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#include "memory/allocation.hpp"
#include "memory/memRegion.hpp"
#include "utilities/concurrentHashTable.hpp"
class G1CardSetAllocOptions;
class G1CardSetHashTable;
class G1CardSetHashTableValue;
class G1CardSetMemoryManager;
class Mutex;
// The result of an attempt to add a card to that card set.
enum G1AddCardResult {
Overflow, // The card set is more than full. The entry may have been added. Need
// Coarsen and retry.
Found, // The card is already in the set.
Added // The card has been added to the set by this attempt.
class G1CardSetConfiguration {
// Holds the number of bits required to cover the maximum card index for the
// regions covered by this card set.
uint _inline_ptr_bits_per_card;
uint _max_cards_in_array;
uint _num_buckets_in_howl;
uint _max_cards_in_card_set;
uint _cards_in_howl_threshold;
uint _max_cards_in_howl_bitmap;
uint _cards_in_howl_bitmap_threshold;
uint _log2_max_cards_in_howl_bitmap;
size_t _bitmap_hash_mask;
uint _log2_card_regions_per_heap_region;
uint _log2_cards_per_card_region;
G1CardSetAllocOptions* _card_set_alloc_options;
G1CardSetConfiguration(uint inline_ptr_bits_per_card,
uint max_cards_in_array,
double cards_in_bitmap_threshold_percent,
uint num_buckets_in_howl,
double cards_in_howl_threshold_percent,
uint max_cards_in_card_set,
uint log2_card_regions_per_heap_region);
void init_card_set_alloc_options();
void log_configuration();
// Initialize card set configuration from globals.
// Initialize card set configuration from parameters.
// Testing only.
G1CardSetConfiguration(uint max_cards_in_array,
double cards_in_bitmap_threshold_percent,
uint max_buckets_in_howl,
double cards_in_howl_threshold_percent,
uint max_cards_in_cardset,
uint log2_card_region_per_region);
// Inline pointer configuration
uint inline_ptr_bits_per_card() const { return _inline_ptr_bits_per_card; }
uint max_cards_in_inline_ptr() const;
static uint max_cards_in_inline_ptr(uint bits_per_card);
// Array of Cards configuration
// Maximum number of cards in "Array of Cards" set; 0 to disable.
// Always coarsen to next level if full, so no specific threshold.
uint max_cards_in_array() const { return _max_cards_in_array; }
// Bitmap within Howl card set container configuration
uint max_cards_in_howl_bitmap() const { return _max_cards_in_howl_bitmap; }
// (Approximate) Number of cards in bitmap to coarsen Howl Bitmap to Howl Full.
uint cards_in_howl_bitmap_threshold() const { return _cards_in_howl_bitmap_threshold; }
uint log2_max_cards_in_howl_bitmap() const {return _log2_max_cards_in_howl_bitmap;}
// Howl card set container configuration
uint num_buckets_in_howl() const { return _num_buckets_in_howl; }
// Threshold at which to turn howling arrays into Full.
uint cards_in_howl_threshold() const { return _cards_in_howl_threshold; }
uint howl_bitmap_offset(uint card_idx) const { return card_idx & _bitmap_hash_mask; }
// Given a card index, return the bucket in the array of card sets.
uint howl_bucket_index(uint card_idx) { return card_idx >> _log2_max_cards_in_howl_bitmap; }
// Full card configuration
// Maximum number of cards in a non-full card set for a single card region. Card sets
// with more entries per region are coarsened to Full.
uint max_cards_in_region() const { return _max_cards_in_card_set; }
// Heap region virtualization: there are some limitations to how many cards the
// containers can cover to save memory for the common case. Heap region virtualization
// allows to use multiple entries in the G1CardSet hash table per area covered
// by the remembered set (e.g. heap region); each such entry is called "card_region".
// The next two members give information about how many card regions are there
// per area (heap region) and how many cards each card region has.
// The log2 of the number of card regions per heap region configured.
uint log2_card_regions_per_heap_region() const { return _log2_card_regions_per_heap_region; }
// The log2 of the number of cards per card region. This is calculated from max_cards_in_region()
// and above.
uint log2_cards_per_card_region() const { return _log2_cards_per_card_region; }
// Memory object types configuration
// Number of distinctly sized memory objects on the card set heap.
// Currently contains CHT-Nodes, ArrayOfCards, BitMaps, Howl
static constexpr uint num_mem_object_types() { return 4; }
// Returns the memory allocation options for the memory objects on the card set heap.
const G1CardSetAllocOptions* mem_object_alloc_options(uint idx);
// For a given memory object, get a descriptive name.
static const char* mem_object_type_name_str(uint index);
// Collects coarsening statistics: how many attempts of each kind and how many
// failed due to a competing thread doing the coarsening first.
class G1CardSetCoarsenStats {
// Number of entries in the statistics tables: since we index with the source
// container of the coarsening, this is the total number of combinations of
// card set containers - 1.
static constexpr size_t NumCoarsenCategories = 7;
// Coarsening statistics for the possible ContainerPtr in the Howl card set
// start from this offset.
static constexpr size_t CoarsenHowlOffset = 4;
// Indices are "from" indices.
size_t _coarsen_from[NumCoarsenCategories];
size_t _coarsen_collision[NumCoarsenCategories];
G1CardSetCoarsenStats() { reset(); }
void reset();
void set(G1CardSetCoarsenStats& other);
void subtract_from(G1CardSetCoarsenStats& other);
// Record a coarsening for the given tag/category. Collision should be true if
// this coarsening lost the race to do the coarsening of that category.
void record_coarsening(uint tag, bool collision);
void print_on(outputStream* out);
// Set of card indexes comprising a remembered set on the Java heap. Card
// size is assumed to be card table card size.
