* Copyright (c) 2012, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
package jdk.test.whitebox;
import java.lang.management.MemoryUsage;
import java.lang.reflect.Executable;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.security.BasicPermission;
import java.util.Objects;
import jdk.test.whitebox.parser.DiagnosticCommand;
public class WhiteBox {
public static class WhiteBoxPermission extends BasicPermission {
public WhiteBoxPermission(String s) {
private WhiteBox() {}
private static final WhiteBox instance = new WhiteBox();
private static native void registerNatives();
* Returns the singleton WhiteBox instance.
* The returned WhiteBox object should be carefully guarded
* by the caller, since it can be used to read and write data
* at arbitrary memory addresses. It must never be passed to
* untrusted code.
public synchronized static WhiteBox getWhiteBox() {
SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
if (sm != null) {
sm.checkPermission(new WhiteBoxPermission("getInstance"));
return instance;
static {
// Get the maximum heap size supporting COOPs
public native long getCompressedOopsMaxHeapSize();
// Arguments
public native void printHeapSizes();
// Memory
private native long getObjectAddress0(Object o);
public long getObjectAddress(Object o) {
return getObjectAddress0(o);
public native int getHeapOopSize();
public native int getVMPageSize();
public native long getVMAllocationGranularity();
public native long getVMLargePageSize();
public native long getHeapSpaceAlignment();
public native long getHeapAlignment();
private native boolean isObjectInOldGen0(Object o);
public boolean isObjectInOldGen(Object o) {
return isObjectInOldGen0(o);
private native long getObjectSize0(Object o);
public long getObjectSize(Object o) {
return getObjectSize0(o);
// Runtime
// Make sure class name is in the correct format
public int countAliveClasses(String name) {
return countAliveClasses0(name.replace('.', '/'));
private native int countAliveClasses0(String name);
public boolean isClassAlive(String name) {
return countAliveClasses(name) != 0;
public native int getSymbolRefcount(String name);
public native boolean deflateIdleMonitors();
private native boolean isMonitorInflated0(Object obj);
public boolean isMonitorInflated(Object obj) {
return isMonitorInflated0(obj);
public native void forceSafepoint();
public native void forceClassLoaderStatsSafepoint();
private native long getConstantPool0(Class<?> aClass);
public long getConstantPool(Class<?> aClass) {
return getConstantPool0(aClass);
private native int getConstantPoolCacheIndexTag0();
public int getConstantPoolCacheIndexTag() {
return getConstantPoolCacheIndexTag0();
private native int getConstantPoolCacheLength0(Class<?> aClass);
public int getConstantPoolCacheLength(Class<?> aClass) {
return getConstantPoolCacheLength0(aClass);
private native int remapInstructionOperandFromCPCache0(Class<?> aClass, int index);
public int remapInstructionOperandFromCPCache(Class<?> aClass, int index) {
return remapInstructionOperandFromCPCache0(aClass, index);
private native int encodeConstantPoolIndyIndex0(int index);
public int encodeConstantPoolIndyIndex(int index) {
return encodeConstantPoolIndyIndex0(index);
private native void addToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch0(String segment);
public void addToBootstrapClassLoaderSearch(String segment){
private native void addToSystemClassLoaderSearch0(String segment);
public void addToSystemClassLoaderSearch(String segment) {
// G1
public native boolean g1InConcurrentMark();
public native int g1CompletedConcurrentMarkCycles();
// Perform a complete concurrent GC cycle, using concurrent GC breakpoints.
// Completes any in-progress cycle before performing the requested cycle.
// Returns true if the cycle completed successfully. If the cycle was not
// successful (e.g. it was aborted), then throws RuntimeException if
// errorIfFail is true, returning false otherwise.
public boolean g1RunConcurrentGC(boolean errorIfFail) {
try {
// Take control, waiting until any in-progress cycle completes.
int count = g1CompletedConcurrentMarkCycles();
concurrentGCRunTo(AFTER_MARKING_STARTED, false);
if (count < g1CompletedConcurrentMarkCycles()) {
return true;
} else if (errorIfFail) {
throw new RuntimeException("Concurrent GC aborted");
} else {
return false;
} finally {
public void g1RunConcurrentGC() {
// Start a concurrent GC cycle, using concurrent GC breakpoints.
// The concurrent GC will continue in parallel with the caller.
