class Integer
static public asString: int -> seq1 of char
asString(i) ==
if i < 0 then
"-" ^ asStringAux(-i)
asStringAux(i) ;
static public asStringAux: nat -> seq1 of char
asStringAux(n) ==
let r = n mod 10,
q = n div 10
cases q:
0 -> asChar(r),
others -> asStringAux(q) ^ asChar(r)
measure ndiv10;
static ndiv10 : nat +> nat
ndiv10(n) == n div 10;
-- Convert integer to COBOL type number string (like ZZZ9.ZZ).
static public asStringZ: seq of char -> int -> seq1 of char
asStringZ(cobolStrConversionCommand)(i) ==
let minusSymbol = '-' in
if i < 0 then
if cobolStrConversionCommand(1) = minusSymbol then
[minusSymbol] ^ asStringZAux(String`subStr(cobolStrConversionCommand,2,len cobolStrConversionCommand))(-i, true)
asStringZAux(cobolStrConversionCommand)(-i, true)
if cobolStrConversionCommand(1) = minusSymbol then
asStringZAux(String`subStr(cobolStrConversionCommand,2,len cobolStrConversionCommand))(i, true)
asStringZAux(cobolStrConversionCommand)(i, true) ;
static public asStringZAux: seq of char -> nat * bool -> seq1 of char
asStringZAux(cobolStrConversionCommand)(n, wasZero) ==
let cobolStrConversionCommandStrLen = len cobolStrConversionCommand,
cobolStrConversionCommandChar = cobolStrConversionCommand(cobolStrConversionCommandStrLen),
cobolStrConversionCommandStr = String`subStr(cobolStrConversionCommand,1,cobolStrConversionCommandStrLen - 1),
r = n mod 10,
q = n div 10,
isZero = r = 0 and wasZero and q <> 0
cases cobolStrConversionCommandStr:
[] -> asCharZ(cobolStrConversionCommandChar)(r, isZero),
others ->
asStringZAux(cobolStrConversionCommandStr)(q, isZero) ^
asCharZ(cobolStrConversionCommandChar)(r, isZero)
--measure length;
static length : seq of char -> nat * bool -> nat
length(cobolStrConversionCommand)(-, -) == len cobolStrConversionCommand;
static public asCharZ : char -> nat * bool -> seq1 of char | bool
asCharZ(cobolStrConversionCommandChar)(n, wasZero) ==
cases n:
0 ->
if cobolStrConversionCommandChar in set {'z', 'Z'} and wasZero then
elseif cobolStrConversionCommandChar = '0' or cobolStrConversionCommandChar = '9' then
" ", -- Don't deal with all cases of cobolStrConversionCommandChar
1 -> "1",
2 -> "2",
3 -> "3",
4 -> "4",
5 -> "5",
6 -> "6",
7 -> "7",
8 -> "8",
9 -> "9",
others -> false
static public asChar : int -> seq1 of char | bool
asChar(i) ==
cases i:
0 -> "0",
1 -> "1",
2 -> "2",
3 -> "3",
4 -> "4",
5 -> "5",
6 -> "6",
7 -> "7",
8 -> "8",
9 -> "9",
others -> false
static public GCD : nat -> nat -> nat
GCD(x)(y) ==
if y = 0 then x else GCD(y)(x rem y);
--measure GCDMeasure;
static GCDMeasure : nat -> nat -> nat
GCDMeasure(x)(-) == x;
static public LCM : nat -> nat -> nat
LCM(x)(y) ==
cases mk_(x, y) :
mk_(-, 0) -> 0,
mk_(0, -) -> 0,
mk_(z, w) -> (z / GCD(z)(w)) * w
end Integer
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