class Set
-- Same as VDMUtil`set2seq which is implemented by C++
static public asSequence[@T]: set of @T -> seq of @T
asSequence(aSet) ==
cases aSet :
{} -> [],
{x} union xs -> [x] ^ asSequence[@T](xs)
hasSameElems[@T](RESULT, aSet)
measure cardinality;
static cardinality[@T]: set of @T +> nat
cardinality(aSet) == card aSet;
static public hasSameElems[@T] : (seq of @T) * (set of @T) -> bool
hasSameElems(aSeq,aSet) == (elems aSeq = aSet) and (len aSeq = card aSet);
static public Combinations[@T] : nat1 -> set of @T -> set of set of @T
Combinations(n)(aSet) ==
{ aElem | aElem in set power aSet & card aElem = n};
static public fmap[@T1,@T2]: (@T1 -> @T2) -> set of @T1 -> set of @T2
fmap(f)(aSet) == {f(s) | s in set aSet};
static public Sum[@T]: set of @T -> @T
Sum(aSet) == SumAux[@T](aSet)(0)
is_(aSet, set of int) or is_(aSet, set of nat) or is_(aSet, set of nat1) or
is_(aSet, set of real) or is_(aSet, set of rat);
static SumAux[@T] : set of @T -> @T -> @T
SumAux(aSet)(aSum) ==
cases aSet :
({}) -> aSum,
{e} union s->
SumAux[@T](s)(if is_real(aSum) and is_real(e)
then aSum + e
else undefined)
end Set
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.22 Sekunden
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