// Completes any in-progress cycle before starting the requested cycle.
public void g1StartConcurrentGC() {
try {
// Take control, waiting until any in-progress cycle completes.
concurrentGCRunTo(AFTER_MARKING_STARTED, false);
} finally {
// Release control, permitting the cycle to complete.
public native boolean g1HasRegionsToUncommit();
private native boolean g1IsHumongous0(Object o);
public boolean g1IsHumongous(Object o) {
return g1IsHumongous0(o);
private native boolean g1BelongsToHumongousRegion0(long adr);
public boolean g1BelongsToHumongousRegion(long adr) {
if (adr == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("adr argument should not be null");
return g1BelongsToHumongousRegion0(adr);
private native boolean g1BelongsToFreeRegion0(long adr);
public boolean g1BelongsToFreeRegion(long adr) {
if (adr == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("adr argument should not be null");
return g1BelongsToFreeRegion0(adr);
public native long g1NumMaxRegions();
public native long g1NumFreeRegions();
public native int g1RegionSize();
public native MemoryUsage g1AuxiliaryMemoryUsage();
private native Object[] parseCommandLine0(String commandline, char delim, DiagnosticCommand[] args);
public Object[] parseCommandLine(String commandline, char delim, DiagnosticCommand[] args) {
return parseCommandLine0(commandline, delim, args);
public native int g1ActiveMemoryNodeCount();
public native int[] g1MemoryNodeIds();
// Parallel GC
public native long psVirtualSpaceAlignment();
public native long psHeapGenerationAlignment();
* Enumerates old regions with liveness less than specified and produces some statistics
* @param liveness percent of region's liveness (live_objects / total_region_size * 100).
* @return long[3] array where long[0] - total count of old regions
* long[1] - total memory of old regions
* long[2] - lowest estimation of total memory of old regions to be freed (non-full
* regions are not included)
public native long[] g1GetMixedGCInfo(int liveness);
// NMT
public native long NMTMalloc(long size);
public native void NMTFree(long mem);
public native long NMTReserveMemory(long size);
public native long NMTAttemptReserveMemoryAt(long addr, long size);
public native void NMTCommitMemory(long addr, long size);
public native void NMTUncommitMemory(long addr, long size);
public native void NMTReleaseMemory(long addr, long size);
public native long NMTMallocWithPseudoStack(long size, int index);
public native long NMTMallocWithPseudoStackAndType(long size, int index, int type);
public native int NMTGetHashSize();
public native long NMTNewArena(long initSize);
public native void NMTFreeArena(long arena);
public native void NMTArenaMalloc(long arena, long size);
// Compiler
public native boolean isC2OrJVMCIIncluded();
public native boolean isJVMCISupportedByGC();
public native int matchesMethod(Executable method, String pattern);
public native int matchesInline(Executable method, String pattern);
public native boolean shouldPrintAssembly(Executable method, int comp_level);
public native int deoptimizeFrames(boolean makeNotEntrant);
public native boolean isFrameDeoptimized(int depth);
public native void deoptimizeAll();
public boolean isMethodCompiled(Executable method) {
return isMethodCompiled(method, false /*not osr*/);
private native boolean isMethodCompiled0(Executable method, boolean isOsr);
public boolean isMethodCompiled(Executable method, boolean isOsr){
return isMethodCompiled0(method, isOsr);
public boolean isMethodCompilable(Executable method) {
return isMethodCompilable(method, -1 /*any*/);
public boolean isMethodCompilable(Executable method, int compLevel) {
return isMethodCompilable(method, compLevel, false /*not osr*/);
private native boolean isMethodCompilable0(Executable method, int compLevel, boolean isOsr);
public boolean isMethodCompilable(Executable method, int compLevel, boolean isOsr) {
return isMethodCompilable0(method, compLevel, isOsr);
private native boolean isMethodQueuedForCompilation0(Executable method);
public boolean isMethodQueuedForCompilation(Executable method) {
return isMethodQueuedForCompilation0(method);
// Determine if the compiler corresponding to the compilation level 'compLevel'
// and to the compilation context 'compilation_context' provides an intrinsic
// for the method 'method'. An intrinsic is available for method 'method' if:
// - the intrinsic is enabled (by using the appropriate command-line flag) and
// - the platform on which the VM is running provides the instructions necessary
// for the compiler to generate the intrinsic code.
