% Purpose : Verify that any synchronization protocol with the
% properties that all good clocks starts each interval
% within a bounded skew of each other, and there is a
% bound on the magnitude of any adjustment in a round
% will satisfy the synchronization requirements of
% precision.
P: posnat, % Nominal duration of a synchronization interval
T0: int, % Clocktime at start of protocol
rho: nnreal % Bound on drift for a good oscillator
interval_clock: TYPE = [nat -> good_clock]
i, j, k: VAR nat
t: VAR real
p, pl, pu, adj, alpha: VAR real
pi: VAR nnreal
T, T1, T2: VAR int
X: VAR nat
c: VAR good_clock
ic, ic1, ic2: VAR interval_clock
% Nominal start of round k
T(k): int = P*k + T0
T_def: LEMMA T(k + 1) = T(k) + P
T_rounds: LEMMA T(j + k) = T(k) + j * P
t(ic)(j): real = ic(j)(T(j))
% Definition of a collection of relations between
% interval clocks sufficient for establishing precision
% results.
peer_precision?(ic1, ic2, p): bool =
FORALL j: t(ic2)(j) - t(ic1)(j) <= p
adjustment_lower_bound?(ic1, ic2, p): bool =
FORALL j: p <= t(ic2)(j + 1) - t(ic1)(j)
adjustment_upper_bound?(ic1, ic2, p): bool =
FORALL j: t(ic2)(j + 1) - t(ic1)(j) <= p
compatible?(ic1, ic2, adj): bool =
peer_precision?(ic1, ic2, adj) AND
adjustment_lower_bound?(ic1, ic2, P / rate - adj) AND
adjustment_upper_bound?(ic1, ic2, P * rate + adj)
% Precision properties of update_lower? and update_upper?
handover_precision_lower: LEMMA
adjustment_lower_bound?(ic1, ic2, P / rate - adj)
ic1(j)(T(j + 1)) - ic2(j + 1)(T(j + 1)) <= drift * P + adj
handover_precision_upper: LEMMA
adjustment_upper_bound?(ic1, ic2, P * rate + adj)
ic2(j + 1)(T(j + 1)) - ic1(j)(T(j + 1)) <= drift * P + adj
handover_precision: LEMMA
adjustment_lower_bound?(ic1, ic2, P / rate - adj) AND
adjustment_upper_bound?(ic1, ic2, P * rate + adj)
abs(ic1(j)(T(j + 1)) - ic2(j + 1)(T(j + 1))) <= drift * P + adj
% Temporal separation properties guaranteed by these relations.
nonoverlap_peers: LEMMA
peer_precision?(ic2, ic1, pi) AND
T1 <= T(j) + P AND
T(j) - P <= T1 + X AND
X > (drift * P + pi) * rate
ic1(j)(T1) <= ic2(j)(T1 + X)
nonoverlap_lower: LEMMA
adjustment_lower_bound?(ic1, ic2, P / rate - pi) AND
T1 <= T(j + 1) AND
T(j + 1) <= T1 + X AND
X > (drift * P + pi) * rate
ic1(j)(T1) <= ic2(j + 1)(T1 + X)
nonoverlap_upper: LEMMA
adjustment_upper_bound?(ic1, ic2, P * rate + pi) AND
T1 <= T(j + 1) AND
T(j + 1) <= T1 + X AND
X > (drift * P + pi) * rate
ic2(j + 1)(T1) <= ic1(j)(T1 + X)
nonoverlap_round: LEMMA
adjustment_lower_bound?(ic1, ic2, P / rate - pi) AND
0 <= T AND
T <= P AND
P > (drift * P + pi) * rate
ic1(j)(T(j) + T) < ic2(j + 1)(T(j + 1) + T)
% accuracy properties of an interval clock
weakly_accurate?(ic, pl, pu): bool =
adjustment_lower_bound?(ic, ic, pl) AND
adjustment_upper_bound?(ic, ic, pu)
lower_accuracy_bound?(ic, alpha, p): bool =
adjustment_lower_bound?(ic1, ic1, P / rate - alpha) AND
(FORALL i: t(ic1)(i) <= t(ic)(i)) AND
t(ic)(0) - t(ic1)(0) <= p
upper_accuracy_bound?(ic, alpha, p): bool =
adjustment_upper_bound?(ic1, ic1, P * rate + alpha) AND
(FORALL i: t(ic)(i) <= t(ic1)(i)) AND
t(ic1)(0) - t(ic)(0) <= p
lower_interval_accuracy: LEMMA
lower_accuracy_bound?(ic, alpha, pi) AND
p = P / rate - alpha
j * p <= t(ic)(j) - t(ic)(0) + pi
upper_interval_accuracy: LEMMA
upper_accuracy_bound?(ic, alpha, pi) AND
p = P * rate + alpha
t(ic)(j) - t(ic)(0) - pi <= j * p
END interval_clocks
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.15 Sekunden
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