// Technically it is implemented using a ConcurrentHashTable that stores a card
// set container for every region containing at least one card.
// There are in total five different containers, encoded in the ConcurrentHashTable
// node as ContainerPtr. A ContainerPtr may cover the whole region or just a part of
// it.
// See its description below for more information.
class G1CardSet : public CHeapObj<mtGCCardSet> {
friend class G1CardSetTest;
friend class G1CardSetMtTestTask;
friend class G1CheckCardClosure;
friend class G1TransferCard;
friend class G1ReleaseCardsets;
// When splitting addresses into region and card within that region, the logical
// shift value to get the region.
static uint _split_card_shift;
// When splitting addresses into region and card within that region, the mask
// to get the offset within the region.
static size_t _split_card_mask;
static G1CardSetCoarsenStats _coarsen_stats; // Coarsening statistics since VM start.
static G1CardSetCoarsenStats _last_coarsen_stats; // Coarsening statistics before last GC.
// Two lower bits are used to encode the card set container types
static const uintptr_t ContainerPtrHeaderSize = 2;
// ContainerPtr represents the card set container type of a given covered area.
// It encodes a type in the LSBs, in addition to having a few significant values.
// Possible encodings:
// 0...00000 free (Empty, should never happen on a top-level ContainerPtr)
// 1...11111 full All card indexes in the whole area this ContainerPtr covers are part of this container.
// X...XXX00 inline-ptr-cards A handful of card indexes covered by this ContainerPtr are encoded within the ContainerPtr.
// X...XXX01 array of cards The container is a contiguous array of card indexes.
// X...XXX10 bitmap The container uses a bitmap to determine whether a given index is part of this set.
// X...XXX11 howl This is a card set container containing an array of ContainerPtr, with each ContainerPtr
// limited to a sub-range of the original range. Currently only one level of this
// container is supported.
// The container's pointer starts off with an inline container and is then subsequently
// coarsened as more cards are added.
// Coarsening happens in the order below:
// ContainerInlinePtr -> ContainerArrayOfCards -> ContainerHowl -> Full
// There is intentionally no bitmap based container that covers a full region; first,
// a whole region is covered very well (and more flexibly) using the howl container and
// even then the overhead of the ContainerPtr array with all-bitmaps vs. a single bitmap
// is negligible, and most importantly transferring such a Howl container to a
// "Full Region Bitmap" is fairly hard without missing entries that are added by
// concurrent threads.
// Howl containers are basically arrays of containers. An entry starts off with
// Free. Further corsening of containers inside the ContainerHowl happens in the order:
// Free -> ContainerInlinePtr -> ContainerArrayOfCards -> ContainerBitMap -> Full
// Throughout the code it is assumed (and checked) that the last two bits of the encoding
// for Howl (0b11) is assumed to be the same as the last two bits for "FullCardSet"; this
// has been done in various places to not be required to check for a "FullCardSet" first
// all the time in iteration code (only if there is a Howl card set container, that is
// fairly uncommon).
using ContainerPtr = void*;
static const uintptr_t ContainerInlinePtr = 0x0;
static const uintptr_t ContainerArrayOfCards = 0x1;
static const uintptr_t ContainerBitMap = 0x2;
static const uintptr_t ContainerHowl = 0x3;
// The special sentinel values
static constexpr ContainerPtr FreeCardSet = nullptr;
// Unfortunately we can't make (G1CardSet::ContainerPtr)-1 constexpr because
// reinterpret_casts are forbidden in constexprs. Use a regular static instead.
static ContainerPtr FullCardSet;
static const uintptr_t ContainerPtrTypeMask = ((uintptr_t)1 << ContainerPtrHeaderSize) - 1;
static ContainerPtr strip_container_type(ContainerPtr ptr) { return (ContainerPtr)((uintptr_t)ptr & ~ContainerPtrTypeMask); }
static uint container_type(ContainerPtr ptr) { return (uintptr_t)ptr & ContainerPtrTypeMask; }
template <class T>
static T* container_ptr(ContainerPtr ptr);
G1CardSetMemoryManager* _mm;
G1CardSetConfiguration* _config;
G1CardSetHashTable* _table;
// Total number of cards in this card set. This is a best-effort value, i.e. there may
// be (slightly) more cards in the card set than this value in reality.
size_t _num_occupied;
ContainerPtr make_container_ptr(void* value, uintptr_t type);
ContainerPtr acquire_container(ContainerPtr volatile* container_addr);
// Returns true if the card set container should be released
bool release_container(ContainerPtr container);
// Release card set and free if needed.
void release_and_maybe_free_container(ContainerPtr container);
// Release card set and free (and it must be freeable).
void release_and_must_free_container(ContainerPtr container);
// Coarsens the card set container cur_container to the next level; tries to replace the
// previous ContainerPtr with a new one which includes the given card_in_region.
