* Copyright (c) 1997, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "logging/logLevel.hpp"
#include "logging/logTag.hpp"
#include "memory/allStatic.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.hpp"
#include "runtime/globals.hpp"
#include "runtime/java.hpp"
#include "runtime/os.hpp"
#include "utilities/debug.hpp"
#include "utilities/vmEnums.hpp"
// Arguments parses the command line and recognizes options
class JVMFlag;
// Invocation API hook typedefs (these should really be defined in jni.h)
extern "C" {
typedef void (JNICALL *abort_hook_t)(void);
typedef void (JNICALL *exit_hook_t)(jint code);
typedef jint (JNICALL *vfprintf_hook_t)(FILE *fp, const char *format, va_list args) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(2, 0);
// Obsolete or deprecated -XX flag.
struct SpecialFlag {
const char* name;
JDK_Version deprecated_in; // When the deprecation warning started (or "undefined").
JDK_Version obsolete_in; // When the obsolete warning started (or "undefined").
JDK_Version expired_in; // When the option expires (or "undefined").
struct LegacyGCLogging {
const char* file; // NULL -> stdout
int lastFlag; // 0 not set; 1 -> -verbose:gc; 2 -> -Xloggc
// PathString is used as:
// - the underlying value for a SystemProperty
// - the path portion of an --patch-module module/path pair
// - the string that represents the boot class path, Arguments::_boot_class_path.
class PathString : public CHeapObj<mtArguments> {
char* _value;
char* value() const { return _value; }
// return false iff OOM && alloc_failmode == AllocFailStrategy::RETURN_NULL
bool set_value(const char *value, AllocFailType alloc_failmode = AllocFailStrategy::EXIT_OOM);
void append_value(const char *value);
PathString(const char* value);
// ModulePatchPath records the module/path pair as specified to --patch-module.
class ModulePatchPath : public CHeapObj<mtInternal> {
char* _module_name;
PathString* _path;
ModulePatchPath(const char* module_name, const char* path);
inline const char* module_name() const { return _module_name; }
inline char* path_string() const { return _path->value(); }
// Element describing System and User (-Dkey=value flags) defined property.
// An internal SystemProperty is one that has been removed in
// jdk.internal.VM.saveAndRemoveProperties, like jdk.boot.class.path.append.
class SystemProperty : public PathString {
char* _key;
SystemProperty* _next;
bool _internal;
bool _writeable;
// Accessors
char* value() const { return PathString::value(); }
const char* key() const { return _key; }
bool internal() const { return _internal; }
SystemProperty* next() const { return _next; }
void set_next(SystemProperty* next) { _next = next; }
bool writeable() const { return _writeable; }
bool readable() const {
return !_internal || (strcmp(_key, "jdk.boot.class.path.append") == 0 &&
value() != NULL);
// A system property should only have its value set
// via an external interface if it is a writeable property.
// The internal, non-writeable property jdk.boot.class.path.append
// is the only exception to this rule. It can be set externally
// via -Xbootclasspath/a or JVMTI OnLoad phase call to AddToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch.
// In those cases for jdk.boot.class.path.append, the base class
// set_value and append_value methods are called directly.