// The compilation context is related to using the DisableIntrinsic flag on a
// per-method level, see hotspot/src/share/vm/compiler/abstractCompiler.hpp
// for more details.
public boolean isIntrinsicAvailable(Executable method,
Executable compilationContext,
int compLevel) {
return isIntrinsicAvailable0(method, compilationContext, compLevel);
// If usage of the DisableIntrinsic flag is not expected (or the usage can be ignored),
// use the below method that does not require the compilation context as argument.
public boolean isIntrinsicAvailable(Executable method, int compLevel) {
return isIntrinsicAvailable(method, null, compLevel);
private native boolean isIntrinsicAvailable0(Executable method,
Executable compilationContext,
int compLevel);
public int deoptimizeMethod(Executable method) {
return deoptimizeMethod(method, false /*not osr*/);
private native int deoptimizeMethod0(Executable method, boolean isOsr);
public int deoptimizeMethod(Executable method, boolean isOsr) {
return deoptimizeMethod0(method, isOsr);
public void makeMethodNotCompilable(Executable method) {
makeMethodNotCompilable(method, -1 /*any*/);
public void makeMethodNotCompilable(Executable method, int compLevel) {
makeMethodNotCompilable(method, compLevel, false /*not osr*/);
private native void makeMethodNotCompilable0(Executable method, int compLevel, boolean isOsr);
public void makeMethodNotCompilable(Executable method, int compLevel, boolean isOsr) {
makeMethodNotCompilable0(method, compLevel, isOsr);
public int getMethodCompilationLevel(Executable method) {
return getMethodCompilationLevel(method, false /*not osr*/);
private native int getMethodCompilationLevel0(Executable method, boolean isOsr);
public int getMethodCompilationLevel(Executable method, boolean isOsr) {
return getMethodCompilationLevel0(method, isOsr);
public int getMethodDecompileCount(Executable method) {
return getMethodDecompileCount0(method);
private native int getMethodDecompileCount0(Executable method);
// Get the total trap count of a method. If the trap count for a specific reason
// did overflow, this includes the overflow trap count of the method.
public int getMethodTrapCount(Executable method) {
return getMethodTrapCount0(method, null);
// Get the trap count of a method for a specific reason. If the trap count for
// that reason did overflow, this includes the overflow trap count of the method.
public int getMethodTrapCount(Executable method, String reason) {
return getMethodTrapCount0(method, reason);
private native int getMethodTrapCount0(Executable method, String reason);
// Get the total deopt count.
public int getDeoptCount() {
return getDeoptCount0(null, null);
// Get the deopt count for a specific reason and a specific action. If either
// one of 'reason' or 'action' is null, the method returns the sum of all
// deoptimizations with the specific 'action' or 'reason' respectively.
// If both arguments are null, the method returns the total deopt count.
public int getDeoptCount(String reason, String action) {
return getDeoptCount0(reason, action);
private native int getDeoptCount0(String reason, String action);
private native boolean testSetDontInlineMethod0(Executable method, boolean value);
public boolean testSetDontInlineMethod(Executable method, boolean value) {
return testSetDontInlineMethod0(method, value);
public int getCompileQueuesSize() {
return getCompileQueueSize(-1 /*any*/);
public native int getCompileQueueSize(int compLevel);
private native boolean testSetForceInlineMethod0(Executable method, boolean value);
public boolean testSetForceInlineMethod(Executable method, boolean value) {
return testSetForceInlineMethod0(method, value);
public boolean enqueueMethodForCompilation(Executable method, int compLevel) {
return enqueueMethodForCompilation(method, compLevel, -1 /*InvocationEntryBci*/);
private native boolean enqueueMethodForCompilation0(Executable method, int compLevel, int entry_bci);
public boolean enqueueMethodForCompilation(Executable method, int compLevel, int entry_bci) {
return enqueueMethodForCompilation0(method, compLevel, entry_bci);
private native boolean enqueueInitializerForCompilation0(Class<?> aClass, int compLevel);
public boolean enqueueInitializerForCompilation(Class<?> aClass, int compLevel) {
return enqueueInitializerForCompilation0(aClass, compLevel);
private native void clearMethodState0(Executable method);
public native void markMethodProfiled(Executable method);
public void clearMethodState(Executable method) {
