k_menger[T: TYPE]: THEORY
%% IMPORTING h_menger[T],
%% IMPORTING meng_scaff_prelude[T],
IMPORTING ind_paths[T]
IMPORTING graph_inductions[T], graph_ops[T], path_ops[T]
IMPORTING finite_sets@finite_sets_inductions[T]
G,GG,H,HH,MM: VAR graph[T]
v,s,t,w,w1,w2,a,b,c,av,ajm,z,x: VAR T
W,W1,W2: VAR finite_set[T]
p,p1,p2,q,q1,q2: VAR prewalk
e: VAR doubleton[T]
U,U1,V,V1,V2: VAR finite_set[T]
k,i,j,m,n: VAR nat
good?(G,s,t):bool = separable?(G,s,t) AND vert(G)(s) AND vert(G)(t)
green?(V,s,t):bool = NOT V(s) AND NOT V(t)
B(G,s,t,k): bool = good?(G,s,t) AND (FORALL V: separates(G,V,s,t) IMPLIES card(V)>=k)
set_of_prewalks: TYPE = finite_set[prewalk]
ips,ipt,ips1,ips2,ipss,ipst,ipsg: VAR set_of_prewalks
ind_prewalk_set?(ips): bool =
(FORALL (p1,p2):
ips(p1) AND ips(p2) AND p1 /= p2
IMPLIES independent?(p1,p2))
st_path_set?(G,s,t,ips): bool = (FORALL p1 : ips(p1) IMPLIES path_from?(G,p1,s,t))
many_ind(G,s,t,j):bool = EXISTS (ips): ind_prewalk_set?(ips)
AND st_path_set?(G,s,t,ips)
AND card[prewalk](ips)=j
B_many(G,s,t,k): bool = B(G,s,t,k) IMPLIES many_ind(G,s,t,k)
% Relation to sep_num is mentioned for comparison; minimal separating set or
% separating number will not be used in the sequel.
sep_num_B: LEMMA B(G,s,t,k) IMPLIES sep_num(G,s,t)>=k
sep_num_implies: LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND sep_num(G,s,t)=k IMPLIES B(G,s,t,k)
% We do not perform a new proof of easy_menger but simply recast it in our
% notation.
% We use some basic results on card from extension that are originally found
% in finite_sets module.
IMPORTING finite_sets_card_from
card_extension_W : LEMMA subset?(V,W) IMPLIES
card_extension_same: LEMMA card(extend[T,(W),bool,false](W))=card(W)
% This last result will be used in comparing card for prewalk sets AND vertex
% sets.
%% IMPORTING menger
IMPORTING easy_menger[T], subgraph_paths[T] %% , meng_scaff_defs[T]
easy_menger_B: LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND many_ind(G,s,t,k) IMPLIES B(G,s,t,k)
% No min_sep_set after this point. Also specifications from "menger.pvs"
% will no longer be used. Lemma "easy_menger" was the basis of "easy_menger_B"
% above.
C(G,s,t):bool = (FORALL k: B_many(G,s,t,k))
sep_set_small: LEMMA B(G,s,t,k) AND green?(V,s,t) AND card(V) < k
IMPLIES EXISTS p : path_from?(del_verts(G,V),p,s,t)
B_many_1 : LEMMA B_many(G,s,t,1)
% Here you prove all special cases.