void set_writeable_value(const char *value) {
if (writeable()) {
void append_writeable_value(const char *value) {
if (writeable()) {
// Constructor
SystemProperty(const char* key, const char* value, bool writeable, bool internal = false);
// For use by -agentlib, -agentpath and -Xrun
class AgentLibrary : public CHeapObj<mtArguments> {
friend class AgentLibraryList;
// Is this library valid or not. Don't rely on os_lib == NULL as statically
// linked lib could have handle of RTLD_DEFAULT which == 0 on some platforms
enum AgentState {
agent_invalid = 0,
agent_valid = 1
char* _name;
char* _options;
void* _os_lib;
bool _is_absolute_path;
bool _is_static_lib;
bool _is_instrument_lib;
AgentState _state;
AgentLibrary* _next;
// Accessors
const char* name() const { return _name; }
char* options() const { return _options; }
bool is_absolute_path() const { return _is_absolute_path; }
void* os_lib() const { return _os_lib; }
void set_os_lib(void* os_lib) { _os_lib = os_lib; }
AgentLibrary* next() const { return _next; }
bool is_static_lib() const { return _is_static_lib; }
bool is_instrument_lib() const { return _is_instrument_lib; }
void set_static_lib(bool is_static_lib) { _is_static_lib = is_static_lib; }
bool valid() { return (_state == agent_valid); }
void set_valid() { _state = agent_valid; }
// Constructor
AgentLibrary(const char* name, const char* options, bool is_absolute_path,
void* os_lib, bool instrument_lib=false);
// maintain an order of entry list of AgentLibrary
class AgentLibraryList {
AgentLibrary* _first;
AgentLibrary* _last;
bool is_empty() const { return _first == NULL; }
AgentLibrary* first() const { return _first; }
// add to the end of the list
void add(AgentLibrary* lib) {
if (is_empty()) {
_first = _last = lib;
} else {
_last->_next = lib;
_last = lib;
lib->_next = NULL;
// search for and remove a library known to be in the list
void remove(AgentLibrary* lib) {
AgentLibrary* curr;
AgentLibrary* prev = NULL;
for (curr = first(); curr != NULL; prev = curr, curr = curr->next()) {
if (curr == lib) {
assert(curr != NULL, "always should be found");
if (curr != NULL) {
// it was found, by-pass this library
if (prev == NULL) {
_first = curr->_next;
} else {
prev->_next = curr->_next;
if (curr == _last) {
_last = prev;
curr->_next = NULL;
AgentLibraryList() {
_first = NULL;
_last = NULL;
// Helper class for controlling the lifetime of JavaVMInitArgs objects.
class ScopedVMInitArgs;
class Arguments : AllStatic {
friend class VMStructs;
friend class JvmtiExport;
friend class CodeCacheExtensions;
friend class ArgumentsTest;
friend class LargeOptionsTest;
// Operation modi
enum Mode {
_int, // corresponds to -Xint
_mixed, // corresponds to -Xmixed
_comp // corresponds to -Xcomp
enum ArgsRange {
arg_unreadable = -3,
arg_too_small = -2,
arg_too_big = -1,
arg_in_range = 0
enum PropertyAppendable {
enum PropertyWriteable {
enum PropertyInternal {
// a pointer to the flags file name if it is specified
static char* _jvm_flags_file;
// an array containing all flags specified in the .hotspotrc file
static char** _jvm_flags_array;
static int _num_jvm_flags;
// an array containing all jvm arguments specified in the command line
static char** _jvm_args_array;
static int _num_jvm_args;
// string containing all java command (class/jarfile name and app args)
static char* _java_command;
// Property list
static SystemProperty* _system_properties;
// Quick accessor to System properties in the list:
static SystemProperty *_sun_boot_library_path;
static SystemProperty *_java_library_path;
static SystemProperty *_java_home;
static SystemProperty *_java_class_path;
static SystemProperty *_jdk_boot_class_path_append;
static SystemProperty *_vm_info;
// --patch-module=module=<file>(<pathsep><file>)*
// Each element contains the associated module name, path
// string pair as specified to --patch-module.
static GrowableArray<ModulePatchPath*>* _patch_mod_prefix;
// The constructed value of the system class path after
// argument processing and JVMTI OnLoad additions via
// calls to AddToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch. This is the
// final form before ClassLoader::setup_bootstrap_search().
// Note: since --patch-module is a module name/path pair, the
// boot class path string no longer contains the "prefix"
// to the boot class path base piece as it did when
// -Xbootclasspath/p was supported.
static PathString* _boot_class_path;
// Set if a modular java runtime image is present vs. a build with exploded modules
static bool _has_jimage;
// temporary: to emit warning if the default ext dirs are not empty.
