* Copyright (c) 2013, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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* questions.
package jdk.test.lib.jfr;
import static jdk.test.lib.Asserts.assertEquals;
import static jdk.test.lib.Asserts.assertNotEquals;
import static jdk.test.lib.Asserts.assertNotNull;
import static jdk.test.lib.Asserts.assertNull;
import static jdk.test.lib.Asserts.fail;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.lang.management.GarbageCollectorMXBean;
import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
import jdk.jfr.ValueDescriptor;
import jdk.jfr.consumer.RecordedEvent;
* Mixed helper classes to test GC events.
public class GCHelper {
public static final String event_garbage_collection = EventNames.GarbageCollection;
public static final String event_young_garbage_collection = EventNames.YoungGarbageCollection;
public static final String event_old_garbage_collection = EventNames.OldGarbageCollection;
public static final String event_parold_garbage_collection = EventNames.ParallelOldCollection;
public static final String event_g1_garbage_collection = EventNames.G1GarbageCollection;
public static final String event_heap_summary = EventNames.GCHeapSummary;
public static final String event_heap_ps_summary = EventNames.PSHeapSummary;
public static final String event_heap_metaspace_summary = EventNames.MetaspaceSummary;
public static final String event_reference_statistics = EventNames.GCReferenceStatistics;
public static final String event_phases_pause = EventNames.GCPhasePause;
public static final String event_phases_level_1 = EventNames.GCPhasePauseLevel1;
public static final String event_phases_level_2 = EventNames.GCPhasePauseLevel2;
public static final String event_phases_level_3 = EventNames.GCPhasePauseLevel3;
public static final String gcG1New = "G1New";
public static final String gcDefNew = "DefNew";
public static final String gcParallelScavenge = "ParallelScavenge";
public static final String gcG1Old = "G1Old";
public static final String gcG1Full = "G1Full";
public static final String gcSerialOld = "SerialOld";
public static final String gcPSMarkSweep = "PSMarkSweep";
public static final String gcParallelOld = "ParallelOld";
public static final String pauseLevelEvent = "GCPhasePauseLevel";
private static final List<String> g1HeapRegionTypes;
private static final List<String> shenandoahHeapRegionStates;
private static PrintStream defaultErrorLog = null;
public static int getGcId(RecordedEvent event) {
return Events.assertField(event, "gcId").getValue();
public static boolean isGcEvent(RecordedEvent event) {
for (ValueDescriptor v : event.getFields()) {
if ("gcId".equals(v.getName())) {
return true;
return false;
// public static String getEventDesc(RecordedEvent event) {
// final String path = event.getEventType().getName();
// if (!isGcEvent(event)) {
// return path;
// }
// if (event_garbage_collection.equals(path)) {
// String name = Events.assertField(event, "name").getValue();
// String cause = Events.assertField(event, "cause").getValue();
// return String.format("path=%s, gcId=%d, endTime=%d, name=%s, cause=%s, startTime=%d",
// path, getGcId(event), event.getEndTime(), name, cause, event.getStartTime());
// } else {
// return String.format("path=%s, gcId=%d, endTime=%d", path, getGcId(event), event.getEndTime());
// }
// }
public static RecordedEvent getConfigEvent(List<RecordedEvent> events) throws Exception {
for (RecordedEvent event : events) {
if (EventNames.GCConfiguration.equals(event.getEventType().getName())) {
return event;
fail("Could not find event " + EventNames.GCConfiguration);
return null;
public static void callSystemGc(int num, boolean withGarbage) {
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
if (withGarbage) {
private static void makeGarbage() {
Object[] garbage = new Object[1024];
for (int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
garbage[i] = new Object();
// Removes gcEvents with lowest and highest gcID. This is used to filter out
// any incomplete GCs if the recording started/stopped in the middle of a GC.
// We also filters out events without gcId. Those events are not needed.
public static List<RecordedEvent> removeFirstAndLastGC(List<RecordedEvent> events) {
int minGcId = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int maxGcId = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
// Find min/max gcId
for (RecordedEvent event : events) {
if (Events.hasField(event, "gcId")) {
int gcId = Events.assertField(event, "gcId").getValue();
minGcId = Math.min(gcId, minGcId);
maxGcId = Math.max(gcId, maxGcId);
// Add all events except those with gcId = min/max gcId
List<RecordedEvent> filteredEvents = new ArrayList<>();
for (RecordedEvent event : events) {
if (Events.hasField(event, "gcId")) {
int gcId = Events.assertField(event, "gcId").getValue();
if (gcId != minGcId && gcId != maxGcId) {
return filteredEvents;
public static Map<String, Boolean> beanCollectorTypes = new HashMap<>();
public static Set<String> collectorOverrides = new HashSet<>();
public static Map<String, String[]> requiredEvents = new HashMap<>();
static {
// young GarbageCollectionMXBeans.
