products/Sources/formale Sprachen/JAVA/openjdk-20-36_src/test/jdk/java/util/Formatter image not shown  


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Datei:   Sprache: JAVA

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/* Type-specific source code for unit test
 * Regenerate the BasicX classes via whenever this file changes.
 * We check in the generated source files so that the test tree can be used
 * independently of the rest of the source tree.

// -- This file was mechanically generated: Do not edit! -- //

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.text.DateFormatSymbols;
import java.util.*;

import static java.util.Calendar.*;

public class BasicInt extends Basic {

    private static int negate(int v) {
        return (int) -v;

    public static void test() {

        // Any characters not explicitly defined as conversions, date/time
        // conversion suffixes, or flags are illegal and are reserved for
        // future extensions.  Use of such a character in a format string will
        // cause an UnknownFormatConversionException or
        // UnknownFormatFlagsException to be thrown.
        tryCatch("%q", UnknownFormatConversionException.class);
        tryCatch("%t&", UnknownFormatConversionException.class);
        tryCatch("%&d", UnknownFormatConversionException.class);
        tryCatch("%^b", UnknownFormatConversionException.class);

        // class javadoc examples
        test(Locale.FRANCE, "e = %+10.4f""e = +2,7183", Math.E);
        test("%4$2s %3$2s %2$2s %1$2s"" d c b a""a""b""c""d");
        test("Amount gained or lost since last statement: $ %,(.2f",
             "Amount gained or lost since last statement: $ (6,217.58)",
             (new BigDecimal("-6217.58")));
        Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar(1969, JULY, 20, 16, 17, 0);
        testSysOut("Local time: %tT""Local time: 16:17:00", c);

        test("Unable to open file '%1$s': %2$s",
             "Unable to open file 'food': No such file or directory",
             "food""No such file or directory");
        Calendar duke = new GregorianCalendar(1995, MAY, 23, 19, 48, 34);
        duke.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 584);
        test("Duke's Birthday: %1$tB %1$te, %1$tY",
             "Duke's Birthday: May 23, 1995",
        test("Duke's Birthday: %1$tB %1$te, %1$tY",
             "Duke's Birthday: May 23, 1995",
        test("Duke's Birthday: %1$tB %1$te, %1$tY",
             "Duke's Birthday: May 23, 1995",

        test("%4$s %3$s %2$s %1$s %4$s %3$s %2$s %1$s",
             "d c b a d c b a""a""b""c""d");
        test("%s %s %"a b b b""a""b""c""d");
        test("%s %s %s %s""a b c d""a""b""c""d");
        test("%2$s %s %"b a a b""a""b""c""d");

        // %b
        // General conversion applicable to any argument.
        test("%14b"" true"true);
        test("%-14b""true "true);
        test("%5.1b"" f"false);
        test("%-5.1b""f "false);

        test("%b""false", (Object)null);

        // hardcodes the Strings for "true" and "false", so no
        // localization is possible.
        test(Locale.FRANCE, "%b""true"true);
        test(Locale.FRANCE, "%b""false"false);

        // If you pass in a single array to a varargs method, the compiler
        // uses it as the array of arguments rather than treating it as a
        // single array-type argument.
        test("%b""false", (Object[])new String[2]);
        test("%b""true"new String[2], new String[2]);

        int [] ia = { 1, 2, 3 };
        test("%b""true", ia);

        // %b - errors
        tryCatch("%#b", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class);
        tryCatch("%-b", MissingFormatWidthException.class);
        // correct or side-effect of implementation?
        tryCatch("%.b", UnknownFormatConversionException.class);
        tryCatch("%,b", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class);

        // %c
        // General conversion applicable to any argument.
        test("%4c",  " i"'i');
        test("%-4c""i "'i');
        test("%4C",  " I"'i');
        test("%-4C""I "'i');
        test("%c""i", Character.valueOf('i'));
        test("%c""H", (byte) 72);
        test("%c""i", (short) 105);
        test("%c""!", (int) 33);
        test("%c"new String(Character.toChars(Short.MAX_VALUE)),
        test("%c""null", (Object) null);