tight?(G,s,t,W): bool = subset?(W, intersection(path_verts(G,s),path_verts(G,t)))
sub_tight : LEMMA subset?(V,W) AND tight?(G,s,t,W) IMPLIES tight?(G,s,t,V)
smaller_tight : LEMMA separates(G,W,s,t)
IMPLIES tight?(G,s,t,W)
OR EXISTS V :subset?(V,W) AND NOT V=W AND separates(G,V,s,t)
small_tight : LEMMA separates(G,W,s,t) IMPLIES
EXISTS V :subset?(V,W) AND separates(G,V,s,t) AND tight?(G,s,t,V)
exists_tight : LEMMA good?(G,s,t) IMPLIES
EXISTS V: separates(G,V,s,t) AND tight?(G,s,t,V)
close?(G,s,t,W): bool = FORALL (w:T) : W(w)
IMPLIES EXISTS p: path_from?(G,p,s,t)
AND intersection(W,internal_verts(p))=singleton[T](w)
close_tight : LEMMA close?(G,s,t,W) IMPLIES tight?(G,s,t,W)
smaller_close : LEMMA separates(G,W,s,t) AND tight?(G,s,t,W) IMPLIES
close?(G,s,t,W) OR EXISTS V :subset?(V,W) AND
NOT V=W AND separates(G,V,s,t) AND tight?(G,s,t,V)
small_close : LEMMA separates(G,W,s,t) IMPLIES
EXISTS V :subset?(V,W) AND separates(G,V,s,t) AND close?(G,s,t,V)
exists_close: LEMMA good?(G,s,t)
IMPLIES EXISTS V: separates(G,V,s,t) AND close?(G,s,t,V)
closed_minimal: LEMMA separates(G,W,s,t) AND close?(G,s,t,W)
AND subset?(V,W) AND separates(G,V,s,t) IMPLIES V=W
closed_verts: LEMMA close?(G,s,t,W) IMPLIES subset?(W,vert(G))
attached?(G,s,t,W): bool = (FORALL w: W(w) IMPLIES edge?(G)(s,w)) OR
(FORALL w: W(w) IMPLIES edge?(G)(t,w))
attach_edges(W,x): finite_set[doubleton[T]]
= {e :doubleton[T]|EXISTS w: W(w) AND e=dbl[T](w,x)}
%%%%%%% Definition of special graphs.
Hverts(G,W,x): finite_set[T] = path_verts(del_verts(G,W),x)
Kgraph(G,W,x): graph = subgraph(G, difference[T](vert(G),Hverts(G,W,x)))
Mgraph(G,W,x):graph = (# vert := add(x,vert(Kgraph(G,W,x))),
edges := union(edges(Kgraph(G,W,x)),
%%%%%%% End of definitions.
Hst_intersect: LEMMA separates(G,W,s,t)
IMPLIES empty?(intersection(Hverts(G,W,s),Hverts(G,W,t)))
subset_Ws: LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND separates(G,W,s,t) AND NOT attached?(G,s,t,W)
IMPLIES subset?(vert(Mgraph(G,W,s)),vert(G))
subset_Wt: LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND separates(G,W,s,t) AND NOT attached?(G,s,t,W)
IMPLIES subset?(vert(Mgraph(G,W,t)),vert(G))
size_Ws: LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND separates(G,W,s,t)
AND close?(G,s,t,W) AND NOT attached?(G,s,t,W)
IMPLIES size(Mgraph(G,W,s)) < size(G)
size_Wt: LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND separates(G,W,s,t)
AND close?(G,s,t,W) AND NOT attached?(G,s,t,W)
IMPLIES size(Mgraph(G,W,t)) < size(G)
C_induct(G,s,t):bool = (FORALL GG: size(GG)<size(G) IMPLIES C(GG,s,t))
Menger_hard: LEMMA (FORALL G:C_induct(G,s,t)) IMPLIES
(FORALL G: C(G,s,t)) %Proved from graph inductions.
% We include some elementary lemmas on paths. Some were proved
% earlier in meng_scaff_defs.pvs, and the "greatest" and "least"
% constructions would follow from meng_scaff.pvs. We give a formulation
% specific to subsets of vertices in a graph.
