* Copyright (c) 2001, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "ci/ciClassList.hpp"
#include "ci/ciKlass.hpp"
#include "ci/ciObject.hpp"
#include "ci/ciUtilities.hpp"
#include "oops/methodData.hpp"
#include "oops/oop.hpp"
#include "runtime/deoptimization.hpp"
class ciBitData;
class ciCounterData;
class ciJumpData;
class ciReceiverTypeData;
class ciRetData;
class ciBranchData;
class ciArrayData;
class ciMultiBranchData;
class ciArgInfoData;
class ciCallTypeData;
class ciVirtualCallTypeData;
class ciParametersTypeData;
class ciSpeculativeTrapData;
typedef ProfileData ciProfileData;
class ciBitData : public BitData {
ciBitData(DataLayout* layout) : BitData(layout) {};
class ciCounterData : public CounterData {
ciCounterData(DataLayout* layout) : CounterData(layout) {};
class ciJumpData : public JumpData {
ciJumpData(DataLayout* layout) : JumpData(layout) {};
class ciTypeEntries {
static intptr_t translate_klass(intptr_t k) {
Klass* v = TypeEntries::valid_klass(k);
if (v != NULL) {
ciKlass* klass = CURRENT_ENV->get_klass(v);
return with_status(klass, k);
return with_status(NULL, k);
static ciKlass* valid_ciklass(intptr_t k) {
if (!TypeEntries::is_type_none(k) &&
!TypeEntries::is_type_unknown(k)) {
ciKlass* res = (ciKlass*)TypeEntries::klass_part(k);
assert(res != NULL, "invalid");
return res;
} else {
return NULL;
static ProfilePtrKind ptr_kind(intptr_t v) {
bool maybe_null = TypeEntries::was_null_seen(v);
if (!maybe_null) {
return ProfileNeverNull;
} else if (TypeEntries::is_type_none(v)) {
return ProfileAlwaysNull;
} else {
return ProfileMaybeNull;
static intptr_t with_status(ciKlass* k, intptr_t in) {
return TypeEntries::with_status((intptr_t)k, in);
#ifndef PRODUCT
static void print_ciklass(outputStream* st, intptr_t k);
class ciTypeStackSlotEntries : public TypeStackSlotEntries, ciTypeEntries {
void translate_type_data_from(const TypeStackSlotEntries* args);
ciKlass* valid_type(int i) const {
return valid_ciklass(type(i));
ProfilePtrKind ptr_kind(int i) const {
return ciTypeEntries::ptr_kind(type(i));
#ifndef PRODUCT
void print_data_on(outputStream* st) const;
class ciReturnTypeEntry : public ReturnTypeEntry, ciTypeEntries {
void translate_type_data_from(const ReturnTypeEntry* ret);
ciKlass* valid_type() const {
return valid_ciklass(type());
ProfilePtrKind ptr_kind() const {
return ciTypeEntries::ptr_kind(type());
#ifndef PRODUCT
void print_data_on(outputStream* st) const;
class ciCallTypeData : public CallTypeData {
ciCallTypeData(DataLayout* layout) : CallTypeData(layout) {}
ciTypeStackSlotEntries* args() const { return (ciTypeStackSlotEntries*)CallTypeData::args(); }
ciReturnTypeEntry* ret() const { return (ciReturnTypeEntry*)CallTypeData::ret(); }
void translate_from(const ProfileData* data) {
if (has_arguments()) {
if (has_return()) {
intptr_t argument_type(int i) const {
assert(has_arguments(), "no arg type profiling data");
return args()->type(i);
ciKlass* valid_argument_type(int i) const {
assert(has_arguments(), "no arg type profiling data");
return args()->valid_type(i);
intptr_t return_type() const {
assert(has_return(), "no ret type profiling data");
return ret()->type();
ciKlass* valid_return_type() const {
assert(has_return(), "no ret type profiling data");
return ret()->valid_type();
ProfilePtrKind argument_ptr_kind(int i) const {
return args()->ptr_kind(i);
ProfilePtrKind return_ptr_kind() const {
return ret()->ptr_kind();
#ifndef PRODUCT
void print_data_on(outputStream* st, const char* extra = NULL) const;
class ciReceiverTypeData : public ReceiverTypeData {
ciReceiverTypeData(DataLayout* layout) : ReceiverTypeData(layout) {};
void set_receiver(uint row, ciKlass* recv) {
assert((uint)row < row_limit(), "oob");
