* Copyright (c) 1999, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
#include "precompiled.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/barrierSet.hpp"
#include "gc/shared/c2/barrierSetC2.hpp"
#include "memory/allocation.inline.hpp"
#include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
#include "opto/addnode.hpp"
#include "opto/callnode.hpp"
#include "opto/castnode.hpp"
#include "opto/connode.hpp"
#include "opto/castnode.hpp"
#include "opto/divnode.hpp"
#include "opto/loopnode.hpp"
#include "opto/matcher.hpp"
#include "opto/mulnode.hpp"
#include "opto/movenode.hpp"
#include "opto/opaquenode.hpp"
#include "opto/rootnode.hpp"
#include "opto/subnode.hpp"
#include "opto/subtypenode.hpp"
#include "utilities/macros.hpp"
// Split Node 'n' through merge point if there is enough win.
Node* PhaseIdealLoop::split_thru_phi(Node* n, Node* region, int policy) {
if (n->Opcode() == Op_ConvI2L && n->bottom_type() != TypeLong::LONG) {
// ConvI2L may have type information on it which is unsafe to push up
// so disable this for now
return NULL;
// Splitting range check CastIIs through a loop induction Phi can
// cause new Phis to be created that are left unrelated to the loop
// induction Phi and prevent optimizations (vectorization)
if (n->Opcode() == Op_CastII && region->is_CountedLoop() &&
n->in(1) == region->as_CountedLoop()->phi()) {
return NULL;
// Bail out if 'n' is a Div or Mod node whose zero check was removed earlier (i.e. control is NULL) and its divisor is an induction variable
// phi p of a trip-counted (integer) loop whose inputs could be zero (include zero in their type range). p could have a more precise type
// range that does not necessarily include all values of its inputs. Since each of these inputs will be a divisor of the newly cloned nodes
// of 'n', we need to bail out of one of these divisors could be zero (zero in its type range).
if ((n->Opcode() == Op_DivI || n->Opcode() == Op_ModI) && n->in(0) == NULL
&& region->is_CountedLoop() && n->in(2) == region->as_CountedLoop()->phi()) {
Node* phi = region->as_CountedLoop()->phi();
for (uint i = 1; i < phi->req(); i++) {
if (_igvn.type(phi->in(i))->filter_speculative(TypeInt::ZERO) != Type::TOP) {
// Zero could be a possible value but we already removed the zero check. Bail out to avoid a possible division by zero at a later point.
return NULL;
int wins = 0;
assert(!n->is_CFG(), "");
assert(region->is_Region(), "");
const Type* type = n->bottom_type();
const TypeOopPtr* t_oop = _igvn.type(n)->isa_oopptr();
Node* phi;
if (t_oop != NULL && t_oop->is_known_instance_field()) {
int iid = t_oop->instance_id();
int index = C->get_alias_index(t_oop);
int offset = t_oop->offset();
phi = new PhiNode(region, type, NULL, iid, index, offset);
} else {
phi = PhiNode::make_blank(region, n);
uint old_unique = C->unique();
for (uint i = 1; i < region->req(); i++) {
Node* x;
Node* the_clone = NULL;
if (region->in(i) == C->top()) {
x = C->top(); // Dead path? Use a dead data op
} else {
x = n->clone(); // Else clone up the data op
the_clone = x; // Remember for possible deletion.
// Alter data node to use pre-phi inputs
if (n->in(0) == region)
x->set_req( 0, region->in(i) );
for (uint j = 1; j < n->req(); j++) {
Node* in = n->in(j);
if (in->is_Phi() && in->in(0) == region)
x->set_req(j, in->in(i)); // Use pre-Phi input for the clone
// Check for a 'win' on some paths
const Type* t = x->Value(&_igvn);
bool singleton = t->singleton();
// A TOP singleton indicates that there are no possible values incoming
// along a particular edge. In most cases, this is OK, and the Phi will
// be eliminated later in an Ideal call. However, we can't allow this to
// happen if the singleton occurs on loop entry, as the elimination of
// the PhiNode may cause the resulting node to migrate back to a previous
// loop iteration.
if (singleton && t == Type::TOP) {
// Is_Loop() == false does not confirm the absence of a loop (e.g., an
// irreducible loop may not be indicated by an affirmative is_Loop());
// therefore, the only top we can split thru a phi is on a backedge of
// a loop.
singleton &= region->is_Loop() && (i != LoopNode::EntryControl);
if (singleton) {
x = ((PhaseGVN&)_igvn).makecon(t);
} else {
// We now call Identity to try to simplify the cloned node.
// Note that some Identity methods call phase->type(this).
// Make sure that the type array is big enough for
// our new node, even though we may throw the node away.
// (Note: This tweaking with igvn only works because x is a new node.)
_igvn.set_type(x, t);
// If x is a TypeNode, capture any more-precise type permanently into Node
// otherwise it will be not updated during igvn->transform since
// igvn->type(x) is set to x->Value() already.
Node* y = x->Identity(&_igvn);
if (y != x) {
x = y;
} else {
y = _igvn.hash_find(x);
if (y) {
x = y;
} else {
// Else x is a new node we are keeping
// We do not need register_new_node_with_optimizer
// because set_type has already been called.
if (x != the_clone && the_clone != NULL)
phi->set_req( i, x );
// Too few wins?
if (wins <= policy) {
return NULL;
// Record Phi
register_new_node( phi, region );
for (uint i2 = 1; i2 < phi->req(); i2++) {
Node *x = phi->in(i2);
// If we commoned up the cloned 'x' with another existing Node,
// the existing Node picks up a new use. We need to make the
// existing Node occur higher up so it dominates its uses.
Node *old_ctrl;
IdealLoopTree *old_loop;
if (x->is_Con()) {
// Constant's control is always root.
set_ctrl(x, C->root());
// The occasional new node
if (x->_idx >= old_unique) { // Found a new, unplaced node?
old_ctrl = NULL;
old_loop = NULL; // Not in any prior loop
} else {
old_ctrl = get_ctrl(x);
old_loop = get_loop(old_ctrl); // Get prior loop
// New late point must dominate new use
Node *new_ctrl = dom_lca(old_ctrl, region->in(i2));
if (new_ctrl == old_ctrl) // Nothing is changed
IdealLoopTree *new_loop = get_loop(new_ctrl);
// Don't move x into a loop if its uses are
// outside of loop. Otherwise x will be cloned
// for each use outside of this loop.
IdealLoopTree *use_loop = get_loop(region);
if (!new_loop->is_member(use_loop) &&
(old_loop == NULL || !new_loop->is_member(old_loop))) {
// Take early control, later control will be recalculated
// during next iteration of loop optimizations.
new_ctrl = get_early_ctrl(x);
new_loop = get_loop(new_ctrl);
// Set new location
set_ctrl(x, new_ctrl);
// If changing loop bodies, see if we need to collect into new body
if (old_loop != new_loop) {
if (old_loop && !old_loop->_child)
if (!new_loop->_child)
new_loop->_body.push(x); // Collect body info
return phi;
// Replace the dominated test with an obvious true or false. Place it on the
// IGVN worklist for later cleanup. Move control-dependent data Nodes on the
// live path up to the dominating control.
void PhaseIdealLoop::dominated_by(IfProjNode* prevdom, IfNode* iff, bool flip, bool exclude_loop_predicate) {
if (VerifyLoopOptimizations && PrintOpto) { tty->print_cr("dominating test"); }
// prevdom is the dominating projection of the dominating test.
assert(iff->Opcode() == Op_If ||
iff->Opcode() == Op_CountedLoopEnd ||
iff->Opcode() == Op_LongCountedLoopEnd ||
iff->Opcode() == Op_RangeCheck,
"Check this code when new subtype is added");
int pop = prevdom->Opcode();
assert( pop == Op_IfFalse || pop == Op_IfTrue, "" );
if (flip) {
if (pop == Op_IfTrue)
pop = Op_IfFalse;
pop = Op_IfTrue;
// 'con' is set to true or false to kill the dominated test.