public native void lockCompilation();
public native void unlockCompilation();
private native int getMethodEntryBci0(Executable method);
public int getMethodEntryBci(Executable method) {
return getMethodEntryBci0(method);
private native Object[] getNMethod0(Executable method, boolean isOsr);
public Object[] getNMethod(Executable method, boolean isOsr) {
return getNMethod0(method, isOsr);
public native long allocateCodeBlob(int size, int type);
public long allocateCodeBlob(long size, int type) {
int intSize = (int) size;
if ((long) intSize != size || size < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"size argument has illegal value " + size);
return allocateCodeBlob( intSize, type);
public native void freeCodeBlob(long addr);
public native Object[] getCodeHeapEntries(int type);
public native int getCompilationActivityMode();
private native long getMethodData0(Executable method);
public long getMethodData(Executable method) {
return getMethodData0(method);
public native Object[] getCodeBlob(long addr);
private native void clearInlineCaches0(boolean preserve_static_stubs);
public void clearInlineCaches() {
public void clearInlineCaches(boolean preserve_static_stubs) {
// Intered strings
public native boolean isInStringTable(String str);
// Memory
public native void readReservedMemory();
public native long allocateMetaspace(ClassLoader classLoader, long size);
public native long incMetaspaceCapacityUntilGC(long increment);
public native long metaspaceCapacityUntilGC();
public native long metaspaceSharedRegionAlignment();
// Metaspace Arena Tests
public native long createMetaspaceTestContext(long commit_limit, long reserve_limit);
public native void destroyMetaspaceTestContext(long context);
public native void purgeMetaspaceTestContext(long context);
public native void printMetaspaceTestContext(long context);
public native long getTotalCommittedWordsInMetaspaceTestContext(long context);
public native long getTotalUsedWordsInMetaspaceTestContext(long context);
public native long createArenaInTestContext(long context, boolean is_micro);
public native void destroyMetaspaceTestArena(long arena);
public native long allocateFromMetaspaceTestArena(long arena, long word_size);
public native void deallocateToMetaspaceTestArena(long arena, long p, long word_size);
public native long maxMetaspaceAllocationSize();
// Don't use these methods directly
// Use jdk.test.whitebox.gc.GC class instead.
public native boolean isGCSupported(int name);
public native boolean isGCSupportedByJVMCICompiler(int name);
public native boolean isGCSelected(int name);
public native boolean isGCSelectedErgonomically();
// Force Young GC
public native void youngGC();
// Force Full GC
public native void fullGC();
// Returns true if the current GC supports concurrent collection control.
public native boolean supportsConcurrentGCBreakpoints();
private void checkConcurrentGCBreakpointsSupported() {
if (!supportsConcurrentGCBreakpoints()) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Concurrent GC breakpoints not supported");
private native void concurrentGCAcquireControl0();
private native void concurrentGCReleaseControl0();
private native void concurrentGCRunToIdle0();
private native boolean concurrentGCRunTo0(String breakpoint);
private static boolean concurrentGCIsControlled = false;
private void checkConcurrentGCIsControlled() {
if (!concurrentGCIsControlled) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Not controlling concurrent GC");
// All collectors supporting concurrent GC breakpoints are expected
// to provide at least the following breakpoints.
// Collectors supporting concurrent GC breakpoints that do reference
// processing concurrently should provide the following breakpoint.
// G1 specific GC breakpoints.
public void concurrentGCAcquireControl() {
if (concurrentGCIsControlled) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Already controlling concurrent GC");
concurrentGCIsControlled = true;
public void concurrentGCReleaseControl() {
concurrentGCIsControlled = false;
// Keep concurrent GC idle. Release from breakpoint.
public void concurrentGCRunToIdle() {
// Allow concurrent GC to run to breakpoint.
// Throws IllegalStateException if reached end of cycle first.
public void concurrentGCRunTo(String breakpoint) {
concurrentGCRunTo(breakpoint, true);
// Allow concurrent GC to run to breakpoint.
// Returns true if reached breakpoint. If reached end of cycle first,
// then throws IllegalStateException if errorIfFail is true, returning
// false otherwise.