// remove this variable when the warning is no longer needed.
static char* _ext_dirs;
// java.vendor.url.bug, bug reporting URL for fatal errors.
static const char* _java_vendor_url_bug;
// sun.java.launcher, private property to provide information about
// java launcher
static const char* _sun_java_launcher;
// was this VM created via the -XXaltjvm=<path> option
static bool _sun_java_launcher_is_altjvm;
// for legacy gc options (-verbose:gc and -Xloggc:)
static LegacyGCLogging _legacyGCLogging;
// Value of the conservative maximum heap alignment needed
static size_t _conservative_max_heap_alignment;
// -Xrun arguments
static AgentLibraryList _libraryList;
static void add_init_library(const char* name, char* options);
// -agentlib and -agentpath arguments
static AgentLibraryList _agentList;
static void add_init_agent(const char* name, char* options, bool absolute_path);
static void add_instrument_agent(const char* name, char* options, bool absolute_path);
// Late-binding agents not started via arguments
static void add_loaded_agent(AgentLibrary *agentLib);
// Operation modi
static Mode _mode;
static void set_mode_flags(Mode mode);
static bool _java_compiler;
static void set_java_compiler(bool arg) { _java_compiler = arg; }
static bool java_compiler() { return _java_compiler; }
// -Xdebug flag
static bool _xdebug_mode;
static void set_xdebug_mode(bool arg) { _xdebug_mode = arg; }
static bool xdebug_mode() { return _xdebug_mode; }
// preview features
static bool _enable_preview;
// Used to save default settings
static bool _AlwaysCompileLoopMethods;
static bool _UseOnStackReplacement;
static bool _BackgroundCompilation;
static bool _ClipInlining;
// GC ergonomics
static void set_conservative_max_heap_alignment();
static void set_use_compressed_oops();
static void set_use_compressed_klass_ptrs();
static jint set_ergonomics_flags();
static void set_shared_spaces_flags_and_archive_paths();
// Limits the given heap size by the maximum amount of virtual
// memory this process is currently allowed to use. It also takes
// the virtual-to-physical ratio of the current GC into account.
static size_t limit_heap_by_allocatable_memory(size_t size);
// Setup heap size
static void set_heap_size();
// Bytecode rewriting
static void set_bytecode_flags();
// Invocation API hooks
static abort_hook_t _abort_hook;
static exit_hook_t _exit_hook;
static vfprintf_hook_t _vfprintf_hook;
// System properties
static bool add_property(const char* prop, PropertyWriteable writeable=WriteableProperty,
PropertyInternal internal=ExternalProperty);
// Used for module system related properties: converted from command-line flags.
// Basic properties are writeable as they operate as "last one wins" and will get overwritten.
// Numbered properties are never writeable, and always internal.
static bool create_module_property(const char* prop_name, const char* prop_value, PropertyInternal internal);
static bool create_numbered_module_property(const char* prop_base_name, const char* prop_value, unsigned int count);
static int process_patch_mod_option(const char* patch_mod_tail, bool* patch_mod_javabase);
// Aggressive optimization flags.