Node *con = _igvn.makecon(pop == Op_IfTrue ? TypeInt::ONE : TypeInt::ZERO);
set_ctrl(con, C->root()); // Constant gets a new use
// Hack the dominated test
_igvn.replace_input_of(iff, 1, con);
// If I dont have a reachable TRUE and FALSE path following the IfNode then
// I can assume this path reaches an infinite loop. In this case it's not
// important to optimize the data Nodes - either the whole compilation will
// be tossed or this path (and all data Nodes) will go dead.
if (iff->outcnt() != 2) return;
// Make control-dependent data Nodes on the live path (path that will remain
// once the dominated IF is removed) become control-dependent on the
// dominating projection.
Node* dp = iff->proj_out_or_null(pop == Op_IfTrue);
// Loop predicates may have depending checks which should not
// be skipped. For example, range check predicate has two checks
// for lower and upper bounds.
if (dp == NULL)
ProjNode* dp_proj = dp->as_Proj();
ProjNode* unc_proj = iff->proj_out(1 - dp_proj->_con)->as_Proj();
if (exclude_loop_predicate &&
(unc_proj->is_uncommon_trap_proj(Deoptimization::Reason_predicate) != NULL ||
unc_proj->is_uncommon_trap_proj(Deoptimization::Reason_profile_predicate) != NULL ||
unc_proj->is_uncommon_trap_proj(Deoptimization::Reason_range_check) != NULL)) {
// If this is a range check (IfNode::is_range_check), do not
// reorder because Compile::allow_range_check_smearing might have
// changed the check.
return; // Let IGVN transformation change control dependence.
IdealLoopTree* old_loop = get_loop(dp);
for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = dp->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
Node* cd = dp->fast_out(i); // Control-dependent node
// Do not rewire Div and Mod nodes which could have a zero divisor to avoid skipping their zero check.
if (cd->depends_only_on_test() && _igvn.no_dependent_zero_check(cd)) {
assert(cd->in(0) == dp, "");
_igvn.replace_input_of(cd, 0, prevdom);
set_early_ctrl(cd, false);
IdealLoopTree* new_loop = get_loop(get_ctrl(cd));
if (old_loop != new_loop) {
if (!old_loop->_child) {
if (!new_loop->_child) {
// Return TRUE if 'n' has Phi inputs from its local block and no other
// block-local inputs (all non-local-phi inputs come from earlier blocks)
Node *PhaseIdealLoop::has_local_phi_input( Node *n ) {
Node *n_ctrl = get_ctrl(n);
// See if some inputs come from a Phi in this block, or from before
// this block.
uint i;
for( i = 1; i < n->req(); i++ ) {
Node *phi = n->in(i);
if( phi->is_Phi() && phi->in(0) == n_ctrl )
if( i >= n->req() )
return NULL; // No Phi inputs; nowhere to clone thru
// Check for inputs created between 'n' and the Phi input. These
// must split as well; they have already been given the chance
// (courtesy of a post-order visit) and since they did not we must
// recover the 'cost' of splitting them by being very profitable
// when splitting 'n'. Since this is unlikely we simply give up.
for( i = 1; i < n->req(); i++ ) {
Node *m = n->in(i);
if( get_ctrl(m) == n_ctrl && !m->is_Phi() ) {
// We allow the special case of AddP's with no local inputs.
// This allows us to split-up address expressions.
if (m->is_AddP() &&
get_ctrl(m->in(AddPNode::Base)) != n_ctrl &&
get_ctrl(m->in(AddPNode::Address)) != n_ctrl &&
get_ctrl(m->in(AddPNode::Offset)) != n_ctrl) {
// Move the AddP up to the dominating point. That's fine because control of m's inputs
// must dominate get_ctrl(m) == n_ctrl and we just checked that the input controls are != n_ctrl.
Node* c = find_non_split_ctrl(idom(n_ctrl));
if (c->is_OuterStripMinedLoop()) {
c = c->in(LoopNode::EntryControl);
set_ctrl_and_loop(m, c);
return NULL;
assert(n->is_Phi() || m->is_Phi() || is_dominator(get_ctrl(m), n_ctrl), "m has strange control");
return n_ctrl;
// Replace expressions like ((V+I) << 2) with (V<<2 + I<<2).
Node* PhaseIdealLoop::remix_address_expressions_add_left_shift(Node* n, IdealLoopTree* n_loop, Node* n_ctrl, BasicType bt) {
assert(bt == T_INT || bt == T_LONG, "only for integers");
int n_op = n->Opcode();
if (n_op == Op_LShift(bt)) {
// Scale is loop invariant
Node* scale = n->in(2);
Node* scale_ctrl = get_ctrl(scale);
IdealLoopTree* scale_loop = get_loop(scale_ctrl);
if (n_loop == scale_loop || !scale_loop->is_member(n_loop)) {
return NULL;
const TypeInt* scale_t = scale->bottom_type()->isa_int();
if (scale_t != NULL && scale_t->is_con() && scale_t->get_con() >= 16) {
return NULL; // Dont bother with byte/short masking
// Add must vary with loop (else shift would be loop-invariant)
Node* add = n->in(1);
Node* add_ctrl = get_ctrl(add);
IdealLoopTree* add_loop = get_loop(add_ctrl);
if (n_loop != add_loop) {
return NULL; // happens w/ evil ZKM loops
// Convert I-V into I+ (0-V); same for V-I
if (add->Opcode() == Op_Sub(bt) &&
_igvn.type(add->in(1)) != TypeInteger::zero(bt)) {
assert(add->Opcode() == Op_SubI || add->Opcode() == Op_SubL, "");
Node* zero = _igvn.integercon(0, bt);
set_ctrl(zero, C->root());
Node* neg = SubNode::make(zero, add->in(2), bt);
register_new_node(neg, get_ctrl(add->in(2)));
add = AddNode::make(add->in(1), neg, bt);
register_new_node(add, add_ctrl);
if (add->Opcode() != Op_Add(bt)) return NULL;
assert(add->Opcode() == Op_AddI || add->Opcode() == Op_AddL, "");
// See if one add input is loop invariant
Node* add_var = add->in(1);
Node* add_var_ctrl = get_ctrl(add_var);
IdealLoopTree* add_var_loop = get_loop(add_var_ctrl);
Node* add_invar = add->in(2);
Node* add_invar_ctrl = get_ctrl(add_invar);
IdealLoopTree* add_invar_loop = get_loop(add_invar_ctrl);
if (add_invar_loop == n_loop) {
// Swap to find the invariant part
add_invar = add_var;
add_invar_ctrl = add_var_ctrl;
add_invar_loop = add_var_loop;
add_var = add->in(2);
} else if (add_var_loop != n_loop) { // Else neither input is loop invariant
return NULL;
if (n_loop == add_invar_loop || !add_invar_loop->is_member(n_loop)) {
return NULL; // No invariant part of the add?
// Yes! Reshape address expression!
Node* inv_scale = LShiftNode::make(add_invar, scale, bt);
Node* inv_scale_ctrl =
dom_depth(add_invar_ctrl) > dom_depth(scale_ctrl) ?
add_invar_ctrl : scale_ctrl;
register_new_node(inv_scale, inv_scale_ctrl);
Node* var_scale = LShiftNode::make(add_var, scale, bt);
register_new_node(var_scale, n_ctrl);
Node* var_add = AddNode::make(var_scale, inv_scale, bt);
register_new_node(var_add, n_ctrl);
_igvn.replace_node(n, var_add);
return var_add;
return NULL;
// Rework addressing expressions to get the most loop-invariant stuff
// moved out. We'd like to do all associative operators, but it's especially
// important (common) to do address expressions.