set_intptr_at(receiver0_offset + row * receiver_type_row_cell_count,
(intptr_t) recv);
ciKlass* receiver(uint row) const {
assert((uint)row < row_limit(), "oob");
ciKlass* recv = (ciKlass*)intptr_at(receiver0_offset + row * receiver_type_row_cell_count);
assert(recv == NULL || recv->is_klass(), "wrong type");
return recv;
// Copy & translate from oop based ReceiverTypeData
virtual void translate_from(const ProfileData* data) {
void translate_receiver_data_from(const ProfileData* data);
#ifndef PRODUCT
void print_data_on(outputStream* st, const char* extra = NULL) const;
void print_receiver_data_on(outputStream* st) const;
class ciVirtualCallData : public VirtualCallData {
// Fake multiple inheritance... It's a ciReceiverTypeData also.
ciReceiverTypeData* rtd_super() const { return (ciReceiverTypeData*) this; }
ciVirtualCallData(DataLayout* layout) : VirtualCallData(layout) {};
void set_receiver(uint row, ciKlass* recv) {
rtd_super()->set_receiver(row, recv);
ciKlass* receiver(uint row) {
return rtd_super()->receiver(row);
// Copy & translate from oop based VirtualCallData
virtual void translate_from(const ProfileData* data) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
void print_data_on(outputStream* st, const char* extra = NULL) const;
class ciVirtualCallTypeData : public VirtualCallTypeData {
// Fake multiple inheritance... It's a ciReceiverTypeData also.
ciReceiverTypeData* rtd_super() const { return (ciReceiverTypeData*) this; }
ciVirtualCallTypeData(DataLayout* layout) : VirtualCallTypeData(layout) {}
void set_receiver(uint row, ciKlass* recv) {
rtd_super()->set_receiver(row, recv);
ciKlass* receiver(uint row) const {
return rtd_super()->receiver(row);
ciTypeStackSlotEntries* args() const { return (ciTypeStackSlotEntries*)VirtualCallTypeData::args(); }
ciReturnTypeEntry* ret() const { return (ciReturnTypeEntry*)VirtualCallTypeData::ret(); }
// Copy & translate from oop based VirtualCallData
virtual void translate_from(const ProfileData* data) {
if (has_arguments()) {
if (has_return()) {
ciKlass* valid_argument_type(int i) const {
assert(has_arguments(), "no arg type profiling data");
return args()->valid_type(i);
intptr_t return_type() const {
assert(has_return(), "no ret type profiling data");
return ret()->type();
ciKlass* valid_return_type() const {
assert(has_return(), "no ret type profiling data");
return ret()->valid_type();
ProfilePtrKind argument_ptr_kind(int i) const {
return args()->ptr_kind(i);
ProfilePtrKind return_ptr_kind() const {
return ret()->ptr_kind();
#ifndef PRODUCT
void print_data_on(outputStream* st, const char* extra = NULL) const;
class ciRetData : public RetData {
ciRetData(DataLayout* layout) : RetData(layout) {};
class ciBranchData : public BranchData {
ciBranchData(DataLayout* layout) : BranchData(layout) {};
class ciMultiBranchData : public MultiBranchData {
ciMultiBranchData(DataLayout* layout) : MultiBranchData(layout) {};
class ciArgInfoData : public ArgInfoData {
ciArgInfoData(DataLayout* layout) : ArgInfoData(layout) {};
class ciParametersTypeData : public ParametersTypeData {
ciParametersTypeData(DataLayout* layout) : ParametersTypeData(layout) {}
virtual void translate_from(const ProfileData* data) {
ciTypeStackSlotEntries* parameters() const { return (ciTypeStackSlotEntries*)ParametersTypeData::parameters(); }
ciKlass* valid_parameter_type(int i) const {
return parameters()->valid_type(i);
ProfilePtrKind parameter_ptr_kind(int i) const {
return parameters()->ptr_kind(i);
#ifndef PRODUCT
void print_data_on(outputStream* st, const char* extra = NULL) const;
class ciSpeculativeTrapData : public SpeculativeTrapData {
ciSpeculativeTrapData(DataLayout* layout) : SpeculativeTrapData(layout) {}
