* Copyright (c) 1997, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
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#include "memory/allStatic.hpp"
#include "utilities/debug.hpp"
#include "utilities/ostream.hpp"
// Low-level interface for [de-]coding compressed uint32_t (u4) values.
// A uint32_t value (32-bit unsigned int) can be encoded very quickly into
// one to five bytes, and decoded back again, again very quickly.
// This is useful for storing data, like offsets or access flags, that
// is usually simple (fits in fewer bytes usually) but sometimes has
// to be complicated (uses all five bytes when necessary).
// Notable features:
// - represents all 32-bit uint32_t values
// - never reads or writes beyond 5 bytes
// - values up to 0xBE (0x307E/0xC207E/0x308207F) code in 1 byte (2/3/4 bytes)
// - longer encodings are always of larger values (length grows monotonically)
// - encodings are little-endian numerals in a modifed base-64 system
// - "negatives" ((u4)-1) need 5 bytes (but see also UNSIGNED5::encode_sign)
// - different encodings decode to different values (excepting overflow)
// - zero bytes are *never* used, so it interoperates with null termination
// - the algorithms are templates and cooperate well with your own types
// - one writer algorithm can grow your resizable buffer on the fly
// The encoding, taken from J2SE Pack200, is called UNSIGNED5.
// It expects the uint32_t values you give it will have many leading zeroes.
// More details:
// Very small values, in the range [0..190], code in one byte.
// Any 32-bit value (including negatives) can be coded, in
// up to five bytes. The grammar is:
// low_byte = [1..191]
// high_byte = [192..255]
// any_byte = low_byte | high_byte
// coding = low_byte
// | high_byte low_byte
// | high_byte high_byte low_byte
// | high_byte high_byte high_byte low_byte
// | high_byte high_byte high_byte high_byte any_byte
// Each high_byte contributes six bits of payload.
// The encoding is one-to-one (except for integer overflow)
// and easy to parse and unparse. Longer sequences always
// decode to larger numbers. Sequences of the same length
// compares as little-endian numerals decode to numbers which
// are ordered in the same sense as those numerals.
// Parsing (reading) consists of doing a limit test to see if the byte
// is a low-byte or a high-byte, and also unconditionally adding the
// digit value of the byte, multiplied by its 64-bit place value, to
// an accumulator. The accumulator is returned after either 5 bytes
// are seen, or the first low-byte is seen. Oddly enough, this is
// enough to create a dense var-int format, which is why it was
// adopted for Pack200. By comparison, the more common LEB128 format
// is less dense (for many typical workloads) and does not guarantee a
// length limit.
class UNSIGNED5 : AllStatic {
// Math constants for the modified UNSIGNED5 coding of Pack200
static const int lg_H = 6; // log-base-2 of H (lg 64 == 6)
static const int H = 1<<lg_H; // number of "high" bytes (64)
static const int X = 1 ; // there is one excluded byte ('\0')
static const int MAX_b = (1<<BitsPerByte)-1; // largest byte value
static const int L = (MAX_b+1)-X-H; // number of "low" bytes (191)
static const int MAX_LENGTH = 5; // lengths are in [1..5]
static const uint32_t MAX_VALUE = (uint32_t)-1; // 2^^32-1
// The default method for reading and writing bytes is simply
// b=a[i] and a[i]=b, as defined by this helpful functor.