Node* PhaseIdealLoop::remix_address_expressions(Node* n) {
if (!has_ctrl(n)) return NULL;
Node* n_ctrl = get_ctrl(n);
IdealLoopTree* n_loop = get_loop(n_ctrl);
// See if 'n' mixes loop-varying and loop-invariant inputs and
// itself is loop-varying.
// Only interested in binary ops (and AddP)
if (n->req() < 3 || n->req() > 4) return NULL;
Node* n1_ctrl = get_ctrl(n->in( 1));
Node* n2_ctrl = get_ctrl(n->in( 2));
Node* n3_ctrl = get_ctrl(n->in(n->req() == 3 ? 2 : 3));
IdealLoopTree* n1_loop = get_loop(n1_ctrl);
IdealLoopTree* n2_loop = get_loop(n2_ctrl);
IdealLoopTree* n3_loop = get_loop(n3_ctrl);
// Does one of my inputs spin in a tighter loop than self?
if ((n_loop->is_member(n1_loop) && n_loop != n1_loop) ||
(n_loop->is_member(n2_loop) && n_loop != n2_loop) ||
(n_loop->is_member(n3_loop) && n_loop != n3_loop)) {
return NULL; // Leave well enough alone
// Is at least one of my inputs loop-invariant?
if (n1_loop == n_loop &&
n2_loop == n_loop &&
n3_loop == n_loop) {
return NULL; // No loop-invariant inputs
Node* res = remix_address_expressions_add_left_shift(n, n_loop, n_ctrl, T_INT);
if (res != NULL) {
return res;
res = remix_address_expressions_add_left_shift(n, n_loop, n_ctrl, T_LONG);
if (res != NULL) {
return res;
int n_op = n->Opcode();
// Replace (I+V) with (V+I)
if (n_op == Op_AddI ||
n_op == Op_AddL ||
n_op == Op_AddF ||
n_op == Op_AddD ||
n_op == Op_MulI ||
n_op == Op_MulL ||
n_op == Op_MulF ||
n_op == Op_MulD) {
if (n2_loop == n_loop) {
assert(n1_loop != n_loop, "");
n->swap_edges(1, 2);
// Replace ((I1 +p V) +p I2) with ((I1 +p I2) +p V),
// but not if I2 is a constant.
if (n_op == Op_AddP) {
if (n2_loop == n_loop && n3_loop != n_loop) {
if (n->in(2)->Opcode() == Op_AddP && !n->in(3)->is_Con()) {
Node* n22_ctrl = get_ctrl(n->in(2)->in(2));
Node* n23_ctrl = get_ctrl(n->in(2)->in(3));
IdealLoopTree* n22loop = get_loop(n22_ctrl);
IdealLoopTree* n23_loop = get_loop(n23_ctrl);
if (n22loop != n_loop && n22loop->is_member(n_loop) &&
n23_loop == n_loop) {
Node* add1 = new AddPNode(n->in(1), n->in(2)->in(2), n->in(3));
// Stuff new AddP in the loop preheader
register_new_node(add1, n_loop->_head->in(LoopNode::EntryControl));
Node* add2 = new AddPNode(n->in(1), add1, n->in(2)->in(3));
register_new_node(add2, n_ctrl);
_igvn.replace_node(n, add2);
return add2;
// Replace (I1 +p (I2 + V)) with ((I1 +p I2) +p V)
if (n2_loop != n_loop && n3_loop == n_loop) {
if (n->in(3)->Opcode() == Op_AddX) {
Node* V = n->in(3)->in(1);
Node* I = n->in(3)->in(2);
if (is_member(n_loop,get_ctrl(V))) {
} else {
Node *tmp = V; V = I; I = tmp;
if (!is_member(n_loop,get_ctrl(I))) {
Node* add1 = new AddPNode(n->in(1), n->in(2), I);
// Stuff new AddP in the loop preheader
register_new_node(add1, n_loop->_head->in(LoopNode::EntryControl));
Node* add2 = new AddPNode(n->in(1), add1, V);
register_new_node(add2, n_ctrl);
_igvn.replace_node(n, add2);
return add2;
return NULL;
// Optimize ((in1[2*i] * in2[2*i]) + (in1[2*i+1] * in2[2*i+1]))
Node *PhaseIdealLoop::convert_add_to_muladd(Node* n) {
assert(n->Opcode() == Op_AddI, "sanity");
Node * nn = NULL;
Node * in1 = n->in(1);
Node * in2 = n->in(2);
if (in1->Opcode() == Op_MulI && in2->Opcode() == Op_MulI) {
IdealLoopTree* loop_n = get_loop(get_ctrl(n));
if (loop_n->is_counted() &&
loop_n->_head->as_Loop()->is_valid_counted_loop(T_INT) &&
Matcher::match_rule_supported(Op_MulAddVS2VI) &&
Matcher::match_rule_supported(Op_MulAddS2I)) {
Node* mul_in1 = in1->in(1);
Node* mul_in2 = in1->in(2);
Node* mul_in3 = in2->in(1);
Node* mul_in4 = in2->in(2);
if (mul_in1->Opcode() == Op_LoadS &&
mul_in2->Opcode() == Op_LoadS &&
mul_in3->Opcode() == Op_LoadS &&
mul_in4->Opcode() == Op_LoadS) {
IdealLoopTree* loop1 = get_loop(get_ctrl(mul_in1));
IdealLoopTree* loop2 = get_loop(get_ctrl(mul_in2));
IdealLoopTree* loop3 = get_loop(get_ctrl(mul_in3));
IdealLoopTree* loop4 = get_loop(get_ctrl(mul_in4));
IdealLoopTree* loop5 = get_loop(get_ctrl(in1));
IdealLoopTree* loop6 = get_loop(get_ctrl(in2));
// All nodes should be in the same counted loop.
if (loop_n == loop1 && loop_n == loop2 && loop_n == loop3 &&
loop_n == loop4 && loop_n == loop5 && loop_n == loop6) {
Node* adr1 = mul_in1->in(MemNode::Address);
Node* adr2 = mul_in2->in(MemNode::Address);
Node* adr3 = mul_in3->in(MemNode::Address);
Node* adr4 = mul_in4->in(MemNode::Address);
if (adr1->is_AddP() && adr2->is_AddP() && adr3->is_AddP() && adr4->is_AddP()) {
if ((adr1->in(AddPNode::Base) == adr3->in(AddPNode::Base)) &&
(adr2->in(AddPNode::Base) == adr4->in(AddPNode::Base))) {
nn = new MulAddS2INode(mul_in1, mul_in2, mul_in3, mul_in4);
register_new_node(nn, get_ctrl(n));
_igvn.replace_node(n, nn);
return nn;
} else if ((adr1->in(AddPNode::Base) == adr4->in(AddPNode::Base)) &&
(adr2->in(AddPNode::Base) == adr3->in(AddPNode::Base))) {
nn = new MulAddS2INode(mul_in1, mul_in2, mul_in4, mul_in3);
register_new_node(nn, get_ctrl(n));
_igvn.replace_node(n, nn);
return nn;
return nn;
// Attempt to replace a Phi with a conditional move. We have some pretty
// strict profitability requirements. All Phis at the merge point must
// be converted, so we can remove the control flow. We need to limit the
// number of c-moves to a small handful. All code that was in the side-arms
// of the CFG diamond is now speculatively executed. This code has to be
// "cheap enough". We are pretty much limited to CFG diamonds that merge
// 1 or 2 items with a total of 1 or 2 ops executed speculatively.
