Test Group
test of Hashtable
class StringObj is subclass of CommonDefinition
instance variables
public content : seq of char;
public hashCode : () -> int
hashCode() ==
let c = getContent() in
if c <> nil then
len c mod 17
public equals : Object -> bool
equals(anObject) == if isofclass(StringObj, anObject)
then self.getContent() = anObject.getContent()
else false;
public StringObj : seq of char ==> StringObj
StringObj(aString) ==
content := aString;
return self
public getContent : () ==> [seq of char]
getContent() ==
if isofclass(StringObj, self) then
return content
return nil;
end StringObj
class IntObj is subclass of CommonDefinition
instance variables
public content : int;
public hashCode : () -> int
hashCode() ==
let c = getContent() in
if c <> nil then
c mod 13
public equals : Object -> bool
equals(anObject) == if isofclass(IntObj, anObject)
then self.getContent() = anObject.getContent()
else false;
public IntObj : int ==> IntObj
IntObj(i) ==
content := i;
return self
public getContent : () ==> [int]
getContent() ==
if isofclass(IntObj, self) then
return content
return nil;
end IntObj
class HashtableT is subclass of TestDriver
public tests : () -> seq of TestCase
tests() ==
new HashtableT52(), new HashtableT53(), new HashtableT54(),
new HashtableT55(), new HashtableT56(), new HashtableT57(),
new HashtableT01(), new HashtableT02(), new HashtableT03(),
new HashtableT04(),
new HashtableT05(), new HashtableT06(),
new HashtableT07()
end HashtableT
class HashtableT01 is subclass of TestCase, CommonDefinition
protected test: () ==> bool
test() ==
let h1 = new Hashtable(),
k1 = new IntObj(1),
k2 = new IntObj(2),
k3 = new IntObj(3),
h2 =
new Hashtable({
k1 |-> new StringObj("Shin Sahara"),
k2 |-> new StringObj("Kei Sato"),
k3 |-> new StringObj("Hiroshi Sakoh")
h1.getBuckets() = { |-> } and
h2.get(k1).equals(new StringObj("Shin Sahara")) and
h2.get(k2).equals(new StringObj("Kei Sato")) and
h2.get(k3).equals(new StringObj("Hiroshi Sakoh")) and
h2.get(new IntObj(1)).equals(new StringObj("Shin Sahara")) and
h2.get(new IntObj(2)).equals(new StringObj("Kei Sato")) and
h2.get(new IntObj(3)).equals(new StringObj("Hiroshi Sakoh"))
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "HashtableT01:\tConstructor test.";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end HashtableT01
class HashtableT02 is subclass of TestCase, CommonDefinition
protected test: () ==> bool
test() ==
let h1 =
new Hashtable({
new IntObj(1) |-> new StringObj("Shin Sahara"),
new IntObj(2) |->new StringObj("Kei Sato"),
new IntObj(3) |-> new StringObj("Hiroshi Sakoh")
h2 =
new Hashtable({
new StringObj("a") |->new IntObj(1),
new StringObj("b") |-> new IntObj(2),
new StringObj("c") |-> new IntObj(3)
h1.contains(new StringObj("Shin Sahara")) and
h1.contains(new StringObj("Kei Sato")) and
h1.contains(new StringObj("Shin Sakoh")) = false and
h1.containsKey(new IntObj(1)) and
h1.containsKey(new IntObj(4)) = false and
h2.contains(new IntObj(3)) and
h2.contains(new IntObj(7)) = false and
h2.containsKey(new StringObj("a")) and
h2.containsKey(new StringObj("d")) = false
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "HashtableT02:\tsearch test.";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end HashtableT02
class HashtableT03 is subclass of TestCase, CommonDefinition
protected test: () ==> bool
test() ==
let h1 =
new Hashtable({
new IntObj(1) |-> new StringObj("Shin Sahara"),
new IntObj(2) |->new StringObj("Kei Sato"),
new IntObj(3) |-> new StringObj("Hiroshi Sakoh")
h2 =
new Hashtable({
new StringObj("a") |->new IntObj(1),
new StringObj("b") |-> new IntObj(2),
new StringObj("c") |-> new IntObj(3)
deleteObj = h2.remove(new StringObj("b"))
h1.getBuckets() = {|->} and
deleteObj.equals(new IntObj(2)) and
h2.get(new StringObj("b")) = nil and
h2.contains(new IntObj(2)) = false and
h2.containsKey(new StringObj("b")) = false and
h2.remove(new StringObj("d")) = nil