virtual void translate_from(const ProfileData* data);
ciMethod* method() const {
return (ciMethod*)intptr_at(speculative_trap_method);
void set_method(ciMethod* m) {
set_intptr_at(speculative_trap_method, (intptr_t)m);
#ifndef PRODUCT
void print_data_on(outputStream* st, const char* extra = NULL) const;
// ciMethodData
// This class represents a MethodData* in the HotSpot virtual
// machine.
class ciMethodData : public ciMetadata {
friend class ciReplay;
// Size in bytes
int _data_size;
int _extra_data_size;
// Data entries
intptr_t* _data;
// Cached hint for data_layout_before()
int _hint_di;
// Is data attached? And is it mature?
enum { empty_state, immature_state, mature_state };
u_char _state;
// Set this true if empty extra_data slots are ever witnessed.
u_char _saw_free_extra_data;
// Support for interprocedural escape analysis
intx _eflags; // flags on escape information
intx _arg_local; // bit set of non-escaping arguments
intx _arg_stack; // bit set of stack-allocatable arguments
intx _arg_returned; // bit set of returned arguments
// These counters hold the age of MDO in tiered. In tiered we can have the same method
// running at different compilation levels concurrently. So, in order to precisely measure
// its maturity we need separate counters.
int _invocation_counter;
// Coherent snapshot of original header.
MethodData::CompilerCounters _orig;
// Area dedicated to parameters. NULL if no parameter profiling for this method.
DataLayout* _parameters;
int parameters_size() const {
return _parameters == NULL ? 0 : parameters_type_data()->size_in_bytes();
ciMethodData(MethodData* md = NULL);
// Accessors
int data_size() const { return _data_size; }
int extra_data_size() const { return _extra_data_size; }
intptr_t * data() const { return _data; }
MethodData* get_MethodData() const {
return (MethodData*)_metadata;
const char* type_string() { return "ciMethodData"; }
void print_impl(outputStream* st);
DataLayout* data_layout_at(int data_index) const {
assert(data_index % sizeof(intptr_t) == 0, "unaligned");
return (DataLayout*) (((address)_data) + data_index);
bool out_of_bounds(int data_index) {
return data_index >= data_size();
// hint accessors
int hint_di() const { return _hint_di; }
void set_hint_di(int di) {
assert(!out_of_bounds(di), "hint_di out of bounds");
_hint_di = di;
DataLayout* data_layout_before(int bci) {
// avoid SEGV on this edge case
if (data_size() == 0)
return NULL;
DataLayout* layout = data_layout_at(hint_di());
if (layout->bci() <= bci)
return layout;
return data_layout_at(first_di());
// What is the index of the first data entry?
int first_di() { return 0; }
ciArgInfoData *arg_info() const;
void prepare_metadata();
void load_remaining_extra_data();
ciProfileData* bci_to_extra_data(int bci, ciMethod* m, bool& two_free_slots);
void dump_replay_data_type_helper(outputStream* out, int round, int& count, ProfileData* pdata, ByteSize offset, ciKlass* k);
template<class T> void dump_replay_data_call_type_helper(outputStream* out, int round, int& count, T* call_type_data);
template<class T> void dump_replay_data_receiver_type_helper(outputStream* out, int round, int& count, T* call_type_data);
void dump_replay_data_extra_data_helper(outputStream* out, int round, int& count);
ciProfileData* data_from(DataLayout* data_layout);
bool is_method_data() const { return true; }
bool is_empty() { return _state == empty_state; }
bool is_mature() { return _state == mature_state; }
int invocation_count() { return _invocation_counter; }
// return cached value
int rtm_state() {
if (is_empty()) {
return NoRTM;
} else {
return get_MethodData()->rtm_state();
// Transfer information about the method to MethodData*.