Node *PhaseIdealLoop::conditional_move( Node *region ) {
assert(region->is_Region(), "sanity check");
if (region->req() != 3) return NULL;
// Check for CFG diamond
Node *lp = region->in(1);
Node *rp = region->in(2);
if (!lp || !rp) return NULL;
Node *lp_c = lp->in(0);
if (lp_c == NULL || lp_c != rp->in(0) || !lp_c->is_If()) return NULL;
IfNode *iff = lp_c->as_If();
// Check for ops pinned in an arm of the diamond.
// Can't remove the control flow in this case
if (lp->outcnt() > 1) return NULL;
if (rp->outcnt() > 1) return NULL;
IdealLoopTree* r_loop = get_loop(region);
assert(r_loop == get_loop(iff), "sanity");
// Always convert to CMOVE if all results are used only outside this loop.
bool used_inside_loop = (r_loop == _ltree_root);
// Check profitability
int cost = 0;
int phis = 0;
for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = region->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
Node *out = region->fast_out(i);
if (!out->is_Phi()) continue; // Ignore other control edges, etc
PhiNode* phi = out->as_Phi();
BasicType bt = phi->type()->basic_type();
switch (bt) {
case T_DOUBLE:
case T_FLOAT:
if (C->use_cmove()) {
continue; //TODO: maybe we want to add some cost
cost += Matcher::float_cmove_cost(); // Could be very expensive
case T_LONG: {
cost += Matcher::long_cmove_cost(); // May encodes as 2 CMOV's
case T_INT: // These all CMOV fine
case T_ADDRESS: { // (RawPtr)
case T_NARROWOOP: // Fall through
case T_OBJECT: { // Base oops are OK, but not derived oops
const TypeOopPtr *tp = phi->type()->make_ptr()->isa_oopptr();
// Derived pointers are Bad (tm): what's the Base (for GC purposes) of a
// CMOVE'd derived pointer? It's a CMOVE'd derived base. Thus
// CMOVE'ing a derived pointer requires we also CMOVE the base. If we
// have a Phi for the base here that we convert to a CMOVE all is well
// and good. But if the base is dead, we'll not make a CMOVE. Later
// the allocator will have to produce a base by creating a CMOVE of the
// relevant bases. This puts the allocator in the business of
// manufacturing expensive instructions, generally a bad plan.
// Just Say No to Conditionally-Moved Derived Pointers.
if (tp && tp->offset() != 0)
return NULL;
return NULL; // In particular, can't do memory or I/O
// Add in cost any speculative ops
for (uint j = 1; j < region->req(); j++) {
Node *proj = region->in(j);
Node *inp = phi->in(j);
if (get_ctrl(inp) == proj) { // Found local op
// Check for a chain of dependent ops; these will all become
// speculative in a CMOV.
for (uint k = 1; k < inp->req(); k++)
if (get_ctrl(inp->in(k)) == proj)
cost += ConditionalMoveLimit; // Too much speculative goo
// See if the Phi is used by a Cmp or Narrow oop Decode/Encode.
// This will likely Split-If, a higher-payoff operation.
for (DUIterator_Fast kmax, k = phi->fast_outs(kmax); k < kmax; k++) {
Node* use = phi->fast_out(k);
if (use->is_Cmp() || use->is_DecodeNarrowPtr() || use->is_EncodeNarrowPtr())
cost += ConditionalMoveLimit;
// Is there a use inside the loop?
// Note: check only basic types since CMoveP is pinned.
if (!used_inside_loop && is_java_primitive(bt)) {
IdealLoopTree* u_loop = get_loop(has_ctrl(use) ? get_ctrl(use) : use);
if (r_loop == u_loop || r_loop->is_member(u_loop)) {
used_inside_loop = true;
Node* bol = iff->in(1);
if (bol->Opcode() == Op_Opaque4) {
return NULL; // Ignore loop predicate checks (the Opaque4 ensures they will go away)
assert(bol->Opcode() == Op_Bool, "Unexpected node");
int cmp_op = bol->in(1)->Opcode();
if (cmp_op == Op_SubTypeCheck) { // SubTypeCheck expansion expects an IfNode
return NULL;
// It is expensive to generate flags from a float compare.
// Avoid duplicated float compare.
if (phis > 1 && (cmp_op == Op_CmpF || cmp_op == Op_CmpD)) return NULL;
float infrequent_prob = PROB_UNLIKELY_MAG(3);
// Ignore cost and blocks frequency if CMOVE can be moved outside the loop.
if (used_inside_loop) {
if (cost >= ConditionalMoveLimit) return NULL; // Too much goo
// BlockLayoutByFrequency optimization moves infrequent branch
// from hot path. No point in CMOV'ing in such case (110 is used
// instead of 100 to take into account not exactness of float value).
if (BlockLayoutByFrequency) {
infrequent_prob = MAX2(infrequent_prob, (float)BlockLayoutMinDiamondPercentage/110.0f);
// Check for highly predictable branch. No point in CMOV'ing if
// we are going to predict accurately all the time.
if (C->use_cmove() && (cmp_op == Op_CmpF || cmp_op == Op_CmpD)) {
//keep going
} else if (iff->_prob < infrequent_prob ||
iff->_prob > (1.0f - infrequent_prob))
return NULL;
// --------------
// Now replace all Phis with CMOV's
Node *cmov_ctrl = iff->in(0);
uint flip = (lp->Opcode() == Op_IfTrue);
Node_List wq;
while (1) {
PhiNode* phi = NULL;
for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = region->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
Node *out = region->fast_out(i);
if (out->is_Phi()) {
phi = out->as_Phi();
if (phi == NULL || _igvn.type(phi) == Type::TOP) {
if (PrintOpto && VerifyLoopOptimizations) { tty->print_cr("CMOV"); }
// Move speculative ops
while (wq.size() > 0) {
Node *n = wq.pop();
for (uint j = 1; j < n->req(); j++) {
Node* m = n->in(j);
if (m != NULL && !is_dominator(get_ctrl(m), cmov_ctrl)) {
#ifndef PRODUCT
if (PrintOpto && VerifyLoopOptimizations) {
tty->print(" speculate: ");
set_ctrl(m, cmov_ctrl);
Node *cmov = CMoveNode::make(cmov_ctrl, iff->in(1), phi->in(1+flip), phi->in(2-flip), _igvn.type(phi));
register_new_node( cmov, cmov_ctrl );
_igvn.replace_node( phi, cmov );
#ifndef PRODUCT
if (TraceLoopOpts) {
tty->print("CMOV ");
if (Verbose) {
if (VerifyLoopOptimizations) verify();
// The useless CFG diamond will fold up later; see the optimization in
// RegionNode::Ideal.
return iff->in(1);
static void enqueue_cfg_uses(Node* m, Unique_Node_List& wq) {
for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = m->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
Node* u = m->fast_out(i);
if (u->is_CFG()) {
if (u->Opcode() == Op_NeverBranch) {
u = ((NeverBranchNode*)u)->proj_out(0);
enqueue_cfg_uses(u, wq);
} else {
// Try moving a store out of a loop, right before the loop
Node* PhaseIdealLoop::try_move_store_before_loop(Node* n, Node *n_ctrl) {
// Store has to be first in the loop body
IdealLoopTree *n_loop = get_loop(n_ctrl);
if (n->is_Store() && n_loop != _ltree_root &&
n_loop->is_loop() && n_loop->_head->is_Loop() &&
n->in(0) != NULL) {
Node* address = n->in(MemNode::Address);
Node* value = n->in(MemNode::ValueIn);
Node* mem = n->in(MemNode::Memory);
IdealLoopTree* address_loop = get_loop(get_ctrl(address));
IdealLoopTree* value_loop = get_loop(get_ctrl(value));
// - address and value must be loop invariant
// - memory must be a memory Phi for the loop
// - Store must be the only store on this memory slice in the
// loop: if there's another store following this one then value
// written at iteration i by the second store could be overwritten
// at iteration i+n by the first store: it's not safe to move the
// first store out of the loop
// - nothing must observe the memory Phi: it guarantees no read
// before the store, we are also guaranteed the store post
// dominates the loop head (ignoring a possible early
// exit). Otherwise there would be extra Phi involved between the
// loop's Phi and the store.