// coarsen_container does not transfer cards from cur_container
// to the new container. Transfer is achieved by transfer_cards.
// Returns true if this was the thread that coarsened the container (and added the card).
bool coarsen_container(ContainerPtr volatile* container_addr,
ContainerPtr cur_container,
uint card_in_region, bool within_howl = false);
ContainerPtr create_coarsened_array_of_cards(uint card_in_region, bool within_howl);
// Transfer entries from source_card_set to a recently installed coarser storage type
// We only need to transfer anything finer than ContainerBitMap. "Full" contains
// all elements anyway.
void transfer_cards(G1CardSetHashTableValue* table_entry, ContainerPtr source_container, uint card_region);
void transfer_cards_in_howl(ContainerPtr parent_container, ContainerPtr source_container, uint card_region);
G1AddCardResult add_to_container(ContainerPtr volatile* container_addr, ContainerPtr container, uint card_region, uint card, bool increment_total = true);
G1AddCardResult add_to_inline_ptr(ContainerPtr volatile* container_addr, ContainerPtr container, uint card_in_region);
G1AddCardResult add_to_array(ContainerPtr container, uint card_in_region);
G1AddCardResult add_to_bitmap(ContainerPtr container, uint card_in_region);
G1AddCardResult add_to_howl(ContainerPtr parent_container, uint card_region, uint card_in_region, bool increment_total = true);
G1CardSetHashTableValue* get_or_add_container(uint card_region, bool* should_grow_table);
G1CardSetHashTableValue* get_container(uint card_region);
// Iterate over cards of a card set container during transfer of the cards from
// one container to another. Executes
// void operator ()(uint card_idx)
// on the given class.
template <class CardVisitor>
void iterate_cards_during_transfer(ContainerPtr const container, CardVisitor& vl);
uint container_type_to_mem_object_type(uintptr_t type) const;
uint8_t* allocate_mem_object(uintptr_t type);
void free_mem_object(ContainerPtr container);
void split_card(uintptr_t card, uint& card_region, uint& card_within_region) const;
G1AddCardResult add_card(uint card_region, uint card_in_region, bool increment_total = true);
bool contains_card(uint card_region, uint card_in_region);
// Testing API
class CardClosure {
virtual void do_card(uint region_idx, uint card_idx) = 0;
void iterate_cards(CardClosure& cl);
G1CardSetConfiguration* config() const { return _config; }
// Create a new remembered set for a particular heap region.
G1CardSet(G1CardSetConfiguration* config, G1CardSetMemoryManager* mm);
virtual ~G1CardSet();
static void initialize(MemRegion reserved);
// Adds the given card to this set, returning an appropriate result.
// If incremental_count is true and the card has been added, updates the total count.
G1AddCardResult add_card(uintptr_t card);
bool contains_card(uintptr_t card);
void print_info(outputStream* st, uintptr_t card);
// Returns whether this remembered set (and all sub-sets) have an occupancy
// that is less or equal to the given occupancy.
bool occupancy_less_or_equal_to(size_t limit) const;
// Returns whether this remembered set (and all sub-sets) does not contain any entry.
bool is_empty() const;
// Returns the number of cards contained in this remembered set.
size_t occupied() const;
size_t num_containers();
static G1CardSetCoarsenStats coarsen_stats();
static void print_coarsen_stats(outputStream* out);
// Returns size of the actual remembered set containers in bytes.
size_t mem_size() const;
size_t unused_mem_size() const;
// Returns the size of static data in bytes.
static size_t static_mem_size();
// Clear the entire contents of this remembered set.
void clear();
void reset_table_scanner();
// Iterate over the container, calling a method on every card or card range contained
// in the card container.
// For every container, first calls
// void start_iterate(uint tag, uint region_idx);
// Then for every card or card range it calls
// void do_card(uint card_idx);
// void do_card_range(uint card_idx, uint length);
// where card_idx is the card index within that region_idx passed before in
// start_iterate().
template <class CardOrRangeVisitor>
void iterate_cards_or_ranges_in_container(ContainerPtr const container, CardOrRangeVisitor& cl);
class ContainerPtrClosure {
virtual void do_containerptr(uint card_region_idx, size_t num_occupied, ContainerPtr container) = 0;
void iterate_containers(ContainerPtrClosure* cl, bool safepoint = false);
class G1CardSetHashTableValue {
using ContainerPtr = G1CardSet::ContainerPtr;
const uint _region_idx;
uint volatile _num_occupied;
ContainerPtr volatile _container;
G1CardSetHashTableValue(uint region_idx, ContainerPtr container) : _region_idx(region_idx), _num_occupied(0), _container(container) { }
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