class StringT is subclass of TestDriver
public tests : () -> seq of TestCase
tests () ==
new StringT01(), new StringT02(),
new StringT03(), new StringT04(),
new StringT05(), new StringT06(),
new StringT07(), new StringT08(),
new StringT09(), -- new StringT10(),
new StringT11(), new StringT12(),
new StringT13(), new StringT14()
end StringT
class StringT01 is subclass of TestCase
protected test: () ==> bool
test() ==
let c = new Character() in
c.isDigit('0') = true and
c.isDigit('1') = true and
c.isDigit('2') = true and
c.isDigit('3') = true and
c.isDigit('4') = true and
c.isDigit('5') = true and
c.isDigit('6') = true and
c.isDigit('7') = true and
c.isDigit('8') = true and
c.isDigit('9') = true and
c.isDigit('a') = false and
c.asDigit('0') = 0 and
c.asDigit('1') = 1 and
c.asDigit('2') = 2 and
c.asDigit('3') = 3 and
c.asDigit('4') = 4 and
c.asDigit('5') = 5 and
c.asDigit('6') = 6 and
c.asDigit('7') = 7 and
c.asDigit('8') = 8 and
c.asDigit('9') = 9 and
c.asDigit('a') = false )
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "StringT01:\tConvert digit to integer.";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end StringT01
class StringT02 is subclass of TestCase
protected test: () ==> bool
test() ==
let c = new Character() in
(c.asDictOrder('0') = 1 and
c.asDictOrder('9') = 10 and
c.asDictOrder('a') = 11 and
c.asDictOrder('A') = 12 and
c.asDictOrder('z') = 61 and
c.asDictOrder('Z') = 62 and
c.asDictOrder('\n') = 999999 and
c.asDictOrder('\t') = 999999 )
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "StringT02:\tReturn dictionary order of character.";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end StringT02
class StringT03 is subclass of TestCase
protected test: () ==> bool
test() ==
let s = new String(),
LT = String`LT2,
LE = String`LE2,
GT = String`GT2,
GE = String`GE2
(s.LT("123","123") = false and
LT("123")("123") = false and
s.GT("123","123") = false and
GT("123")( "123") = false and
s.LT("","") = false and
s.GT("","") = false and
s.LT("","123") = true and
s.GT("","123") = false and
s.LT("123","") = false and
s.GT("123","") and
s.LT("123","1234") and
s.GT("123","1234") = false and
s.LT("1234","123") = false and
s.GT("1234","123") and
s.LT("123","223") and
s.GT("123","223") = false and
s.LE("123","123") and
LE("123")("123") and
s.GE("123","123") and
s.LE("123","1234") and
LE("123")("1234") and
s.GE("123","1234") = false and
GE("123")("1234") = false and
s.LE("1234","123") = false and
not LE("1234")("123") and
s.GE("1234","123") and
s.LE("","") and
LE("")("") and
Sequence`fmap[seq of char, bool](LT("123"))(["123", "1234", "", "223"]) = [false, true, false, true] and
Sequence`fmap[seq of char, bool](LE("123"))(["1234", ""]) = [true, false] and
Sequence`fmap[seq of char, bool](GT("123"))([ "123", "", "23"]) = [false, true, false] and
Sequence`fmap[seq of char, bool](GE("123"))(["1234", ""]) = [false, true]
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "StringT03:\tCompare magnitude of string.";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end StringT03
class StringT04 is subclass of TestCase
protected test: () ==> bool
test() ==
let s1234 = "1234",
s = new String() in
s1234 = "1234" and
s.isSpaces("") = true and
s.isSpaces(" ") = true and
s.isSpaces(" \t ") = true and
s.isSpaces([]) = true
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "StringT04:\tCompare 2 strings is equal.";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end StringT04
class StringT05 is subclass of TestCase
protected test: () ==> bool
test() ==
let LT = Character`LT,
GT = Character`GT,
LE = Character`LE,
GE = Character`GE
(LT('a','a') = false and
Character`LT2('a')('a') = false and
GT('a','a') = false and
Character`GT2('a')('a') = false and
LT('1','2') and
Character`LT2('1')('2') and
GT('1','0') and
Character`GT2('1')('0') and
LT('9','a') and
Character`LT2('9')('a') and
GT('\n','0') and
Character`GT2('\n')('0') and
LE('a','0') = false and
Character`LE2('a')('0') = false and
GE('a','0') and
Character`GE2('a')('0') and
Sequence`fmap[char, bool](Character`LT2('5'))("456") = [false, false, true]
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "StringT05:\tCompare magnitude of character.";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end StringT05
class StringT06 is subclass of TestCase
protected test: () ==> bool
test() ==
let s = new String(),
substr = String`SubStr
(s.subStr("Shin Sahara",6,6) = "Sahara" and
s.subStr("Shin Sahara",6,8) = "Sahara" and
s.subStr("Shin Sahara",6,3) = "Sah" and
s.subStr("Shin Sahara",1,0) = "" and
s.subStrFill("sahara",1,3,'*') = "sah" and
s.subStrFill("sahara",1,6,'*') = "sahara" and
s.subStrFill("sahara",1,10,'*') = "sahara****" and
s.subStrFill("sahara",3,4,'*') = "hara" and
s.subStrFill("sahara",3,10,'*') = "hara******" and
s.subStrFill("sahara",1,0,'*') = "" and
s.subStrFill("",1,6,'*') = "******" and
String`SubStr(6)(6)("Shin Sahara") = "Sahara" and
substr(6)(8)("Shin Sahara") = "Sahara" and
Sequence`fmap[seq of char, seq of char](substr(6)(8))(["1234567890", "12345671"]) = ["67890", "671"]