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "HashtableT03:\tDelete test.";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end HashtableT03
class HashtableT04 is subclass of TestCase, CommonDefinition
protected test: () ==> bool
test() ==
--let h1 = new Hashtable(),
-- h2 = new Hashtable()
dcl h1 : Hashtable := new Hashtable();
dcl h2 : Hashtable := new Hashtable();
new IntObj(1) |-> new StringObj("Shin Sahara"),
new IntObj(2) |->new StringObj("Kei Sato"),
new IntObj(14) |-> new StringObj("Hiroshi Sakoh")
h2.put(new StringObj("a"), new IntObj(1));
h2.put(new StringObj("b"), new IntObj(2));
def c = new StringObj("c") in (
h2.put(c, new IntObj(4));
h2.put(c, new IntObj(3))
h1.get(new IntObj(1)).equals(new StringObj("Shin Sahara")) and
h1.get(new IntObj(2)).equals(new StringObj("Kei Sato")) and
h1.get(new IntObj(14)).equals(new StringObj("Hiroshi Sakoh")) and
h1.get(new IntObj(4)) = nil and
h2.get(new StringObj("a")).equals(new IntObj(1)) and
h2.get(new StringObj("b")).equals(new IntObj(2)) and
h2.get(new StringObj("c")).equals(new IntObj(3)) and
h2.get(new StringObj("d")) = nil
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "HashtableT04:\tTest of put, get.";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end HashtableT04
class HashtableT05 is subclass of TestCase, CommonDefinition
protected test: () ==> bool
test() ==
let h1 = new Hashtable(),
h2 = new Hashtable(),
h1k1 = new IntObj(1),
h1k2 = new IntObj(2),
h1k3 = new IntObj(14),
h1v1 = new StringObj("Shin Sahara"),
h1v2 = new StringObj("Kei Sato"),
h1v3 = new StringObj("Hiroshi Sakoh"),
h2k1 = new StringObj("a"),
h2k2 = new StringObj("b"),
h2k3 = new StringObj("c"),
h2v1 = new IntObj(1),
h2v2 = new IntObj(2),
h2v3 = new IntObj(18)
h1k1 |-> h1v1,
h1k2 |-> h1v2,
h1k3 |-> h1v3
h2.put(h2k1, h2v1);
h2.put(h2k2, h2v2);
h2.put(h2k3, h2v3);
let keySet1 = h1.keySet(),
valueSet1 = h1.valueSet(),
keySet2 = h2.keySet(),
valueSet2 = h2.valueSet()
keySet1 = {h1k1, h1k2, h1k3} and
valueSet1 = {h1v1, h1v2, h1v3} and
keySet2 = {h2k1, h2k2, h2k3} and
valueSet2 = {h2v1, h2v2, h2v3}
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "HashtableT05:\tTest of getting keys and values.";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end HashtableT05
class HashtableT06 is subclass of TestCase, CommonDefinition
protected test: () ==> bool
test() ==
let h1 = new Hashtable(),
h1k1 = new IntObj(1),
h1k2 = new IntObj(14),
h1k3 = new IntObj(16),
h1k4 = new IntObj(27),
h1v1 = new StringObj("a"),
h1v2 = new StringObj("b"),
h1v3 = new StringObj("c")
h1k1 |-> h1v1,
h1k2 |-> h1v2,
h1k3 |-> h1v3
let - = h1.remove(new IntObj(14))
h1.put(h1k4, h1v3);
h1.keySet() = {h1k1, h1k3, h1k4} and
h1.valueSet() = {h1v1, h1v3, h1v3}
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "HashtableT06:\tTest when hashCode overlaps.";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end HashtableT06
class HashtableT07 is subclass of TestCase, CommonDefinition
protected test: () ==> bool
test() ==
let h1 = new Hashtable(),
h2 = new Hashtable(),
h1k1 = new IntObj(1),
h1k2 = new IntObj(14),
h1k3 = new IntObj(16),
h1v1 = new StringObj("a"),
h1v2 = new StringObj("b"),
h1v3 = new StringObj("c")
h1k1 |-> h1v1,
h1k2 |-> h1v2,
h1k3 |-> h1v3
h1k1 |-> h1v1,
h1k2 |-> h1v2,
h1k3 |-> h1v3
let - = h1.remove(new IntObj(1)),
- = h1.remove(new IntObj(14)),
- = h1.remove(new IntObj(16)),
- = h2.remove(new IntObj(14))
h1.isEmpty() and
h1.size() = 0 and
h2.isEmpty() = false and
h2.size() = 2
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "HashtableT07:\tTest of size.";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end HashtableT07
class HashtableT52 is subclass of TestCase, CommonDefinition
protected test: () ==> bool
test() ==
let aHashCode = lambda x : int & x mod 13,
p1 = Hashtable`PutAll[int, seq of char]({ |-> })(aHashCode)(
{1 |-> "Sahara", 2 |-> "Sato", 14 |-> "Sakoh"}
c1 = Hashtable`Contains[int, seq of char](p1)
c1("Sahara") and
c1("Sato") and
c1("Sakoh") and
c1("") = false