subgraph_walks: LEMMA subgraph?(GG,G) AND walk?(GG,p1) IMPLIES walk?(G,p1)
subgraph_paths: LEMMA subgraph?(GG,G) AND path_from?(GG,p1,s,t)
IMPLIES path_from?(G,p1,s,t)
greatest?(p,V,i): bool = i<length(p) AND V(seq(p)(i)) AND
FORALL j:(j<length(p) AND V(seq(p)(j)) IMPLIES j<=i)
least?(p,V,i): bool = i<length(p) AND V(seq(p)(i)) AND FORALL j:(j<length(p) AND V(seq(p)(j))
greatest_is: LEMMA i<length(p) AND V(seq(p)(i)) IMPLIES EXISTS k: greatest?(p,V,k)
least_is: LEMMA i<length(p) AND V(seq(p)(i)) IMPLIES EXISTS k: least?(p,V,k)
set_small_s: LEMMA B(G,s,t,k) AND good?(G,s,t)
AND separates(G,W,s,t) AND green?(V,s,t) AND card(V) < k
IMPLIES EXISTS p : path_from?(del_verts(Mgraph(G,W,s),V),p,s,t)
set_small_t: LEMMA B(G,s,t,k) AND good?(G,s,t) AND separates(G,W,s,t)
AND green?(V,s,t) AND card(V) < k
IMPLIES EXISTS p : path_from?(del_verts(Mgraph(G,W,t),V),p,s,t)
separates_Ws: LEMMA B(G,s,t,k) AND separates(G,W,s,t) IMPLIES B(Mgraph(G,W,s),s,t,k)
separates_Wt: LEMMA B(G,s,t,k) AND separates(G,W,s,t) IMPLIES B(Mgraph(G,W,t),s,t,k)
separ_sub: LEMMA subgraph?(GG,G) AND separates(G,V,s,t)
IMPLIES separates(GG,V,s,t)
separ_plus: LEMMA separates(del_vert(G,a),V,s,t)
IMPLIES separates(G,add(a,V),s,t) or a=s or a=t
% A main lemma based on graph induction is used only in the version of k_Menger
% Theorem below called 'Many_indep_paths'.
super_separ: LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND subset?(V,W)
AND green?(W,s,t) AND separates(G,V,s,t)
IMPLIES separates(G,W,s,t)
% Requires a graph induction.
intermediate_subgraph: LEMMA (good?(G,s,t) AND subgraph?(H,G) AND green?(vert(H),s,t)
AND size(H)<=k AND k< size(G)-1)
IMPLIES (EXISTS HH: (green?(vert(HH),s,t) AND
subgraph?(H,HH) AND size(HH)=k AND
intermediate_verts: LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND green?(V,s,t)
AND subset?(V,vert(G)) AND card(V)<=k AND k<size(G)-1
IMPLIES (EXISTS W: subset?(V,W) AND card(W)=k AND
green?(W,s,t) AND subset?(W,vert(G)))
% The section necessary for 'Many_indep_paths' is closed.
one_wedge_s: LEMMA good?(G,s,t)
AND path_from?(G,q,s,t) IMPLIES
EXISTS k: k<length(q)-1 AND edge?(G)(s,seq(q)(k))
AND (FORALL j: j < length(q) AND edge?(G)(s, seq(q)(j)) IMPLIES j <= k)
AND path_from?(G,gen_seq1(G,s) o q^(k,length(q)-1),s,t)
one_edge_s: LEMMA good?(G,s,t)
AND path_from?(G,q,s,t) IMPLIES EXISTS p:path_from?(G,p,s,t)
AND FORALL (i: below(length(p))):( edge?(G)(s,seq(p)(i)) IMPLIES i=1)
AND subset?(verts_of(p),verts_of(q))
% Auxiliary LEMMA one_edge_t: LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND path_from?(G,q,s,t)
% IMPLIES EXISTS p:path_from?(G,p,s,t)
% AND FORALL (i: below(length(p))):( edge?(G)(seq(p)(i),t)
% IMPLIES i=length(p)-2) AND subset?(verts_of(p),verts_of(q))
IMPORTING sep_set_lems[T]
short_path_k: LEMMA k>=1 AND B(G,s,t,k) IMPLIES EXISTS p:path_from?(G,p,s,t) AND
FORALL (i: below(length(p))): ((edge?(G)(s,seq(p)(i))
IMPLIES i=1) AND (edge?(G)(seq(p)(i),t) IMPLIES i=length(p)-2))
indep_path_sub: LEMMA subgraph?(GG,G)AND many_ind(GG,s,t,j) IMPLIES many_ind(G,s,t,j)