beanCollectorTypes.put("G1 Young Generation", true);
beanCollectorTypes.put("Copy", true);
beanCollectorTypes.put("PS Scavenge", true);
// old GarbageCollectionMXBeans.
beanCollectorTypes.put("G1 Old Generation", false);
beanCollectorTypes.put("G1 Concurrent GC", false);
beanCollectorTypes.put("PS MarkSweep", false);
beanCollectorTypes.put("MarkSweepCompact", false);
// List of expected collector overrides. "A.B" means that collector A may use collector B.
requiredEvents.put(gcG1New, new String[] {event_heap_summary, event_young_garbage_collection});
requiredEvents.put(gcDefNew, new String[] {event_heap_summary, event_heap_metaspace_summary, event_phases_pause, event_phases_level_1, event_young_garbage_collection});
requiredEvents.put(gcParallelScavenge, new String[] {event_heap_summary, event_heap_ps_summary, event_heap_metaspace_summary, event_reference_statistics, event_phases_pause, event_phases_level_1, event_young_garbage_collection});
requiredEvents.put(gcG1Old, new String[] {event_heap_summary, event_old_garbage_collection});
requiredEvents.put(gcG1Full, new String[] {event_heap_summary, event_heap_metaspace_summary, event_phases_pause, event_phases_level_1, event_old_garbage_collection});
requiredEvents.put(gcSerialOld, new String[] {event_heap_summary, event_heap_metaspace_summary, event_phases_pause, event_phases_level_1, event_old_garbage_collection});
requiredEvents.put(gcParallelOld, new String[] {event_heap_summary, event_heap_ps_summary, event_heap_metaspace_summary, event_reference_statistics, event_phases_pause, event_phases_level_1, event_old_garbage_collection, event_parold_garbage_collection});
String[] g1HeapRegionTypeLiterals = new String[] {
"Starts Humongous",
"Continues Humongous",
g1HeapRegionTypes = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(g1HeapRegionTypeLiterals));
String[] shenandoahHeapRegionStateLiterals = new String[] {
"Empty Uncommitted",
"Empty Committed",
"Humongous Start",
"Humongous Continuation",
"Humongous Start, Pinned",
"Collection Set",
"Collection Set, Pinned",
shenandoahHeapRegionStates = Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(shenandoahHeapRegionStateLiterals));
* Contains all GC events belonging to the same GC (same gcId).
public static class GcBatch {
private List<RecordedEvent> events = new ArrayList<>();
public int getGcId() {
if (events.isEmpty()) {
return -1;
return GCHelper.getGcId(events.get(0));
public String getName() {
RecordedEvent endEvent = getEndEvent();
String name = endEvent == null ? null : Events.assertField(endEvent, "name").getValue();
return name == null ? "null" : name;
public RecordedEvent getEndEvent() {
return getEvent(event_garbage_collection);
public boolean addEvent(RecordedEvent event) {
if (!events.isEmpty()) {
assertEquals(getGcId(), GCHelper.getGcId(event), "Wrong gcId in event. Error in test code.");
boolean isEndEvent = event_garbage_collection.equals(event.getEventType().getName());
if (isEndEvent) {
// Verify that we have not already got a garbage_collection event with this gcId.
assertNull(getEndEvent(), String.format("Multiple %s for gcId %d", event_garbage_collection, getGcId()));
return isEndEvent;
public boolean isYoungCollection() {
boolean isYoung = containsEvent(event_young_garbage_collection);
boolean isOld = containsEvent(event_old_garbage_collection);
assertNotEquals(isYoung, isOld, "isYoung and isOld was same for batch: " + toString());
return isYoung;
public int getEventCount() {
return events.size();
public RecordedEvent getEvent(int index) {
return events.get(index);
public List<RecordedEvent> getEvents() {
return events;
public RecordedEvent getEvent(String eventPath) {
for (RecordedEvent event : events) {
if (eventPath.equals(event.getEventType().getName())) {
return event;
return null;
public boolean containsEvent(String eventPath) {
return getEvent(eventPath) != null;
public String toString() {
RecordedEvent endEvent = getEndEvent();
Instant startTime = Instant.EPOCH;
String cause = "?";
String name = "?";
if (endEvent != null) {
name = getName();
startTime = endEvent.getStartTime();
cause = Events.assertField(endEvent, "cause").getValue();
return String.format("GcEvent: gcId=%d, method=%s, cause=%s, startTime=%s",
getGcId(), name, cause, startTime);
public String getLog() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(this.toString() + System.getProperty("line.separator"));
for (RecordedEvent event : events) {
sb.append(String.format("event: %s%n", event));
return sb.toString();
// Group all events info batches.