// - there must be no early exit from the loop before the Store
// (such an exit most of the time would be an extra use of the
// memory Phi but sometimes is a bottom memory Phi that takes the
// store as input).
if (!n_loop->is_member(address_loop) &&
!n_loop->is_member(value_loop) &&
mem->is_Phi() && mem->in(0) == n_loop->_head &&
mem->outcnt() == 1 &&
mem->in(LoopNode::LoopBackControl) == n) {
assert(n_loop->_tail != NULL, "need a tail");
assert(is_dominator(n_ctrl, n_loop->_tail), "store control must not be in a branch in the loop");
// Verify that there's no early exit of the loop before the store.
bool ctrl_ok = false;
// Follow control from loop head until n, we exit the loop or
// we reach the tail
ResourceMark rm;
Unique_Node_List wq;
for (uint next = 0; next < wq.size(); ++next) {
Node *m = wq.at(next);
if (m == n->in(0)) {
ctrl_ok = true;
assert(!has_ctrl(m), "should be CFG");
if (!n_loop->is_member(get_loop(m)) || m == n_loop->_tail) {
ctrl_ok = false;
enqueue_cfg_uses(m, wq);
if (wq.size() > 10) {
ctrl_ok = false;
if (ctrl_ok) {
// move the Store
_igvn.replace_input_of(mem, LoopNode::LoopBackControl, mem);
_igvn.replace_input_of(n, 0, n_loop->_head->as_Loop()->skip_strip_mined()->in(LoopNode::EntryControl));
_igvn.replace_input_of(n, MemNode::Memory, mem->in(LoopNode::EntryControl));
// Disconnect the phi now. An empty phi can confuse other
// optimizations in this pass of loop opts.
_igvn.replace_node(mem, mem->in(LoopNode::EntryControl));
set_ctrl_and_loop(n, n->in(0));
return n;
return NULL;
// Try moving a store out of a loop, right after the loop
void PhaseIdealLoop::try_move_store_after_loop(Node* n) {
if (n->is_Store() && n->in(0) != NULL) {
Node *n_ctrl = get_ctrl(n);
IdealLoopTree *n_loop = get_loop(n_ctrl);
// Store must be in a loop
if (n_loop != _ltree_root && !n_loop->_irreducible) {
Node* address = n->in(MemNode::Address);
Node* value = n->in(MemNode::ValueIn);
IdealLoopTree* address_loop = get_loop(get_ctrl(address));
// address must be loop invariant
if (!n_loop->is_member(address_loop)) {
// Store must be last on this memory slice in the loop and
// nothing in the loop must observe it
Node* phi = NULL;
for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = n->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
Node* u = n->fast_out(i);
if (has_ctrl(u)) { // control use?
IdealLoopTree *u_loop = get_loop(get_ctrl(u));
if (!n_loop->is_member(u_loop)) {
if (u->is_Phi() && u->in(0) == n_loop->_head) {
assert(_igvn.type(u) == Type::MEMORY, "bad phi");
// multiple phis on the same slice are possible
if (phi != NULL) {
phi = u;
if (phi != NULL) {
// Nothing in the loop before the store (next iteration)
// must observe the stored value
bool mem_ok = true;
ResourceMark rm;
Unique_Node_List wq;
for (uint next = 0; next < wq.size() && mem_ok; ++next) {
Node *m = wq.at(next);
for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = m->fast_outs(imax); i < imax && mem_ok; i++) {
Node* u = m->fast_out(i);
if (u->is_Store() || u->is_Phi()) {
if (u != n) {
mem_ok = (wq.size() <= 10);
} else {
mem_ok = false;
if (mem_ok) {
// Move the store out of the loop if the LCA of all
// users (except for the phi) is outside the loop.
Node* hook = new Node(1);
hook->init_req(0, n_ctrl); // Add an input to prevent hook from being dead
int count = phi->replace_edge(n, hook, &_igvn);
assert(count > 0, "inconsistent phi");
// Compute latest point this store can go
Node* lca = get_late_ctrl(n, get_ctrl(n));
if (lca->is_OuterStripMinedLoop()) {
lca = lca->in(LoopNode::EntryControl);
if (n_loop->is_member(get_loop(lca))) {
// LCA is in the loop - bail out
_igvn.replace_node(hook, n);
#ifdef ASSERT
if (n_loop->_head->is_Loop() && n_loop->_head->as_Loop()->is_strip_mined()) {
assert(n_loop->_head->Opcode() == Op_CountedLoop, "outer loop is a strip mined");
Node* outer = n_loop->_head->as_CountedLoop()->outer_loop();
IdealLoopTree* outer_loop = get_loop(outer);
assert(n_loop->_parent == outer_loop, "broken loop tree");
assert(get_loop(lca) == outer_loop, "safepoint in outer loop consume all memory state");
lca = place_outside_loop(lca, n_loop);
assert(!n_loop->is_member(get_loop(lca)), "control must not be back in the loop");
assert(get_loop(lca)->_nest < n_loop->_nest || lca->in(0)->Opcode() == Op_NeverBranch, "must not be moved into inner loop");
// Move store out of the loop
_igvn.replace_node(hook, n->in(MemNode::Memory));
_igvn.replace_input_of(n, 0, lca);
set_ctrl_and_loop(n, lca);
// Disconnect the phi now. An empty phi can confuse other
// optimizations in this pass of loop opts..
if (phi->in(LoopNode::LoopBackControl) == phi) {
_igvn.replace_node(phi, phi->in(LoopNode::EntryControl));
// Do the real work in a non-recursive function. Data nodes want to be
// cloned in the pre-order so they can feed each other nicely.
Node *PhaseIdealLoop::split_if_with_blocks_pre( Node *n ) {
// Cloning these guys is unlikely to win
int n_op = n->Opcode();
if (n_op == Op_MergeMem) {
return n;
if (n->is_Proj()) {
return n;
// Do not clone-up CmpFXXX variations, as these are always
// followed by a CmpI
if (n->is_Cmp()) {
return n;
// Attempt to use a conditional move instead of a phi/branch
if (ConditionalMoveLimit > 0 && n_op == Op_Region) {
Node *cmov = conditional_move( n );
if (cmov) {
return cmov;
if (n->is_CFG() || n->is_LoadStore()) {
return n;
if (n->is_Opaque1()) { // Opaque nodes cannot be mod'd
if (!C->major_progress()) { // If chance of no more loop opts...
_igvn._worklist.push(n); // maybe we'll remove them
return n;
if (n->is_Con()) {
return n; // No cloning for Con nodes
Node *n_ctrl = get_ctrl(n);
if (!n_ctrl) {
return n; // Dead node
Node* res = try_move_store_before_loop(n, n_ctrl);
if (res != NULL) {
return n;
// Attempt to remix address expressions for loop invariants
Node *m = remix_address_expressions( n );
if( m ) return m;
if (n_op == Op_AddI) {
Node *nn = convert_add_to_muladd( n );
if ( nn ) return nn;
if (n->is_ConstraintCast()) {
Node* dom_cast = n->as_ConstraintCast()->dominating_cast(&_igvn, this);
// ConstraintCastNode::dominating_cast() uses node control input to determine domination.
// Node control inputs don't necessarily agree with loop control info (due to
// transformations happened in between), thus additional dominance check is needed
// to keep loop info valid.
if (dom_cast != NULL && is_dominator(get_ctrl(dom_cast), get_ctrl(n))) {
_igvn.replace_node(n, dom_cast);
return dom_cast;
// Determine if the Node has inputs from some local Phi.
// Returns the block to clone thru.