second: VAR [prewalk -> T]
% [{p:prewalk | length(p)>1} -> T]
ips_lem1: LEMMA (FORALL q,q1:(ips(q) IMPLIES V(second(q))) AND (ips(q) AND ips(q1)
AND q /= q1 IMPLIES second(q) /= second(q1)))
IMPLIES subset?(image(second,ips),V) AND
ips_lem2: LEMMA (FORALL q,q1:(ips(q) IMPLIES V(second(q))) AND (ips(q)
AND ips(q1) AND q /= q1 IMPLIES second(q) /= second(q1)))
AND card[prewalk](ips)=card[T](V)
IMPLIES image(second,ips)=V
secoo(p:prewalk | length(p)>1): T = p(1)
secpp(p:prewalk|length(p)>1): T = p(length(p)-2)
inj_ips: LEMMA (FORALL (q,q1):(ips(q) IMPLIES V(second(q)))
AND (ips(q) AND ips(q1) AND q /= q1 IMPLIES
second(q) /= second(q1)))
AND card[prewalk](ips)=card[T](V)
IMPLIES EXISTS (fq:[(V) -> prewalk]): image(fq,V)=ips AND
(FORALL (v:(V)): second(fq(v))=v) AND
(FORALL q2:ips(q2) IMPLIES fq(second(q2))=q2)
long_ipss_paths: LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND st_path_set?(Mgraph(G,W,s),s,t,ipss)
AND ipss(p) IMPLIES length(p)>1
ipss_W: LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND st_path_set?(Mgraph(G,W,s),s,t,ipss)
AND separates(G,W,s,t) AND ipss(p) IMPLIES W(secoo(p))
long_ipst_paths: LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND st_path_set?(Mgraph(G,W,t),s,t,ipss)
AND ipss(p) IMPLIES length(p)>1
ipst_W: LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND st_path_set?(Mgraph(G,W,t),s,t,ipss)
AND separates(G,W,s,t) AND ipss(p) IMPLIES W(secpp(p))
long_ipss_2: LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND st_path_set?(Mgraph(G,W,s),s,t,ipss)
AND ipss(p) AND separates(G,W,s,t) IMPLIES length(p)>2
long_ipst_2: LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND st_path_set?(Mgraph(G,W,t),s,t,ipss)
AND ipss(p) AND separates(G,W,s,t) IMPLIES length(p)>2
ind_path_set_secoo: LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND card[T](W)= card[prewalk](ipss)
AND separates(G,W,s,t) AND ind_prewalk_set?(ipss)
AND st_path_set?(Mgraph(G,W,s),s,t,ipss)
IMPLIES image(secoo, ipss)=W AND
FORALL (q,q1):(ipss(q) AND ipss(q1) AND q /=q1
IMPLIES secoo(q) /= secoo(q1))
ind_path_set_secpp: LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND card[T](W)= card[prewalk](ipst)
AND separates(G,W,s,t) AND ind_prewalk_set?(ipst)
AND st_path_set?(Mgraph(G,W,t),s,t,ipst)
IMPLIES image(secpp, ipst)=W
AND FORALL (q,q1):(ipst(q) AND ipst(q1) AND q /=q1
IMPLIES secpp(q) /= secpp(q1))
uniq_w_ipss: LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND card[T](W)= card[prewalk](ipss)
AND ind_prewalk_set?(ipss)
AND st_path_set?(Mgraph(G,W,s),s,t,ipss) AND separates(G,W,s,t)
AND ipss(p) AND verts_of(p)(w) AND W(w)
IMPLIES w=secoo(p)
uniq_w_ipst: LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND card[T](W)= card[prewalk](ipst)
AND ind_prewalk_set?(ipst)
AND st_path_set?(Mgraph(G,W,t),s,t,ipst) AND separates(G,W,s,t)
AND ipst(q) AND verts_of(q)(w) AND W(w)
IMPLIES w=secpp(q)
% Instead of calling on minimal separating set, we show by induction that such a set EXISTS.