public static List<GcBatch> createFromEvents(List<RecordedEvent> events) throws Exception {
Stack<Integer> openGcIds = new Stack<>();
List<GcBatch> batches = new ArrayList<>();
GcBatch currBatch = null;
for (RecordedEvent event : events) {
if (!isGcEvent(event)) {
int gcId = GCHelper.getGcId(event);
if (currBatch == null || currBatch.getGcId() != gcId) {
currBatch = null;
// Search for existing batch
for (GcBatch loopBatch : batches) {
if (gcId == loopBatch.getGcId()) {
currBatch = loopBatch;
if (currBatch == null) {
// No existing batch. Create new.
currBatch = new GcBatch();
boolean isEndEvent = currBatch.addEvent(event);
if (isEndEvent) {
// Verify that all start_garbage_collection events have received a corresponding "garbage_collection" event.
for (GcBatch batch : batches) {
if (batch.getEndEvent() == null) {
assertNotNull(batch.getEndEvent(), "GcBatch has no end event");
return batches;
* Contains number of collections and sum pause time for young and old collections.
public static class CollectionSummary {
public long collectionCountOld;
public long collectionCountYoung;
public long collectionTimeOld;
public long collectionTimeYoung;
private Set<String> names = new HashSet<>();
public void add(String collectorName, boolean isYoung, long count, long time) {
if (isYoung) {
collectionCountYoung += count;
collectionTimeYoung += time;
} else {
collectionCountOld += count;
collectionTimeOld += time;
if (!names.contains(collectorName)) {
public long sum() {
return collectionCountOld + collectionCountYoung;
public CollectionSummary calcDelta(CollectionSummary prev) {
CollectionSummary delta = new CollectionSummary();
delta.collectionCountOld = this.collectionCountOld - prev.collectionCountOld;
delta.collectionTimeOld = this.collectionTimeOld - prev.collectionTimeOld;
delta.collectionCountYoung = this.collectionCountYoung - prev.collectionCountYoung;
delta.collectionTimeYoung = this.collectionTimeYoung - prev.collectionTimeYoung;
return delta;
public static CollectionSummary createFromMxBeans() {
CollectionSummary summary = new CollectionSummary();
List<GarbageCollectorMXBean> gcBeans = ManagementFactory.getGarbageCollectorMXBeans();
for (int c=0; c<gcBeans.size(); c++) {
GarbageCollectorMXBean currBean = gcBeans.get(c);
Boolean isYoung = beanCollectorTypes.get(currBean.getName());
assertNotNull(isYoung, "Unknown MXBean name: " + currBean.getName());
long collectionTime = currBean.getCollectionTime() * 1000; // Convert from millis to micros.
summary.add(currBean.getName(), isYoung.booleanValue(), currBean.getCollectionCount(), collectionTime);
return summary;
public static CollectionSummary createFromEvents(List<GcBatch> batches) {
CollectionSummary summary = new CollectionSummary();
for (GcBatch batch : batches) {
RecordedEvent endEvent = batch.getEndEvent();
assertNotNull(endEvent, "No end event in batch with gcId " + batch.getGcId());
String name = batch.getName();
summary.add(name, batch.isYoungCollection(), 1, Events.assertField(endEvent, "sumOfPauses").getValue());
return summary;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder collectorNames = new StringBuilder();
for (String s : names) {
if (collectorNames.length() > 0) {
collectorNames.append(", ");
return String.format("CollectionSummary: young.collections=%d, young.time=%d, old.collections=%d, old.time=%d, collectors=(%s)",
collectionCountYoung, collectionTimeYoung, collectionCountOld, collectionTimeOld, collectorNames);
public static PrintStream getDefaultErrorLog() {
if (defaultErrorLog == null) {
try {
defaultErrorLog = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream("error.log", true));
} catch (IOException e) {
defaultErrorLog = System.err;
return defaultErrorLog;
public static void log(Object msg) {
log(msg, System.err);
log(msg, getDefaultErrorLog());
public static void log(Object msg, PrintStream ps) {
public static boolean isValidG1HeapRegionType(final String type) {
return g1HeapRegionTypes.contains(type);
public static boolean assertIsValidShenandoahHeapRegionState(final String state) {
if (!shenandoahHeapRegionStates.contains(state)) {
throw new AssertionError("Unknown state '" + state + "', valid heap region states are " + shenandoahHeapRegionStates);
return true;
* Helper function to align heap size up.
* @param value
* @param alignment
* @return aligned value
public static long alignUp(long value, long alignment) {
return (value + alignment - 1) & ~(alignment - 1);
* Helper function to align heap size down.
* @param value
* @param alignment
* @return aligned value
public static long alignDown(long value, long alignment) {
return value & ~(alignment - 1);
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