// would_profile means we would like to profile this method,
// meaning it's not trivial.
void set_would_profile(bool p);
// Also set the number of loops and blocks in the method.
// Again, this is used to determine if a method is trivial.
void set_compilation_stats(short loops, short blocks);
// If the compiler finds a profiled type that is known statically
// for sure, set it in the MethodData
void set_argument_type(int bci, int i, ciKlass* k);
void set_parameter_type(int i, ciKlass* k);
void set_return_type(int bci, ciKlass* k);
bool load_data();
// Convert a dp (data pointer) to a di (data index).
int dp_to_di(address dp) {
return dp - ((address)_data);
// Get the data at an arbitrary (sort of) data index.
ciProfileData* data_at(int data_index);
// Walk through the data in order.
ciProfileData* first_data() { return data_at(first_di()); }
ciProfileData* next_data(ciProfileData* current);
DataLayout* next_data_layout(DataLayout* current);
bool is_valid(ciProfileData* current) { return current != NULL; }
bool is_valid(DataLayout* current) { return current != NULL; }
DataLayout* extra_data_base() const { return data_layout_at(data_size()); }
DataLayout* args_data_limit() const { return data_layout_at(data_size() + extra_data_size() -
parameters_size()); }
// Get the data at an arbitrary bci, or NULL if there is none. If m
// is not NULL look for a SpeculativeTrapData if any first.
ciProfileData* bci_to_data(int bci, ciMethod* m = NULL);
uint overflow_trap_count() const {
return _orig.overflow_trap_count();
uint overflow_recompile_count() const {
return _orig.overflow_recompile_count();
uint decompile_count() const {
return _orig.decompile_count();
uint trap_count(int reason) const {
return _orig.trap_count(reason);
uint trap_reason_limit() const { return MethodData::trap_reason_limit(); }
uint trap_count_limit() const { return MethodData::trap_count_limit(); }
// Helpful query functions that decode trap_state.
int has_trap_at(ciProfileData* data, int reason);
int has_trap_at(int bci, ciMethod* m, int reason) {
assert((m != NULL) == Deoptimization::reason_is_speculate(reason), "inconsistent method/reason");
return has_trap_at(bci_to_data(bci, m), reason);
int trap_recompiled_at(ciProfileData* data);
int trap_recompiled_at(int bci, ciMethod* m) {
return trap_recompiled_at(bci_to_data(bci, m));
void clear_escape_info();
bool has_escape_info();
void update_escape_info();
void set_eflag(MethodData::EscapeFlag f);
bool eflag_set(MethodData::EscapeFlag f) const;
void set_arg_local(int i);
void set_arg_stack(int i);
void set_arg_returned(int i);
void set_arg_modified(int arg, uint val);
bool is_arg_local(int i) const;
bool is_arg_stack(int i) const;
bool is_arg_returned(int i) const;
uint arg_modified(int arg) const;
ciParametersTypeData* parameters_type_data() const;
// Code generation helper
ByteSize offset_of_slot(ciProfileData* data, ByteSize slot_offset_in_data);
int byte_offset_of_slot(ciProfileData* data, ByteSize slot_offset_in_data) { return in_bytes(offset_of_slot(data, slot_offset_in_data)); }
#ifndef PRODUCT
// printing support for method data
void print();
void print_data_on(outputStream* st);
void dump_replay_data(outputStream* out);
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