\section{The KLV Class}
The KLV class is the main class of the KLV system. It controls a Cab
Display, an On Board Computer, and an Emergency Break. Furthermore, it
contains operations corresponding to the kinds of events that can
trigger the KLV system
class KLV
The onboardcomp, cabdisplay, and emergencybreak instance variables are
references to objects representing the on-board computer, the cab
display, and the emergency break.
instance variables
onboardcomp : OnBoardComp := new OnBoardComp();
cabdisplay : CabDisplay := new CabDisplay();
emergencybreak : EmergencyBreak := new EmergencyBreak();
The announcements and speedrestrictions instance variables model the
TIV_D beacons (speed restriction announcements) met and the current
TIV_E beacons (speed restrictions) active. Notice the limit of at most
5 active speed restrictions.
instance variables
announcements : seq of TIV_D := [];
speedrestrictions : seq of TIV_E := [];
inv len speedrestrictions <= 5;
The firstspeedrestriction instance variable ensures that the first
TIV_E beacon is not removed when the train tail meets it.
instance variables
firstspeedrestriction : bool := true;
The maxspeed value represents the general maximal speed of the train.
maxspeed : real = 140;
The operation headMeetsBeacon represents the event that the train head
meets a beacon. Depending on what kind of beacon is met the actions
are different. That the train head meets an FLTV beacon does not
trigger any event.
headMeetsBeacon : Beacon ==> ()
headMeetsBeacon (beacon) ==
cases true:
(isofclass(TIV_D, beacon)) -> announceSpeedRestriction(beacon),
(isofclass(TIV_E, beacon)) -> addSpeedRestriction(beacon),
(isofclass(TIV_A, beacon)) -> deleteAnnouncements(),
(isofclass(FLTV, beacon)) -> skip
The operation tailMeetsBeacon represents the event that the end of the
train meets a beacon. Depending on what kind of beacon is met the
actions are different. That the end of the train meets either a TIV_D
or a TIV_A beacon does not trigger any event.
If a TIV_E beacon is the first of a sequence of speed restrictions
then it should not be removed when the train tail meets it. Instead
the firstspeedrestriction variable is set to false. When an FLTV
beacon is met it marks the end of a sequence of speed restrictions and
firstspeedrestriction variable is set back to true.
tailMeetsBeacon : Beacon ==> ()
tailMeetsBeacon (beacon) ==
cases true:
(isofclass(TIV_D, beacon)) -> skip,
(isofclass(TIV_E, beacon)) -> if not firstspeedrestriction
then removeSpeedRestriction()
else firstspeedrestriction := false,
(isofclass(TIV_A, beacon)) -> skip,
(isofclass(FLTV, beacon)) -> ( firstspeedrestriction := true;
if not firstspeedrestriction
then removeSpeedRestriction () )
pre isofclass(TIV_E, beacon) => (firstspeedrestriction or
speedrestrictions <> []);
The announceSpeedRestriction operation performs the action of the
train head meeting a TIV_D beacon. This action is that the
announcement of a speed restriction is registered.
announceSpeedRestriction : TIV_D ==> ()
announceSpeedRestriction (tiv_d) ==
( announcements := announcements ^ [tiv_d];
deletePossibleGroundFault () );
The addSpeedRestriction operation performs the action that the train
head meets a TIV_E beacon. This action is that an announcement is
registered as an actual speed restriction.
addSpeedRestriction : TIV_E ==> ()
addSpeedRestriction (tiv_e) ==
if len speedrestrictions < 5
then ( let speed = (hd announcements).getTargetSpeed() in
tiv_e.setSpeedRestriction (speed);
speedrestrictions := speedrestrictions ^ [tiv_e];
announcements := tl announcements;
deletePossibleGroundFault() )
else raiseGroundFault()
pre announcements <> [];
The deleteAnnuoncements operation performs the action that the train
head meets a TIV_A beacon. This action is that all the speed
restriction announcements are deleted.
deleteAnnouncements : () ==> ()
deleteAnnouncements () ==
( announcements := [];
deletePossibleGroundFault() )
pre announcements <> [];
The removeSpeedRestriction operation performs the action that the end
of the train meets either a TIV_E or an FLTV beacon. This action is
that a speed restriction is cancelled.
removeSpeedRestriction : () ==> ()
removeSpeedRestriction () ==
( speedrestrictions := tl speedrestrictions;
deletePossibleGroundFault() )
pre speedrestrictions <> [];
The raiseGroundFault operation raises a ground fault in the CabDisplay.
raiseGroundFault : () ==> ()
raiseGroundFault () ==
The deletePossibleGroundFault operation is invoked when a beacon is
met. If the ground fault lamp is switched on it must be switched off
when the next beacon is met. The operation switches the ground fault
lamp off if it is switched on.
deletePossibleGroundFault: () ==> ()
deletePossibleGroundFault () ==
let mk_(-,-,gf) = cabdisplay.getDisplay() in
if gf
then cabdisplay.unsetGroundFault();
The noBeaconMet operation performs the action that a TIV_E beacon has
not been met corresponding to a TIV_D announcement.
noBeaconMet : () ==> ()
noBeaconMet () ==
( announcements := tl announcements;
raiseGroundFault() )
pre announcements <> [];
The checkSpeed operation checks whether a speed (the speed of the
train) is below the maximal speed, within the alarm speed limit, or
above the emergency break speed. The On Board Computer performs that
actual calculation. The result is switching on and off lamps in the
Cab Display, and performing emergency break.
checkSpeed : real ==> ()
checkSpeed (speed) ==
let speedalarm = onboardcomp.checkSpeed (speed, getMaxSpeed()) in
cases speedalarm:
<SpeedOk> -> if not emergencybreak.getEmergencyBreak()
then cabdisplay.unsetAlarm(),
<AlarmSpeed> -> if not emergencybreak.getEmergencyBreak()
then cabdisplay.setAlarm(),
<EmergencyBreakSpeed> -> ( cabdisplay.setEmergencyBreak();
emergencybreak.setEmergencyBreak() )
The getMaxSpeed operation computes what the actual maximal speed
is. If there are speed restrictions the maximal speed will be the
minimal speed of the speed restrictions. Otherwise it will be the
maximal speed.
pure public
getMaxSpeed : () ==> real
getMaxSpeed () ==
if speedrestrictions <> []
then let speeds = { tiv_e.getSpeedRestriction()
| tiv_e in seq speedrestrictions } in
let minspeed in set speeds be st forall sp in set speeds &
minspeed <= sp in
return minspeed
else return maxspeed;
releaseEmergencyBreak : real ==> ()
releaseEmergencyBreak (sp) ==
if sp = 0
then ( cabdisplay.unsetEmergencyBreak ();
emergencybreak.unsetEmergencyBreak () )
pre let mk_(-,eb,-) = cabdisplay.getDisplay() in eb and
The following four operations returns state information of a KLV object.
pure public
getCabDisplay : () ==> CabDisplay
getCabDisplay () ==
return cabdisplay;
pure public
getEmergencyBreak : () ==> EmergencyBreak
getEmergencyBreak () ==
return emergencybreak;
pure public
getAnnouncements: () ==> seq of TIV_D
getAnnouncements () ==
return announcements;
pure public
getSpeedRestrictions: () ==> seq of TIV_E
getSpeedRestrictions () ==
return speedrestrictions;
pure public
getFirstSpeedRestriction: () ==> bool
getFirstSpeedRestriction () ==
return firstspeedrestriction;
end KLV
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