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "HashtableT52:\tFunctional finding.";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end HashtableT52
class HashtableT53 is subclass of TestCase, CommonDefinition
protected test: () ==> bool
test() ==
let aHashCode1 = lambda x : int & x mod 13,
aHashCode2 = lambda x : seq of char & if x = "" then "" else Sequence`take[char](1)(x),
- = Hashtable`PutAll[int, seq of char]({ |-> })(aHashCode1)(
{1 |-> "Shin Sahara", 2 |-> "Kei Sato", 14 |-> "Hiroshi Sakoh"}
h2 = Hashtable`PutAll[seq of char, int]({ |-> })(aHashCode2)(
{"a" |-> 1, "b" |-> 2, "c" |-> 3}
h3 = Hashtable`Clear[int, seq of char](),
afterRemoveh2 = Hashtable`Remove[seq of char, int](h2)(aHashCode2)("b"),
c1 = Hashtable`Contains[seq of char, int](afterRemoveh2),
ck1 = Hashtable`ContainsKey[seq of char, int](afterRemoveh2)
h3 = {|->} and
Hashtable`Get[seq of char, int](afterRemoveh2)(aHashCode2)("b") = nil and
c1(2) = false and
c1(1) and
c1(3) and
ck1("b") = false and
ck1("a") and
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "HashtableT53:\tTest of functional remove.";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end HashtableT53
class HashtableT54 is subclass of TestCase, CommonDefinition
protected test: () ==> bool
test() ==
let aHashCode = lambda x : int & x mod 13,
put = Hashtable`Put[int, seq of char],
p1 = put({ |-> })(aHashCode)(1)("Sahara"),
p2 = put(p1)(aHashCode)(2)("Bush"),
p3 = put(p2)(aHashCode)(2)("Sato"),
p4 = put(p3)(aHashCode)(14)("Sakoh"),
get = Hashtable`Get[int, seq of char](p4)
get(aHashCode)(1) = "Sahara" and
get(aHashCode)(2) = "Sato" and
get(aHashCode)(14) = "Sakoh" and
get(aHashCode)(99) = nil
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "HashtableT54:\tFunctional Put and Get.";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end HashtableT54
class HashtableT55 is subclass of TestCase, CommonDefinition
protected test: () ==> bool
test() ==
let aHashCode = lambda x : int & x mod 13,
put = Hashtable`Put[int, seq of char],
p1 = put({ |-> })(aHashCode)(1)("Sahara"),
p2 = put(p1)(aHashCode)(2)("Bush"),
p3 = put(p2)(aHashCode)(2)("Sato"),
p4 = put(p3)(aHashCode)(14)("Sakoh"),
k = Hashtable`KeySet[int, seq of char],
v = Hashtable`ValueSet[int, seq of char]
k(p1) = {1} and
v(p1) = {"Sahara"} and
k(p2) = {1, 2} and
v(p2) = {"Sahara", "Bush"} and
k(p4) = {1,2,14} and
v(p4) = {"Sahara", "Sato", "Sakoh"}
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "HashtableT55:\tFunctional getting information.";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end HashtableT55
class HashtableT56 is subclass of TestCase, CommonDefinition
protected test: () ==> bool
test() ==
let aHashCode1 = lambda x : int & x mod 13,
h1 = Hashtable`PutAll[int, seq of char]({ |-> })(aHashCode1)(
{1 |-> "Shin Sahara", 2 |-> "Kei Sato", 14 |-> "Hiroshi Sakoh", 27 |-> "Nishikawa"}
h2 = Hashtable`Remove[int, seq of char](h1)(aHashCode1)(14)
Hashtable`KeySet[int, seq of char](h2) = {1, 2, 27} and
Hashtable`ValueSet[int, seq of char](h2) = {"Shin Sahara", "Kei Sato", "Nishikawa"}
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "HashtableT56:\tWhen hashode overlapped.";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end HashtableT56
class HashtableT57 is subclass of TestCase, CommonDefinition
protected test: () ==> bool
test() ==
let aHashCode1 = lambda x : int & x mod 13,
remove = Hashtable`Remove[int, seq of char],
h1 = Hashtable`PutAll[int, seq of char]({ |-> })(aHashCode1)(
{1 |-> "Shin Sahara", 2 |-> "Kei Sato", 14 |-> "Hiroshi Sakoh"}
h2 = remove(h1)(aHashCode1)(1),
h3 = remove(h2)(aHashCode1)(2),
h4 = remove(h3)(aHashCode1)(14),
isempty = Hashtable`IsEmpty[int, seq of char],
size = Hashtable`Size[int, seq of char]
isempty(h4) and
size(h4) = 0 and
isempty(h3) = false and
size(h3) = 1 and
size(h2) = 2 and
size(h1) = 3
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "HashtableT57:\tTest of functional Size.";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end HashtableT57
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