java.util.Properties();
        var stream = new + "/version-numbers.conf");
    return version_numbers;

 * Returns true if running in Windows Subsystem for Linux. Jib does not yet
 * detect wsl as osenv, so fall back on linux with version containing Microsoft.

var isWsl = function (input) {
    return ( input.build_osenv == "wsl"
             || (input.build_os == "linux"
                 && java.lang.System.getProperty("os.version").contains("Microsoft")));

var error = function (s) {
    java.lang.System.err.println("[ERROR] " + s);

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