% Extraction of contiguous subsequences of a sequence of countable length.
% Author: Jerry James <[email protected]>
% This file and its accompanying proof file are distributed under the CC0 1.0
% Universal license: http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/.
% Version history:
% 2007 Feb 14: PVS 4.0 version
% 2011 May 6: PVS 5.0 version
% 2013 Jan 14: PVS 6.0 version
csequence_extract[T: TYPE]: THEORY
IMPORTING csequence_nth[T]
IMPORTING csequence_add[T] % Proofs only
t: VAR T
p: VAR pred[T]
index, n, m: VAR nat
range, range2: VAR [nat, nat]
cseq, cseq1, cseq2: VAR csequence
fseq: VAR finite_csequence
nfseq: VAR nonempty_finite_csequence
^(cseq, range): RECURSIVE finite_csequence =
LET (m, n) = range IN
IF empty?(cseq) OR m > n THEN empty_cseq
ELSIF m > 0 THEN rest(cseq) ^ (m - 1, n - 1)
ELSE add(first(cseq),
IF n = 0 THEN empty_cseq ELSE rest(cseq) ^ (m, n - 1) ENDIF)
MEASURE range`2
extract_empty: THEOREM
FORALL cseq, range:
empty?(cseq ^ range) IFF
range`1 > range`2 OR (is_finite(cseq) AND NOT index?(cseq)(range`1))
extract_nonempty: COROLLARY
FORALL cseq, range:
nonempty?(cseq ^ range) IFF
range`1 <= range`2 AND (is_infinite(cseq) OR index?(cseq)(range`1))
extract_length: THEOREM
FORALL cseq, range:
length(cseq ^ range) =
IF (range`1 > range`2 OR (is_finite(cseq) AND range`1 >= length(cseq)))
ELSIF is_finite(cseq) AND range`2 >= length(cseq)
THEN length(cseq) - range`1
ELSE range`2 - range`1 + 1
extract_def: THEOREM
FORALL nfseq, n: n >= length(nfseq) - 1 IMPLIES nfseq ^ (0, n) = nfseq
extract_rest: THEOREM
FORALL nfseq: nfseq ^ (1, length(nfseq) - 1) = rest(nfseq)
extract_rest2: THEOREM
FORALL cseq, m, n:
nonempty?(cseq ^ (m, n)) IMPLIES
rest(cseq ^ (m, n)) = cseq ^ (m + 1, n)
extract_extract: THEOREM
FORALL cseq, range, range2:
(cseq ^ range) ^ range2 =
cseq ^ (range`1 + range2`1, min(range`2, range`1 + range2`2))
extract_index: THEOREM
FORALL cseq, m, n, index:
index?(cseq ^ (m, n))(index) IFF
m + index <= n AND index?(cseq)(m + index)
extract_first: THEOREM
FORALL cseq, m, n:
nonempty?(cseq ^ (m, n)) IMPLIES first(cseq ^ (m, n)) = nth(cseq, m)
extract_nth: THEOREM
FORALL cseq, (m: indexes(cseq)), (n: nat), (i: indexes(cseq ^ (m, n))):
nth(cseq ^ (m, n), i) = nth(cseq, m + i)
extract_add: THEOREM
FORALL cseq, t, m, n:
add(t, cseq) ^ (m, n) =
IF m > n THEN empty_cseq
ELSIF m > 0 THEN cseq ^ (m - 1, max(0, n - 1))
ELSIF n > 0 THEN add(t, cseq ^ (m, n - 1))
ELSE add(t, empty_cseq)
extract_last: THEOREM
FORALL cseq, m, n:
nonempty?(cseq ^ (m, n)) IMPLIES
last(cseq ^ (m, n)) =
IF index?(cseq)(n) THEN nth(cseq, n) ELSE last(cseq) ENDIF
extract_extensionality: THEOREM
FORALL cseq1, cseq2:
(FORALL range: cseq1 ^ range = cseq2 ^ range) IMPLIES cseq1 = cseq2
extract_some: THEOREM
FORALL cseq, m, n, p:
some(p)(cseq ^ (m, n)) IFF
(EXISTS index:
m <= index AND
index <= n AND index?(cseq)(index) AND p(nth(cseq, index)))
extract_every: THEOREM
FORALL cseq, m, n, p:
every(p)(cseq ^ (m, n)) IFF
(FORALL index:
m <= index AND index <= n AND index?(cseq)(index) IMPLIES
p(nth(cseq, index)))
END csequence_extract
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.1 Sekunden
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