template<typename ARR, typename OFF>
struct ArrayGetSet {
uint8_t operator()(ARR a, OFF i) const { return a[i]; };
void operator()(ARR a, OFF i, uint8_t b) const { a[i] = b; };
// So, an expression ArrayGetSet() acts like these lambdas:
//auto get = [&](ARR a, OFF i){ return a[i]; };
//auto set = [&](ARR a, OFF i, uint8_t x){ a[i] = x; };
// decode a single unsigned 32-bit int from an array-like base address
// returns the decoded value, updates offset_rw
// that is, offset_rw is both read and written
// warning: caller must ensure there is at least one byte available
// the limit is either zero meaning no limit check, or an exclusive offset
// in PRODUCT builds, limit is ignored
template<typename ARR, typename OFF, typename GET = ArrayGetSet<ARR,OFF>>
static uint32_t read_uint(ARR array, OFF& offset_rw, OFF limit, GET get = GET()) {
const OFF pos = offset_rw;
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(get(array, pos)) == 1); // must be a byte-getter
const uint32_t b_0 = (uint8_t) get(array, pos); //b_0 = a[0]
assert(b_0 >= X, "avoid excluded bytes");
uint32_t sum = b_0 - X;
if (sum < L) { // common case
offset_rw = pos + 1;
return sum;
// must collect more bytes: b[1]...b[4]
int lg_H_i = lg_H; // lg(H)*i == lg(H^^i)
for (int i = 1; ; i++) { // for i in [1..4]
assert(limit == 0 || pos + i < limit, "oob");
const uint32_t b_i = (uint8_t) get(array, pos + i); //b_i = a[i]
assert(b_i >= X, "avoid excluded bytes");
sum += (b_i - X) << lg_H_i; // sum += (b[i]-X)*(64^^i)
if (b_i < X+L || i == MAX_LENGTH-1) {
offset_rw = pos + i + 1;
return sum;
lg_H_i += lg_H;
// encode a single unsigned 32-bit int into an array-like span
// offset_rw is both read and written
// the limit is either zero meaning no limit check, or an exclusive offset
// warning: caller must ensure there is available space
template<typename ARR, typename OFF, typename SET = ArrayGetSet<ARR,OFF>>
static void write_uint(uint32_t value, ARR array, OFF& offset_rw, OFF limit, SET set = SET()) {
const OFF pos = offset_rw;
if (value < L) {
const uint32_t b_0 = X + value;
assert(b_0 == (uint8_t)b_0, "valid byte");
set(array, pos, (uint8_t)b_0); //a[0] = b_0
offset_rw = pos + 1;
uint32_t sum = value;
for (int i = 0; ; i++) { // for i in [0..4]
if (sum < L || i == MAX_LENGTH-1) {
// remainder is either a "low code" or the 5th byte
uint32_t b_i = X + sum;
assert(b_i == (uint8_t)b_i, "valid byte");
set(array, pos + i, (uint8_t)b_i); //a[i] = b_i
offset_rw = pos + i + 1;
sum -= L;
uint32_t b_i = X + L + (sum % H); // this is a "high code"
assert(b_i == (uint8_t)b_i, "valid byte");
set(array, pos + i, (uint8_t)b_i); //a[i] = b_i
sum >>= lg_H; // extracted 6 bits
// returns the encoded byte length of an unsigned 32-bit int
static constexpr int encoded_length(uint32_t value) {
// model the reading of [0..5] high-bytes, followed possibly by a low-byte
// Be careful: the constexpr magic evaporates if undefined behavior
// results from any of these expressions. Beware of signed overflow!
uint32_t sum = 0;
uint32_t lg_H_i = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; ; i++) { // for i in [1..4]
if (value <= sum + ((L-1) << lg_H_i) || i == MAX_LENGTH-1) {
return i + 1; // stopping at byte i implies length is i+1
sum += (MAX_b - X) << lg_H_i;
lg_H_i += lg_H;
// reports the largest uint32_t value that can be encoded using len bytes
// len must be in the range [1..5]
static constexpr uint32_t max_encoded_in_length(uint32_t len) {
assert(len >= 1 && len <= MAX_LENGTH, "invalid length");
if (len >= MAX_LENGTH) return MAX_VALUE; // largest non-overflow value
// Be careful: the constexpr magic evaporates if undefined behavior
// results from any of these expressions. Beware of signed overflow!