Node *n_blk = has_local_phi_input( n );
if( !n_blk ) return n;
// Do not clone the trip counter through on a CountedLoop
// (messes up the canonical shape).
if (((n_blk->is_CountedLoop() || (n_blk->is_Loop() && n_blk->as_Loop()->is_loop_nest_inner_loop())) && n->Opcode() == Op_AddI) ||
(n_blk->is_LongCountedLoop() && n->Opcode() == Op_AddL)) {
return n;
// Pushing a shift through the iv Phi can get in the way of addressing optimizations or range check elimination
if (n_blk->is_BaseCountedLoop() && n->Opcode() == Op_LShift(n_blk->as_BaseCountedLoop()->bt()) &&
n->in(1) == n_blk->as_BaseCountedLoop()->phi()) {
return n;
// Check for having no control input; not pinned. Allow
// dominating control.
if (n->in(0)) {
Node *dom = idom(n_blk);
if (dom_lca(n->in(0), dom) != n->in(0)) {
return n;
// Policy: when is it profitable. You must get more wins than
// policy before it is considered profitable. Policy is usually 0,
// so 1 win is considered profitable. Big merges will require big
// cloning, so get a larger policy.
int policy = n_blk->req() >> 2;
// If the loop is a candidate for range check elimination,
// delay splitting through it's phi until a later loop optimization
if (n_blk->is_BaseCountedLoop()) {
IdealLoopTree *lp = get_loop(n_blk);
if (lp && lp->_rce_candidate) {
return n;
if (must_throttle_split_if()) return n;
// Split 'n' through the merge point if it is profitable
Node *phi = split_thru_phi( n, n_blk, policy );
if (!phi) return n;
// Found a Phi to split thru!
// Replace 'n' with the new phi
_igvn.replace_node( n, phi );
// Moved a load around the loop, 'en-registering' something.
if (n_blk->is_Loop() && n->is_Load() &&
return phi;
static bool merge_point_too_heavy(Compile* C, Node* region) {
// Bail out if the region and its phis have too many users.
int weight = 0;
for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = region->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
weight += region->fast_out(i)->outcnt();
int nodes_left = C->max_node_limit() - C->live_nodes();
if (weight * 8 > nodes_left) {
if (PrintOpto) {
tty->print_cr("*** Split-if bails out: %d nodes, region weight %d", C->unique(), weight);
return true;
} else {
return false;
static bool merge_point_safe(Node* region) {
// 4799512: Stop split_if_with_blocks from splitting a block with a ConvI2LNode
// having a PhiNode input. This sidesteps the dangerous case where the split
// ConvI2LNode may become TOP if the input Value() does not
// overlap the ConvI2L range, leaving a node which may not dominate its
// uses.
// A better fix for this problem can be found in the BugTraq entry, but
// expediency for Mantis demands this hack.
#ifdef _LP64
for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = region->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
Node* n = region->fast_out(i);
if (n->is_Phi()) {
for (DUIterator_Fast jmax, j = n->fast_outs(jmax); j < jmax; j++) {
Node* m = n->fast_out(j);
if (m->Opcode() == Op_ConvI2L)
return false;
if (m->is_CastII()) {
return false;
return true;
// Place some computation outside of this loop on the path to the use passed as argument
Node* PhaseIdealLoop::place_outside_loop(Node* useblock, IdealLoopTree* loop) const {
Node* head = loop->_head;
assert(!loop->is_member(get_loop(useblock)), "must be outside loop");
if (head->is_Loop() && head->as_Loop()->is_strip_mined()) {
loop = loop->_parent;
assert(loop->_head->is_OuterStripMinedLoop(), "malformed strip mined loop");
// Pick control right outside the loop
for (;;) {
Node* dom = idom(useblock);
if (loop->is_member(get_loop(dom)) ||
// NeverBranch nodes are not assigned to the loop when constructed
(dom->Opcode() == Op_NeverBranch && loop->is_member(get_loop(dom->in(0))))) {
useblock = dom;
assert(find_non_split_ctrl(useblock) == useblock, "should be non split control");
return useblock;
bool PhaseIdealLoop::identical_backtoback_ifs(Node *n) {
if (!n->is_If() || n->is_BaseCountedLoopEnd()) {
return false;
if (!n->in(0)->is_Region()) {
return false;
Node* region = n->in(0);
Node* dom = idom(region);
if (!dom->is_If() || dom->in(1) != n->in(1)) {
return false;
IfNode* dom_if = dom->as_If();
Node* proj_true = dom_if->proj_out(1);
Node* proj_false = dom_if->proj_out(0);
for (uint i = 1; i < region->req(); i++) {
if (is_dominator(proj_true, region->in(i))) {
if (is_dominator(proj_false, region->in(i))) {
return false;
return true;
bool PhaseIdealLoop::can_split_if(Node* n_ctrl) {
if (must_throttle_split_if()) {
return false;
// Do not do 'split-if' if irreducible loops are present.
if (_has_irreducible_loops) {
return false;
if (merge_point_too_heavy(C, n_ctrl)) {
return false;
// Do not do 'split-if' if some paths are dead. First do dead code
// elimination and then see if its still profitable.
for (uint i = 1; i < n_ctrl->req(); i++) {
if (n_ctrl->in(i) == C->top()) {
return false;
// If trying to do a 'Split-If' at the loop head, it is only
// profitable if the cmp folds up on BOTH paths. Otherwise we
// risk peeling a loop forever.
// CNC - Disabled for now. Requires careful handling of loop
// body selection for the cloned code. Also, make sure we check
// for any input path not being in the same loop as n_ctrl. For
// irreducible loops we cannot check for 'n_ctrl->is_Loop()'
// because the alternative loop entry points won't be converted
// into LoopNodes.
IdealLoopTree *n_loop = get_loop(n_ctrl);
for (uint j = 1; j < n_ctrl->req(); j++) {
if (get_loop(n_ctrl->in(j)) != n_loop) {
return false;
// Check for safety of the merge point.
if (!merge_point_safe(n_ctrl)) {
return false;
return true;
// Detect if the node is the inner strip-mined loop
// Return: NULL if it's not the case, or the exit of outer strip-mined loop
static Node* is_inner_of_stripmined_loop(const Node* out) {
Node* out_le = NULL;
if (out->is_CountedLoopEnd()) {
const CountedLoopNode* loop = out->as_CountedLoopEnd()->loopnode();
if (loop != NULL && loop->is_strip_mined()) {
out_le = loop->in(LoopNode::EntryControl)->as_OuterStripMinedLoop()->outer_loop_exit();
return out_le;
// Do the real work in a non-recursive function. CFG hackery wants to be
// in the post-order, so it can dirty the I-DOM info and not use the dirtied
// info.
void PhaseIdealLoop::split_if_with_blocks_post(Node *n) {
// Cloning Cmp through Phi's involves the split-if transform.
// FastLock is not used by an If
if (n->is_Cmp() && !n->is_FastLock()) {
Node *n_ctrl = get_ctrl(n);
// Determine if the Node has inputs from some local Phi.
// Returns the block to clone thru.
Node *n_blk = has_local_phi_input(n);
if (n_blk != n_ctrl) {
if (!can_split_if(n_ctrl)) {
if (n->outcnt() != 1) {
return; // Multiple bool's from 1 compare?
Node *bol = n->unique_out();
assert(bol->is_Bool(), "expect a bool here");
if (bol->outcnt() != 1) {
return;// Multiple branches from 1 compare?