static jint set_aggressive_opts_flags();
static jint set_aggressive_heap_flags();
// Argument parsing
static bool parse_argument(const char* arg, JVMFlagOrigin origin);
static bool process_argument(const char* arg, jboolean ignore_unrecognized, JVMFlagOrigin origin);
static void process_java_launcher_argument(const char*, void*);
static void process_java_compiler_argument(const char* arg);
static jint parse_options_environment_variable(const char* name, ScopedVMInitArgs* vm_args);
static jint parse_java_tool_options_environment_variable(ScopedVMInitArgs* vm_args);
static jint parse_java_options_environment_variable(ScopedVMInitArgs* vm_args);
static jint parse_vm_options_file(const char* file_name, ScopedVMInitArgs* vm_args);
static jint parse_options_buffer(const char* name, char* buffer, const size_t buf_len, ScopedVMInitArgs* vm_args);
static jint parse_xss(const JavaVMOption* option, const char* tail, intx* out_ThreadStackSize);
static jint insert_vm_options_file(const JavaVMInitArgs* args,
const char* vm_options_file,
const int vm_options_file_pos,
ScopedVMInitArgs* vm_options_file_args,
ScopedVMInitArgs* args_out);
static bool args_contains_vm_options_file_arg(const JavaVMInitArgs* args);
static jint expand_vm_options_as_needed(const JavaVMInitArgs* args_in,
ScopedVMInitArgs* mod_args,
JavaVMInitArgs** args_out);
static jint match_special_option_and_act(const JavaVMInitArgs* args,
ScopedVMInitArgs* args_out);
static bool handle_deprecated_print_gc_flags();
static jint parse_vm_init_args(const JavaVMInitArgs *vm_options_args,
const JavaVMInitArgs *java_tool_options_args,
const JavaVMInitArgs *java_options_args,
const JavaVMInitArgs *cmd_line_args);
static jint parse_each_vm_init_arg(const JavaVMInitArgs* args, bool* patch_mod_javabase, JVMFlagOrigin origin);
static jint finalize_vm_init_args(bool patch_mod_javabase);
static bool is_bad_option(const JavaVMOption* option, jboolean ignore, const char* option_type);
static bool is_bad_option(const JavaVMOption* option, jboolean ignore) {
return is_bad_option(option, ignore, NULL);
static void describe_range_error(ArgsRange errcode);
static ArgsRange check_memory_size(julong size, julong min_size, julong max_size);
static ArgsRange parse_memory_size(const char* s, julong* long_arg,
julong min_size, julong max_size = max_uintx);
// methods to build strings from individual args
static void build_jvm_args(const char* arg);
static void build_jvm_flags(const char* arg);
static void add_string(char*** bldarray, int* count, const char* arg);
static const char* build_resource_string(char** args, int count);
// Returns true if the flag is obsolete (and not yet expired).
// In this case the 'version' buffer is filled in with
// the version number when the flag became obsolete.
static bool is_obsolete_flag(const char* flag_name, JDK_Version* version);
// Returns 1 if the flag is deprecated (and not yet obsolete or expired).
// In this case the 'version' buffer is filled in with the version number when
// the flag became deprecated.
// Returns -1 if the flag is expired or obsolete.
// Returns 0 otherwise.
static int is_deprecated_flag(const char* flag_name, JDK_Version* version);
// Return the real name for the flag passed on the command line (either an alias name or "flag_name").
static const char* real_flag_name(const char *flag_name);
static JVMFlag* find_jvm_flag(const char* name, size_t name_length);
// Return the "real" name for option arg if arg is an alias, and print a warning if arg is deprecated.
// Return NULL if the arg has expired.
static const char* handle_aliases_and_deprecation(const char* arg);
static char* SharedArchivePath;
static char* SharedDynamicArchivePath;
static size_t _default_SharedBaseAddress; // The default value specified in globals.hpp
static void extract_shared_archive_paths(const char* archive_path,
char** base_archive_path,
char** top_archive_path) NOT_CDS_RETURN;
// Helpers for parse_malloc_limits
static bool parse_malloc_limit_size(const char* s, size_t* out);
static void parse_single_category_limit(char* expression, size_t limits[mt_number_of_types]);
static int num_archives(const char* archive_path) NOT_CDS_RETURN_(0);
// Parses the arguments, first phase
static jint parse(const JavaVMInitArgs* args);
// Parse a string for a unsigned integer. Returns true if value
// is an unsigned integer greater than or equal to the minimum
// parameter passed and returns the value in uintx_arg. Returns
// false otherwise, with uintx_arg undefined.