low_card_sep: LEMMA B(G,s,t,k) IMPLIES EXISTS W: separates(G,W,s,t)
AND card(W)>=k AND FORALL V: (separates(G,V,s,t)
IMPLIES card(V)>= card(W))
smaller_ips : LEMMA j<=card[prewalk](ips)
IMPLIES EXISTS ips1: subset?(ips1,ips) AND card[prewalk](ips1)=j
few_many : LEMMA i>=j AND many_ind(G,s,t,i)
IMPLIES many_ind(G,s,t,j)
min_B : LEMMA B(G,s,t,k) IMPLIES
EXISTS (i,W): i>=k AND B(G,s,t,i) AND
separates(G,W,s,t) AND card(W)=i
no_sep_req : LEMMA (FORALL k,W: B(G,s,t,k) AND separates(G,W,s,t)
AND card(W)=k IMPLIES many_ind(G,s,t,k))
IMPLIES (FORALL k: B(G,s,t,k) IMPLIES many_ind(G,s,t,k))
k_sep_close : LEMMA FORALL k,W: B(G,s,t,k) AND separates(G,W,s,t)
AND card(W)=k IMPLIES close?(G,s,t,W)
p_Ht : LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND separates(G,W,s,t)
AND path_from?(Mgraph(G,W,s),p,s,t) AND length(p)>2
AND (FORALL w: W(w) AND verts_of(p)(w) IMPLIES w=secoo(p))
IMPLIES subset?(verts_of(p^(2,length(p)-1)),Hverts(G,W,t))
q_Hs : LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND separates(G,W,s,t)
AND path_from?(Mgraph(G,W,t),q,s,t) AND length(q)>2
AND (FORALL w: W(w) AND verts_of(q)(w) IMPLIES w=secpp(q))
IMPLIES subset?(verts_of(q^(0,length(q)-3)),Hverts(G,W,s))
disjoint_M_paths: LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND close?(G,s,t,W) AND separates(G,W,s,t)
AND card[T](W)= card[prewalk](ipss)
AND card[T](W)= card[prewalk](ipst)
AND st_path_set?(Mgraph(G,W,s),s,t,ipss)
AND st_path_set?(Mgraph(G,W,t),s,t,ipst)
AND ind_prewalk_set?(ipss) AND ind_prewalk_set?(ipst)
AND ipss(p) AND ipst(q)
IMPLIES (secoo(p)=secpp(q) AND
=singleton[T](secoo(p)) AND
OR (secoo(p) /= secpp(q) AND
% The first two hypotheses of sec_image are mainly to assure a non-empty type for
% Thence for prewalk. We could have used the lemmas of prelude function_image and
% function_inverse_def but a brute force approach is serviceable. Note however
% that producing an inverse for 'second' mapping involves the possibility of
% (ipss) that is an empty set of prewalks. Some of the work in sec_image
% is to recall how a function defined from an empty set to an empty set
% has an inverse.
sec_image: LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND separates(G,W,s,t) AND image(second, ipss)=W
AND injective?(LAMBDA (s: (ipss)): second(s))
EXISTS (tau:[(W) -> prewalk]): image(tau,W)=ipss
IMPLIES second(tau(w))=w)
Map_s : LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND separates(G,W,s,t)
AND card[T](W)= card[prewalk](ipss) AND ind_prewalk_set?(ipss)
AND st_path_set?(Mgraph(G,W,s),s,t,ipss)
IMPLIES EXISTS (tau:[(W) -> prewalk]): image(tau,W)=ipss
AND FORALL w: (W(w) IMPLIES secoo(tau(w))=w)
Map_t : LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND separates(G,W,s,t)
AND card[T](W)= card[prewalk](ipst) AND ind_prewalk_set?(ipst)
AND st_path_set?(Mgraph(G,W,t),s,t,ipst)
IMPLIES EXISTS (tau:[(W) -> prewalk]): image(tau,W)=ipst
AND FORALL w: (W(w) IMPLIES secpp(tau(w))=w)
% The following took twenty days to complete.