        // %c - errors
        tryCatch("%c", IllegalFormatConversionException.class,
        tryCatch("%c", IllegalFormatConversionException.class,
                 (float) 0.1);
        tryCatch("%c", IllegalFormatConversionException.class,
                 new Object());
        tryCatch("%c", IllegalFormatCodePointException.class,
        tryCatch("%c", IllegalFormatCodePointException.class,
        tryCatch("%c", IllegalFormatCodePointException.class,
        tryCatch("%c", IllegalFormatCodePointException.class,

        tryCatch("%#c", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class);
        tryCatch("%,c", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class);
        tryCatch("%(c", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class);
        tryCatch("%$c", UnknownFormatConversionException.class);
        tryCatch("%.2c", IllegalFormatPrecisionException.class);

        // %s
        // General conversion applicable to any argument.
        test("%s""Hello, Duke""Hello, Duke");
        test("%S""HELLO, DUKE""Hello, Duke");
        test("%20S"" HELLO, DUKE""Hello, Duke");
        test("%20s"" Hello, Duke""Hello, Duke");
        test("%-20s""Hello, Duke ""Hello, Duke");
        test("%-20.5s""Hello ""Hello, Duke");
        test("%s""null", (Object)null);

        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("foo bar");
        test("%s", sb.toString(), sb);
        test("%S", sb.toString().toUpperCase(), sb);

        // %s - errors
        tryCatch("%-s", MissingFormatWidthException.class);
        tryCatch("%--s", DuplicateFormatFlagsException.class);
        tryCatch("%#s", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class, 0);
        tryCatch("%#s", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class, 0.5f);
        tryCatch("%#s", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class"hello");
        tryCatch("%#s", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class, (Object)null);

        // %h
        // General conversion applicable to any argument.
        test("%h", Integer.toHexString("Hello, Duke".hashCode()),
             "Hello, Duke");
        test("%10h"" ddf63471""Hello, Duke");
        test("%-10h""ddf63471 ""Hello, Duke");
        test("%-10H""DDF63471 ""Hello, Duke");
        test("%10h"" 402e0000", 15.0);
        test("%10H"" 402E0000", 15.0);

        // %h - errors
        tryCatch("%#h", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class);

        // flag/conversion errors
        tryCatch("%F", UnknownFormatConversionException.class);

        tryCatch("%#g", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class);

        int minByte = Byte.MIN_VALUE;   // -128

        // %d
        // Numeric conversion applicable to byte, short, int, long, and
        // BigInteger.
        test("%d""null", (Object)null);

        // %d - int and long
        int oneToSeven = (int) 1234567;
        test("%d""1234567", oneToSeven);
        test("%,d""1,234,567", oneToSeven);
        test(Locale.FRANCE, "%,d""1\u202f234\u202f567", oneToSeven);
        test("%,d""-1,234,567", negate(oneToSeven));
        test("%(d""1234567", oneToSeven);
        test("%(d""(1234567)", negate(oneToSeven));
        test("% d"" 1234567", oneToSeven);
        test("% d""-1234567", negate(oneToSeven));
        test("%+d""+1234567", oneToSeven);
        test("%+d""-1234567", negate(oneToSeven));
        test("%010d""0001234567", oneToSeven);
        test("%010d""-001234567", negate(oneToSeven));
        test("%(10d"" (1234567)", negate(oneToSeven));
        test("%-10d""1234567 ", oneToSeven);
        test("%-10d""-1234567 ", negate(oneToSeven));
        // , variations:
        test("% ,d"" 1,234,567", oneToSeven);
        test("% ,d""-1,234,567", negate(oneToSeven));
        test("%+,10d""+1,234,567", oneToSeven);
        test("%0,10d""01,234,567", oneToSeven);
        test("%0,10d""-1,234,567", negate(oneToSeven));
        test("%(,10d""(1,234,567)", negate(oneToSeven));
        test("%-,10d""1,234,567 ", oneToSeven);
        test("%-,10d""-1,234,567", negate(oneToSeven));