uint32_t all_combinations = 0;
uint32_t combinations_i = L; // L * H^i
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// count combinations of <H*L> that end at byte i
all_combinations += combinations_i;
combinations_i <<= lg_H;
return all_combinations - 1;
// tells if a value, when encoded, would fit between the offset and limit
template<typename OFF>
static constexpr bool fits_in_limit(uint32_t value, OFF offset, OFF limit) {
assert(limit != 0, "");
return (offset + MAX_LENGTH <= limit ||
offset + encoded_length(value) <= limit);
// parses one encoded value for correctness and returns the size,
// or else returns zero if there is a problem (bad limit or excluded byte)
// the limit is either zero meaning no limit check, or an exclusive offset
template<typename ARR, typename OFF, typename GET = ArrayGetSet<ARR,OFF>>
static int check_length(ARR array, OFF offset, OFF limit = 0,
GET get = GET()) {
const OFF pos = offset;
STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(get(array, pos)) == 1); // must be a byte-getter
const uint32_t b_0 = (uint8_t) get(array, pos); //b_0 = a[0]
if (b_0 < X+L) {
return (b_0 < X) ? 0 : 1;
// parse more bytes: b[1]...b[4]
for (int i = 1; ; i++) { // for i in [1..4]
if (limit != 0 && pos + i >= limit) return 0; // limit failure
const uint32_t b_i = (uint8_t) get(array, pos + i); //b_i = a[i]
if (b_i < X) return 0; // excluded byte found
if (b_i < X+L || i == MAX_LENGTH-1) {
return i + 1;
template<typename ARR, typename OFF, typename GFN,
typename SET = ArrayGetSet<ARR,OFF>>
static void write_uint_grow(uint32_t value,
ARR& array, OFF& offset, OFF& limit,
GFN grow, SET set = SET()) {
assert(limit != 0, "limit required");
const OFF pos = offset;
if (!fits_in_limit(value, pos, limit)) {
grow(MAX_LENGTH); // caller must ensure it somehow fixes array/limit span
assert(pos + MAX_LENGTH <= limit, "should have grown");
write_uint(value, array, offset, limit, set);
/// Handy state machines for that will help you with reading,
/// sizing, and writing (with optional growth).
// Reader example use:
// struct MyReaderHelper {
// char operator()(char* a, int i) const { return a[i]; }
// };
// using MyReader = UNSIGNED5::Reader<char*, int, MyReaderHelper>;
// MyReader r(array); while (r.has_next()) print(r.next_uint());
template<typename ARR, typename OFF, typename GET = ArrayGetSet<ARR,OFF>>
class Reader {
const ARR _array;
const OFF _limit;
OFF _position;
int next_length() {
return UNSIGNED5::check_length(_array, _position, _limit, GET());
Reader(ARR array, OFF limit = 0)
: _array(array), _limit(limit) { _position = 0; }
uint32_t next_uint() {
return UNSIGNED5::read_uint(_array, _position, _limit, GET());
bool has_next() {
return next_length() != 0;
// tries to skip count logical entries; returns actual number skipped
int try_skip(int count) {
int actual = 0;
while (actual < count && has_next()) {
int len = next_length(); // 0 or length in [1..5]
if (len == 0) break;
_position += len;
return actual;
ARR array() { return _array; }
OFF limit() { return _limit; }
OFF position() { return _position; }
void set_position(OFF position) { _position = position; }
// For debugging, even in product builds (see debug.cpp).
// Checks and decodes a series of u5 values from the reader.
// Sets position just after the last decoded byte or null byte.
// If this reader has a limit, stop before that limit.
// If this reader has no limit, stop after the first null byte.
// In any case, if count is non-negative, print no more than
// count items (uint32_t values or "null").
// A negative count means we stop only at the limit or null,
// kind of like strlen.
void print(int count = -1) { print_on(tty, count); }
// The character strings are printed before and after the
// series of values (which are separated only by spaces).
// If they are null they default to something like "U5:[ "
// and " ] (values=%d/length=%d)\n".