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "StringT06:\tGet substring.";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end StringT06
class StringT07 is subclass of TestCase
protected test: () ==> bool
test() ==
(String`isDigits("1234567890") = true and
String`asInteger("1234567890") = 1234567890 and
String`asInteger("") = 0
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "StringT07:\tHandling digit strings.";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end StringT07
class StringT08 is subclass of TestCase
protected test: () ==> bool
test() ==
String`index("1234567890",'1') = 1 and
String`index("1234567890",'0') = 10 and
String`index("1234567890",'a') = 0 and
String`indexAll("1234567890",'1') = {1} and
String`indexAll("1234567890",'0') = {10} and
String`indexAll("1234567890",'a') = {} and
String`indexAll("1231567190",'1') = {1,4,8} and
String`indexAll("1231567191",'1') = {1,4,8,10} and
String`Index('1')("1234567890") = 1 and
String`Index('0')("1234567890") = 10 and
String`Index('a')("1234567890") = 0 and
String`IndexAll2('1')("1234567890") = {1} and
String`IndexAll2('0')("1234567890") = {10} and
String`IndexAll2('a')("1234567890") = {} and
String`IndexAll2('1')("1231567190") = {1,4,8} and
String`IndexAll2('1')("1231567191") = {1,4,8,10} and
Sequence`fmap[seq of char, int](String`Index('1'))(["1234567890", "2345671"]) = [1, 7] and
Sequence`fmap[seq of char, set of int](String`IndexAll2('1'))(["1231567190", "1231567191"]) = [{1,4,8}, {1,4,8,10}]
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "StringT08:\tGet first position of a character in a string.";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end StringT08
class StringT09 is subclass of TestCase
protected test: () ==> bool
test() ==
let isInclude = String`isInclude
(String`isInclude("1234567890")( "abc") = false and
isInclude("Shin")("Shin") = true and
isInclude("Shin")("S") = true and
isInclude("Shin")("h") = true and
isInclude("Shin")("n") = true
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "StringT09:\tIs a string the substring of another string.";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end StringT09
class StringT10 is subclass of TestCase
protected test: () ==> bool
test() ==
tixe {<RuntimeError> |-> return true } in
return String`isInclude("Shin Sahara")("")
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "StringT10:\tIs a string the substring of another string. In case of pre-condition error";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end StringT10
class StringT11 is subclass of TestCase
public test: () ==> bool
test() ==
let 区切り文字 = elems "\t\n " in
String`GetToken("sahara\tshin", 区切り文字) = "sahara" and
String`GetToken("sahara\tshin SCSK", 区切り文字) = "sahara" and
String`DropToken("sahara\tshin", 区切り文字) = "\tshin" and
String`DropToken("sahara\tshin SCSK", 区切り文字) = "\tshin SCSK" and
String`DropToken("sahara\tshin SCSK\n", 区切り文字) = "\tshin SCSK\n"
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "StringT11:\t指定した文字列の先頭tokenを得る。";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end StringT11
class StringT12 is subclass of TestCase
public test: () ==> bool
test() ==
let 対象文字列1 = "private 次状態を得る : () ==> 「状態」\n次状態を得る(aガード, aガード引数, aイベント, aイベント引数, a処理時間) == (\ncases mk_(aガード, 現在状態, aイベント) :\n\tmk_(-,-,(エラー検知)) -> return エラー中,\n",
ss1 = String`getLines(対象文字列1),
対象文字列2 = "佐原\n伸",
ss2 = String`getLines(対象文字列2)
ss1(1) = "private 次状態を得る : () ==> 「状態」" and
ss1(2) = "次状態を得る(aガード, aガード引数, aイベント, aイベント引数, a処理時間) == (" and
ss1(3) = "cases mk_(aガード, 現在状態, aイベント) :" and
ss1(4) = "\tmk_(-,-,(エラー検知)) -> return エラー中," and
ss2(1) = "佐原" and
ss2(2) = "伸"
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "StringT12:\t文字列を行に分解する。";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end StringT12
class StringT13 is subclass of TestCase
public test: () ==> bool
test() ==
let w英字列 = "aAbBcCdDeEfFgGhHiIjJkKlLmMnNoOpPqQrRsStTuUvVwWxXyYzZ",
w数字列 = "0123456789",
w英数字列 = w英字列 ^ w数字列
String`isLetters(w英字列) and
not String`isLetters(" " ^ w英字列) and
String`isDigits(w数字列) and
not String`isDigits(" " ^ w数字列) and
not String`isDigits("a" ^ w数字列) and
String`isLetterOrDigits(w英数字列) and
not String`isLetterOrDigits(w英数字列 ^ " ")
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "StringT13:\t英数字かの判定が正しいかを検査する。";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end StringT13
class StringT14 is subclass of TestCase
protected test: () ==> bool
test() ==
let isSomeString = String`isSomeString
in return
isSomeString(Character`isLetterOrDigit)("007isTheMmurder") and
not isSomeString(Character`isLetterOrDigit)("007 is the mmurder") and
isSomeString(Character`isCapitalLetter)("SAHARA") and
not isSomeString(Character`isCapitalLetter)("Sahara") and
isSomeString(Character`isLowercaseLetter)("sahara") and
not isSomeString(Character`isLowercaseLetter)("Sahara")
protected setUp: () ==> ()
setUp() == TestName := "StringT11:\tIs a some kind of string?";
protected tearDown: () ==> ()
tearDown() == return;
end StringT14
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