\section{The Class Account}
This class models an account. A number of cards held by individual
cardholders are associated with an account. An account has a balance
and records transactions.
class Account
instance variables
cards : map Card`CardId to Cardholder;
balance : nat;
transactions : seq of Transaction := [];
inv TransactionsInvariant(transactions);
The invariant ensures that transactions performed on the same day do
not exceed the daily limit, which is a constant value defined
below. Note that we have chosen to not allow a negative balance.
dailyLimit : nat = 2000;
public AccountId = nat;
public Transaction :: date : Clock`Date
cardId : Card`CardId
amount : nat;
In this specification we have chosen to model transaction as a
type. Alternatively it could have been modeled as a class, but it has
no obvious functionality except trivial read/write
operations. Moreover, transaction objects/values do not need to be
shared among many objects. Our choice also illustrates the power of
the VDM++ type system.
ValidTransaction : Transaction ==> bool
ValidTransaction(transaction) ==
is not yet specified;
public Create : map Card`CardId to Cardholder * nat ==> Account
Create(cs,b) ==
(cards := cs;
balance := b;
return self);
pure public GetBalance : () ==> nat
GetBalance() ==
return balance;
The Withdrawal operation checks that an account and the daily limit
are not overdrawn.
public Withdrawal : Card`CardId * nat * Clock`Date ==> bool
Withdrawal(cardId,amount,date) ==
let transaction = mk_Transaction(date,cardId,amount)
if balance - amount >= 0 and
DateTotal(date,transactions^[transaction]) <= dailyLimit
(balance := balance - amount;
transactions := transactions ^ [transaction];
return true)
return false
pre cardId in set dom cards;
public MakeStatement : Card`CardId * Clock`Date ==> Letter
MakeStatement(cardId,date) ==
let nm = cards(cardId).GetName(),
addr = cards(cardId).GetAddress()
(dcl letter : Letter := new Letter();
pre cardId in set dom cards;
The GetCardIds operation is used to obtain all cards associated with the account.
pure public GetCardIds: () ==> set of Card`CardId
GetCardIds() ==
return dom cards;
The following operations and functions provide auxiliary functionality of various sorts.
public AddCard : Card`CardId * Cardholder ==> ()
AddCard(cId,ch) ==
cards := cards munion {cId |-> ch}
pre cId not in set dom cards;
public RemoveCard : Card`CardId ==> ()
RemoveCard(cId) ==
cards := {cId} <-: cards
pre cId in set dom cards;
TransactionsInvariant: seq of Transaction +> bool
TransactionsInvariant(ts) ==
forall date in set {t.date | t in seq ts} &
DateTotal(date,ts) <= dailyLimit;
The transactions invariant first computes all dates in the sequence of transactions and then compares the sum of the drawn amounts for each day with the daily limit.
DateTotal : Clock`Date * seq of Transaction +> nat
DateTotal(date,ts) ==
Sum([t.amount | t in seq ts & t.date = date]);
Sum: seq of real +> real
Sum(rs) ==
if rs = [] then 0
hd rs + Sum(tl rs)
measure Len;
Len: seq of real -> nat
Len(list) == len list;
end Account
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