Node *iff = bol->unique_out();
// Check some safety conditions
if (iff->is_If()) { // Classic split-if?
if (iff->in(0) != n_ctrl) {
return; // Compare must be in same blk as if
} else if (iff->is_CMove()) { // Trying to split-up a CMOVE
// Can't split CMove with different control edge.
if (iff->in(0) != NULL && iff->in(0) != n_ctrl ) {
if (get_ctrl(iff->in(2)) == n_ctrl ||
get_ctrl(iff->in(3)) == n_ctrl) {
return; // Inputs not yet split-up
if (get_loop(n_ctrl) != get_loop(get_ctrl(iff))) {
return; // Loop-invar test gates loop-varying CMOVE
} else {
return; // some other kind of node, such as an Allocate
// When is split-if profitable? Every 'win' on means some control flow
// goes dead, so it's almost always a win.
int policy = 0;
// Split compare 'n' through the merge point if it is profitable
Node *phi = split_thru_phi( n, n_ctrl, policy);
if (!phi) {
// Found a Phi to split thru!
// Replace 'n' with the new phi
_igvn.replace_node(n, phi);
// Now split the bool up thru the phi
Node *bolphi = split_thru_phi(bol, n_ctrl, -1);
guarantee(bolphi != NULL, "null boolean phi node");
_igvn.replace_node(bol, bolphi);
assert(iff->in(1) == bolphi, "");
if (bolphi->Value(&_igvn)->singleton()) {
// Conditional-move? Must split up now
if (!iff->is_If()) {
Node *cmovphi = split_thru_phi(iff, n_ctrl, -1);
_igvn.replace_node(iff, cmovphi);
// Now split the IF
// Two identical ifs back to back can be merged
if (try_merge_identical_ifs(n)) {
// Check for an IF ready to split; one that has its
// condition codes input coming from a Phi at the block start.
int n_op = n->Opcode();
// Check for an IF being dominated by another IF same test
if (n_op == Op_If ||
n_op == Op_RangeCheck) {
Node *bol = n->in(1);
uint max = bol->outcnt();
// Check for same test used more than once?
if (max > 1 && bol->is_Bool()) {
// Search up IDOMs to see if this IF is dominated.
Node *cutoff = get_ctrl(bol);
// Now search up IDOMs till cutoff, looking for a dominating test
Node *prevdom = n;
Node *dom = idom(prevdom);
while (dom != cutoff) {
if (dom->req() > 1 && dom->in(1) == bol && prevdom->in(0) == dom &&
safe_for_if_replacement(dom)) {
// It's invalid to move control dependent data nodes in the inner
// strip-mined loop, because:
// 1) break validation of LoopNode::verify_strip_mined()
// 2) move code with side-effect in strip-mined loop
// Move to the exit of outer strip-mined loop in that case.
Node* out_le = is_inner_of_stripmined_loop(dom);
if (out_le != NULL) {
prevdom = out_le;
// Replace the dominated test with an obvious true or false.
// Place it on the IGVN worklist for later cleanup.
dominated_by(prevdom->as_IfProj(), n->as_If(), false, true);
#ifndef PRODUCT
if( VerifyLoopOptimizations ) verify();
prevdom = dom;
dom = idom(prevdom);
// Transform:
// if (some_condition) {
// // body 1
// } else {
// // body 2
// }
// if (some_condition) {
// // body 3
// } else {
// // body 4
// }
// into:
// if (some_condition) {
// // body 1
// // body 3
// } else {
// // body 2
// // body 4
// }
bool PhaseIdealLoop::try_merge_identical_ifs(Node* n) {
if (identical_backtoback_ifs(n) && can_split_if(n->in(0))) {
Node *n_ctrl = n->in(0);
IfNode* dom_if = idom(n_ctrl)->as_If();
ProjNode* dom_proj_true = dom_if->proj_out(1);
ProjNode* dom_proj_false = dom_if->proj_out(0);
// Now split the IF
RegionNode* new_false_region;
RegionNode* new_true_region;
do_split_if(n, &new_false_region, &new_true_region);
assert(new_false_region->req() == new_true_region->req(), "");
#ifdef ASSERT
for (uint i = 1; i < new_false_region->req(); ++i) {
assert(new_false_region->in(i)->in(0) == new_true_region->in(i)->in(0), "unexpected shape following split if");
assert(i == new_false_region->req() - 1 || new_false_region->in(i)->in(0)->in(1) == new_false_region->in(i + 1)->in(0)->in(1), "unexpected shape following split if");
assert(new_false_region->in(1)->in(0)->in(1) == dom_if->in(1), "dominating if and dominated if after split must share test");
// We now have:
// if (some_condition) {
// // body 1
// if (some_condition) {
// body3: // new_true_region
// // body3
// } else {
// goto body4;
// }
// } else {
// // body 2
// if (some_condition) {
// goto body3;
// } else {
// body4: // new_false_region
// // body4;
// }
// }
// clone pinned nodes thru the resulting regions
push_pinned_nodes_thru_region(dom_if, new_true_region);
push_pinned_nodes_thru_region(dom_if, new_false_region);
// Optimize out the cloned ifs. Because pinned nodes were cloned, this also allows a CastPP that would be dependent
// on a projection of n to have the dom_if as a control dependency. We don't want the CastPP to end up with an
// unrelated control dependency.
for (uint i = 1; i < new_false_region->req(); i++) {
if (is_dominator(dom_proj_true, new_false_region->in(i))) {
dominated_by(dom_proj_true->as_IfProj(), new_false_region->in(i)->in(0)->as_If(), false, false);
} else {
assert(is_dominator(dom_proj_false, new_false_region->in(i)), "bad if");
dominated_by(dom_proj_false->as_IfProj(), new_false_region->in(i)->in(0)->as_If(), false, false);
return true;
return false;
void PhaseIdealLoop::push_pinned_nodes_thru_region(IfNode* dom_if, Node* region) {
for (DUIterator i = region->outs(); region->has_out(i); i++) {
Node* u = region->out(i);
if (!has_ctrl(u) || u->is_Phi() || !u->depends_only_on_test() || !_igvn.no_dependent_zero_check(u)) {
assert(u->in(0) == region, "not a control dependent node?");
uint j = 1;
for (; j < u->req(); ++j) {
Node* in = u->in(j);
if (!is_dominator(ctrl_or_self(in), dom_if)) {
if (j == u->req()) {
Node *phi = PhiNode::make_blank(region, u);
for (uint k = 1; k < region->req(); ++k) {
Node* clone = u->clone();
clone->set_req(0, region->in(k));
register_new_node(clone, region->in(k));
phi->init_req(k, clone);
register_new_node(phi, region);
_igvn.replace_node(u, phi);
bool PhaseIdealLoop::safe_for_if_replacement(const Node* dom) const {
if (!dom->is_CountedLoopEnd()) {
return true;
CountedLoopEndNode* le = dom->as_CountedLoopEnd();
CountedLoopNode* cl = le->loopnode();
if (cl == NULL) {
return true;
if (!cl->is_main_loop()) {
return true;
if (cl->is_canonical_loop_entry() == NULL) {
return true;
// Further unrolling is possible so loop exit condition might change
return false;
// See if a shared loop-varying computation has no loop-varying uses.
// Happens if something is only used for JVM state in uncommon trap exits,
// like various versions of induction variable+offset. Clone the
// computation per usage to allow it to sink out of the loop.
void PhaseIdealLoop::try_sink_out_of_loop(Node* n) {
if (has_ctrl(n) &&
!n->is_Phi() &&
!n->is_Bool() &&
!n->is_Proj() &&
!n->is_MergeMem() &&
!n->is_CMove() &&
n->Opcode() != Op_Opaque4 &&
!n->is_Type()) {
Node *n_ctrl = get_ctrl(n);
IdealLoopTree *n_loop = get_loop(n_ctrl);
if (n->in(0) != NULL) {
IdealLoopTree* loop_ctrl = get_loop(n->in(0));
if (n_loop != loop_ctrl && n_loop->is_member(loop_ctrl)) {
// n has a control input inside a loop but get_ctrl() is member of an outer loop. This could happen, for example,
// for Div nodes inside a loop (control input inside loop) without a use except for an UCT (outside the loop).