        // %d - errors
        tryCatch("%#d", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class);
        tryCatch("%D", UnknownFormatConversionException.class);
        tryCatch("%0d", MissingFormatWidthException.class);
        tryCatch("%-d", MissingFormatWidthException.class);
        tryCatch("%7.3d", IllegalFormatPrecisionException.class);

        // %o
        // Numeric conversion applicable to byte, short, int, long, and
        // BigInteger.
        test("%o""null", (Object)null);

        // %o - int
        test("%014o""00037777777600", minByte);
        test("%-14o""37777777600 ", minByte);
        test("%#14o"" 037777777600", minByte);

        int oneToSevenOct = (int) 1234567;
        test("%o""4553207", oneToSevenOct);
        test("%010o""0004553207", oneToSevenOct);
        test("%-10o""4553207 ", oneToSevenOct);
        test("%#10o"" 04553207", oneToSevenOct);

        // %o - errors
        tryCatch("%(o", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class,
        tryCatch("%+o", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class,
        tryCatch("% o", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class,
        tryCatch("%0o", MissingFormatWidthException.class);
        tryCatch("%-o", MissingFormatWidthException.class);
        tryCatch("%,o", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class);
        tryCatch("%O", UnknownFormatConversionException.class);

        // %x
        // Numeric conversion applicable to byte, short, int, long, and
        // BigInteger.
        test("%x""null", (Object)null);

        // %x - int
        int oneToSevenHex = (int)1234567;
        test("%x""null", (Object)null);
        test("%x""12d687", oneToSevenHex);
        test("%010x""000012d687", oneToSevenHex);
        test("%-10x""12d687 ", oneToSevenHex);
        test("%#10x"" 0x12d687", oneToSevenHex);
        test("%#10X"" 0X12D687",oneToSevenHex);
        test("%X""12D687", oneToSevenHex);

        test("%010x""00ffffff80", minByte);
        test("%-10x""ffffff80 ", minByte);
        test("%#10x""0xffffff80", minByte);
        test("%0#12x","0x00ffffff80", minByte);
        test("%#12X"" 0XFFFFFF80", minByte);
        test("%X""FFFFFF80", minByte);
        // %x - errors
        tryCatch("%,x", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class);
        tryCatch("%0x", MissingFormatWidthException.class);
        tryCatch("%-x", MissingFormatWidthException.class);

        // %t
        // Date/Time conversions applicable to Calendar, Date, and long.
        test("%tA""null", (Object)null);
        test("%TA""NULL", (Object)null);

        // %t - errors
        tryCatch("%t", UnknownFormatConversionException.class);
        tryCatch("%T", UnknownFormatConversionException.class);
        tryCatch("%tP", UnknownFormatConversionException.class);
        tryCatch("%TP", UnknownFormatConversionException.class);
        tryCatch("%.5tB", IllegalFormatPrecisionException.class);
        tryCatch("%#tB", FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException.class);
        tryCatch("%-tB", MissingFormatWidthException.class);

        // %n
        test("%n", System.getProperty("line.separator"), (Object)null);
        test("%n", System.getProperty("line.separator"), "");

        tryCatch("%,n", IllegalFormatFlagsException.class);
        tryCatch("%.n", UnknownFormatConversionException.class);
        tryCatch("%5.n", UnknownFormatConversionException.class);
        tryCatch("%5n", IllegalFormatWidthException.class);
        tryCatch("%.7n", IllegalFormatPrecisionException.class);
        tryCatch("%, IllegalFormatFlagsException.class);

        // %%
        test("%%""%", (Object)null);

        test("%5%"" %", (Object)null);
        test("%5%"" %""");
        test("%-5%""% ", (Object)null);
        test("%-5%""% """);

        tryCatch("%.5%", IllegalFormatPrecisionException.class);
        tryCatch("%5.5%", IllegalFormatPrecisionException.class);

        tryCatch("%%%", UnknownFormatConversionException.class);
        // perhaps an IllegalFormatArgumentIndexException should be defined?
        tryCatch("%<%", IllegalFormatFlagsException.class);

¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.36 Sekunden  (vorverarbeitet)  ¤

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