public boolean concurrentGCRunTo(String breakpoint, boolean errorIfFail) {
if (breakpoint == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("null breakpoint");
} else if (concurrentGCRunTo0(breakpoint)) {
return true;
} else if (errorIfFail) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Missed requested breakpoint \"" + breakpoint + "\"");
} else {
return false;
// Tests on ReservedSpace/VirtualSpace classes
public native int stressVirtualSpaceResize(long reservedSpaceSize, long magnitude, long iterations);
public native void readFromNoaccessArea();
public native long getThreadStackSize();
public native long getThreadRemainingStackSize();
// CPU features
public native String getCPUFeatures();
// VM flags
public native boolean isConstantVMFlag(String name);
public native boolean isLockedVMFlag(String name);
public native void setBooleanVMFlag(String name, boolean value);
public native void setIntVMFlag(String name, long value);
public native void setUintVMFlag(String name, long value);
public native void setIntxVMFlag(String name, long value);
public native void setUintxVMFlag(String name, long value);
public native void setUint64VMFlag(String name, long value);
public native void setSizeTVMFlag(String name, long value);
public native void setStringVMFlag(String name, String value);
public native void setDoubleVMFlag(String name, double value);
public native Boolean getBooleanVMFlag(String name);
public native Long getIntVMFlag(String name);
public native Long getUintVMFlag(String name);
public native Long getIntxVMFlag(String name);
public native Long getUintxVMFlag(String name);
public native Long getUint64VMFlag(String name);
public native Long getSizeTVMFlag(String name);
public native String getStringVMFlag(String name);
public native Double getDoubleVMFlag(String name);
private final List<Function<String,Object>> flagsGetters = Arrays.asList(
this::getBooleanVMFlag, this::getIntVMFlag, this::getUintVMFlag,
this::getIntxVMFlag, this::getUintxVMFlag, this::getUint64VMFlag,
this::getSizeTVMFlag, this::getStringVMFlag, this::getDoubleVMFlag);
public Object getVMFlag(String name) {
return flagsGetters.stream()
.map(f -> f.apply(name))
.filter(x -> x != null)
// Jigsaw
public native void DefineModule(Object module, boolean is_open, String version,
String location, Object[] packages);
public native void AddModuleExports(Object from_module, String pkg, Object to_module);
public native void AddReadsModule(Object from_module, Object source_module);
public native void AddModuleExportsToAllUnnamed(Object module, String pkg);
public native void AddModuleExportsToAll(Object module, String pkg);
public native int getCDSOffsetForName0(String name);
public int getCDSOffsetForName(String name) throws Exception {
int offset = getCDSOffsetForName0(name);
if (offset == -1) {
throw new RuntimeException(name + " not found");
return offset;
public native int getCDSConstantForName0(String name);
public int getCDSConstantForName(String name) throws Exception {
int constant = getCDSConstantForName0(name);
if (constant == -1) {
throw new RuntimeException(name + " not found");
return constant;
public native Boolean getMethodBooleanOption(Executable method, String name);
public native Long getMethodIntxOption(Executable method, String name);
public native Long getMethodUintxOption(Executable method, String name);
public native Double getMethodDoubleOption(Executable method, String name);
public native String getMethodStringOption(Executable method, String name);
private final List<BiFunction<Executable,String,Object>> methodOptionGetters
= Arrays.asList(this::getMethodBooleanOption, this::getMethodIntxOption,
this::getMethodUintxOption, this::getMethodDoubleOption,
public Object getMethodOption(Executable method, String name) {
return methodOptionGetters.stream()
.map(f -> f.apply(method, name))
.filter(x -> x != null)
// Sharing & archiving
public native int getCDSGenericHeaderMinVersion();
public native int getCurrentCDSVersion();
public native String getDefaultArchivePath();
public native boolean cdsMemoryMappingFailed();
public native boolean isSharingEnabled();
public native boolean isShared(Object o);
public native boolean isSharedClass(Class<?> c);
public native boolean areSharedStringsMapped();
public native boolean isSharedInternedString(String s);
public native boolean isCDSIncluded();
public native boolean isJFRIncluded();
public native boolean isDTraceIncluded();
public native boolean canWriteJavaHeapArchive();
public native Object getResolvedReferences(Class<?> c);
public native void linkClass(Class<?> c);
public native boolean areOpenArchiveHeapObjectsMapped();
// Compiler Directive
public native int addCompilerDirective(String compDirect);
public native void removeCompilerDirective(int count);
// Handshakes
public native int handshakeWalkStack(Thread t, boolean all_threads);
public native boolean handshakeReadMonitors(Thread t);
public native void asyncHandshakeWalkStack(Thread t);
public native void lockAndBlock(boolean suspender);
// Returns true on linux if library has the noexecstack flag set.
public native boolean checkLibSpecifiesNoexecstack(String libfilename);
// Container testing
public native boolean isContainerized();
public native int validateCgroup(String procCgroups,
String procSelfCgroup,
String procSelfMountinfo);
public native void printOsInfo();
// Decoder
public native void disableElfSectionCache();
// Resolved Method Table
public native long resolvedMethodItemsCount();
// Protection Domain Table
public native int protectionDomainRemovedCount();
public native int getKlassMetadataSize(Class<?> c);
// ThreadSMR GC safety check for threadObj
public native void checkThreadObjOfTerminatingThread(Thread target);
// libc name
public native String getLibcName();
// Walk stack frames of current thread
public native void verifyFrames(boolean log, boolean updateRegisterMap);
public native boolean isJVMTIIncluded();
public native void waitUnsafe(int time_ms);
public native void lockCritical();
public native void unlockCritical();
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