class CSV is subclass of IO
-- --------------------------------------------
-- Version 1.0.0
-- Standard library for the Overture Interpreter. When the interpreter
-- evaluates the preliminary functions/operations in this file,
-- corresponding internal functions is called instead of issuing a run
-- time error. Signatures should not be changed, as well as name of
-- module (VDM-SL) or class (VDM++). Pre/post conditions is
-- fully user customizable.
-- Don't care's may NOT be used in the parameter lists.
-- The in/out functions will return false if an error occurs. In this
-- case an internal error string will be set (see 'ferror').
-- File path:
-- * An absolute path is accepted and used as specified.
-- * A relative path is relative to the debugger or if running in the
-- Overture IDE relative to the project root.
* Writes a seq of ? to a file in CSV format.
* @param filename the name of the file
* @param val the sequence of VDM values to be written.
* @param fdir if <start> then it will overwrite an existing file,
* else <append> will append output to the existing file
* @return true if successful else false
public static fwriteval:seq1 of char * seq of ? * filedirective -> bool
fwriteval(filename,val,fdir) == is not yet specified;
* Reads a seq of ? from a file in CSV format. The type which should be read must be
* specified as freadval[seq of char](...) when calling the function. If read is successful
* the type of @p returned is always seq of ?, where ? is any VDM type. Thus @p must always
* be set to seq of and a type.
* @param filename the name of the file
* @param index a index within the available lines in the file.
* Valid range is between 1 and the value of <code>flinecount</code>.
* @return mk_(success,@p) if successful success will be
* set to true else false. @p will hold nil if unsuccessful or the value read.
public static freadval[@p]:seq1 of char * int -> bool * [@p]
freadval(f,index) == is not yet specified;
* Gets the number of lines in a file in CSV format.
* @param filename the name of the file
* @return mk_(success,@p) if successful success will be
* set to true else false. @p will hold nil if unsuccessful or the line count.
public static flinecount: seq1 of char -> bool * int
flinecount(f) == is not yet specified;
* Returns the last error which may have occurred by any of the io/out functions
* @return the last error message
public static ferror:() ==> seq of char
ferror () ==
is not yet specified;
end CSV
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