// The %d formats are for the number of printed items and
// their length in bytes, if you want to see that also.
void print_on(outputStream* st, int count = -1,
const char* left = NULL, const char* right = NULL);
// Writer example use
// struct MyWriterHelper {
// char operator()(char* a, int i, char b) const { a[i] = b; }
// };
// using MyWriter = UNSIGNED5::Writer<char*, int, MyWriterHelper>;
// MyWriter w(array);
// for (auto i = ...) w.accept_uint(i);
template<typename ARR, typename OFF, typename SET = ArrayGetSet<ARR,OFF>>
class Writer {
ARR& _array;
OFF* const _limit_ptr;
OFF _position;
Writer(const ARR& array)
: _array(const_cast<ARR&>(array)), _limit_ptr(NULL), _position(0) {
// Note: if _limit_ptr is NULL, the ARR& is never reassigned,
// because has_limit is false. So the const_cast here is safe.
assert(!has_limit(), "this writer cannot be growable");
Writer(ARR& array, OFF& limit)
: _array(array), _limit_ptr(&limit), _position(0) {
// Writable array argument can be rewritten by accept_grow.
// So we need a legitimate (non-zero) limit to work with.
// As a result, a writer's initial buffer must not be empty.
assert(this->limit() != 0, "limit required");
void accept_uint(uint32_t value) {
const OFF lim = has_limit() ? limit() : 0;
UNSIGNED5::write_uint(value, _array, _position, lim, SET());
template<typename GFN>
void accept_grow(uint32_t value, GFN grow) {
assert(has_limit(), "must track growing limit");
UNSIGNED5::write_uint_grow(value, _array, _position, *_limit_ptr,
grow, SET());
// Ensure that remaining() >= r, grow if needed. Suggested
// expression for r is (n*MAX_LENGTH)+1, where n is the number of
// values you are about to write.
template<typename GFN>
void ensure_remaining_grow(int request_remaining, GFN grow) {
const OFF have = remaining();
if (have < request_remaining) {
grow(have - request_remaining); // caller must fix array/limit span
assert(remaining() >= request_remaining, "should have grown");
// use to add a terminating null or other data
void end_byte(uint8_t extra_byte = 0) {
SET()(_array, _position++, extra_byte);
ARR array() { return _array; }
OFF position() { return _position; }
void set_position(OFF position) { _position = position; }
bool has_limit() { return _limit_ptr != NULL; }
OFF limit() { assert(has_limit(), "needs limit"); return *_limit_ptr; }
OFF remaining() { return limit() - position(); }
// Sizer example use
// UNSIGNED5::Sizer s;
// for (auto i = ...) s.accept_uint(i);
// printf("%d items occupying %d bytes", s.count(), s.position());
// auto buf = new char[s.position() + 1];
// UNSIGNED5::Writer<char*, int> w(buf);
// for (auto i = ...) w.accept_uint(i);
// w.add_byte();
// assert(w.position() == s.position(), "s and w agree");
template<typename OFF = int>
class Sizer {
OFF _position;
int _count;
Sizer() { _position = 0; _count = 0; }
// The accept_uint() API is the same as for Writer, which allows
// templated code to work equally well on sizers and writers.
// This in turn makes it easier to write code which runs a
// sizing preflight pass before actually storing the data.
void accept_uint(uint32_t value) {
_position += encoded_length(value);
OFF position() { return _position; }
int count() { return _count; }
// 32-bit one-to-one sign encoding taken from Pack200
// converts leading sign bits into leading zeroes with trailing sign bit
// use this to better compress 32-bit values that might be negative
static uint32_t encode_sign(int32_t value) { return ((uint32_t)value << 1) ^ (value >> 31); }
static int32_t decode_sign(uint32_t value) { return (value >> 1) ^ -(int32_t)(value & 1); }
template<typename ARR, typename OFF, typename GET = ArrayGetSet<ARR,OFF>>
static OFF print(ARR array, OFF offset = 0, OFF limit = 0,
GET get = GET()) {
print_count(-1, array, offset, limit, get);
template<typename ARR, typename OFF, typename GET = ArrayGetSet<ARR,OFF>>
static OFF print_count(int count,
ARR array, OFF offset = 0, OFF limit = 0,
GET get = GET()) {
Reader<ARR,OFF,GET> r(array, offset);
r.print_on(tty, count);
return r.position();
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