static bool parse_uintx(const char* value, uintx* uintx_arg,
uintx min_size);
// Apply ergonomics
static jint apply_ergo();
// Adjusts the arguments after the OS have adjusted the arguments
static jint adjust_after_os();
// Check consistency or otherwise of VM argument settings
static bool check_vm_args_consistency();
// Used by os_solaris
static bool process_settings_file(const char* file_name, bool should_exist, jboolean ignore_unrecognized);
static size_t conservative_max_heap_alignment() { return _conservative_max_heap_alignment; }
// Return the maximum size a heap with compressed oops can take
static size_t max_heap_for_compressed_oops();
// return a char* array containing all options
static char** jvm_flags_array() { return _jvm_flags_array; }
static char** jvm_args_array() { return _jvm_args_array; }
static int num_jvm_flags() { return _num_jvm_flags; }
static int num_jvm_args() { return _num_jvm_args; }
// return the arguments passed to the Java application
static const char* java_command() { return _java_command; }
// print jvm_flags, jvm_args and java_command
static void print_on(outputStream* st);
static void print_summary_on(outputStream* st);
// convenient methods to get and set jvm_flags_file
static const char* get_jvm_flags_file() { return _jvm_flags_file; }
static void set_jvm_flags_file(const char *value) {
if (_jvm_flags_file != NULL) {
_jvm_flags_file = os::strdup_check_oom(value);
// convenient methods to obtain / print jvm_flags and jvm_args
static const char* jvm_flags() { return build_resource_string(_jvm_flags_array, _num_jvm_flags); }
static const char* jvm_args() { return build_resource_string(_jvm_args_array, _num_jvm_args); }
static void print_jvm_flags_on(outputStream* st);
static void print_jvm_args_on(outputStream* st);
// -Dkey=value flags
static SystemProperty* system_properties() { return _system_properties; }
static const char* get_property(const char* key);
// -Djava.vendor.url.bug
static const char* java_vendor_url_bug() { return _java_vendor_url_bug; }
// -Dsun.java.launcher
static const char* sun_java_launcher() { return _sun_java_launcher; }
// Was VM created by a Java launcher?
static bool created_by_java_launcher();
// -Dsun.java.launcher.is_altjvm
static bool sun_java_launcher_is_altjvm();
// -Xrun
static AgentLibrary* libraries() { return _libraryList.first(); }
static bool init_libraries_at_startup() { return !_libraryList.is_empty(); }
static void convert_library_to_agent(AgentLibrary* lib)
{ _libraryList.remove(lib);
_agentList.add(lib); }
// -agentlib -agentpath
static AgentLibrary* agents() { return _agentList.first(); }
static bool init_agents_at_startup() { return !_agentList.is_empty(); }
// abort, exit, vfprintf hooks
static abort_hook_t abort_hook() { return _abort_hook; }
static exit_hook_t exit_hook() { return _exit_hook; }
static vfprintf_hook_t vfprintf_hook() { return _vfprintf_hook; }
static const char* GetSharedArchivePath() { return SharedArchivePath; }
static const char* GetSharedDynamicArchivePath() { return SharedDynamicArchivePath; }
static size_t default_SharedBaseAddress() { return _default_SharedBaseAddress; }
// Java launcher properties
static void process_sun_java_launcher_properties(JavaVMInitArgs* args);
// System properties
static void init_system_properties();
// Update/Initialize System properties after JDK version number is known
static void init_version_specific_system_properties();
// Update VM info property - called after argument parsing
static void update_vm_info_property(const char* vm_info) {
// Property List manipulation
static void PropertyList_add(SystemProperty *element);
static void PropertyList_add(SystemProperty** plist, SystemProperty *element);
static void PropertyList_add(SystemProperty** plist, const char* k, const char* v, bool writeable, bool internal);
static void PropertyList_unique_add(SystemProperty** plist, const char* k, const char* v,
PropertyAppendable append, PropertyWriteable writeable,
PropertyInternal internal);
static const char* PropertyList_get_value(SystemProperty* plist, const char* key);
static const char* PropertyList_get_readable_value(SystemProperty* plist, const char* key);
static int PropertyList_count(SystemProperty* pl);
static int PropertyList_readable_count(SystemProperty* pl);
static bool is_internal_module_property(const char* option);
// Miscellaneous System property value getter and setters.
