class Storage
public inDataType = nat * nat;
startIndex : nat = 1;
destIndex : nat = 2;
batCapIndex : nat = 3;
instance variables
file : IO;
inputFileName : seq of char := "map.m";
inv inputFileName <> [];
outputFileName : seq of char;
inv outputFileName <> [];
inData : seq of inDataType := [];
public dest : Grid`Point;
public startingPoint : Grid`Point;
public battery : nat;
inv battery >= 0;
counter : nat;
public fields : nat; -- used as support in test
inv startIndex > 0 and destIndex > 0 and batCapIndex > 0;
public Storage : () ==> Storage
Storage() ==
battery := 0;
file := new IO();
startingPoint := mk_Grid`Point(0,0);
outputFileName:= "TestRun.txt";
fields := 0;
public Load : seq of char ==> Grid
Load(newFileName) ==
inputFileName := newFileName;
file := new IO();
def mk_ (-,input) = file.freadval[seq of inDataType]( inputFileName) in
inData := input;
return SetData(inData);
pre newFileName <> [];
private SetData : seq of inDataType ==> Grid
SetData(data) ==
def g = new Grid(mk_Grid`Point(0,0),mk_Grid`Point(100,100))
startingPoint := mk_Grid`Point(data(startIndex).#1, data(startIndex).#2);
dest := mk_Grid`Point(data(destIndex).#1,data(destIndex).#2);
battery := (inData(batCapIndex).#1);
fields := len data - 2; --just for test
let obsticales = { mk_Grid`Point(data(i).#1,inData(i).#2) |-> <Occupied>
| i in set {4, ...,len data}}
in g.SetPointMP(obsticales);
return g;
pre startIndex in set inds (data) and
destIndex in set inds (data) and
batCapIndex in set inds (data);
public Save : Grid * seq of SteeringController`Route * Grid`Point * bool ==> ()
Save(g, routes,dest,b) ==
PrintLine("#--Start Successfull Destination--#");
def - = file.fwriteval[bool * Grid`Point]
(outputFileName,mk_(b, dest),<append>)
in skip; PrintLine("#--End Successfull Destination--#");
PrintLine("#--Start Grid--#");
for all x in set dom g.points
PrintLine("#--End Grid--#");
for all x in set inds routes
PrintLine("#--Start Route--#");
PrintLine("#--End Reoute Grid--#");
private WriteMap: Grid`Point * Grid`PointAvalibility ==> ()
WriteMap(g,p) ==
file := new IO();
def - = file.fwriteval[Grid`Point * Grid`PointAvalibility]
(outputFileName,mk_(g,p),<append>) in skip;
private WriteRoute: SteeringController`Route ==> ()
WriteRoute(r) ==
file := new IO();
for all x in set inds r
def - = file.fwriteval[Grid`Point]( outputFileName,(r(x)),<append>)
in skip;
private PrintInt: nat ==> ()
PrintInt(i) ==
file := new IO();
def - = file.fwriteval[nat]( outputFileName,i,<append>) in skip;
private PrintLine: seq of char ==> ()
PrintLine (line) ==
file := new IO();
def - = file.fwriteval[seq of char]( outputFileName,line,<append>) in skip;
end Storage
class StorageTest is subclass of TestCase
instance variables
private completeGrid : Grid;
public StorageTest : seq of char ==> StorageTest
StorageTest(name) == TestCase(name);
protected SetUp: () ==> ()
SetUp () == skip;
protected RunTest: () ==> ()
RunTest () ==
dcl tc : Storage:= new Storage();
completeGrid := tc.Load("testmap.txt");
AssertTrue(tc.fields = card dom completeGrid.points);
AssertTrue(tc.startingPoint = mk_Grid`Point(0,0));
AssertTrue(tc.dest = mk_Grid`Point(10,10));
AssertTrue(<Occupied> = completeGrid.GetPointAvalibility(1,1));
AssertTrue(<Occupied> = completeGrid.GetPointAvalibility(2,2));
AssertTrue(<Occupied> = completeGrid.GetPointAvalibility(3,3));
AssertTrue(<Occupied> = completeGrid.GetPointAvalibility(4,4));
protected TearDown: () ==> ()
TearDown () == skip
end StorageTest
¤ Dauer der Verarbeitung: 0.16 Sekunden
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