Mapper_ips: LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND close?(G,s,t,W) AND separates(G,W,s,t)
AND card[T](W)= card[prewalk](ipss)
AND card[T](W)= card[prewalk](ipst)
AND st_path_set?(Mgraph(G,W,s),s,t,ipss)
AND st_path_set?(Mgraph(G,W,t),s,t,ipst)
AND ind_prewalk_set?(ipss) AND ind_prewalk_set?(ipst)
IMPLIES EXISTS (phi:[(W) -> prewalk]):
card[prewalk](image(phi,W))=card[T](W) AND
st_path_set?(G,s,t,image(phi,W)) AND
non_attached_induct: LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND separates(G,W,s,t) AND B(G,s,t,k)
AND card[T](W)=k
AND (FORALL GG: size(GG)<size(G) IMPLIES C(GG,s,t))
IMPLIES many_ind(G,s,t,k) or attached?(G,s,t,W)
plus_sep_vert : LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND separates(del_vert(G,a),W,s,t)
IMPLIES separates(G,add(a,W),s,t) or a=s or a=t
separ_del_vert: LEMMA separates(G,W,s,t)
IMPLIES separates(G,remove(x,W),s,t) OR vert(G)(x)
plus_path_set : LEMMA good?(G,s,t) AND path_from?(G,q,s,t)
AND st_path_set?(del_verts(G,verts_of(q^(1,length(q)-2))),s,t,ips)
AND ind_prewalk_set?(ips)
IMPLIES EXISTS ipss: card[prewalk](ipss)= card[prewalk](ips)+1 AND
st_path_set?(G,s,t,ipss) AND
short_path_attach: LEMMA B(G,s,t,k) AND separates(G,W,s,t) AND card[T](W)=k
AND (FORALL V: separates(G,V,s,t)
AND card[T](V)=k IMPLIES attached?(G,s,t,V))
AND (FORALL GG: size(GG)<size(G) IMPLIES C(GG,s,t))
IMPLIES many_ind(G,s,t,k)
OR EXISTS a: edge?(G)(s,a) AND (edge?(G)(a,t)
OR EXISTS c: edge?(G)(a,c) AND edge?(G)(c,t))
bridge_one : LEMMA edge?(G)(s,a) AND edge?(G)(a,t)
AND (FORALL GG: size(GG)<size(G) IMPLIES C(GG,s,t))
IMPLIES B_many(G,s,t,k)
bridge_two : LEMMA k>=1 AND edge?(G)(s,a) AND edge?(G)(a,c) AND edge?(G)(c,t)
AND B(del_verts(G,dbl[T](a,c)),s,t,k-1)
AND (FORALL GG: size(GG)<size(G) IMPLIES C(GG,s,t))
IMPLIES B_many(G,s,t,k)
bridge_three: LEMMA k>=1 AND edge?(G)(s,a) AND edge?(G)(a,c) AND edge?(G)(c,t)
AND B(G,s,t,k) AND separates(G,W,s,t) AND card[T](W)=k
AND (FORALL V: separates(G,V,s,t)
AND card[T](V)=k IMPLIES attached?(G,s,t,V))
IMPLIES B(del_verts(G,dbl[T](a,c)),s,t,k-1)
OR edge?(G)(s,c) OR edge?(G)(a,t)
C_induct_lemma: LEMMA C_induct(G,s,t) % Major lemma to prove.
Menger_k_hard: THEOREM C(G,s,t) % Proved from C_induct lemma.
% Next is a 'constructive' version of hard Menger theorem. We search for separating
% sets only among suitable subsets of the vertices of G,
% those not containing the terminals. If all such
% 'green' subsets of vert(G) of cardinality k (< size(G) -1) fail to separate s
% from t in G, one concludes that there are k+1 independent paths in G from s to t.
Many_indep_paths: THEOREM good?(G,s,t) AND k<=size(G)-2
AND (FORALL W: card[T](W)=k
AND subset?(W,difference(vert(G), dbl(s,t)))
IMPLIES EXISTS q: walk_from?(del_verts(G,W),q,s,t))
IMPLIES many_ind(G,s,t,k+1)
% We proved the general hard k-Menger theorem independently of the
% proof for case k=2, without using 'sep_num' or
% 'minimal separating set'. Using the definitions of these
% terms, we may derive the traditional version directly from Menger_k_hard.
hard_menger_trad: THEOREM separable?(G,s,t) AND sep_num(G,s,t) = k
AND vert(G)(s) AND vert(G)(t)
(EXISTS (ips: set_of_paths(G,s,t)):
card(ips) = k AND ind_path_set?(G,s,t,ips))
END k_menger
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.31 Sekunden
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