static void set_dll_dir(const char *value) { _sun_boot_library_path->set_value(value); }
static void set_java_home(const char *value) { _java_home->set_value(value); }
static void set_library_path(const char *value) { _java_library_path->set_value(value); }
static void set_ext_dirs(char *value) { _ext_dirs = os::strdup_check_oom(value); }
// Set up the underlying pieces of the boot class path
static void add_patch_mod_prefix(const char *module_name, const char *path, bool* patch_mod_javabase);
static void set_boot_class_path(const char *value, bool has_jimage) {
// During start up, set by os::set_boot_path()
assert(get_boot_class_path() == NULL, "Boot class path previously set");
_has_jimage = has_jimage;
static void append_sysclasspath(const char *value) {
static GrowableArray<ModulePatchPath*>* get_patch_mod_prefix() { return _patch_mod_prefix; }
static char* get_boot_class_path() { return _boot_class_path->value(); }
static bool has_jimage() { return _has_jimage; }
static char* get_java_home() { return _java_home->value(); }
static char* get_dll_dir() { return _sun_boot_library_path->value(); }
static char* get_appclasspath() { return _java_class_path->value(); }
static void fix_appclasspath();
static char* get_default_shared_archive_path() NOT_CDS_RETURN_(NULL);
static void init_shared_archive_paths() NOT_CDS_RETURN;
// Operation modi
static Mode mode() { return _mode; }
static bool is_interpreter_only() { return mode() == _int; }
static bool is_compiler_only() { return mode() == _comp; }
// preview features
static void set_enable_preview() { _enable_preview = true; }
static bool enable_preview() { return _enable_preview; }
// Utility: copies src into buf, replacing "%%" with "%" and "%p" with pid.
static bool copy_expand_pid(const char* src, size_t srclen, char* buf, size_t buflen);
static void check_unsupported_dumping_properties() NOT_CDS_RETURN;
static bool check_unsupported_cds_runtime_properties() NOT_CDS_RETURN0;
static bool atojulong(const char *s, julong* result);
static bool has_jfr_option() NOT_JFR_RETURN_(false);
static bool is_dumping_archive() { return DumpSharedSpaces || DynamicDumpSharedSpaces; }
static void assert_is_dumping_archive() {
assert(Arguments::is_dumping_archive(), "dump time only");
// Parse diagnostic NMT switch "MallocLimit" and return the found limits.
// 1) If option is not given, it will set all limits to 0 (aka "no limit").
// 2) If option is given in the global form (-XX:MallocLimit=<size>), it
// will return the size in *total_limit.
// 3) If option is given in its per-NMT-category form (-XX:MallocLimit=<category>:<size>[,<category>:<size>]),
// it will return all found limits in the limits array.
// 4) If option is malformed, it will exit the VM.
// For (2) and (3), limits not affected by the switch will be set to 0.
static void parse_malloc_limits(size_t* total_limit, size_t limits[mt_number_of_types]);
DEBUG_ONLY(static bool verify_special_jvm_flags(bool check_globals);)
// Disable options not supported in this release, with a warning if they
// were explicitly requested on the command-line
do { \
if (opt) { \
if (FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(opt)) { \
warning("-XX:+" #opt " not supported in this VM"); \
} \
FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(opt, false); \
} \
} while(0)
// similar to UNSUPPORTED_OPTION but sets flag to NULL
do { \
if (opt) { \
if (FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(opt)) { \
warning("-XX flag " #opt " not supported in this VM"); \
} \
} \
} while(0)
// Initialize options not supported in this release, with a warning
// if they were explicitly requested on the command-line
#define UNSUPPORTED_OPTION_INIT(opt, value) \
do { \
if (FLAG_IS_CMDLINE(opt)) { \
warning("-XX flag " #opt " not supported in this VM"); \
} \
FLAG_SET_DEFAULT(opt, value); \
} while(0)
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