// Rewire control of n to right outside of the loop, regardless if its input(s) are later sunk or not.
_igvn.replace_input_of(n, 0, place_outside_loop(n_ctrl, loop_ctrl));
if (n_loop != _ltree_root && n->outcnt() > 1) {
// Compute early control: needed for anti-dependence analysis. It's also possible that as a result of
// previous transformations in this loop opts round, the node can be hoisted now: early control will tell us.
Node* early_ctrl = compute_early_ctrl(n, n_ctrl);
if (n_loop->is_member(get_loop(early_ctrl)) && // check that this one can't be hoisted now
ctrl_of_all_uses_out_of_loop(n, early_ctrl, n_loop)) { // All uses in outer loops!
assert(!n->is_Store() && !n->is_LoadStore(), "no node with a side effect");
Node* outer_loop_clone = NULL;
for (DUIterator_Last jmin, j = n->last_outs(jmin); j >= jmin;) {
Node* u = n->last_out(j); // Clone private computation per use
Node* x = n->clone(); // Clone computation
Node* x_ctrl = NULL;
if (u->is_Phi()) {
// Replace all uses of normal nodes. Replace Phi uses
// individually, so the separate Nodes can sink down
// different paths.
uint k = 1;
while (u->in(k) != n) k++;
u->set_req(k, x);
// x goes next to Phi input path
x_ctrl = u->in(0)->in(k);
// Find control for 'x' next to use but not inside inner loops.
x_ctrl = place_outside_loop(x_ctrl, n_loop);
} else { // Normal use
if (has_ctrl(u)) {
x_ctrl = get_ctrl(u);
} else {
x_ctrl = u->in(0);
// Find control for 'x' next to use but not inside inner loops.
x_ctrl = place_outside_loop(x_ctrl, n_loop);
// Replace all uses
if (u->is_ConstraintCast() && u->bottom_type()->higher_equal(_igvn.type(n)) && u->in(0) == x_ctrl) {
// If we're sinking a chain of data nodes, we might have inserted a cast to pin the use which is not necessary
// anymore now that we're going to pin n as well
_igvn.replace_node(u, x);
} else {
int nb = u->replace_edge(n, x, &_igvn);
j -= nb;
if (n->is_Load()) {
// For loads, add a control edge to a CFG node outside of the loop
// to force them to not combine and return back inside the loop
// during GVN optimization (4641526).
assert(x_ctrl == get_late_ctrl_with_anti_dep(x->as_Load(), early_ctrl, x_ctrl), "anti-dependences were already checked");
IdealLoopTree* x_loop = get_loop(x_ctrl);
Node* x_head = x_loop->_head;
if (x_head->is_Loop() && x_head->is_OuterStripMinedLoop()) {
// Do not add duplicate LoadNodes to the outer strip mined loop
if (outer_loop_clone != NULL) {
_igvn.replace_node(x, outer_loop_clone);
outer_loop_clone = x;
x->set_req(0, x_ctrl);
} else if (n->in(0) != NULL){
x->set_req(0, x_ctrl);
assert(dom_depth(n_ctrl) <= dom_depth(x_ctrl), "n is later than its clone");
assert(!n_loop->is_member(get_loop(x_ctrl)), "should have moved out of loop");
register_new_node(x, x_ctrl);
// Chain of AddP: (AddP base (AddP base )) must keep the same base after sinking so:
// 1- We don't add a CastPP here when the first one is sunk so if the second one is not, their bases remain
// the same.
// (see 2- below)
assert(!x->is_AddP() || !x->in(AddPNode::Address)->is_AddP() ||
x->in(AddPNode::Address)->in(AddPNode::Base) == x->in(AddPNode::Base) ||
!x->in(AddPNode::Address)->in(AddPNode::Base)->eqv_uncast(x->in(AddPNode::Base)), "unexpected AddP shape");
if (x->in(0) == NULL && !x->is_DecodeNarrowPtr() &&
!(x->is_AddP() && x->in(AddPNode::Address)->is_AddP() && x->in(AddPNode::Address)->in(AddPNode::Base) == x->in(AddPNode::Base))) {
assert(!x->is_Load(), "load should be pinned");
// Use a cast node to pin clone out of loop
Node* cast = NULL;
for (uint k = 0; k < x->req(); k++) {
Node* in = x->in(k);
if (in != NULL && n_loop->is_member(get_loop(get_ctrl(in)))) {
const Type* in_t = _igvn.type(in);
cast = ConstraintCastNode::make_cast_for_type(x_ctrl, in, in_t, ConstraintCastNode::UnconditionalDependency);
if (cast != NULL) {
register_new_node(cast, x_ctrl);
x->replace_edge(in, cast);
// Chain of AddP:
// 2- A CastPP of the base is only added now that both AddP nodes are sunk
if (x->is_AddP() && k == AddPNode::Base) {
for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = x->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
Node* u = x->fast_out(i);
if (u->is_AddP() && u->in(AddPNode::Base) == n->in(AddPNode::Base)) {
_igvn.replace_input_of(u, AddPNode::Base, cast);
assert(u->find_out_with(Op_AddP) == NULL, "more than 2 chained AddP nodes?");
assert(cast != NULL, "must have added a cast to pin the node");
_dom_lca_tags_round = 0;
// Compute the early control of a node by following its inputs until we reach
// nodes that are pinned. Then compute the LCA of the control of all pinned nodes.
Node* PhaseIdealLoop::compute_early_ctrl(Node* n, Node* n_ctrl) {
Node* early_ctrl = NULL;
ResourceMark rm;
Unique_Node_List wq;
for (uint i = 0; i < wq.size(); i++) {
Node* m = wq.at(i);
Node* c = NULL;
if (m->is_CFG()) {
c = m;
} else if (m->pinned()) {
c = m->in(0);
} else {
for (uint j = 0; j < m->req(); j++) {
Node* in = m->in(j);
if (in != NULL) {
if (c != NULL) {
assert(is_dominator(c, n_ctrl), "control input must dominate current control");
if (early_ctrl == NULL || is_dominator(early_ctrl, c)) {
early_ctrl = c;
assert(is_dominator(early_ctrl, n_ctrl), "early control must dominate current control");
return early_ctrl;
bool PhaseIdealLoop::ctrl_of_all_uses_out_of_loop(const Node* n, Node* n_ctrl, IdealLoopTree* n_loop) {
for (DUIterator_Fast imax, i = n->fast_outs(imax); i < imax; i++) {
Node* u = n->fast_out(i);
if (u->is_Opaque1()) {
return false; // Found loop limit, bugfix for 4677003
// We can't reuse tags in PhaseIdealLoop::dom_lca_for_get_late_ctrl_internal() so make sure calls to
// get_late_ctrl_with_anti_dep() use their own tag
assert(_dom_lca_tags_round != 0, "shouldn't wrap around");
if (u->is_Phi()) {
for (uint j = 1; j < u->req(); ++j) {
if (u->in(j) == n && !ctrl_of_use_out_of_loop(n, n_ctrl, n_loop, u->in(0)->in(j))) {
return false;
} else {
Node* ctrl = has_ctrl(u) ? get_ctrl(u) : u->in(0);
if (!ctrl_of_use_out_of_loop(n, n_ctrl, n_loop, ctrl)) {
return false;
return true;
bool PhaseIdealLoop::ctrl_of_use_out_of_loop(const Node* n, Node* n_ctrl, IdealLoopTree* n_loop, Node* ctrl) {
if (n->is_Load()) {
ctrl = get_late_ctrl_with_anti_dep(n->as_Load(), n_ctrl, ctrl);
IdealLoopTree *u_loop = get_loop(ctrl);
if (u_loop == n_loop) {
return false; // Found loop-varying use
--> --------------------
--> maximum size reached
--> --------------------
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